Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 201 Victory over the Loudspeaker Cricket Man | Sandstorm Team Opponent Wang Lu

Chapter 201: Victory over the Loudspeaker Cricketman Sandstorm Team Opponent Wang Lu

Speaker cricket... man?

Looking at that cricket that is different from ordinary speakers and full of fighting spirit, such a word popped up in Shinji's mind inexplicably.


Out of respect for his opponent, Shinji took out the poke ball to take back the golden monster, and then took out another poke ball and threw it.

Nine Tails, prepare to fight!


Nine Tails landed on the ground, its slender tail swaying naturally, with a frivolous smile on the corner of its mouth.

Speaker crickets, gathering energy, sword dancing, and singing!

As soon as the scene started, the speaker cricket showed its strength as Shangzhi's trump card, and even released three skills at the same time to rush towards Kyuubi.

Concentrating energy, strengthening sword dance, singing hypnosis, the three are carried out at the same time.

However, Kyuubi remained motionless, quietly watching the performance of the speaker cricket.

When it rushed to a distance of less than ten meters, a large pink love heart flew around Nine Tails' body and fell towards the speaker.


Faced with such an attack, the speaker cricket decisively waved his hands, and swung the two long knives airtightly, smashing all the hearts that approached, and rushed towards Nine Tails at the same time,

However, following the mysterious blue light from Jiuwei's eyes, the speaker cricket felt that it was difficult to move his body for a moment, and his body stopped in the air.

Magical powers!

When it broke free from the shackles with the power strengthened by the sword dance, some love just fell on it.

Even if the latter is strong and strong, it is difficult to avoid it at this moment. He was accidentally hit by love, and two hearts appeared in his eyes.

Apparently, the speaker crickets are in a state of fascination.

Big characters burst into flames!

Before the speaker cricket broke free from the captivating control with its heroic willpower, a fiery red aura lingered on Nine-Tails' body instantly, and a terrifyingly powerful flame shot out from its mouth and hit the former.

At such a distance, when the speaker's eyes regained clarity, his field of vision was full of fiery red, and he could only barely raise his hands to block the front, and then he was swallowed by the flames.


The big-character explosion exploded at the touch of a touch, and the irresistible force sent the cricket flying out of the speaker like a broken bag, and began to bounce off the ground continuously.

Although the speaker cricket has not completely stopped, Shinji knows that this move must not easily defeat the speaker cricket man, and decisively let the nine tails who stimulated the fire make up the knife.



Each of the nine tails of Nine Tails ignited a ball of fire, and under the control of supernatural power, they flew out accurately at the same time, and landed on the speaker cricket one after another.




Two, two, three explosions sounded, and after a total of nine explosions, Cricket Man was barely defeated.

Speaker Cricket Man is here!

Speaker Cricketman is out!

Speaker Cricket loses his ability to fight, Nine Tails wins, and Shinji wins this battle!

announced the referee.

Wow~ Player Shinji's elves are really powerful, even though Hisashi's elves tried their best, they were still completely suppressed.

Let us congratulate Shinji for winning with an absolute advantage of 3:0!

The commentator's voice resounded through the audience, followed by continuous cheers and applause.

It's okay, come back first.

Shinji took out the poke ball and took Kyuubi back, nodded slightly to Hisashi opposite him, bowed slightly to the referee, then turned and left.

As soon as he walked out of the battle channel, he saw a tall young man with long blue hair in a reddish-brown cloak walking towards the venue.

The young man's steps were calm and unhurried, showing a touch of elegance, as if he was not here to fight, but to watch the battle with ease.

Shinji slowed down his pace, took a deep look at him, turned and walked into another passage.

After Shinji left, the young man glanced back slightly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

After leaving the race track, Shinji did not leave, but walked into the auditorium from the other side of the field, stood by the guardrail and began to watch the game.

The second round of the battle is about to begin. The contestants are Dakdo and Lu Ye...

The battle is easier than imagined, the blue-haired youth Dakdo elegantly throws the ball and releases Dakley to fight against the enemy.

Basically, with one move of freezing beam and one move of black hole + dream eater, the opponent can be defeated.

With less than 5 moves in the whole process, he easily defeated the opponent's three elves.

Seeing this, Shinji turned and left directly.

He left the arena directly and went to the lobby to watch the live broadcast of each arena.

Among them, Shinji saw the battle between Minghui and Ashu.

Due to the difference in this world, Ah Shun can be said to be a super enhanced version of animation, with good strength.

Therefore, in the battle, Ah Xun and Minghui basically showed a tendency to crush their opponents, and there was no major problem.

After all the matches were over, the heads of all the players appeared on the top of the screen. After a quick arrangement and combination, a new battle combination was quickly formed.

Shinji's opponent is a young man with brown hair.

After getting his information, Shinji turned around and left, and began to inquire about his information.


Wang Lu

Hometown: Kanto area

Elves: Banjilas, Super Armored Rhinoceros, Chuanshan King, Pangyan Monster, Hippopotamus, Dragon-headed Gopher, Big Steel Snake, Desert Dragonfly...

Honors: Top 32 in the Quartz Conference, Top 16 in the Higaki Conference, runner-up in the Caiyou Conference...


The opponent this time is very special. It is a trainer who has traveled to many regions, and from the lineup and previous videos, he knows that he is a trainer who specializes in sandstorm tactics.

The elves they own basically have two attributes of rock and ground, and their strength is not bad.

Sandstorm Team...

Such a word popped up in Shinji's mind, and he couldn't help thinking about the elves that would be useful for fighting against the Sandstorm team.

I don't want to know, but after thinking about it, I realized that, in fact, my elves are really not afraid of the Sandstorm team.

After all, just for ground and steel elves, there are five earth turtles, biting land sharks, giant gold monsters, Boss Kedora, and moon moon bears. Sword Ghost Water Attribute Restraint...

Thinking about it this way, there are more elves to choose from in an instant.

What Shinji has to do is to choose the most suitable ones among these elves to deal with Wang Lu.

Sandstorm team, rock attribute special defense enhancement, sandstorm damage, sand power, sand concealment...

Thinking about these data, Shinji walked to the communicator and slowly dialed Leisi's phone, and started the exchange of elves.

Just this one?

On the screen, Lei Si's voice came.

Well, maybe it will be useful.

Shinji slowly put the elf ball in his hand back into his pocket, Shinji nodded.

Well, let's go for the game!

Reiss laughed.

Will do.

With Shinji's strength, defeating Shangzhi now can only be said to be a breeze.

As for the opponent, since the original book does not have enough opponents, I can only create one.

Recently, Kavinka's flight is quite uncomfortable, oh, it's annoying.

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