Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 212 VS Minghui (1) Super giant pincer mantis

From the moment he saw Minghui for the first time, Shinji felt that they must have a fight.

The moment he saw Dakdo, Shinji knew that either he could only fight against Minghui in the alliance conference, or they could fight against both of them!

But it now appears that the remaining two opponents have been identified.


Ming Fai

Elves: Flame Monkey, Duckbill, Warhammer Dragon, Scorpion King, Giant Pincer Mantis, Pokkiss, Picosi, Sun Eevee, Rotom, Tyrannosaurus



Newly subdued elves?

Shinji looked at the last tyrannosaurus a little strangely. He remembered very clearly that when he read Minghui's materials before, there was no tyrannosaurus in it.

The only possibility is that this tyrannosaurus was subdued somewhere before participating in the competition, like a kopintutu dog, it was Minghui's secret weapon.

However, due to some unknown reason, it was registered or something happened, so it was revealed later.

In any case, it is always right to target one hand.

Shinji made up his mind.

There is still good news in the data, that is, it is difficult for Minghui's elves to form various extremely useful battle systems like Kaoping.

As the protagonist who still likes to think, if Minghui has a lineup like Kohei, Shinji feels that the difficulty of winning the semifinals will at least increase by half.



Although there is no fixed special team, it is impossible to form a suitable system, but my elves do not have as serious a problem as Ah Shun against Shinji.

In a certain room, Sanfa stayed together, discussing how to win the semi-finals, Minghui said confidently.

What's wrong with me?

Ah Xun asked strangely.

It's very simple, let me ask you, Sa Ling and Gravity, do you have a solution?

Minghui asked with a smile.

Sa Ling represents the elves who are good at behind, as long as they can't float in the air, they will be injured.

Gravity means, as long as your elf can float, I can get you to the ground.

The combination of the two is very simple, but it is also a headache.

Uh... this... that... Ah Xun frowned and thought about it for a long time, but finally couldn't figure out how his elf could solve this problem, and then said shamelessly:

I don't have it, so Minghui, do you have it?

I have.


Secret it, you will know tomorrow. Minghui smiled and let it go, but then he said with a headache:

Hey, but even if he can deal with those annoying tactics, Shinji's elves are still very difficult to deal with...how did he cultivate the elves...

Minghui thinks that he is strong enough to cultivate elves, but when compared with Shinji, he is always much weaker.

That's not true, Shinji is so strong, you can beat me, Minghui, how can you compare?

Ah Shun said.

Minghui: ...

No matter what, Xiaohui, you have to work hard! I believe in you!

Xiaoguang encouraged.

Yes, I will.

Minghui affirmed, and couldn't help but focus on the elf ball on the table.

One of them, standing alone, seemed to herald its peculiarity.

The next day, on the Field of Grass

Everyone, after several days of competition and countless contestants, we finally ushered in the semi-finals.

The four most powerful trainers of this year's Lily of the Valley Conference are about to take the stage and show their strength...

The contestants in the first semi-final are Shinji from Curtain City and Minghui from Futaba Town.

“Typically, there are very few guys who travel as rookie trainers and get eight badges in their first year at the conference.”

It is even rarer to reach the semi-finals and finals. Let us look forward to them bringing us wonderful games.

The commentator was explaining, the audience was cheering, and the two contestants looked at each other quietly after taking their positions, with firm and serious eyes.

Please release your elves!

After the referee announced, Shinji and Minghui threw the Pokéball at the same time.

Giant Pincer Mantis, go,

Great Sword Ghost, prepare to fight.



The red fighter with pincers in his hands and the swordsman with a foot blade stood face to face, and the atmosphere of chilling was spreading.

The match begins, and Minghui's player will attack first!

After the referee finished speaking, Minghui didn't immediately command the giant pincer mantis to attack, but slowly raised the watch on his left hand, in which a special gemstone was inlaid to shine brightly.

This is... good luck.

Seeing this scene, Shinji couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

You must know that the Sinnoh area is not Fengyuan and Carlos. It is at least tens of hundreds of times more difficult to obtain super evolution stones and key stones. I bought the stones through the charging competition.

Unexpectedly, Minghui got the mega evolution system from nowhere. All he can say is, is he worthy of being the protagonist?

Minghui put his hand on the watch and said:

Our bond will shine brightly, giant pincer mantis, mega evolution!

The keystone hidden in the body of the giant pincer mantis also shone brightly, and began to release its power.

In the white light, the body of the giant pincer mantis also changed rapidly, with an armor structure on its body, and a pair of large pincers were no longer round and became fiercer and more powerful.

Compared with before, the super giant pincer mantis at this moment is more like a warrior.


After the evolution was over, a terrifying air flow overflowed and rushed to the surroundings, and the aura of the giant pincer mantis became even stronger.


The Great Sword Ghost silently clenched the foot blade in his hand, and his eyes became more serious.

Come on, giant pincer mantis, use the cross scissors!


The words fell, and the giant pincer mantis disappeared in place. After launching its high-speed movement, it seemed like a red lightning flashed through the air, and appeared in front of the big sword ghost in a blink of an eye. Two staggered pincers cut towards the big sword ghost. .


At the same time, the Great Sword Demon also moved, a foot blade with a dark color attached to it came first, and stabbed at the weak point of the Giant Pincer Mantis' stomach at an extremely tricky angle.


The giant pincer mantis is not an ordinary elf after all, enduring the pain and punching out the cross scissors.


However, a foot blade was cut in front of the cross scissors, blocking most of the power.

A light flashed in the eyes of the big sword ghost who had the upper hand in this wave of offensive, and the foot blades on both hands turned into shell knives, turned into afterimages and quickly slashed at the giant pincer mantis.

The attack was like a thousand huge waves coming, and it was hard for the giant pincer mantis to guard against it, and it was attacked several times without checking.

After the attack, the shell knife scattered countless fragments on the field, turning into Sa Ling and hiding in it.

Minghui didn't expect that the mega-evolved giant pincer mantis was crushed and beaten by the big sword ghost, but he didn't panic.

Turn back quickly!

Under this continuous offensive, the Giant Pincer Mantis, which was brought into the opponent's rhythm and was repeatedly injured, suddenly hit the Great Sword Ghost with its pincers, and then turned into a red light and returned to the bright ball.

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