Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 211 (Part 2) Strategic Suppression | Semi-final opponent - Minghui

Chapter 211 (Part 2) Strategically Suppressing Semi-Final Opponents——Minghui

Mike Eagle, go!

Seeing the bloody Boss Kedora, Ah Xun decisively sacrificed his fastest Muke Eagle, trying to solve it.


A mighty Mukhawk soars above the sky.

Dian Guangyi...

Ah Shun didn't even finish the name of the move, and saw Shinji directly take out the poke ball and take back Boscodora.

Thanks for your hard work.

Shinji said to the Poké Ball in his hand, then took out another Poké Ball and threw it out, saying:

Mega monster, prepare to fight!

Block the way.


As soon as the silver-bodied golden monster appeared on the field, the X symbol on its face emitted a mysterious red light and landed on Mukehawk.

There is a red light flashing on Mookhawk, there is no escape and replacement!

This...could it be...

A bad premonition suddenly flashed in Ah Shun's heart, and he said decisively:

Mike Eagle, brave bird attack!


With a high-pitched cry, the body of the Mukhawk, enveloped in mysterious flames, swooped down and accelerated to the ground. When it was about to fall to the ground, it spread its hands and turned into a heroic bird to launch the strongest blow at the Metagros.

Block it.

The Metagross remained motionless and waited quietly for the Mukhawk to fly over. A green protective cover emerged around its body, blocking it between the two.

hold on!


Mukehawk smashed his head on the protective cover, not to mention not smashing the protective cover, and his body was bounced back.


But the golden monster did not take this opportunity to pursue, but released a special gravity field on the spot.

But the moment the move was successfully launched, gravity struck, and the Mukehawk was immediately crushed to the ground, and then exploded by the emerging Sa Ling.

Seriously injured!


But Shinji still didn't let the golden monster chase after him, and after taking it back with his backhand, he threw another poke ball.

Electric shock monsters, electromagnetic levitation.

Mike Eagle, close combat!


As soon as he came out and heard Shinji's voice, the electric shock beast decisively released the electromagnetic force on the spot, floating on the surface, and was protected from the poisonous water chestnut.


But in the next second, I saw the Muke Eagle rushing in front of him, and leaping forward, hit him with his beak, wings and sharp claws.


Seeing this, the Electric Shock Monster waved his hands decisively and launched a freezing fist to meet him, instead of hitting back and forth.

Grab it!

At the moment when Shinji finished speaking, the two tails behind the Electric Shock Beast instantly lashed at Mukehawk, binding it tightly.

For the next operation, Shinji didn't need to say much, and the electric shock beast acted by itself.

At the same time as a frozen fist hit the body of Mukhawk, a terrifying electric current was released from the tail.

The effect is outstanding!

A few seconds later, the lightning subsided, and the heroic bird, Mukehawk, finally fell to the ground with the release of the electric shock monster, losing the ability to fight.

Ah Kelu~

The Electric Shock Monster grinned at Ah Xun——

Brother, your elf seems to be not very good~

The Mukehawk loses its ability to fight, and the Electroshock Monster wins!

announced the referee.

Mikehawk, come back, you've done a good job.

Ah Xun gritted his teeth and retracted the Mukehawk, set his eyes on the free-flying in the gravity field, grinned and looked at his electric shock beast, seriously suspecting that the latter had hung up.

It's also an elf, why can't my Mukehawk fly under gravity, but your electric shock monster doesn't seem to be affected?

It's a pity that the game is still going on, and it is useless to complain and cannot change the reality.

Ah Xun can only show elves that he has not played before——

Snappy, it's decided to be you!


As soon as the big fat Kirby fell to the ground, he was hurt by Sa Ling and suffered a lot of injuries.

Splitting tiles!

Just after taking the damage, Kirby felt a golden lightning approaching in front of him, and subconsciously hit it with a hammer.


The two arms struck together at the same time, causing a storm in an instant.

But only a second later, the Kirby beast showed a tendency to retreat, the arm hammer was split directly by the split tile, and the electric shock monster's palm hit the former's head.

The effect is outstanding!


The Snorkel suddenly let out a cry of pain, and fell backwards.

The electric shock beast gained power and was relentless, and once again bullied him, another move fell down, smashing on the head of the Kirby beast extremely fiercely.

For a moment, Snorbeast can only feel that his eyes are dark, his mind is dizzy, and his consciousness is dissipating.

After the second move of splitting the tiles, in order to ensure that it could sleep soundly, the Electric Shock Demon Beast threw out another strike of thunder and lightning fist, directly knocking it into the air.


After the fat and huge body rolled on the ground for a while, the Snorlax lay safely on the ground, losing the ability to fight.

The Kirby loses its ability to fight, and the Electric Monster wins!

announced the referee.

Come back, Snorkel, you've done a good job.

A Xun took the Snorby back with a very solemn expression, and wanted to make the Snake hold on for a while, at least to delay the time of the gravity field.

But obviously, Snorby fell a little faster, and the gravity on the field still exists.

With the thought of surviving a desperate situation, Ah Xun threw the elf ball in his hand like a desperate fight.

Heracross, I leave it to you!


The moment Heracross flew out of the ball, it was pressed towards the ground by gravity. No matter how it resisted, it could not fly successfully without professional training.

The goddess of luck may be on the side of Heracross at this moment. The moment before Heracross landed, the gravity disappeared, allowing it to fly up and avoid the harm of Sa Ling.

But when it raised its head, what caught its eye was an electric shock monster with a playful face.

After playing for a long time, the electric shock monster has successfully motivated itself three times and secretly charged once, while Heracross is not even fully charged.

How could this not make the Electric Shock Monster laugh?



Ah Kelu~

In the shocked eyes of Heracross, the thunder and lightning released by the electric shock monster yellowed most of the field, and countless current surges all hit it.

Heracross, hold on and charge forward!

In a desperate situation, Heracross flew towards the thunder and lightning as if desperate, and was submerged by the lightning in a blink of an eye, but this did not stop Heracross' pace,

In the air, in the sea of ​​thunder, it still walked firmly, constantly closing the distance with the electric shock beast.

20 meters, 10 meters, 5 meters!

Back to life!

As Ah Xun's roar sounded, bursts of red light erupted from Heracross' body to disperse the lightning, and a long horn on the top of his head slammed into the electric shock monster with all its strength.

Thunder Fist!

The Electric Shock Beast wasn't afraid, it grinned and raised its hand, and a fist filled with lightning fell down.


During the bang, the two spirits collided with each other with all their strength.

In just a split second, Heracross was sent flying.

After falling to the ground, there was no need for the electric shock monster to make up the knife, and the already weak body lay down directly after being pierced by Sa Ling, losing the ability to fight.

Heracross loses the ability to fight, and the electric monster wins!

Because all the elves of the player Ah Shun have lost their ability to fight, this match will be won by player Shinji!

announced the referee.

...Heracross, thank you for your hard work, come back.

Ah Xun was silent for two seconds, and with a forced smile, he retracted Heracross into the ball.

Not bad, more skilled than before.

Shinji nodded, and praised the Electric Shock Beast.

Whether it is flying under gravity, or self-motivated speed, or electromagnetic acceleration, electric engine acceleration, the electric shock monster has made good progress.

It can be said that even if the opponent is a Tutai turtle, as long as there is no protracted battle, the electric monster has a great winning rate.

Ah Kelu~

The Electric Shock Beast grinned triumphantly, puffed out his chest and gave a thumbs up——

My lord, it's amazing!

Come back first.

The corner of Shinji's mouth rose undetectably, he took out the poke ball and put it in the ball, bowed slightly to the referee, then turned and left the field.

After leaving the field, Shinji didn't see Minghui and the cheerleader Xiaoguang who were going to participate in the next game. Instead, Ah Xun, who left the field later, ran outside to wait for him.

Shinji, your spirit is really strong, it's no match at all!

But...why do you still use that disgusting tactic when you are so strong...

Ah Xun was a little crazy about Shinji letting the Great Sword Demon use the secret sword Qian Chonglang to make Sa Ling three times in a row.

As long as he knows that the move has that effect, or knows its plan, at least he doesn't have to lose so badly.

In every battle, you must do your best. This is the respect for your opponent.

Shinji said rightly that he may not always choose the most powerful elf in the battle, but he has never been careless in his battles.

Moreover, his choice of elves is targeted in some respects.

Hearing Shinji's words, I was still a little depressed. A Xun was obviously taken aback, and then couldn't help but burst out laughing——

Adversary? Hahaha, Shinji, you finally admit that I am your opponent.

That's right, to deal with an opponent is to go all out!

Come on, Shinji, I believe that you are so powerful that you can definitely defeat Minghui and the trainer who uses Darkrai!

In an instant, Ah Xun turned into Shinji's little fan, and directly helped him set up the flag.

As for Ming Fai who is a good brother and a young boy?

Sorry, I'm so unfamiliar!

Yes, your performance in this battle is not bad.

Shinji nodded and made a comment, then turned and left, leaving Ah Xun complacent in place, like a sophomore boy after being praised by an idol.

In fact, regardless of strength, with the wisdom shown by Ah Xun in this round, it is at least a character at the level of the Eighth Masters in the animation.

(I am not the eight masters of animation. It is really water. Many times, many tactics that do not exist are all based on the imagination of the audience.)

After all, it is considered a fusion world, and the strength of the trainer in this world completely surpasses that of the trainer in the animation.

Even under the influence of him and Minghui, he also surpassed the Shinji who was not abused by the Gods.

As for strength, after one or two years, at least it will be at the level of a heavenly king, and it is not a dream to reach the peak of champion strength.

Unlike Ah Shun, who ran to the audience to watch the game after being happy, Shinji, who was relatively quieter, was an elf watching the game alone on the high platform with no one in the audience, leaning on the railing.

The opponents Minghui encountered were not bad in strength, but they were not very good at strategy, even Ah Xun could not match.

Ever since, under the repeated attacks of the protagonist Minghui who likes to think, he finally won easily.

At the end of the game, the heads of all the winners were released on the big screen to draw lots for the semi-finals.

Shinji, Minghui, Dakdo, and an unknown trainer appeared in it at the same time, and then reversed, converged, and alternated like cards, and finally formed a new combination.

Soon, the battle groups were completed, and Shinji saw the trainer corresponding to his avatar——Minghui!

As if feeling something in his heart, Minghui raised his head subconsciously and saw Shinji.


Taking a deep look at Minghui in the field, Shinji turned and left.

OK, Shinji VS Minghui is about to start, the semi-finals are written in a strange way, to be honest.

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