Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 222 VS Dakoto (4) Super Latias, same fate, failure!

Fly to the skies, Latias.

Snow Fairy, prepare to fight!


While spinning and tumbling, Ladias landed in front of Dakdo with a sweet smile on his face.


The Snow Demon Girl floated slightly above the ground, standing tall and smiling with her mouth covered.

It can be said that its hard power level is the weakest among Shinji's elves except Rotom, but its fighting style and degree of difficulty against confrontation can definitely be at the forefront.

As soon as she appeared on the stage, without any instructions from Shinji, the snow demon girl divided into dozens, and while she floated up high with her hands, the sky was covered with dark clouds and snow began to fall.

Xueyin, activate!

In this regard, Dakdo did not rush to attack, and took out a keystone with a flip of his hand, and slowly raised it to emit light.

Latias, mega evolution!


As the voice fell, Latias' super-evolutionary stone hidden in the dragon scale also emerged to resonate with the keystone. The moment the link was successfully established, white light shone on his body.

In the midst of everyone's attention, Latias' body became a lot bigger. After the white light dissipated, the original pink on the body turned into blue-purple, and the two dragon claws also became huge and powerful.

It's like transforming from the little girl next door into a Valkyrie in an instant.

This is exactly, Super Latias!

With the appearance of Latias, the aura comparable to that of a heavenly king-level elf spread, making Shinji and the Snow Demon Girl feel a little uncomfortable.


But the next moment, desolate cries sounded in the snowy sky, and ghostly figures appeared beside Latias in different postures, some acting coquettishly, or making faces... and even releasing ghost fire and electromagnetic waves to attack Latias' body and go.


Latias instantly placed a superpower barrier on his body.

Weakening the skills can still have some effect, but after the ghost fire and electromagnetic waves fall on him, they are immediately blocked by the mysterious superpower, which is completely ineffective!


The snow demon girl didn't know where her real body was hidden. Even if Latias used superpower scanning, she couldn't find her real body for a while, so she raised her head decisively and spit out a powerful energy ball.

After flying to a high point, it exploded and turned into meteors falling from the sky, covering almost every corner of the field. Obviously, Dakdo wanted Latias to forcibly kill the Snow Fairy just like Minghui's Violent Dragon dealt with the Snow Fairy before. forced out.

The meteor fell, and brilliant sparks appeared on the ground, all the ghosts were scattered, but the body of the Snow Demon Girl did not appear from the beginning to the end.

Seeing this scene, Shinji frowned slightly.

What's the best way to deal with meteor swarms?

Shatter or block the meteor swarm with great force? Dodge perfectly from the meteor swarms at a powerful speed?

I'm sorry, the Snow Fairy doesn't have the strength and speed enough to resist or avoid the meteor swarms, but as long as the flying height exceeds the highest point of the meteor swarms before they fall, they can be unharmed!

what is that?

Seeing that the meteor swarm was ineffective, Dakdo hadn't had time to think about why the meteor swarm didn't force out the Snow Fairy, when he discovered that there seemed to be something strange mixed with the snowflakes falling down.

Sa Ling?!

Dakoto, who recognized this move, looked up and instantly guessed the way the Snow Demon Girl evaded just now.

It was also at this moment that Shinji said:


Above the sky, a violent blizzard hit, covering the entire site.

At this moment, Dakdo also calmed down, said.

Calm down, superpowers stop the blizzard, waveguide power and superpowers work together to find its trace.


Super Latias suddenly closed his eyes, a powerful blue-purple light emitted from his body, and all the blowing snowstorms were instantly blocked.

A mysterious wave spread from Latias's body. With the blessing of two special abilities, he quickly scanned to find the real body of the Snow Fairy.

As an infinite Pokémon, Latias can learn the wave missile, and naturally masters the use of the power of the waveguide. Although he is not proficient, it is not a problem to use it.


After spending four or five seconds, Ladias suddenly opened his eyes and looked at an empty place in the sky.

Lock it, Shadow Ball!

The distance is far away, and it is difficult for Latias to directly control and defeat the Snow Demon Girl with superpowers, but it is not a problem to lock her with superpowers and waveguide power.

After the lock was successful, a huge shadow ball in his hand condensed out and smashed on it.

The snow demon girl hidden in the snow and illusion has been secretly releasing Sa Ling and Blizzard. When she knew she was discovered, she immediately concentrated the power of Blizzard to stop it and flew towards Shinji.

Shinji couldn't take it back because the distance was too far and the snow was blocking it.

However, the power of the blizzard was acceptable, but it seemed that it didn't exist in front of the shadow ball. It was pierced in an instant and landed on the snow demon girl.


With the sound of the explosion, the entire elf of the Snow Demon Girl fell down powerlessly. This move was powerful, but thanks to the effect of the imposing belt, she barely survived.

Dakdo, who knew his poor state, decisively let Latias make up the knife.

Psychic thoughts!

A mysterious force of thought emerged from Latias's body, and it landed on the Snow Fairy in the next moment, causing considerable damage to her.

But just before being injured, a gloomy light emanated from the Snow Demon Girl's body.

The snow demon girl who was hit fell down, and at the same time, a group of mysterious power emerged from her body and landed on Super Latias.

Same fate!

However, a strange thing happened, even the same life that can be effective against the king-level tyrannosaurus fell on Latias, who barely reached the king-level with the help of mega evolution, but did not directly take it away.


In the gathering of everyone's eyes, Ladias, who was killed with him, showed pain on his face, as if he was being cut and suffocated by a knife, as if he was enduring some kind of unbearable pain.

But he didn't burp his fart as usual.


Finally, with Latias' mournful cry, the elf fell powerlessly to the ground.


The water chestnut exploded and the poisonous chestnut attacked. In an instant, the falling Latios was injured again and was severely poisoned.

However, that's all.

The same fate only caused a lot of damage to Latias, but it did not make him lose his fighting ability.

Same fate, failure!


how so?!

You didn't directly defeat your opponent with the same life?!


Everyone who saw this scene was stunned, Ah Xun, who was watching the battle, couldn't hold back, you said that it was fine if the same life was not activated, but it was successfully activated, but he didn't take it away, what is this?

This dragon is just hanging around! He didn't even lose his ability to fight!

Perhaps the difference in strength between the two sides is too great, and the other party is a legendary Pokémon, and may have a certain resistance to abnormal states and certain special moves, so the same fate did not succeed.

Minghui analyzed and expressed his guess, saying: Before the snow demon girl defeated the Tyrannosaurus dragon with the same fate, it was not only good luck, but maybe the Tyrannosaurus dragon was in a relatively poor state.

If it was the Tyrannosaurus in its heyday, the Snow Fairy probably wouldn't be able to defeat it with the same life.

Do you still have this?

Ah Xun said dryly.

Actually, it's quite normal. A weak elf just a few days after birth launched the same life to defeat our trump card. Do you think it's reasonable?

What you said... seems to make sense...

Hearing Minghui's words, Ah Xun actually felt quite reasonable.

It can be regarded as leading to another setting. In reality, when the difference in strength is too large, the same life can only cause a certain amount of damage to it, and cannot take it away.

Moreover, mythical beasts and phantom beasts have a certain degree of resistance to the same life and even abnormal states.

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