Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 179 (Part 2) Surprise attack, the flame monkey caught off guard

The opponent's four heavenly kings, go all out!


Shinji's words instantly ignited all the fighting spirit of Dengeki Warcraft.


Sonic Fist.

When the electric monster raises its hands and feet, the raging thunder and lightning shoot out, chopping at the flaming monkey.

Motivate yourself! Electric Engine Inspired!

The thunder is very powerful, but the flame monkey is not afraid at all, and after slightly sideways to avoid the thunder, it rushes towards the electric shock monster.


Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of crisis appeared in the flame monkey's heart. Hearing Daye's words, he turned his head decisively and swung his fist, smashing the thunder and lightning coming from the corner.

When he looked back at the Electric Shock Beast, he found that it had already flown into the sky, looking down at him.

Spray flames.

The venue is so big, so what if the electric monster can fly?

No matter how you fly, you can't completely get out of the range of the flame monkey's attack.

As a result, after the flame monkey emitted a super-wide jet flame, although the electric shock monster evaded at the first time with high speed, it was still extremely embarrassed by the jet flame.

Within a few seconds, the flame monkey seized the opportunity to predict the dodge position of the electric shock monster, and sprayed flames out in advance, making it impossible for the latter to avoid it.

Hold on!

In the flames, the Electric Shock Beast propped up a green protective cover to block the flames.

But unexpectedly, the flaming monkey never stopped breathing fire, and kept covering the electric monster in flames.

In less than two seconds, the protective cover completely melted under the flames and fell on the electric shock beast.

Light wall!

Before the flame burned for more than a second, the electric shock monster supported the light wall, weakening the flame damage it received.

After the light wall was activated successfully, the Electric Shock Beast accelerated with all its strength, and distanced itself from the flame monkey again.

Want to keep strengthening? How can I give you this chance?

Daye also saw the intention of shocking the monster at this moment, so he wasn't worried at all.

He obviously gave you a chance to fight a few tricks with the flame monkey and beat you, but you avoided fighting, how could you get what you want?

Flame monkey, challenge.


The flame monkey slowly raised a hand towards the electric shock beast, then snapped up his middle finger and shouted loudly.

The provocative electric monster instantly felt a nameless anger ignited in his heart, and his self-motivation stopped for a while.

Fortunately, the essence of stimulating the electric engine is to self-charge itself, which is not considered a change type move and is not affected by provocation.

Electric floating can also float for some time because it is always in an excited state.

But this also means that as long as the monster is provoked after the electric shock, it may be an earthquake from the flame monkey as soon as it lands.


After being provoked, the electric shock monster's eyes were reddish, but the urge to kill the opponent continued to emerge in his heart.

High-speed stars!

Responding to the provocation, the electric shock monster created a large number of high-speed stars flying in all directions, blocking the line of sight while swarming towards the flame monkey.

It's useless, spray flames.

The flame monkey spewed out a huge range of flames, and at the cost of weakening the power, it instantly emptied most of the golden stars that were not very powerful in the sky.

Just as the flame monkey cleared the high-speed stars in a certain direction, a flash of lightning rushed out of the smoke, and two thunderbolt fists that were bigger than the casserole smashed out.



Just when the attack hit, the seemingly defenseless Flame Monkey turned around in an instant, and the Sonic Fist perfectly intercepted the Thunder Fist.

Immediately afterwards, countless fist shadows punched out, hitting the electric shock monster mercilessly.

But what surprised it was that apart from its strength, the electric shock monster was able to match its punching speed, so it barely blocked its first wave of attack.

But when he found the opportunity, Flame Monkey just knocked back the Electric Shock Beast with one punch, absorbed the punch and hit the Electric Shock Monster with one move, and began to use the latter to recover its strength.


Suddenly, two cables with metallic luster flew by, and landed right on the neck of the flame monkey hit by the attack.

Iron Tail!

After the damage was done, the cable changed from hard to soft and wrapped around his neck, and he began to release lightning with all his strength.


This sudden attack made the flame monkey hard to guard against, and was instantly shocked and screamed.

Thunder Fist!

To take advantage of his illness, to kill him, to deal with the strong is to seize every moment to win.

At this moment, the electric shock beast showed no mercy, and at the same time as it discharged decisively, the thunderbolt on both hands shot out rapidly.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

The sound of a blow sounded, and the flame monkey was hit hard to resist for a while.

The tail around the neck is also getting tighter and tighter, showing no signs of loosening, and it is lifted into the air to prevent it from launching an earthquake counterattack.

The thunder and lightning fists fell one after another, and it seemed that the electric monster would stop attacking only when the flame monkey fell down.

Obviously, within a few seconds, the situation has undergone such a huge change, which Daye and Dianci did not expect.


After this thought flashed through Daye's mind, he immediately looked for a way to break free, and after noticing the twin tails of the electric shock beast, he said decisively:

Flame monkey, tail, ghost fire, flame!


The flame monkey barely blocked the attack of the electric shock monster with both hands, and the burning tail suddenly released a raging flame and burned it on the electric shock monster.

A wall of light that was on the verge of dissipation rose, weakening the power of the flames by half before falling on the Electric Shock Beast. Among them, a special ray of flame made the Electric Shock Beast enter a burn state as soon as it touched it.

In an instant, the power of the electric shock monster was greatly reduced, giving the flame monkey a chance to breathe, and the burst of power broke free from the shackles of the electric shock monster.

Close combat!

Flame Monkey bullied himself forward, his fists and feet turned into afterimages and came down to attack continuously, and the offensive was reversed instantly.

Only this time, the electric shock monster in the burn didn't even have the strength to resist the attack.

Bang bang bang...

After a series of beatings, the Flame Monkey sent the Electric Shock Beast flying with one punch, and then launched an earthquake, directly ending the Electric Shock Beast.

During the whole process, he did not use the sucking punch as before, and it could be seen that the flame monkey was really afraid of what would happen again.

After defeating the Electric Shock Beast, the Flaming Monkey also began to pant heavily. The series of attacks just now by the Electric Shock Monster almost sent it away directly.

It's okay, come back.

Circle circle bear, get ready to fight!


Accompanied by a roar, the huge body of the circle bear landed on the field, with a purple life orb hanging on its neck.

What a big circle bear, but my flame monkey is not afraid.

Daye looked at the circle bear in amazement, but felt that it should be a good opponent.


After seeing the circle bear, the flame of fighting spirit also appeared in the eyes of the panting flame monkey, trying to treat it as sand... a real opponent to vent his anger and then defeat!

thanks trainer

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Blue collar? Xiaoxiaosheng

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