Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 178 The most suitable props for earth turtles, vs Daye (Part 1) biting land sharks vs flame

What a powerful little brat, I'm afraid Ah Liu will have to give up his position in a year's time.

Seeing that he lost the first time, Daye thought solemnly.

Come back, Raichu, you've done a good job.

At this moment, Dianci didn't know that he had lost completely, so he had no choice but to take out the poke ball and take it back to Raichu.

The performance is good, and the connection and offensive of skills can be practiced in the future.

Walking up to the earthen tortoise, Shinji said while stroking its head.


The earth turtle with scars all over his body smiled naively in front of Shinji, and while using forest healing moves to heal the injury and recover his strength, he slowly retracted his roots into his body.

This is the most suitable prop for you.

Shinji took out the clean pendant he bought on the ship and put it on the turtle.

If it is a game, leftovers and other props are definitely more suitable for Tutai Turtle.

But the reality is that the Terra Turtle is progressing extremely fast. With the help of rooting, photosynthesis, infinite flow tactics and forest treatment, there is no need to worry about the recovery of physical strength.

On the contrary, the ability change may be reduced or emptied by the opponent's moves and characteristics. With the pure pendant, there are quite a few characteristics of the constant and pure body, which can perfectly avoid this.


The Turtle Turtle thought for a while, but took down the clean pendant with its roots, tried to manipulate the big tree on its back to change its shape, embedded this prop in it, and then hid it perfectly.

It feels that it is safer to wear this prop than to put it on the body.

Alright, come back first.

Shinji, who successfully defeated Raiqiu, was in a good mood. He patted the turtle on the head and took out the poke ball to take it back.

This is the badge of the lighthouse. I wish you the victory in the lily of the valley competition.

After presenting the badge, he congratulated again.

Thank you.

After accepting the badge, Shinji said politely, looked at Daye, and said:

Mr. Daye, can you fight with me?

Huh?! Just finished defeating Denji, do you still want to defeat me?

Daye looked at Shinji with some surprise.

He admitted that there was something to this earthen turtle, but it was just that to him.

After all, he is the fire attribute king, and he has a huge natural advantage against grass attribute elves.

Yes, but mainly to test the strength of elves.

Shinji said calmly.

Among his elves, there are currently only earth turtles and electric shock beasts that may have a chance to defeat the heavenly king-level elves restrained by him after being strengthened to the limit for a period of time.

If the opponent dares to underestimate the enemy, only the circle bear also has a certain chance to directly defeat the opponent!

For other elves, it is a bit difficult.

After all, compared to self-motivation and growth, strengthening moves such as fitness, tricks, sword dance, etc., are really difficult to use uninterruptedly during other operations.

In that case, then I will be satisfied, and I hope you can give me some excitement.

After finishing speaking, Daye turned his head and smiled at Dianci, and said, Dianci, I will lend you the venue.

Use it casually, and then trim it in one go.

Glancing at the venues and stadiums that had been covered with various traces of battles after the battle just now, Denji walked to the auditorium indifferently, wanting to watch Daye's battle.

Although he is strong, he is not the Four Heavenly Kings after all, and he is still worse than Daye.

How about the game rules 3vs3?


Then I'll leave it to you, Flame Monkey

After Daye took the flame monkey to the previous position, he directly dispatched the flame monkey.


Flame Monkey walked forward very calmly.

Bite the land shark and prepare to fight.


Lie Bite Lu Shark appeared again, and found that the opponent had changed, and the elf had also changed.



Biting the land shark stomped on the ground, and with the shaking, a mysterious shock wave swayed towards the flame monkey.


Although it was restrained by the ground attribute, the flame monkey was not afraid at all. The shock wave came close, and the backhand was an earthquake.

Blood revival, dragon's dive!

Bite the land shark and fly straight up, launch a dragon dance in the air, and then activate the reverse scale to activate the blood recovery mode, lock the flame monkey with murderous aura, and then turn into a dragon and dive down!

Flash Charge.

The flame monkey charged up and jumped up, and the flames all over his body ignited and hit the biting land shark directly.


It took less than a second for the flame to collide with the evil dragon, and the evil dragon instantly collapsed and fell like biting the land shark.

Sandstorm, tornado.

In the sky, after the biting land shark slowed down, a sandstorm swept across the audience in an instant, followed by a tornado that trapped the flame monkey and let it float with the wind.

Dragon Wave!

After seeing that the flame monkey could be trapped for a while, Lie Bite Lu Shark decisively spewed out a burst of colorful waves, turning into a dragon and biting towards the former.

The big characters burst into flames.

The big-character explosive flames were fired out, instantly crushing the tornado and at the same time completely shattering the wave of the dragon, and the remaining prestige fell to the biting land shark.

Dig a hole!

Biting the land shark decisively plunged into the ground and disappeared on the ground.

The flame monkey was not worried at all, and was ready to launch a sonic fist to block the attack or an earthquake to directly force out the biting land shark at the moment of falling.

But at the moment it was about to touch the ground, the depression in the ground turned into quicksand hell, and the plan in its heart fell through.

As soon as he fell into it, a figure appeared, bit the flame monkey's thigh, and dragged it desperately into the quicksand.

Flame Monkey, who was not aware of it for a while, was directly thrown upside down in the quicksand by such a drag, accepting the baptism of quicksand.

If it was an ordinary flame monkey, the battle could actually be considered over at this moment.

But this has no effect on Daye's flame monkey!

Close combat.

The flame monkey immediately kicked Lie Bite Lu Shark on the head with the other leg, and when the kick made the latter dizzy, his fist dropped.

After a set of combos, Biting Lu Shark was knocked unconscious on the spot.

After solving the opponent, the flame monkey easily jumped out of the quicksand hell grabbing the biting land shark and threw it aside.

Wow~ frame...

After doing all this, the Flame Monkey raised his hands with some scars from the quicksand, and found that there were many injuries on his hands, and there were also signs of injury on the leg that was not bitten.

A biting land shark with rough skin?

Daye also noticed this at the moment, but he didn't care much.

With the strength of biting the land shark, this rough skin can make the flame monkey feel pain, and the injury is far lower than imagined.

I can stand it!


Shinji silently took Lie Bite Lu Sha back, took out another Poké Ball and threw it out.

Electric shock beast, ready to fight!

Ah Kelu~

The Electrified Monster, which was ready to fight, landed on the field, grinning and looking at the flame monkey.

Do you also have Electric Shock Monsters?

After seeing Shinji's Electric Shock Monster, he knew why Biting Land Shark was so calm when fighting the Electric Shock Monster.

There is an electric shock monster that is not weaker than his second team, and his physique is obviously bigger than most of his peers. He definitely trains against each other frequently on weekdays.

In terms of experience against the enemy alone, my own is no match for Shinji's, let alone the others.

Of course, Dianci is still very calm at the moment.

After all... so what if Shinji has an electric monster?

No matter how strong he is, can he be as strong as the real ace that he doesn't carry?


My own electric shock monster is definitely the most powerful electric shock monster in the world at present, not one of them!

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