Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 185 The Chosen One|World Chaos|Protagonists

Chapter 185 The Protagonists of Chaos in the Chosen One's World

For the next few days, Shinji trained near Yinquan City.

At noon on this day, Shinji, who was eating at the Spirit Center, suddenly became dizzy and shocked, as if his soul was going out of his body.

This feeling is extremely strange, and it's not uncomfortable to say that it's uncomfortable, as if something is calling him from a distance.


After this feeling calmed down, the figure of Emrido flashed in Shinji's mind.

Unlike in the animation, due to countless chain changes, Xiaozhi has not yet come to the Sinnoh area, and the Galaxy team is already about to start operations.

The people chosen by Sanshenggu have also changed from the protagonist trio to him, Minghui and Ah Xun.

With such a feeling at this moment, there is a high probability that something happened to Sanshenggu.

Just at this time, I suddenly heard a piece of news broadcast on the TV——

Big news, big news. In recent years, the evil organization Galaxy Team that has been lurking underground in Sinnoh has launched a large-scale covert operation...

The unearthed platinum orbs and white jade orbs were stolen one after another. According to rumors, the previous diamond orbs were also stolen by Team Galaxy.

In addition, the prison where the Galaxy team members were held was attacked secretly. All members were rescued a few days ago, and the mysterious key of the gun was seized at some point.

The purpose of the Galaxy team is still unknown, and I hope all the trainers pay more attention...

After listening to this broadcast, Shinji's face stiffened a bit, and he couldn't help cursing in his heart——

What a bunch of useless guys!

It's no wonder that Shinji was so angry, and gave you a tip-off to protect the meteorite, but in the end it was useless, and he stayed lonely.

It's fine if the Galaxy team can't catch it, but if you catch it for you, you can't even pass it? What do you guys eat?

Even if it can't be closed, what about the key to the gun? Don't you know that something so important has been taken away?

Help me call out all the important events that happened in the Sinnoh region and the world recently.

After calming down, Shinji took out his mobile phone Rotom, ready to get some recent information.


He focused on training these days, and really didn't pay much attention to the latest news. Unexpectedly, after only a few days of not paying attention, the Galaxy team ran out and directly launched a large-scale operation.

With the assistance of Rotom's mobile phone, the recent important events were quickly collected.

It doesn't matter if you don't pay attention, once you pay attention, even Shinji will be taken aback.

Kanto Daily - Recently, unknown existences have distributed a large number of invitation letters, inviting powerful trainers to the new island to participate in the trainer event. The alliance pays great attention to this, and may send powerful trainers or investigators to investigate...

It can be seen that Super Dream's Counterattack seems to be in the opening stage.

However, will the so-called trainers and investigators send a heavenly king-level trainer, or send A'Du directly?

Shinji is still interested in whether the real version of Mewtwo, who should have not reached the peak at this stage, is the opponent of Adu or other alliance masters.

It's a pity that we can't catch up.

A mysterious flying palace appeared in the Orange Islands recently. The sky was covered with dark clouds, as if a natural disaster had come. The legendary Flame Bird, Frozen Bird and Lightning Bird appeared one after another. I don't know what happened...

Lugia's Explosion also opened simultaneously? What happened to the butterfly effect?

Chengdu Daily - The Whirlpool Islands have been overcast with heavy rain recently, and mysterious big bird-like elves walk through them, roaring continuously, and the situation is not good...

The Lugia mother and son of the Whirlpool Islands also have problems at this time?

Hoen Daily - The legendary Pokémon who created the land and the Pokémon who created the sea are revived, and they are competing for the mysterious boulder in the sea...

What happened to the lava team and the water fleet at this time?

The plot of XY Special Chapter The Strongest Super Evolution is also triggered at this time?

Legendary Pokémon Raykuza, who created the sky, appeared in Larus City, and seems to be chasing and killing the fantasy Pokémon Deoxys...

The Visitor of the Rift is also ahead of schedule?

Shinji was quite startled when he first watched it, but the more he watched it, the calmer he became.

It's not that nothing major happened later, but it was numb.

It can be said that the difference between before and after this is less than a week, and major events in various regions and various theater editions can be published in newspapers and news at the same time.

The theatrical version and major events that did not happen, either happened quietly, or they will not happen and will happen in the future, or the place where they happened is too remote to attract people's attention, so they didn't make the news.


Perhaps because of the difference in the world, there are many more protagonists, coupled with the emergence of various butterfly effects, and finally evolved into this look.

It’s okay if I didn’t know it before, but now that I know it, let’s think about the Galaxy team and Emrido. Shinji has a premonition in his heart that the Galaxy team is going to do something!

Go to Lizhi Lake to see!

This was the first thought that came to Shinji's mind.

If the Galaxy team wants to make trouble, the next step is definitely to attack Sanshenggu.

As for the most important goal, if there is no accident, it is definitely the closest to the major branches of the Galaxy team, and the most miserable lake in the game animation!

Bite the land shark and go to Lizhi Lake.

After thinking about it, Shinji went out of the elf center and released the biting land shark and sat on it.


When Shinji sat still, he bit the land shark and flew, attracting the attention of many passers-by.

Although Shinji really doesn't want to pay attention to the Galaxy team's affairs, he doesn't want the inexplicable person to disappear.

Although it is Arceus' job to protect the world, the problem is that with so many things happening at the same time, it is still unclear which one Arceus will go to.

Kanto area

Qinglu, are you going to the event too?

Xiao Zhi looked at Qing Lu who looked like Xiao Mao in front of him and asked.

I am the owner of Viridian Gymnasium, one of the most talented trainers in the Kanto area... Even if the alliance didn't entrust me, I would go to see what it is, and dare to call myself the strongest trainer.

Qinglu, the current acting trainer of Changqing Gymnasium, played with the invitation letter in her hand, smiled confidently, and said with emotion:

It's a pity, that fellow Chi Hong hasn't come back from his trip, otherwise we'll be together, no matter what kind of monster he is.

Under the champion, we rattle and kill!

Above the champion, give me 50-50 on everything!

orange islands

Hmm... It seems that something terrible has happened, my friends.

A girl with a beret on her head stared blankly at the three silly birds flying in the sky.


Jie Jie...

Beside him, a well-bred King Nido and Geng Gui nodded in agreement.

Chengdu area

Team Rocket actually captured Little Silver? We absolutely must rescue him.

Ah Xiang looked at the Fiery Beast, Vigorous Crocodile and the different-colored fire-breathing dragon beside him.

Above the Sky in the Hoenn Region

Speed ​​up, Latios, we have to hurry up and summon Rayquaza to help.

Ladias, come on!

Xiaoyou and Xiaoyao, riding on the Latios and Latias brothers and sisters, urged.

Ai Lan and the champion Dawu are also heading towards the incident site by helicopter.


Elledo, mega evolution!

A rather thin green-haired boy looked up at Rayquaza and Deoxys who were chasing each other in the sky, holding the pendant on his chest with one hand, and nodded to Elledo beside him.

Sinnoh area, wise lake fat

A Xun fought against Hunter Zero, who was hired by the Galaxy Team to capture Yaknom's cooperation, but failed.

Minghui found the clues of the Galaxy team in the Galaxy team branch, and began to take Pokkis to Tianguan Mountain.

Union area

In the frozen city of Ssangyong, a fierce battle is going on. Gongping, Mingyi, and Xiu are leading Yanwu King, Monarch Snake, Great Sword Ghost and Xiaka to fight side by side to repel the plasma team. effort.

carlos area

Karum, who got eight badges, came to the city called Desert City that day.

Alola Region

no protagonist


no protagonist

... area, slightly

Well, a little hodgepodge abbreviation

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