Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 188 Unknown Totem Strange Riot, Boss Kedora

Somewhere in the boundless Tianguan Mountains, Shinji is leading the elves to train.

Since stopping the Galaxy team's conspiracy, Shinji did not rush back to Curtain City, but took the elves to train in Tianguan Mountain.



On this day, Shinji, who was training elves, suddenly heard a roar not far away.

What about the battle? Something happened?

Hearing the sound, it seemed that there were powerful spirits haunting. Shinji first took back the other spirits decisively, and walked towards that side with the electric shock beast.

Before reaching the place where the sound was excavated, Shinji suddenly found some unknown totems with various shapes and symbols flying around in the sky, and the mysterious power made the surrounding sky dark and distorted.

It was as if a natural disaster was about to strike.

The unknown totem is not scary, it can only use the power of awakening as a move, in a sense it can be said to be the weakest elf.

But at the same time, the Unknown Totem is also one of the most powerful elves. No one knows what kind of power they can exert when they are grouped together.


Before Shinji walked over, a big steel snake with red eyes drilled out of the jungle not far away from the mountain, and rushed towards Shinji regardless.

Ah Kelu~

The electric shock monster who was following Shinji saw an elf dared to attack inexplicably, a trace of anger appeared on his face, and he rushed head-on with a move of splitting tiles and landed on the head of the big steel snake.

The effect is outstanding!

Boom! There was a bang, and the big steel snake was knocked down to the ground.

Seeing that it was still moving, it was so frightened that the electric shock monster backhanded another qi bullet to make it lie down obediently, and then heaved a sigh of relief and returned to Shinji's side.

what's the situation?

It's not like I haven't seen a violent elf during the trip. The big steel snake has obviously gone crazy. There must be some unknown problem ahead. This makes Shinji hesitate, whether to go and have a look.

It's not that he's afraid that the wild elves will go crazy, but that his own elves will go crazy too.

Shinji was still thinking about it, but the unknown totems in the sky didn't give Shinji time to think, and dozens of them gathered together and flew over.

Wherever it passed, red light filled the air, the space was distorted, and the strangeness was spreading.

Motivate yourself, recharge your batteries, and don't let them over.

Shinji said decisively.

Ah Kelu~

My uncle is running rampant all over the world, so I can't fall here today.

A trace of seriousness and apprehension flashed in the eyes of the Electric Shock Monster, and he began to crazily motivate and charge.

After the unknown totem slowed down a bit, it launched a decisive thunder strike, and a super-wide range of lightning fell down, instantly pulling all the unknown totems into the world of thunder and lightning.

In the thunder and lightning, the eyes of all the unknown totems were slightly red, and a faint barrier appeared on the whole body, which kept the distance from Shinji closer while blocking the thunder.

As the enemy advances and we retreat, the electric shock beast stimulates several times to cooperate with the charging, and the power increases greatly. The thunder and lightning immediately break through the barrier of the unknown totem and land on the latter.

Before the electric shock beast could knock them down, the group of unknown totems scattered like birds and beasts and merged into the real large army.

Ah Kelu~

Wait, don't go.

The Electric Shock Beast was about to chase after it, but Shinji immediately reached out to grab it.

You know, the gathering of dozens of unknown totems alone can make it difficult to defeat the electric shock beast after self-motivation several times, let alone the hundreds of unknown totems in the distance.

It is really rare for so many unknown totems to appear at the same time.

While watching from a distance, Shinji discovered that the group of unknown totems moved purposefully, not simply distorting the space to make the elves go berserk.

The flying speed of the unknown totems is not very fast, as if they are looking for somewhere, Shinji is not in a hurry, slowly hangs behind them, and plans to retreat at any time when they see something bad.

After following for a short time, some elves who were maddened by the unknown totem came to attack Shinji.

But most of them were beaten with electric shocks before they got close, and those who were closer were knocked down with a punch.


There was another terrifying roar coming from not far behind. Shinji glanced subconsciously, and saw that this time it was a huge Bosco Dora, whose physique was not inferior to that of an electric shock monster, and whose armor was covered with scars. .

Boss Kedora was panting heavily, with a violent red light in his eyes, and the ground shook with every step he took.

Infuriating bomb.

Shinji said casually.

In the process of walking over, the electric shock monster has already been strengthened to the extreme, and it has extremely powerful power with every single blow.

Even Daye's Flame Monkey couldn't ignore its power, and now it was just a furious Boscodora.

One move of qi bomb combined with four times the attribute restraint, under the king of heaven, as long as it hits, one move instant kill is definitely not the solution to the problem.

Ah Kelu~

As Shinji thought, the electric shock beast didn't care much about Boss Kedora.

In the past, I was able to fight by myself during the electric shock beast period, but now it is even easier.

Not to mention a crazy Boscodora.

Immediately, he gathered all his strength and smashed towards Boss Kedora, trying to kill him with one blow.


The zhenqi bomb hit Boss Kedora in an instant, and an extremely terrifying explosion occurred.



However, Shinji and Dengeki Warcraft, who didn't care about it at first, were taken aback for a moment.

Because, amidst the smoke, Boss Kedora's body was still standing on the ground, and there was even a strange metallic light in front of him.

This blow didn't knock him down? !

Use and hold!

Immediately after regaining consciousness, Shinji retreated immediately, while shouting in his mouth.

Hearing this, the Electric Shock Monster didn't even think about it, and put up a green protective cover immediately.

In the next instant, the rays of light on Boss Kedora's body gathered in his mouth, and it turned into an energy wave and shot out. Compared with the zhenqi bomb just now, it was only stronger but not weaker!

Metal explosion!


Amidst the roar of the explosion, even the Electric Shock Beast stood up and defended ahead of time, but after bearing the blow, it was also shattered into fragments, revealing the Electric Shock Beast with its inner body and face darkened.


Boss Kedora, who was in a frenzy, ignored the expression of the electric shock monster. After the metal explosion was launched, he gathered all his strength and used another move again.

Like a heavy-duty truck, Boscodora, every step seems to be able to completely crush the ground...

Heavy impact!

Splitting tiles!

A trace of seriousness flashed in Shinji's eyes, and he said to the electric shock beast.

Ah Kelu~

With a flash of golden light, the body of the Electric Shock Beast turned into electric light and rushed to Boss Kedora one step ahead, splitting tiles with both hands and falling down.


Boscodora, who was pounding heavily, collapsed at the touch of a touch and was directly knocked down to the ground.

Boss Kedora is the last elf

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