Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 224 VS Dakdo (6) Thunder of God's Punishment


Shinji takes back Boscodora and throws his last Poké Ball.

Get ready to fight, Electroshock Monster!

Ah Kelu~

After the words were heard, the golden figure of the Electric Shock Monster appeared on the field, looking at Darkley from afar with a grin on his face.

When Darkley saw this scene, he felt a chill in his heart, and then the venom erupted again and caused a little damage to it.

Thunder Fist!


With a fierce step on the ground, the body of the Electric Shock Beast disappeared instantly, turning into a golden light and attacking Darkley.

Dark hole!

When Darkley put his hands together, dozens of dark holes condensed out, covering them in the direction of the electric monsters flying from all sides.

In this regard, the electric shock monster continued to charge without avoiding it, and a green protective cover emerged around its body, blocking all the incoming dark holes.

hold on!


At this moment, Darkley, who had no time to dodge, went directly to meet him, and a dark color appeared on his hands.

The two were connected, Darkley's attack came later, and landed on the stomach of the Electric Shock Beast one step ahead of time, causing considerable damage to the latter.

But in the next second, the sound of the electric shock beast came from its ears, and when it looked up, the grinning and excited eyes of the electric shock beast met it.

Ah Kelu~

Enduring the damage from the surprise attack, the thunderbolt fists on the hands of the electric shock monster all fell on Darkley at the same time.

After inflicting damage on him, his right hand took advantage of the situation to change his move, and a move fell down, hitting Darkley on the head.

The effect is outstanding!

Darkley, who had already suffered a lot of injuries, fell to the ground as soon as his body softened under this move, and his closed eyes indicated that he had lost the ability to fight.

Ah Kelu~

The Electric Shock Beast kicked Darkley with its feet, a look of disdain flashed in its eyes——

Legendary Pokémon? Phantom elves? That's it?

Darkley lost the ability to fight, and the Electric Shock Beast won!

In the referee's announcement, the gravity that had been maintained for a while also dissipated.

After fierce competition, the situation of both sides is not optimistic.

Except for one mysterious elf who did not appear in the Dakoto contestant, only one powerful freezing bird was poisoned and injured, and all other elves have lost their fighting ability.

Contestant Shinji's elves still have three elves: Electric Shock Beast, Dragon King Scorpion, and Turtle. The situation seems to be very unfavorable for Dakoto.

However, with the strength of both sides, even if there is only one elf left, there is a chance to win. Let us look forward to what the two trainers will do next!

The host was explaining the situation of the game, Dakdo, who was defeated as the main favorite, also let out a sigh of relief, and took Dakley back.

Come back and rest, Darkrai.

I leave it to you, Frozen Bird!

Facing this electric monster that can continuously improve its ability level and even defeat the Tyrannosaurus Dragon, Dakdo hesitated for a while and released the Frozen Bird.

Although Cresselia, who has not played yet, is strong, if there is no way to defeat the electric shock beast in a short time, then the upgraded electric shock beast will win with absolute power.

In contrast, the winning rate of Frozen Bird is even higher.


Amidst the singing of birds, the elegant figure of Frozen Bird flew into the sky again, but the lavender and damage on its body indicated that its condition was not very good.


The Electric Shock Monster did not attack at close range as before, but simply flew high according to the pre-war deployment to distance itself from the Frozen Bird.

The blizzard is blocked, and the eyes of the heart are locked!

Dark said.

Frozen Bird flapped its wings again and summoned a violent blizzard attack, with a concentrated blizzard and thunder together.

Since the electric monster just now had been secretly strengthened, coupled with the thunder, it was a waste of time for the blizzard to block it.


When the thunder attack was blocked, the eyes of Frozen Bird flickered, and it successfully locked on the figure of the electric monster a hundred meters away.

The eye of the heart makes the next move a hit!

Absolute zero!

Dakdo said without hesitation.


The Frozen Bird uttered a long chirp, its body like an ice crystal shone with a terrifying icy breath, and a special energy ball was gathered by it, which seemed to contain endless energy.

But when the convergence is successful, the energy ball is launched directly.

At this moment, the thunderstorm launched by the electric shock monster again struck, and the thunder in the sky turned into a thunder dragon and bit at the freezing bird.

But when the energy ball entered its belly, it instantly crushed the thunder dragon, and attacked the electric shock monster with all its strength.

After the electric shock monster tried to avoid it and found it was useless, it quickly propped up and defended the front to block absolute zero.

The energy ball collided with the green fortress like a missile, and they were instantly stalemate.


The Electric Shock Beast gritted its teeth and supported the protective cover, preventing Absolute Zero from entering.

One second, two seconds...


With the roar of the electric shock monster, the energy ball exploded and turned into icy energy, so the electric shock monster and the protective cover froze together, turning into a special ice ball.

But in the next moment, the electric shock monster, which was filled with electric lightning, broke through it.

Just when the Electric Shock Beast, which thought that its strength had been improved beyond that of the Frozen Bird, was about to let the former have a taste of thunder and lightning, the Frozen Bird appeared in front of it.

Using blizzards and blizzards to launch a terrifying ice and snow storm, the storm came with the spread of its wings.

This scene scared the electric shock monster to charge once instantly.

High-speed stars, thunder!

The body of the electric shock monster rotated and created countless golden stars that flew out and turned into a special star storm, and then terrifying thunder and lightning erupted from it, resonating with the stars, and rushed towards the ice and snow storm with terrifying power.


Two different storms collided, constantly rubbed and collided, and finally exploded into nothingness.

The figure of the electric shock monster jumped out of it and flew towards the sky.

Down below, Frozen Bird kept using high-speed movement to close the distance with the Electric Shock Beast, and continuously spit out black mist from its mouth in an attempt to correct the power and speed of the Electric Shock Beast to zero.

It's a pity that the speed of the black mist can't catch up with the electric shock monster, even if it catches up, it will be swept away by the lightning released by the electric shock monster.

The eye of the heart, absolute zero.

Frozen Bird repeats the old trick, intending to solve the electric shock beast.

However, this time, the electric monster didn't even use it to hold it, and it blocked the absolute zero with a thunder move.

When Frozen Bird felt bad, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of the electric monster's mouth.

Terrifying thunder and lightning emerged from the body, soaring into the sky into the dark sky that didn't know when.

The golden thunder and lightning dyed the dark clouds into gold, and the irregularly twisting electric current was breathtaking, and the whole scene was like a natural disaster.

The Frozen Bird was startled, and used all its power to set off a storm, and at the same time activated the snow scene and racial abilities to summon the snow sky, trying to cover up the thunderstorm that had not yet fully formed.

But before the snowflakes formed, they were obliterated by the lightning, and there was no way to stop the falling of the lightning.

When the thunder and lightning gathered enough, the divine thunder, like divine punishment, fell into the world from the cloud, and fell towards the ice and snow elf.

Absolute zero!

At this moment, the Frozen Bird couldn't even give birth to the heart to fight against it, and even hugged its wings directly in the sky.

A strange coldness emerged from his body, completely freezing it into a small iceberg, and a green light full of safety shone on the iceberg.


Thunder and lightning fell, the mountain shattered, the ice and snow melted, and the green light was also dyed golden.

The whole sky is like a hell of thunder and lightning, and the moving thunder snake is like a ghost, constantly biting the stubborn frozen bird.

When the evil spirits had eaten and drunk enough to disperse, the Frozen Bird in the center also fell weakly and fell to the ground, barely struggling.

The opponent Frozen Bird seemed to be powerless to resist, but the instigator, the Electric Shock Monster, was still cautiously floating far away in the sky.

After being deployed by Shinji before the war, it knows how big the threat of the freezing bird black mist and absolute zero is, and it is absolutely unwilling to take a step closer to the former, lest it will be overthrown by the Jedi counterattack.


After Shinji gave an order, the Electric Shock Monster decisively chopped out a bolt of lightning, hitting the Frozen Bird from a distance.


Amidst the thunder and lightning, the Frozen Bird kept screaming, and finally lay down on the ground. Although it did not lose its ability to fight, it also lost its power to resist.


Dakoto decisively took out the poke ball and took it back.

Seeing this, the electric shock monster couldn't bear it any longer, and gasped heavily.

It can be seen how terrifying the physical strength it consumes in such a short period of time.

At this time, the ability of electric monsters has been raised to a very high level, and the victory has basically been established.

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