Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 187 Mysterious Halo, Confused People | Blackmailing the Alliance

Chapter 187 Mysterious aura, the bewildered crowd blackmails the alliance

Everyone attack!

Ah Xun Minghui understood, and immediately let the elf launch an attack on the twin gods.

In an instant, all the elves attacked and launched at the same time.

Diyaluka, the Roar of Time, Palkya, Yakong Slash.

At this time, the two gods who had just completed the creation of the new world freed their hands and launched a unique move at the same time, easily smashing all the launched attacks, and fell into the crowd without losing momentum.

Fortunately, under the guard of the awakened Sansheng Mushroom, no one was injured.

Thunder, Dragon's Dive.

Ah Kelu~

At this time, after appreciating the birth of the new world, Shinji also came back to his senses completely, and nodded to He Liebite Land Shark and Dengeki Warcraft.

Broken land~

The body of the electric shock monster blazed with thunder, and the fierce biting land shark also released endless murderous aura to lock the target at the same time.

The next moment, the golden thunder pierced the sky, and directly slashed towards the red sun, biting Lu Shark followed closely behind, turning into a dragon and pounced on it.

The people present did not expect that Shinji would either not move, or directly attack the Chi Japanese.

Even Chi Ri, who felt in control of everything at this moment, didn't react, subconsciously turned around and reached out to block the thunder.


The moment the lightning touched the red sun, a mysterious force emanated from the glove and turned into a protective cover to block the attack. Although it was a little crumbling, it was still not broken.

But the biting land shark that followed immediately shattered the shield, hitting the red gemstone in the center of the glove.

Under the influence of external forces, the gemstone exploded with a bang, and the terrifying impact force caused the fierce biting land shark to be thrown into the air, and Chiri, whose arm was severely twisted and deformed, was also rushed out, falling to the in the new world door.

Maybe it was the pain, or maybe it was the loss of the power to control everything, Chi Sun regained a certain clarity in his eyes, opened his hands in a hugging gesture and entered the new world he created.



The gloves controlling the red chains were destroyed, and the red sun disappeared.

With the help of all the elves, the two gods got out of trouble at the same time.

The moment they got out of trouble, Diyaluka and Palkiya seemed unable to bear the fact that they were being manipulated, and angrily launched a powerful attack on the gate of the new world with all their strength, forcibly destroying it.

Perhaps, the new world was not destroyed, but the gate leading to the new world was definitely completely shattered.

This world, in the true sense, was cut off from the new world.

Except for Arceus who was born in the chaos, there is absolutely no possibility for any existence to find that new world.

But it wasn't over yet. After destroying the new world, the two gods fought together frantically again, irrationally like wild beasts.

From time to time, the attack will also affect the people who rescued them.




The three holy mushrooms looked at each other, and flew up to the top of the two elves, using their own power to send them back to their own world.

However, at this time, an accident happened.



The gazes of Palkya and Dialka turned to the three elves, and they attacked at the same time.

The Roar of Time combined with the Yakong Cleave, instantly knocking out the little three who had been beaten all the way, and then beat them together violently again.

Time and space coexist, and the different space where the Gun Pillar exists is collapsing.


Suddenly, in the endless darkness, a ghost appeared.

Good old man, Giratina came to persuade the fight!

Then... was besieged and beaten violently!

Just as everyone was about to assist Sanshenggu and Giratina to calm the two elves, a mysterious halo emerged above each of the three elves.

A strange and terrifying evil aura exudes from the halo.

The next moment, the halo forcibly covered the three elves, carrying them with them and disappearing into the space of the pillar of the spear that was on the verge of collapse.

What? How?

What's going on?

Where did the aura come from? Did some evil organization summon Giratina, Palkiya, and Dialga?

Sirona, Ah Xun, and Minghui were a little confused, and they were all ready to fight to stop time and space. Why did the three elves disappear in a blink of an eye?

Only when Shinji saw the halo, a certain plot suddenly flashed in his mind-Super Demon God of Halo, Hoopa

Almost at the same time, in Fengyuan area, a mysterious halo appeared on the heads of Gulardo and Gaioka, who were fighting in front of Chiyansong, Shuiwutong, Dawu, and Ailan, and disappeared after covering them.

The bewildered crowd was left behind, as well as the strange-colored Super Liekongza summoned by Xiaoyou and Xiaoyao.

But it didn't take long for the heterochromatic Super Ray Kongza to be taken away by the mysterious halo.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Team Flare's submarine packs away the mysterious boulder.

In the Hezhong area, Kyurem, who was originally controlled by the plasma team in a special device, also had a mysterious halo above his head. He packed him away and shocked all the plasma team members...

in the pillar of guns

Depend on?

what happened?


How do I know?


So what to do?

The wounded Sanshenggu looked at each other, and like everyone around him, their eyes were full of bewilderment.

After a brief spiritual exchange, the three little ones flew in front of Shinji and the crowd, released their power, led the crowd and the spirits and disappeared into the pillar of the spear, and when they reappeared, they were already outside the pillar of the spear.

The next thing was simple. Led by the handsome guy and Miss Junsha who arrived later, many Galaxy team members were arrested.

Here, on behalf of the alliance, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to all of you. Without you, perhaps the Sinnoh region and even the world would suffer unpredictable threats.

Miss Junsha bowed to Shinji and the others.

Wow Kaka~ No thanks, no thanks, dealing with evil is what we should do!

Well, it's like this, the world is so beautiful, I really don't understand why it should be destroyed.

Ah Xun and Minghui waved their hands.

Sirona looked at the two with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Greatest gratitude? Is there a reward?

At this time, an untimely voice sounded.

Everyone looked and found that Shinji was taking out Rotom's mobile phone to check something, and seemed to mention it casually.

Uh... this, this... There will definitely be rewards, and honorary certificates will be issued, as well as some bonuses.

Miss Junsha froze for a moment, then said embarrassingly.

Oh, there's still a bonus?!

Hearing that there is still a bonus, Ah Xun, who was still proud just now, couldn't help getting excited, and asked repeatedly: How much is the bonus, is it 10 million? Is there 100 million? Can you build a battle tower?

This...maybe...not enough...

Miss Junsha suddenly felt a little ashamed.

Honor is the key point, and bonuses are usually symbolic. One hundred and eighty thousand is not bad, and ten million and one hundred million are needed to build a tower.

Is that all? If the so-called alliance's greatest gratitude is all this, then there is no need to bother you.

Shinji also put away his phone and looked at Miss Junsha calmly.

Ah, this... all my powers can only promise these, if you need something, I can ask for instructions.

Junsha blushed again and smiled awkwardly.

Super Evolution Stone, Giant Wristband...it's all fine, sorry for the trouble.

I want these too, please, Miss Junsha.

After Shinji finished speaking, Minghui couldn't stand anymore. He didn't value money very much, but he valued these precious props quite a lot.

Me too! Me too!

Ah Xun, who knew that there was a high probability that the bonus would not be enough to build a battle tower, also echoed.

Sure enough, if you want to build a battle tower, you should follow the old man's path, become stronger, become famous, and then find someone to invest in the construction!

And now, a powerful trainer, who doesn't have a special combat system?

I try my best...

Miss Junsha wiped off the sweat that didn't exist.

Beside, Sirona smiled and said nothing the whole time.

She is just the champion of the alliance, equivalent to a partner and spokesperson of the alliance, and the alliance is not her family, so if you lose some precious props, you will lose, what does it matter.

Besides, she also felt that the three teenagers should be rewarded.

Suddenly, Sirona reacted——

Eh~ No, it seems that I don't even have a giant wristband?

How about knocking together... asking for one as a reward?

Well, it's purple sauce!

It won't be unfinished, I just want to make waves.

Is Team Galaxy action okay after two chapters?

In the next chapter, the last main battle elves in the Sinnoh region will appear.

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