Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 186 Tianguan Mountain, the Pillar of the Spear, the Birth of a New World

Sinnoh region, over Lizhi Lake

Shinji, who came by biting the land shark, saw a violent explosion in the lake, A Shun who was angry below, and a special aircraft going away.

Follow the aircraft!

After Shinji knew that the following things were over, he decisively patted and bit Lu Shark's head to signal a change of path, and rushed towards the aircraft that was obviously the Galaxy team.


Lie Bite Lu Shark decisively changed direction and chased after him at top speed.

It's a pity that even though it is extremely fast, faster than normal aircraft, it is still no match for the high-tech aircraft transformed by Team Galaxy.

Not long after, the aircraft disappeared from sight.

However, Shinji, who knew that his destination was Tianguan Mountain, did not stop, and continued to fly in that direction after pursuing that mysterious and mysterious feeling.

Suddenly, a black dot appeared in the field of vision, which was exactly the same as the direction he was rushing to.

In less than ten seconds, after the black dot approached, Shinji realized that it was also a biting land shark with a beautiful blond woman riding on it.


Broken land~

The two biting land sharks did not communicate but flew together in tacit understanding and flew side by side before they began to bark, which was regarded as a greeting.

Miss Sirona, are you going to stop the Galaxy team?

The sky was windy, Shinji asked simply.

We found strange fluctuations in Tianguan Mountain. I got the specific news and rushed to check.

Sirona said simply.

Dance of the Dragon, speed up.

Shinji knows very well that his biting land shark can't keep up with Sirona's speed, so he can only choose to use skills to speed up.

As for the extra stamina consumed, it's not that he doesn't have tree fruits on his body anyway, so he just needs to supplement it with orange fruits.

Ever since, biting Lu Sha decisively, Dragon Dance began to speed up to catch up with Sirona and rush to Tianguan Mountain.

Shinji, Miss Sirona!

When he was about to reach the target area, a shout suddenly came from his ear.

The two turned their heads and saw Minghui riding Pokkis rushing over.

I sneaked into the Galaxy team branch and found out the exact location of Tianguan Mountain where they are going. Come with me!

As he said that, Minghui raised the high-tech map in his hand, let Pokkisi lead the way, and led the two towards their destination.

Seeing this, Shinji, who let Lie Bite Lu Shark follow him, sighed in his heart. He deserves to be the protagonist.

Like the group of wastes like the Animation League or Interpol, even the information about the Galaxy team in the system can be directly destroyed because of the detection of special rubies, and the backup is not kept, it is simply impossible.

Suddenly, a flying vehicle floated in front of everyone not far away, and a purple-haired Galactic team member with a purple tank skunk was staying with some Galactic team members.

Really, I'm the only one in charge.

Suixing looked helplessly at the mysterious space gate opened with the gun key next to him.

What... ah~

Suddenly, Suixing felt something was wrong, turned his head and saw a dragon-shaped wave flying towards him.


The explosion occurred, and the tank skunk fell to the ground after the smoke cleared. Only then did Suixing realize that Shinji, Minghui, and Sirona had appeared in front of him.


Everyone worked together to easily solve all the few members of the Galaxy team, and then released the imprisoned handsome guy and several other Interpol in the aircraft.

Handsome guy, I'll leave this to you guys.

Sirona said.

All members of Team Galaxy have been knocked down, and the elves have also been confiscated. Naturally, she doesn't need to watch, and now it is more important to go in and check the internal situation.

Wait, wait! Wait for me!

Just when he was about to enter it, the little yellow-haired Axun actually rushed over on the body of Mu Keying.

Then enter together and stop Team Galaxy's conspiracy.

The situation is urgent at this moment, and it is not suitable to talk more. Sirona took the lead to enter it after speaking, and rushed towards the pillar of the gun in the depths by stepping on the light ladder.

Everyone go stop the Galaxy team first.

Everyone on the road released their own flying elves one after another, to stop the elves inside first.

In the mysterious pillar of the spear

The red sun that crossed the light ladder brought Pluto, Huo Xing, Zhen Xing, and individual Galaxy members into it, using the power of the three holy mushrooms to cooperate with the red chain, the diamond orb, and the white jade orb to start summoning Dialga and Palkiya .

At this moment, all the Galaxy players were suddenly controlled by a mysterious force and floated into the air uncontrollably.


what's the situation?

This familiar feeling...

Zhen Xing, Pluto, and Huo Xing who were under control were all shocked, but Chi Ri, who was wearing a red chain glove, was not affected in the slightest.

The two biting land sharks seemed to be in no one's land, and instantly solved the few elves present.

Ah Kelu~


Electric shock monsters and Pokkisi followed, and one used precise lightning to land on the red gemstone on the forehead of Sansheng Mushroom, destroying it, and a wave missile directly blew up the machine that released the red chain.

At this time, several people arrived, and Minghui and Ah Xun immediately hugged and comforted Yukexi and Yaknom who fell from the sky

Only Shinji held Emrido blankly like a puppy, took out a poke ball and touched Emrido, and put it in the poke ball.


Emrido, who was almost subdued in the next second, suddenly woke up and broke free from the Poké Ball, looking at his chosen one in shock.

I am so optimistic about you, you actually want to subdue me? !

Of course, Emrido, who knew that the situation was urgent, didn't think too much, and immediately woke up the two sleeping friends.

Galaxy team, let's catch it!

Your actions have failed.

Bite in front of the land shark, Sirona looked at the only Chihi who was not controlled by Shinji's nine-tailed magical power and said.

So what?

Chi Ri rolled his eyeballs calmly, and slowly raised his hand with the red chain glove, and the red gemstone emitted a dazzling red light.

The next moment, Diya Luka and Palkiya were summoned instantly, and there was a red mysterious halo around their bodies to limit their power

With the force of the red chains, the time and space gods were manipulated one after another, screaming in the red chains with red eyes.

Haha, so what if you're here?

Under the red chain that holds the power of creation, Dialga and Palkya can only be manipulated. No matter how strong you are, can you still be the opponent of Dialga and Palkya?

In the air, Zhen Xing said with a chuckle, a frenzy flashed in his eyes.

Everything is a foregone conclusion, a new world will be born!

O Dialga who controls time, Palkya who controls space, release your power, and create a new universe from now on!

Chiri opened his hands and shouted.

The two elves roared loudly immediately, and their bodies were stimulated to release terrifying, mysterious and unknown energy.

As soon as the two energies were released, an unknown sense of fear suddenly appeared in the hearts of everyone present, as if everything would be destroyed and reborn.

Feeling like a disaster is imminent, whether it is Sirona, Minghui, or Ah Shun, horror appears on the faces, but the eyes of the Galaxy team members are full of surprise, excitement, and fanaticism.

Everyone, run away!

In a panic, Sirona, who thought something would happen, immediately called out and hid aside with Minghui and Ah Xun with the elves.

This is... the so-called power of God? Interesting.

Only Shinji did not retreat a step, looking up at the mysterious black hole that seemed to have another universe inside after the two forces merged.

As a time traveler, Shinji seems to have lost his determination to deal with bad guys in the past at this moment. Jing Jing and the elves watched this miraculous scene and felt the power of God.

Oh ~ universe, the world is being born!

I bring order to this chaos

Chi Sun was shouting, his heart and eyes were full of fanaticism, at this moment, he was unprecedentedly proud and happy, as if he had the power to control everything.

Everyone, destroy the aura that controls Dialga and Palkiya.

At this time, Sirona, who saw the two gods attacking, immediately returned to her senses, and shouted immediately.

At the end of Chapter 184, there was a typo in Karumu. I changed a few words and changed it to——

Karum, who got eight badges, came to the city called Desert City that day.

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