Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 180 (Part 2) The loser laughs, the winner mourns

Flame Monkey has a good idea, but Shinji has no intention of letting Quanquanxiong be a sandbag at all.

Drumming, perseverance!

At the beginning of the game, Shinji asked the circle bear to launch the belly drum move that he had just learned recently.

Circle Bear took a deep breath and activated his belly drum, and while the red light was shining brightly on his body, the whole elf showed a hint of pain.

Through the belly drum skill, the circle bear consumes half of its physical strength to maximize its attack power, and its strength is increased to a level stronger than that of the flame monkey.

But it's not over yet, just as the belly drum was activated successfully, a flame ignited on the circle bear's body, allowing him to successfully enter the perseverance.

Perseverance, attack power increased by 50% again!

At this moment, just relying on strength alone, Flame Monkey is definitely not the opponent of Quanquan Xiong!

But this is not complete, the life orb hanging around the neck can also increase the power of the circle bear move by 30% again!

This is equivalent to the power of the next blow will be 480% of the power of a normal blow!


After the strengthening was over, the circle bear immediately activated the earthquake skill, and a terrifying wave rushed towards the flame monkey while the ground shook.


The flame monkey knew that the earthquake at this moment could not compete with it, so he jumped into the air to avoid the damage for a short time, and at the same time, he launched a big move towards the circle bear.

Flash Charge!

After the flames spewed out, the flame monkey adjusted its posture and ignited the flames, gathered all its strength and swooped out towards the circle bear, and combined with the big character explosion flame to hit the circle bear together.

Hold on!

Seeing that the flame monkey was about to confront him head-on, Quanquan Xiong didn't hesitate for a moment, and directly gave up maintaining the earthquake. After activating his hard support skills, he flew towards the flame monkey head-on.


The two elves collided in the air, and a terrifying force exploded in the sky.

No one is sure who is better, the Flame Monkey with big characters bursting with superimposed flashing flames and the circle bear with full perseverance.



Two roars appeared in the smoke, and then the two elves fighting in the air fell from the air to the ground.

I saw that the flame monkey had terrible injuries, but in the sky, with its stronger fighting qualities, it launched a sonic fist to attack the ring bear.

The effect is remarkable!

Quanquan Kumamoto was not known for his speed. How could he have imagined that after the collision, the Flame Monkey, who had been suppressed by himself, would be able to cheer up and attack, and was immediately beaten so that he could only defend with his hands.

In a blink of an eye, I was on the verge of the limit and exhausted!

However, with the strong willpower of the overlord, the circle bear still stood firm and was ready to fight back.


Close combat!

The moment it fell to the ground, two voices came out at the same time.

The moment it landed, the circle bear directly launched the most powerful earthquake with the help of gravity, while the flame monkey's hand shone brightly, and blasted a final punch at the former's stomach.


The sound of the blow sounded, the circle bear's body paused, and the next moment it was sent flying.


After the huge body rolled on the ground for a long time, it was forced to stop after hitting the wall of the auditorium.

One... what...

On the sunken wall, the circle bear struggled to support himself and stood up. After glancing at the motionless flame monkey on the field, he fell directly on the ground, losing the ability to fight!

Daye, who seemed to have won the competition, was not overjoyed. Instead, he looked at the motionless flame monkey with a solemn expression.

His flame monkey is not a stable guy who does not move after winning the battle.

Wow~ frame...

The next moment, Flame Monkey turned around slowly and looked at Daye, and after calling out with dull eyes, he also fell to the ground.

Flame Monkey, loses the ability to fight!

Daye: A draw...

Dianci: It turned out to be a draw...

The flame monkey had already suffered a lot of injuries in the previous battles with the biting land shark and the electric shock beast.

Facing the impermanence, but through belly drums, perseverance, and the orb of life, the strength of the circle bear that can burst out is suppressed.

A tough move caused the flame monkey to suffer a certain degree of injury again, and a restrained earthquake move just took away the remaining strength of the flame monkey.

Since all the three elves of Shinji lost their fighting ability, and only one of the Four Heavenly Kings Daye lost their fighting ability, Shinji lost the game.

But as the loser, Shinji didn't feel a bit uncomfortable, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

On the contrary, Daye, who won the game, stared blankly at the flame monkey, his expression was uglier than losing.

Nonsense, the ace elf flame monkey, who was able to fight Sirona's biting land shark in a short period of time, was defeated by an unknown boy.

Even if the boat capsizes in the gutter, it can be said to be ashamed and thrown home.

Daye would be damned if he could laugh.

Come back, flame monkey, you've done a good job.

Daye took a deep breath, adjusted his posture and took the flame monkey back.

Even though he was slightly careless about the strategy and underestimated the enemy this time, it still couldn't change the fact that the flame monkey was defeated.

Good, come back.

Defeating an ace spirit of the Four Heavenly Kings with three spirits, Shinji was in a good mood, and retracted the circle bear with the corner of his mouth raised.

Don't think that he defeated the flame monkey with three elves, but you must know that the flame monkey is stronger than Raichu.

Moreover, during the battle, his elves had been strengthened from scratch, and it was enough to have such a record.

What an amazing boy, Shinji.

It seems that in less than two years, we can see you in the Champions League or the Kings Challenge.

Daye walked towards Shinji with his hands in his trouser pockets, his face was full of emotion.

The Champions League is an event that only trainers who have won the championship in the league conference or some extremely important competitions can participate

The weakest trainers participating in the competition have at least the strength to win the championship of a certain conference (at least the gymnasium level, there is no upper limit).

As for the Heavenly King Challenge, it is even simpler, it is a challenge to the Heavenly King, and it can be an event where the King can be replaced.

However, there are other requirements for changing the Heavenly King, that is, there must be a certain number of certain attributes, or extremely powerful Heavenly King-level spirits for certain attributes.

It is also a tradition to use these elves to defeat at least two heavenly kings before one can replace a certain one as a certain attribute.

Thank you for the battle.

Shinji was noncommittal to Daye's statement, bowed slightly to express his gratitude, then turned and left.

Whether it's the Champions League or the Heavenly Kings Challenge, he doesn't have that much thought about whether to participate or not.

In this treacherous era, countless geniuses have emerged. Whether it is the protagonists or him, their strength has improved extremely fast.

Perhaps even without participating in these two competitions, you will have the champion-level strength in advance, and directly defeat the champion to gain greater honor.

It hasn't been long since Chi Hong made his debut, and he already has the strength of a champion. It is estimated that when he returns to Guandu after his training, he will become a champion.

So Shinji doesn't attach much importance to these competitions. If the time is about the same, you can consider it. If it is not suitable, you can just give up and participate in other competitions.

For example... the World Championship, the final battle against the Eight Masters.

Even if they can't become the Eighth Masters in a short time, it is theoretically not a problem to play super and advanced balls this year.

In addition, there is something more attractive to him... the battle against the frontier!

Or in other words——

Age of Gods!

However, the reality is not animation after all, and the Age of Gods is not an existence that can be defeated by Xiaozhi, who is not even the champion of the championship, as in the animation.

Its strength is steadily at the level of heavenly kings, and it has assembled the three pillars earlier than in the animation. Its strength is not weaker than that of the four heavenly kings, and it is difficult to deal with.

Challenge matters, and then return it as the case may be.

Chihong, Minghui, and this Shinji, these boys are really stronger than each other, you have to keep working hard.

Looking at Shinji's figure, Denji said.


Daye nodded solemnly.

Of the four kings of Sinnoh, Aliu is the weakest in strength, and the strength of the other three is not so different.

Now that there is an extra Minghui and Shinji, if they have to compete for the Four Heavenly Kings, maybe he will be resigned if he is not careful.

Work hard!

Thanks to the trainer Grey Rookie for the reward, thank you big brother!

Add one more tomorrow (* ̄︶ ̄*)

After the match tomorrow, after writing some necessary plots, adjustments, and training, the league competition will begin.

I'm already sorting out the materials of Shinji and the elves...there are as many as 2000 words.

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