Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 183 (Part 2) Biting the land shark|It looks like us, right?

Chapter 183 (Part 2) Biting Lu Shark looks like us, right?

Electric Shock Beast is ready to fight!

Frozen Punch!

Ah Kelu~

As soon as the electric shock monster appeared on the stage, after the mode was turned on, it turned into a thunder and disappeared in place. The next moment, it appeared in front of the biting land shark, and the frozen fist turned into an afterimage and landed on the biting land shark.

Bite Lu Shark didn't panic and easily blocked all the attacks while moving his hands. Just when it was about to deal with the electric shock monster with a move, it suddenly felt a little bad in its heart, and immediately exerted its strength to repel the latter .


During the repelling, the two special tails of the Electric Shock Monster took the opportunity to grab Lie Bite Lu Shark's hand, took advantage of the situation and directly threw it out, and threw a qi bomb in the backhand for bombing.

The ultimate shock.

In the sky, Biting Land Shark was hit by a true energy bomb and was shrouded in smoke. It directly launched the final impact to disperse all the gray fog and slammed into the electric shock monster.

Get away!

Under the three-in-one combination of electric light flash, electromagnetic levitation, and electric engine, the electric shock beast instantly exploded with a speed that even biting land sharks could hardly match, and narrowly escaped the impact.

The speed is so fast, the dive of the dragon!

After a sigh of emotion, Sirona said coldly.


Bite the land shark to dissipate the final impact, directly ignoring the side effects and releasing the murderous aura to instantly lock the electric shock monster, making its escape movement instantly stiff.

Murderous lock, there is no way to avoid it!

Full strength, Frozen Fist!


In desperation, the electric shock beast could only give up the strengthening of pulling and strengthening, mobilize all the power, and dive towards the biting land shark that turned into a dragon with all its strength, and the icy blue light on the hands was icy cold.


As soon as it collided, the electric monster was just like its previous companions. It was directly knocked away by the biting land shark and fell to the ground.

The difference is that the electromagnetic levitation of the electric shock monster is easier to control the body in the sky. When biting the land shark and using tile splitting to make up the knife, a blue light suddenly appeared in the eyes, and the mental force was used to barely interfere.



At the same time as the biting land shark smashed down, a cold fist landed on its body almost at the same time, causing damage to it.


There was a sound of falling to the ground, and the electric shock monster was directly beaten and lay down in the big pit, unable to move.


When Bite Land Shark came back in front of Sirona again, he stretched out his hand and scratched at the place on his chest that was stained with ice due to the freezing fist, smashing the ice easily.

To deal with the biting land shark, you actually chose the electric attribute elf, did you lose?

If you don't even understand attribute restraint, how can you beat the champion.


Another Pokémon was defeated, and the surrounding crowd taunted again, but Shinji didn't bother to pay attention, took out the Poké Ball to take back the Electric Shock Beast, and took out another Poké Ball.

Circle circle bear, get ready to fight!

Stimulate all your strength!


As soon as he appeared on the stage, the circle bear roared. Although his body was burning with flames, his eyes glowed red, and his face was in pain, his aura instantly multiplied several times. At that moment, he stopped biting the land shark under!

Belly bulging, the attack ability level has been raised to the limit!

Perseverance, attack power increased by 50% again!


Seeing this scene, Sirona also showed some interest in her eyes, and said mercilessly:

Bite the land shark, the ultimate impact!


Biting Lu Shark broke out with all his strength at the first moment, and slammed into the circle bear with all his strength.

The circle bear, hold on!

At this moment, the circle bear doesn't know what fear is at all. After using the burnt state and the life orb to arouse even more terrifying power, it slams into the biting land shark with all its strength.


In the midst of the bang, the circle bear was not defeated by Lie Bite Lu Shark's move. Instead, it was evenly matched with Lie Bite Lu Shark. For a while, the two elves didn't have an obvious one who was stronger and who was weaker.

But three seconds later, Lie Bite Lu Shark, who launched the ultimate impact, felt that he was faintly suppressed, and immediately retreated decisively to avoid it.

However, the circle bear did not give it a chance to adjust, and started again, punching Lie Bite Lu Shark with a punch, forcing Lie Bite Lu Shark to use both hands to resist.


This time, as if the roles were reversed, Lie Bite Lu Sha was defeated by the circle bear.

Get out of the way, Meteor Swarm.

Sirona's voice awakened the biting land shark again, and instead of following the rhythm of the circle bear, he quickly withdrew and retreated and flew high into the sky, launching a meteor swarm.

As the meteors fell, the shortcomings of the circle bear's slow speed were fully exposed, and there was no way to dodge them. They could only forcibly break the meteor swarm with force.

Just when he finished dealing with the meteor swarm, the circle bear who was exhausted after being burned and consumed by the life orb was hit by the biting land shark who didn't know when it landed behind him, and he fell powerlessly on the ground .

The biting land shark that came back to Sirona also began to pant, fighting against multiple elves in a row, and each elf consumed a certain amount of energy or was injured, more or less tired.

Sure enough, this circle of bears can only be seen with strength, and it is useless in other aspects.

Yeah, I thought how strong it was, but it turned out that it disappeared in two strokes.

It doesn't last at all, shame on you.

Another elf was defeated, and the words of the surrounding melon-eating crowd became sharper.


Taitai Turtle, get ready to fight.

Taking back the circle bear, Shinji threw out the last poke ball very simply, and released the earth turtle.


The huge earth turtle landed on the ground, saw the traces of battle all around, and realized that the opponent was not easy to deal with, and immediately grew up with all its strength.

Damn, what a big earthen turtle.

Why is this guy's elf so big?

So what if it's big? It's all about being strong outside.

That's right, how many times can you withstand biting the land shark?

After being shocked, the passer-by taunted mercilessly again.

Your terrace tortoise looks pretty good. I've never heard of such a big terrace tortoise.

A bit of surprise also flashed in Sirona's eyes.

Even as a champion, she has never heard of this earthen turtle that looks bigger than two.

Thank you for the compliment, Shinji said immediately after being polite, Crazy Plant.


The ground collapsed in an instant, and dozens of hardened plants stabbed at the biting land shark.

Dragon Claw!

The mobile biting land shark did not choose to resist, but rushed towards the earth turtle. Wherever it passed, all the hardened plants that could avoid it were avoided. If it could not be avoided, it would be cut off forcibly.


In a blink of an eye, Lie Bite Lu Sha rushed to the Tutai Turtle at the cost of suffering minimal damage, and a dragon claw mercilessly landed on the latter's head.



After receiving this blow, the earth platform turtle uncontrollably put its head in close contact with the ground.

One move failed to defeat the Turtle Turtle, biting Lu Shark without saying anything, another move with the other hand was to smash the tiles and fall on the head of the Turtle Turtle, causing damage to it.

Grab it!

At this time, a look of determination appeared in the painful eyes of the Turtle Turtle, biting the ground under Lu Shark's feet and breaking it instantly. Strange roots and grass grew out of the ground and entangled it. At the same time, the three raised rocks on its back glowed green and turned into The light chain was bound to the latter.

Knotting, Rooting, Ultimate Draining!

The three skills were activated almost at the same time, even if the land shark was bitten fiercely, it only had time to shatter the ultimate absorption, and then half of the body was bound tightly by roots and grass.

The Tutai turtle didn't want to let go of the biting land shark. Instead, it spit out parasitic seeds from its mouth, making it more difficult for the biting land shark to move.

The three light chains on the back fell on Lie Bite Lu Shark again and strengthened again and absorbed Lie Bite Lu Shark's physical strength.

At the same time, the Terra Turtle mercilessly opened its mouth and bit the Lie Bite Shark, a strange red light emitted from the big tree on its back, and directly began to absorb the Lie Bite Shark's physical strength.

In an instant, the situation changed suddenly!

The earth turtle almost activated all the skills that can restrain and absorb the biting land shark, and tried its best to restrict its actions.

After the previous weakening of the Snow Demon Girl, the damage received by Biting Lu Shark at this moment is equivalent to doubled.

Terrifying control.

After admiring, Sirona showed a smile and said:

Dragon Wave.


Other places were restrained, but Lie Bite Lu Shark's head was still able to move. The first time it spewed out waves, it hit the earth turtle at close range, forcibly breaking through many restraints.

Seeing this, the Turtle Turtle quickly made vines to block the mouth of the biting land shark.

However, as soon as he was blocked by Lie Bite Lu Shark, he activated the flame teeth to directly burn the vines, and activated the dragon's wave again to break even more comfort.

After breaking all the restraints with a burst of full strength, he leaped into the sky and dived down with the ultimate impact.

Hold on!

A green protective cover appeared out of thin air, blocking the two, but it broke apart within two seconds.



The explosion appeared, and the fierce biting land shark leaped out of the smoke, and the wave of the dragon was fired into it again, making the smoke thicker.

After a while, the smoke dissipated, and the Terra Turtle fell to the ground.

And when Lie Bite Lu Sha jumped back in front of Sirona, he half-kneeled powerlessly on the ground, panting violently.

come back.

Thank you very much, I will come to challenge again in the future.

Quietly watching the earth turtle and biting land shark for two seconds, Shinji took out the poke ball to take it back, and then bowed slightly to Miss Sirona.

After expressing his gratitude, he turned and left, leaving the eyes and mocking voices of the people around him, which could not be subdued for a long time.

Shinji...the boys and elves are pretty good, they look like us in the past, right~

Stepping forward to caress the biting land shark covered in scars, Sirona looked at Shinji going away with a smile on her face.


Biting Lu Sha weakly and nodding, he couldn't help but recall the youthful years when he fought against the trainer.

7000+ words

Sirona, with this strength, I haven't released much water, so it's okay.

I will not engage in emotional dramas out of nowhere, at least in my setting, there is no real heroine (there will be a more special female lead, who will appear later), so don't worry!


Push a book: Elves: Traveling from True New Town

There is no intrigue in the traditional and joyful traveling elf novel, only to grow up with the beloved elf traveling happily.

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