Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 202 VS Wang Lu (Part 1) Blowing the Sand and Dispelling the Sand

On the field the next day

Now we are in the second round of the battle. The two sides of the competition are Wanglu from Changqing City in the Kanto area and Shinji from Veil City. The winning side will be able to successfully enter the top 16 and go further towards the goal of the championship. .”

Let us look forward to what kind of game they will bring us in the future!

The commentator's voice made people's eyes on the venue more eager.

Referee: Both parties, please release the elves!

Go, Bankiras!

Bite the land shark and prepare to fight!

Wang Lu and Shinji threw the Pokéball at the same time, releasing two huge Pokémon.

It looked ferocious, just like the desert tyrant Bankiras appeared on the field. Suddenly, the sky and the earth changed color, and the dust and sand turned into a sandstorm.

Yangsha, start!

On the opposite side, a taller Lie Bite Shark was also full of murderous aura. In the sandstorm, Lie Bite Shark looked at his opponent with a smile like a fish in water.

Game start!

At the moment the game started, a red light appeared, and Bangiras directly recovered the ball.

I leave it to you, the leading gopher!

Wang Lu smiled slightly and threw out another poke ball.

A dragon-headed gopher with a round body and sharp steel claws on its hands and head appeared on the field.

Under the sweeping sandstorm, the body glowed slightly with white light, and the body became lighter,

Shift the sand character, in sandstorm weather, the movement speed is doubled!

Dragon-headed gopher, horned drill!

Under Wang Lu's instruction, the leading gopher put his hands together and turned into a high-speed rotating drill bit, and rushed towards the biting land shark while spinning and shuttling at low altitude.

Sharp rock attack!

The murderous aura rose from Lie Bite Lu Shark's body, and he stomped his feet on the ground with both hands, and suddenly a row of sharp stone pillars stabbed out one after another, stabbing at the leading gopher.

However, with the help of terrifying speed, the dragon-headed gopher in the horned drill was like a broken bamboo, and all the stone pillars were smashed into pieces like paper, and rushed to the front of Lie Bite Lu Shark.


Green phantoms appeared on the hands of the biting land shark that had been prepared for a long time, and the two sharp dragon claws turned into light sickles and collided with the drill bit.


In the collision, no one can do anything to anyone.

Tearing Claw!

Therefore, the leading gopher simply gave up the horn drill, and its two steel claws glowed fiercely towards the biting land shark.

The leading gopher is very fast, and this move is even faster.

However, after being trained by the Great Sword Demon and Nine Tails, Bite Lu Shark's reaction has already been extremely quick, and the dragon claws swept out decisively at the first time, cutting off the tearing claws in advance.

The two elves fought together again.

However, the battle situation is obvious. Even with the speed bonus of Pasha's nature, the leading gopher has gradually fallen into a disadvantage.

Metallic sound!

Just when Biting Land Shark was about to defeat its offensive, the leading gopher suddenly made an unacceptable sound, which weakened its offensive a lot, and at the same time, its special defense was greatly reduced.

The leading hamster seized the opportunity and jumped, and a qi bomb condensed out of his hands and hit the biting land shark. The smoke and dust from the explosion mixed with the sandstorm completely blocked the vision.

Horner drill!

But the leading gopher didn't hesitate, and rushed into it again in the form of a drill.

Under the impact of the high-speed rotation of the drill bit, the smoke was instantly dispersed.


Seeing that the leading gopher passed through the center of the smoke without hitting anything, Wang Lu was stunned for a moment.

Dragon Wave.

At this time, the fierce land shark jumped out from the ground, and a dragon-shaped wave sprayed out of its mouth, instantly devouring the leading gopher whose back was not released from the horned drill.


An explosion appeared in the air, and the body of the leading gopher was thrown out.

Sandstorm tornado.

Before it hit the ground, Biting Land Shark suddenly created a more terrifying sandstorm. Huge gravel hitting any elf of any attribute would cause a little damage.

At the same time, a terrifying fusion of tornado and sandstorm was triggered, engulfing the leading gopher.

The special sandstorm and the tornado merged together unexpectedly and harmoniously, constantly causing higher damage to the leading gopher among them.


The leading gopher tried to struggle, but found that there was no way to use it, and it was difficult to get rid of it.



Biting Lu Shark raised his head and a terrifying force gathered and exploded out of the sky, turning into dozens of meteors and falling.

Only this time, these meteors did not fall randomly, but all fell into the tornado, and under the control of the tornado, they smashed towards the only existence in it.

Leading gopher, cheer up! Let me drill through this tornado!

Wang Lu shouted loudly.

Amidst Wang Lu's shouts, the leading gopher turned into a drill again and spun as before.

It's just different from before, this time, the speed of rotation is extra fast, several times faster than before.

There was also a shining white light on the body, and the drill bit became more solid and sharp!

High-speed rotation, low-altitude drilling, and angle drilling, the fusion of the three major skills suddenly launched, and the terrifying power turned into another whirlwind in the tornado.

The moment all the meteors hit him, they were directly crushed by the terrifying force, then pierced through the tornado, and rushed towards Lie Bite Lu Shark with an unrivaled force.

And Lie Bite Lu Shark, who saw this scene, didn't resist as if he was frightened, and watched his operation quietly.

In the next second, a red light fell, and the moment before the leading gopher hit the ball, Lie Bite Lu Shark was included in the ball.

The leading gopher who had lost its attack target couldn't stop, and it drilled down tens of meters to the ground in an instant before barely stopping.

When he climbed up from the ground, he was covered in injuries, gasping for exhaustion, and stared at Shinji with angry eyes.

It's a pity that Shinji's expression didn't change at all, as if he didn't do anything, he threw another poke ball naturally, saying:

Yueyuexiong, get ready to fight.

Like the incarnation of the earth, a gigantic moon bear landed on the field. Everyone looked at this moon bear with horror in their eyes.

This is the newly discovered Moon Moon Bear? So big?

As the trainer of the specialized sandstorm team, Wang Lu is an elf who understands all the ground and rocks found, and the newly discovered Moon Moon Bear is no exception.

Ben also wanted to tame a circle bear for training, but after seeing that the so-called peat blocks in the evolutionary conditions were almost extinct, he had no choice but to give up.

He thought that he would be able to see Yueyue Xiong one day, but he never expected to see it here, and it was such a big Yueyue bear...

Wow! Contestant Shinji actually released the Moon Moon Bear that he just discovered. How will Contestant Wang Lu deal with this elf that has never been on the field before? Let us stay tuned!

The commentator's voice also sounded, and there was a loud commotion on the scene.

Leading gopher, use the hidden rock.

At any rate, he was also a runner-up player in the tournament. Wang Lu quickly cheered up. Knowing that the leading gopher was in poor condition and it was difficult to defeat his opponent, he simply let him activate the hidden rock.


The dragon-headed gopher made a move with both hands, and a large number of glowing white rocks emerged, then flew to Yueyue Xiong and fell everywhere, hiding.

In response, Yueyue Xiong just slapped the ground suddenly, and a terrifying shock immediately extended towards the leading gopher.


Dragon-headed gopher, the last blow, Horn Drill!

At this moment, the leading gopher's physical strength is no longer able to launch the terrifying combo before, and he can only gather all his strength to transform into a drill and make a final blow with Moon Moon Bear.

Fly and swoop!

Seeing the high-speed rotating drill bit flying towards it, Yueyue Xiong was not afraid at all, and with the aura of one body, he rushed out suddenly, and slapped the leading gopher with two huge bear paws filled with energy.

In reality, a special move may not be a sure kill, and if it cannot be a sure kill, it can only be regarded as a high-power move.

The two elves collided in the air, and after holding on for a few seconds, the leading gopher, who had already engaged in a high-consuming battle, couldn't hold on, and was instantly shot out by Yueyue Xiong like a stray bullet.


During the bang, the body of the leading gopher was embedded in the wall at the edge of the field, unable to move.

The leading gopher lost the ability to fight, and the moon bear won!

announced the referee.

Come back, leading gopher, thank you for your hard work.

Wang Lu looked at the Yueyue Bear, which was more than two meters high even if he was lying on his stomach, and felt a lot of pressure in his heart. After taking a breath to calm his heart, he took out another elf ball and threw it out, saying:

Bangiras, I leave it to you!

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