Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 223 VS Dakoto (5) Metal Explosion, Frozen Bird Under Gravity

Looking at the field again, the referee was stunned for a moment when he saw that Super Ladias was not killed, and then announced:

The Snow Fairy lost her ability to fight, and Latias won.

Come back and rest.

Shinji retracted the snow demon girl's ball with a blank expression. Although he had thought that the same fate would not be effective against Latias, he did not expect that it would not be effective.

Such an accident undoubtedly disrupted many of his original tactical arrangements.

However, it's not a big problem!

During the change of thoughts, Shinji released the Dragon King Scorpion again.

Get ready to fight, Dragon King Scorpion!


Once again, the Dragon King Scorpion is facing the super Latias who is even more powerful than Latios!


Self regeneration!

The voices of Shinji and Dakdo sounded at the same time.


Latias' body flew up from the ground, launched a self-regeneration move to rapidly regenerate the cells in the body, and instantly healed most of the injuries on his body.


When the treatment was successful, the loud roar of the Dragon King Scorpion also fell on Latias.

After the weakening of the Snow Demon Girl's fake cry and the restraint of attributes, the power of this move is much higher than expected.

While causing a trace of pain on Latias's face, it also weakened its special attack, and caused another damage to it after the highly toxic toxin emerged.

Dragon Wave!

After breaking free from the pain, Ladias raised his head and shot out a mouthful of Dragon Wave, a colorful giant dragon wave biting towards the Dragon King Scorpion.

Get away!


Just at this moment, Dragon King Scorpion completed a round of acupoint acupuncture, and after greatly increasing his speed, he jumped back a few meters suddenly, avoiding the dragon's wave with great danger.


As soon as he dodged the move, the Dragon King Scorpion roared loudly again, and the terrifying sound waves spread far away.

But Dakdo was not surprised but happy, saying:

Moving at high speed, super impact!

The Snow Demon Girl weakened Latias's defense and speed just now, but she didn't have time to weaken Latias's attack with coquetry. It happened that the Dragon King Scorpion did not use claw grinding and acupuncture to increase its attack power as before.

Therefore, if the two sides compete for strength at this moment, then Latias will definitely win!

Enduring the damage from the loud roar, Ladias activated two skills at the same time, turning into shells and swooping towards the Dragon King Scorpion.

The speed was so fast that the Dragon King Scorpion, who had just used the loud roar and hadn't completed the second acupuncture point, could not dodge it at all.

However, something happened that no one expected.

Just when Latias was not far from the Dragon King Scorpion, the Dragon King Scorpion's figure turned into a red light and disappeared, and immediately after the white light flashed, Boss Kedora's body appeared in front of Latias.

Before Latias had time to react, he slammed into Boscodora's body with the ultimate impact.


Amidst the cry of pain, Boscodora was hit by Latias' move and took a few steps back before stabilizing his figure. Even if the defense was as strong as it, under this move, his physical strength was on the verge of limit.

But fortunately, it was all planned!

Before the attack was over, Latias left, and an extremely rich metallic light shone from Boss Kedora's body. Terrifying energy gathered in his mouth, and an energy wave shot directly at the former.

Metal explosion!


Amidst the bang, Latias' body was blown out immediately, and his injuries were on the verge of limit!

Cannon Light Cannon!

There was no time for Ladias to adjust. As soon as the metal explosion was over, Boscodora turned all the metal energy into light and bombarded the former with all his strength, causing more damage to him.

The two consecutive attacks beat Latias so disoriented that he fell to the ground in a state of confusion.

Invisible Rock!

Without checking whether Latias still had the strength to stand up, a large number of sharp rocks flew out while the white light flickered around Boscodora's body.

Half of them were scattered all over the field and hidden, while the other half were directly used by Boss Kedora as an attack move and all fell on Latias for the final make-up.


Latias screamed, the white light on his body flashed back to pink, and he lay motionless on the ground.

Latias loses his ability to fight, and Boscodora wins!


Hearing the referee's announcement, Boss Kedora couldn't help bending over and gasping for breath. It was in extremely bad condition at the moment, even worse than Nine-Tails and Tutai Turtle.

It can be said that now Dakdo can directly take away any elf with any attack, the kind that can't stand it!

In a blink of an eye, although Shinji seemed to be the only elf who lost the ability to fight, the Snow Fairy was the only one, but the elves who had played did not have sufficient physical strength.

If you are unlucky, maybe all of them will be solved by a certain elf in Dakdo.

Come back and have a good rest.

Dakdo retracted Latias into the ball with a blank expression, and threw another elf ball backhand, saying:

Frozen Bird, I leave it to you!


With the sound of birdsong, a frozen bird as beautiful as an ice crystal sculpture appeared on the field, and a slight flap of its wings could bring endless coldness.

But the moment the Frozen Bird just appeared, rocks appeared around the body and all smashed at the Frozen Bird.


Frozen Bird, who didn't know what was going on as soon as he came out, was hit by a hidden rock in an instant and suffered some minor injuries.


Seizing this opportunity, Shinji decisively took back Boscodora and released Kyuubi.

Nine tails, full gravity!

As soon as it emerged from the ball, the blue light in Jiuwei's eyes instantly released a gravity field, and the terrifying gravity swept out.

As soon as gravity appeared, Frozen Bird, who had just been injured, fell towards the ground uncontrollably.

Compared with Latias and Latios, who have floating characteristics and also possess superpowers, Frozen Bird is obviously unable to resist gravity at this moment.

So, under the pressure of gravity, the body fell to the ground.


The water chestnut exploded, and the poisonous water chestnut attacked.

In an instant, Frozen Bird, who had just appeared on the stage, suffered a lot of injuries, and was also poisoned.

Big characters burst into flames!

Seizing the opportunity, fire light emerged from Nine-Tails' body, and it opened its mouth after activating the fire-igniting state, and a terrifying burst of flames shot out.

Frozen Beam!

However, as a legendary Pokémon, Frozen Bird has strong physical strength and firm will, enduring the pain and shooting a freezing beam from its mouth.

The frozen light beam that can condense the air collided with the big character explosive flame, easily blasted the latter and shot it towards Nine Tails.

Get away!

As soon as the high-speed movement was activated, Kyuubi dodged away with a movement of his body.

It's useless, Blizzard!

Frozen Bird didn't even use the Eye of Heart, and directly set off a violent snowstorm that could cover the entire field.

In the snow, Nine Tails flickered like a candle in the wind, trying to resist with the flame he was most proud of, but the result was undoubtedly a failure.

Less than five seconds after the blizzard hit, Kyuubi fell into the snow and ice.

Nine Tails loses its ability to fight, and Frozen Bird wins!

announced the referee.

Shinji seized the time to take back Nine Tails and replaced the elf with Boss Kedora.

Boss Kedora, roar!

As soon as the white light came out, before the white light dissipated, Boss Kedora let out a roar, and the strange roar fell on Frozen Bird.


Before Frozen Bird could figure out what happened, its body turned into red light and returned to the poke ball with a roar.

At the same time, Dakdo's other elf ball bounced off automatically, directly appearing on Dakleyi, who still hadn't figured out the situation.

As soon as it appeared on the stage, it faced the treatment of the freezing bird, the attack of the invisible rock, and the suppression of gravity.

When Darkley, who had long been experienced, knew the existence of gravity and wanted to resist, a large piece of rock suddenly fell from above his head.

Rock blockade!

In order not to be injured, Darkrai could only launch the wave of evil to destroy all the rocks.


Similarly, it also lost its last chance to resist the gravity, its body was pressed back to the ground, and Sa Ling exploded!

Evil wave!

Suffering the damage, Darkley threw the wave of evil with a backhand move and threw Boscodora after the rock blockade was over, knocking him down to the ground.

Boss Cordora loses the ability to fight, and Darkley wins!

announced the referee.

Well, for Dakoto's sixth elf, I chose to give up the most likely Yandi and choose Frozen Bird.

There are two reasons. One is that Dakoto does not necessarily have only six beasts. The other is that two fire attributes appear in a battle, which is quite boring. It is better to replace it with the frozen bird, which is theoretically more difficult to deal with.

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