Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 210 VS Ah Shun (Middle) Metal Explosion!

The poisonous skeleton frog, I leave it to you!

In a flash of white light, the poisonous skeleton frog came onto the stage.


But before the Poisonous Skeleton Frog could do anything, countless fragments emerged from under its feet and exploded, engulfing it in the smoke and dust, causing considerable injuries.

What!? Could it be the fragments that splashed just now?

Ah Xun was stunned for a moment and then realized, he just said why it was so strange, the sword ghost took a long time to defeat Luosreduo after attacking, it turned out that the fragments attached to that move had the effect of smashing water!

From this point of view, he can't just change the elves, otherwise, before attacking and defeating the opponent, his elves will continue to be severely injured by Sa Ling's attacks one after another.

After the Poisonous Skeleton Frog recovered from the spraying water, it saw a series of air blades cutting through the space and flying towards itself, and it leaped to the sky immediately to evade with its superb reflexes.

Yan Hui!

Seeing this, the sword light flashed in the eyes of the big sword ghost, and he slashed at the poisonous skeleton frog with double blades staggered.

Poisonous skeleton frog, hold on! Split tiles!

In the air, the Poisonous Skeleton Frog was unavoidable and raised its arms to meet the Great Sword Ghost.

In terms of speed, the Great Sword Ghost was even better. Before the Poisonous Skeleton Frog's attack landed, the Great Sword Ghost's Yan Fan landed on it first.

The effect is outstanding! hit the nail on the head!

In just a split second, the Great Sword Ghost dealt enough damage to defeat the Poisonous Skeleton Frog.


However, after the attack fell, the Poisonous Skeleton Frog did not lose its ability to fight as expected by the Great Sword Ghost, but instead reluctantly struck down on the latter's head, knocking it down from the air.

Even if it hits the incomparably strong carapace, the damage of this move is still very effective!

More importantly, this move of splitting tiles knocked the big sword ghost to the ground.

The moment it landed, toxin gas billowed out from the ground and enveloped the Great Sword Ghost, causing it to fall into a highly poisonous state.

Seizing this opportunity, relying on the Poisonous Skeleton Frog that survived the trace of blood and the force of falling gravity, it hit the Great Sword Ghost with a head-on blow.


The moment the attack landed, the painful look on the Great Sword Ghost's face completely disappeared, and in a flash of darkness, the foot blade landed on the Poisonous Skeleton Frog's shoulder one step faster.

But the split tile of the poisonous skeleton frog is still hanging in front of the ghost face of the big sword, unable to advance an inch!


The body of the poisonous skeleton frog that was hit by the first step went limp, and fell to the ground and lay down.

The poisonous skeleton frog loses its ability to fight, and the great sword ghost wins.

announced the referee.

Thank you for your hard work Poisonous Skeleton Frog, come back and rest first.

A Xun took out the elf ball, took back the poisonous skeleton frog, and looked at the poisonous sword ghost, and was about to release the kabbit to block the sword ghost, but Shinji took out the magic ball first and took the sword ghost back , released another elf.

Boss Kedora, prepare to fight.


Amidst the roar, Boscodora, whose armor was covered with scars, entered the stage.

The poisonous gas surged on the ground, but it couldn't invade Boscodora's steel body.

The opponent has changed the elf, so Ah Xun will not foolishly continue to use the Kirby that he wanted to use, and directly take out another elf ball and throw it out.

Heracles, come on.


Seeing that Heracross flew out of the ball and was about to land on the ground like before, Ah Xun quickly shouted——

Keep flying, don't land!


This sound frightened Heracross to stop the landing immediately, and looked at the ground after re-lifting.

At this time, Shinji's voice appeared.

Blocked by rocks, heavy impact!


Boss Kedora roared, creating countless boulders falling from the sky, hitting Heracross who was in it, and sealing off all his positions.

Afterwards, the metal light on the body gleamed, and the power gathered like a straight charge towards Heracross.

Super Horn Shot!

Among the rocks, the big horn on the top of Heracross's head shone brightly, crushing all the falling rocks in front of him, and swooped down towards Boscodora.


There was an explosion, and the strength of this move of the two elves was almost the same, and they flew back in place as soon as they hit the ground.

One fell to the ground unscathed.

One returned to the rock blockade and was hit by the rock several times, sustaining minor injuries.

Metallic sound.

Seeing that Heracross was injured, Boss Kedora decisively came down to make a harsh and uncomfortable metal sound, which greatly weakened the special defense and caused him to be hit twice by the rock.

Cannon Light Cannon!

After releasing the metal sound, Boss Kedora raised his hand and a terrifying beam of metal power shot out, hitting Heracross, who had just suffered the damage of the rock blockade and his speed was weakened.

Missile needle, dodge!

The big horn on the top of Heracross's head shone again, and a large number of white light arrows flew out and landed together with the cannon light cannon. They were used to block and left the original position at the same time, narrowly avoiding this move.


Heracross, who escaped the blow, saw that Boscodora did not pursue him, but stayed in place and released some kind of skill to make his body glow with white light.

Grinding the rocks, polishing the body, reducing air resistance, and greatly increasing the speed!

At this moment, Boscodora's speed completely surpassed Heracross, who had been slowed down by the rock blockade.

Come back and rest first, Heracross.

Seeing this, Ah Xun took out the poke ball to take back Heracros, who was not hurt by Sa Ling, and threw another poke ball.

Go, Emperor Napoleon!


As soon as he appeared on the stage, Sa Ling was activated, and Emperor Nabo suffered a lot of injuries on the spot!


After the explosion was over, Emperor Nabo was greeted by the cannon light cannon fired from a long distance by Boscodora.

Get out of the way!

Emperor Nabo is indeed Ah Xun's trump card, with extremely fast speed, and he jumped back perfectly after suffering triple Sa Ling damage, avoiding Boss Kedora's attack.

Iron wall!

Boss Kedora directly activated the iron wall on the spot, and the metal light shining on his body doubled his already powerful defense directly!

Imperator Napoleon, water cannon!

As soon as the opponent's defense was improved, Emperor Nabo naturally couldn't play melee in a foolish way, and immediately fired an extremely fast water cannon.

Rock blockade.

Boscodora, who had increased his speed, did not panic. After easily avoiding the water cannon attack, he launched a rock blockade, causing countless rocks to fall from the head of Emperor Nabo. At the same time, his body moved quickly, closing the distance between the two sides.

Tide spin!

The blue water vortex converged from the hands of Emperor Nabo, expanded into a waterspout and even caught all the rocks in the sky, and then threw it towards Boss Kedora.

Cannon Light Cannon!

The tide swirl was engulfed in a huge rock, which was difficult to avoid, and Boss Kedora directly blew it up with a cannon light cannon.


Amidst the water vapor and gray mist, Boscodora discovered that the figure of the emperor Nabo had disappeared at some point, and when he reappeared, he jumped on top of Boscodora's head.

Cannon water cannon!


In the sky, a terrifying water polo in the mouth of Emperor Nabo was condensing, and the next moment this highly compressed water polo shot out towards Boscodora.

The timing of the attack release is extremely ingenious, and it is impossible for Boss Kedora to dodge!

And with the strength of Emperor Nabo, the power of the cannon water cannon, and the restraint of attributes, the combination of the three, even the uninjured Boss Kedora may not be able to withstand this move!

As Ah Xun expected, Boss Kedora was headshot by the cannon water cannon before he could dodge in the future.

The effect is outstanding!

Hit the nail on the head!


The smoke rose, and Boscodora's body stood in the water vapor in a daze.

Metal explosion.

As Shinji's words sounded, suddenly, bursts of light burst out of the mouth of Boscodora, who was standing up and attacking, and an energy cannon shot straight at Emperor Nabo, who was stuck in the stiff water cannon.

Even if it is as strong as a tortoise, it still cannot ignore the side effects of the ultimate move, let alone Emperor Nabo.


Sure enough, the energy cannon from the metal explosion hit Emperor Nabo, who fell to the ground, and a more terrifying explosion rose up.

After the explosion, in the pothole, Emperor Nabo's body lay motionless in it.

Metal explosion, hit back with 1.5 times the damage taken before!

The power of the cannon water cannon just now was enough to defeat Boscodora, and the return was 1.5 times. Naturally, the power was enough to kill Emperor Nabo in one move.

Emperor Nabo loses his ability to fight, and Boscodora wins!

announced the referee.

Come back, Emperor Napoleon, you have done well.

Ah Xun gritted his teeth and took Emperor Nabo back into the ball.

Obviously, just now Boss Kedora used a special combination of holding back and metal explosion, which was able to counter-kill Emperor Nabo.

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