Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 184 Post-war Practice and Summary

After challenging the champion Sirona, Shinji took the elf directly to the elf center to recover his strength.

In order for the elves to heal their wounds and digest and exchange experiences, he also specially gave the elves a day off without any training during the period.

It wasn't until the next day that they started training near Yinquan City so as not to forget the gains in the battle.

The training of biting the land shark is very straightforward, directly relying on the experience of playing against Juye and Sirona yesterday, to continue to cultivate the sandstorm and blood recovery mode.

The sandstorm is trained until it is like the sandstorm of the Kikuye hippopotamus or the quicksand of the quicksand hell, until it can cause damage to the ground, steel, and rock attribute pairs. It is equivalent to transforming the weather skill into an all-around skill that can be attacked, defended and controlled.

To this level, among the characters Shinji is currently familiar with, it seems that only Kikuno's elves, Sirona's biting land sharks, and the iron-faced ninjas of the Age of Gods can do it.

The blood recovery mode is to continue to try to open it directly without performing the dragon dance.

The circle bear who trained with Lie Bite Lu Shark is still the same, and continues to work hard to make the perseverance characteristic and hard support moves feel I'm burned, but in fact I don't deduct blood.

As long as that step can be achieved, the battle will last longer.

During the break time, Shinji still did not forget his original intention, and wanted to try to let the circle bear learn lazy moves.

Although it is impossible to learn in the game, but in reality, there is a chance!

As long as you master laziness, you can find an opportunity to be lazy once after using the belly drum to directly recover the lost physical strength, and then fight for a long time.

The electric shock monster is very simple. While continuing to study the natural meditation technique, he began to apply the mental force to actual combat, and learned to use the power scan to respond to the opponent's action in advance, so as to achieve Wusong Charem's goal of predicting the enemy's prophet and being one step faster. .

The training object is Shuangrenwan who has been practicing see through and has been honing his sword skills.

The earth turtle is still training the sun beam and crazy plants, trying to release these two skills without charging and ignoring the side effects after release.

At the same time, growth does not stop.

Fighting against it is the Snow Fairy who is proficient in ghost tactics.

With Snow Hidden, Shadow Clone and Illusion, even the Turtle can hardly hit the Snow Demon Girl once without using the Magic Leaf and the mental power mark manipulation method derived from the Magic Leaf.

The Snow Demon Girl uses multiple moves such as fake crying, coquettish, ghost face, charming and even temptation to weaken her strength, and releases will-o'-the-wisp interference from time to time.

In this way, after the earth turtle fired dozens of hundreds of solar beams and crazy plants, it didn't hit the Snow Fairy once, but was consumed by the Snow Fairy all the time.

If it weren't for its ability to recover blood, it might have been defeated by the Snow Demon Girl during training.

Facts have proved that no matter how strong the strength is, the attack must be able to hit to have a chance to defeat the opponent.

In the end, half an hour after the bloody battle, the Snow Demon Girl was so tired that she was accidentally hit by it once, ending the battle.

Facts have proved that even if you miss, as long as you last long enough, you can still win.

Yes, except that the strength is still not strong enough, the progress in other aspects is very significant.

When treating the Snow Demon Girl, Shinji commented like this.


Lying in Shinji's arms, the Snow Demon Girl responded comfortably, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and Shinji's figure was printed in her pure eyes.

However, after the injury was treated, Shinji patted his head and stood up, and began to express his thoughts.

Try to use the shadow avatar to activate moves such as coquetry, temptation, and ghost face. Don't rely on the main body to activate them all. It is too easy to be discovered when dealing with the strong, and it is to increase proficiency and increase the efficiency of weakening.

The shadow clone has no real entity, and it is difficult to use the clone to attack.

If you insist on learning, Shinji also has an idea. Then you must practice the avatar and shadow avatar to the point of perfection, so that it is possible to turn the fake avatar into a real avatar to attack.

But it takes too much time and cost to learn, and it requires extremely high elf talent. Unless this kind of tactic is particularly needed, there is no need to try to turn the avatar into an entity to attack together.

But theoretically speaking, the difficulty of using the shadow clone to weaken moves such as ghost face and other moves with illusion is relatively low.


Snow Demon Girl understood that when it was fighting Lie Bite Lu Shark before, it actually used its avatar to launch moves.

It's just that the weakening speed is too slow, almost the same as the main body's activation, and it really should be specially trained as Shinji said.

As for not being strong enough, then in addition to training and fighting, he can only improve by practicing natural meditation and yoga.

It is allowed to use the mental power mark manipulation method to find the Snow Fairy, but the attack moves used are still only sun beams and crazy plants.

After talking to the snow demon girl, Shinji said to the tortoise again.

The current Tutai Turtle is actually very perfect. He doesn't know what to improve in normal items, so he can only focus on the most essential moves and hits.


Tutaigui replied with a smile, but looked at Shinji's hand, as if longing for something.


Broken land~

Just at this moment, Lie Bite Lu Sha and Quanquan Xiong, who were covered in injuries, walked over, and looked at Tutai Turtle and Shinji with silly smiles, and they were also longing for something in their eyes.

Heal them.

Shinji walked up to the Turtle and stretched out his hand to gently stroke the latter's head and said.


The happy earth turtle responded, and after transforming the absorbed energy with forest healing, let the body emit a healing light and begin to heal the surrounding elves.

Soon, the injuries on Lie Bite Lu Shark and Quanquan Xiong began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their physical strength also recovered quickly.

During training, don't just use brute force, but treat it as a real battle. Attack hard, shoot fast, and use tricky angles. Except for the moves I forbid, fight with all your strength.

While the two elves were recovering, Shinji said.



Quanquan Xiong and Liebite Lu Shark looked at each other, with a weird smile on their faces.

Are the other elves worried about it and the biting land shark?

After these two modes are turned on, the battles will be done with all their strength and absolutely no water will be released, and the attacks will be aimed at death if they can't be killed.

Okay, let's continue training.

Shinji didn't say much, and looked at Shuangrenwan.

He wasn't worried about the Electric Shock Monster, but Shuangren Wan, who had honed his sword skills for a long time, had obviously changed a lot after yesterday's battle. The whole elf had become more ruthless and sharp, like a real knife.

Shinji couldn't help being a little worried about his mental state.

However, anyway, I will go back to the breeding house in a few days, so it's not a big problem. With Leisi and other breeders and Kyuubi around, some psychological problems are not a big problem.

The most important thing now is to seize that inspiration and quickly improve your strength.

Thanks to the trainer Blue Collar? Xiaoxiaosheng for the reward!

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