Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 200 VS Hisashi

Chapter 200 VS Shangzhi doesn't matter, the speaker cricket man will make a move

This is Arena No. 4, and the players in the first round are Hisashi and Shinji.

The commentator's voice resounded throughout the arena, and the auditorium was full.

On the field below, Shinji and Hisashi stood opposite each other on both sides of the field, quietly waiting for the start of the battle.

The first elf is always so eye-catching, let's see what kind of elf the two contestants will choose!

As the voice fell, Hisashi and Shinji took out a Poké Ball and threw them out together.

Go, Roseredo!

Mega monster, prepare to fight!



Roseredo, who was spinning gracefully, and the giant golden monster with fierce eyes fell to the ground at the same time.

Player Shangzhi goes first, the game begins!

announced the referee.

Rosredo, use the grass flute!


The corners of Luosreiduo's mouth were slightly raised, and a leaf appeared out of thin air above the mouth, and melodious and beautiful music came out from it, floating in all directions, and all creatures who heard the sound of the grass flute became a little drowsy.

Psychic thoughts.

When the sound of the flute came, the giant golden monster didn't move at all, a powerful thought power emerged from its body, completely enveloping its body and easily blocked the grass flute's attack.

At the same time, Yi Xin Er used his thoughts to forcibly control Roseredo who was playing the grass flute, and smashed it to the ground, forcibly stopping the intoxicating music.

The effect is outstanding!

Rosredo, petal dance!

The flowers in Luosreiduo's hands, who were controlled to shake constantly, immediately released a powerful force, and countless petals rose around her body, breaking the super power and sweeping towards the giant golden monster at the same time.

Moving at high speed.

The moment the petals fell, the giant golden monster's huge silver body instantly disappeared, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards Rosereiduo, easily dodging all the attacks with extremely fast speed.

Magic Leaf!

Luosreiduo changed her tactics decisively, and the released petals instantly turned into countless green leaves and flew towards the giant golden monster.

Comet Punch!

In response, the giant metal monster raised its two front legs high and the whole elf rushed out like a comet.


The incoming magic leaf was instantly shattered by the high-speed comet, turning into debris and flying away.

Get out of the way!

Seeing that the magic leaf was ineffective, Roseredo decisively took a strange dance step and dodged to the side.

However, just after taking two steps, I felt a mysterious spiritual force lock it, making it difficult to move. I could only watch the Comet Fist get closer and closer to me...


When the two elves collided, Roseredo collapsed at the touch of a touch, and was instantly sent flying.

Psychic thoughts!

Before Rosereiduo landed, the giant metal monster turned his mental power into a shock wave and launched it, hitting the former in an instant, and completing the attack on him.

The effect is outstanding!

After falling to the ground, Roseredo tilted her head and fell into a deep sleep.

Rosredo lost the ability to fight, the giant gold monster, and won.

announced the referee.

Oh! This game is really surprising. The gold monster used by player Shinji is not only special in color, but also very powerful.

With a powerful attack and terrifying speed, he easily defeated Roseredo directly and forcefully.

Let's see, what kind of elf will Contestant Shang Zhi choose to deal with the powerful golden monster?

The commentator's voice resounded throughout the audience, and began to mobilize the atmosphere.

Come back, Roseredo, you've done a good job.

Shangzhi took out the poke ball and took Roseredo back into the ball, watching Shinji slowly take out another poke ball and throw it out.

Go, Tanabata blue bird!


A bird song resounded across the sky, its wings were like cotton, and the light Tanabata blue bird was flying in the sky.

Heh~ I can fly.

Seeing the Tanabata blue bird, a strange smile appeared on the corner of Shinji's mouth.

Qixi Blue Bird, use Dragon Dance!

After Shangzhi finished speaking, the Tanabata blue bird in the sky immediately began to dance and perform mysterious rituals to enhance its speed and attack.



As a multifunctional training aid, the Metagross has naturally mastered the move of gravity these days. A mysterious purple light suddenly emitted from his body, and a strange force field suddenly enveloped the entire field.


In the arena, the multiple of gravity was surprisingly high, and the Tanabata blue bird, which was about to complete the dragon dance, was instantly crushed by this gravity and fell to the ground.

Does this elf have gravity?

Looking at the Tanabata blue bird that fell to the ground and could not fly, Shang Zhi's expression changed.

He knew that Shinji Kyuubi would have gravity, but he didn't expect that the golden monster would have gravity.

Cotton Defense!

After reacting, he saw that the giant metal monster was accumulating energy, and it seemed that he was planning some great trick. Shang Zhi, who knew that the Qixi blue bird, which could not fly, would not be able to evade this move, said hastily.


The fur on the Tanabata blue bird's body was green and glowing, and the cotton-like hair became a little more fluffy.

The defense has been greatly improved!

Okay, Meteor Beam, launch.


That's right, the giant gold monster is brewing a big trick, but it's not a physical attack trick.

The giant metal monster, which has improved its special attack by absorbing cosmic power, under Shinji's order, a powerful beam of light cut through the space in an instant, and fell on Tanabata blue bird in a blink of an eye.


The light beam fell, and the explosion rose, and the body of the Tanabata blue bird was completely shrouded in smoke and dust.

The giant metal monster whose special attack has been upgraded by one level, launches a meteor beam of rock attribute to attack the Tanabata blue bird with flying attribute, the power of this attack is extraordinary!

A few seconds later, the smoke dissipated, and the dusty Tanabata blue bird lay quietly in the broken pothole.

The Tanabata blue bird lost the ability to fight, and the golden monster won.

announced the referee.

Oh, big crisis, big crisis, player Shang Zhi is in a big crisis!

In the face of the powerful giant gold monster, Rose Leiduo and Qixi blue bird were easily defeated one after another. How should player Shang Zhi respond in the end?

Let us look forward to its last elves!

The narrator's words came from the radio next to his ear, and Shangzhi, who had taken back the elf, was working rapidly, choosing one of his elves to deal with the golden monster.

The metal monster is very powerful, its speed cannot be compared with it, and its strength is also extremely strong. It also has a good use of superpowers. Which one should I use?

Reminiscing about his elves, Shang-Chi felt that only the Jackrabbit and the Speaker Cricket could fight against it.

At this most critical moment, after a quick brain storm, Shang Zhi finally made his own decision and threw the Poké Ball.

Speaker Cricket, it's up to you!

The elf ball was opened, and a loudspeaker cricket full of fighting spirit landed on the field.

Wow! Contestant Shangzhi's last elf turned out to be a speaker cricket.

At this most critical moment, the speaker cricket stood up!

It doesn't matter even if the Metagross is powerful? It doesn't matter, it will attack!

I believe it can create miracles for us!

Seeing the debut of the speaker cricket, the narrator who loves the speaker cricket began to shout passionately.

Thanks to the trainer 666 oranges for the reward ╰(*︶`*)╯

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