Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 177 (Part 2) Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, defeating the Heavenly King Leiqiu!

very good.

The goal of this trip was elicited, and the corner of Shinji's mouth rose slightly, and said.

Fighting against the king of heaven is no longer enough to satisfy Shinji, he wants more!

For example, use the Tutai Turtle, which has been strengthened and has an attribute advantage, to defeat the Heavenly King Leiqiu.

But no matter how the earth turtle has an advantage in attributes, isn't the Tianwang class not the Tianwang class?

Tortoise, Earthquake!

Shinji no longer held back, and directly launched a big move at the beginning.


Hearing this, the Tutai Turtle instantly activated its skills, creating a vigorous earthquake.

Infuriating bomb!

While the ground was shaking, Leiqiu's body surged electrically, and he successfully flew directly into the sky to avoid the earthquake, and at the same time, he gathered a true energy bomb in his hand and smashed it at the earth turtle.

Flying Leaf Quick Knife, sunny day.


The leaves on the back of the earth platform turtle swayed, and countless green leaves turned into flying knives and flew out to intercept the true energy bombs

At the same time, a ball of light above the big tree flew into the sky, turning into a small sun and shining brightly.

Shadow clone, trick.

Sun beam!

In the sky, Raichu's body twisted and divided into dozens, and at the same time launched a trick to strengthen it.

But in the next second, a blaze of sunlight spewed out from the mouth of the turtle on the earthen platform, and swept past Leiqiu in the sky.

In an instant, all the Raichus were swept away.

No real body!

A flash of lightning, Iron Tail!

A figure suddenly appeared from the top of the tortoise's head, and fell like lightning. The tail behind it turned into a metal color and lashed down hard.

Hold on.

The Terra Turtle looked up without any fear, and a green protective shield appeared outside its body, perfectly blocking Leiqiu's attack.

Weird radio waves.

The electrical surge on Leiqiu's body directly floated away and retreated. At the same time, a special current in his body fell on him when the earth turtle defended and dissipated, weakening his special attack.

Sharp rock attack.

The earth turtle, which ignored the falling current, produced a large number of sharp stones around it almost at the same time, and controlled them all to fly towards Leiqiu.

Lei Qiu tried to dodge, but the sharp stone attack was under the control of the Tutai Turtle, followed closely behind, seeing that he couldn't dodge, he launched a move of 100,000 volts and immediately emptied all the sharp stones.

Sun beam!

Just after blocking the attack of the sharp stone, a ray shot out from the mouth of the turtle on the earth platform, attacking the thunderhill in the sky non-stop.

But with his flashes of lightning and his high speed, Raichu doesn't have much of a problem dodging these attacks.

Magic Leaf!

Shinji's tone became more urgent.

Sensing Shinji's urgency, the Tutai Turtle focused on dual-purpose, and while the sun beams in its mouth continued to emit, its mental power locked on Leiqiu, and flew out directly while the leaves on its back rustled, hitting Leiqiu in hundreds.

Raichu can avoid the sun beam but not the magic leaf. He can only choose to move at high speed or release lightning to clear the field.

Logically speaking, the battle at this moment obviously consumes more physical strength of the Tutai Turtle, but don't forget that the Tutai Turtle can recover its physical strength and strengthen its strength at any time by virtue of its own infinite flow combat method.

As for Leiqiu, because he was tired of avoiding and running for his life, his physical strength was exhausted, so it was difficult to find opportunities to attack or strengthen himself with skills.

Dianci... the rhythm of the battle is under control...

In the auditorium, Daye was not as excited as he was at the beginning, and his eyes became more serious.

Trouble... trouble...

Dianci, who has always been calm, kept searching the field, hoping to find some chance to defeat Tutaigui in one fell swoop.

But unfortunately, no!

The Tutai Turtle has been attacking continuously, and can even use two attacks at one time, taking advantage of it. Even if it fails on a sunny day, it will immediately switch to other skills to switch attacks, and then find an opportunity to create a small sun again.

Crazy Plant!

Suddenly, when the sky was dark and the sky was dark, dozens of hardened plants pierced out from the ground, piercing towards the tired Leiqiu as if covering the sky and covering the sun.

High-speed stars!

For this reason, Leiqiu flicked his tail, and the golden stars in the sky turned into a large storm that enveloped the entire sky, blocking the Turtle's vision.

The hardened plant pierced into it and smashed countless gold stars, but it didn't touch Leiqiu half a point, so it had no choice but to retract it and then entered a stiff state.

Ultimate Shock!

Seizing this opportunity, Raichu took all the surrounding high-speed stars and fell towards the Turtle at the same time, turning into a meteor impact.

The tortoise's side effect time is very short, less than two seconds, but these two seconds are enough for Leiqiu to hit the tortoise's head!


A huge explosion appeared, and the resulting storm completely enveloped most of the Turtle's body and Leiqiu.

Turtles are strong, but Leiqiu is not easy to mess with.

After the final impact fell, in the smoke, after ignoring almost no side effects, Lei Qiu decisively swiped the iron tail again on the face of the earth platform turtle, rushed out of the smoke with the help of reaction force, and condensed two qi bombs in his hand to smash it hard Turtle to the platform.

The whole movement was done in one go, instantly causing great damage to the Turtle Turtle.

Destroy the light!

Dianci did not give up this hard-won opportunity, and decisively made up the knife.


A cloud of destructive energy condensed from Leiqiu's mouth, and it shot directly into the smoke.

With the size of an earthen turtle, even if it doesn't aim, it will definitely hit!


There was an explosion, and a touch of green appeared in the smoke.

No! Raichu, leave!

Suddenly, Denji, who realized something was wrong, yelled.


call out!

Before Leiqiu had time to run, an unpretentious seed shot out from the smoke and landed on it, and instantly exploded and turned into thorny vines, wrapping it in a ball.

Parasitic seeds!

Flying Leaf Storm

A whirlwind composed of green leaves wiped away the smoke and dust, and the scarred Terra Turtle reappeared in people's field of vision.

But the Flying Leaf Storm didn't stop at all, it directly covered Leiqiu from top to bottom, causing a lot of damage to it and pressing it to the ground at the same time.


Shinji's ruthless voice sounded.

The familiar terrifying vibration appeared on the field again, attacking Raichu.

With the assistance of Flying Leaf Storm and Parasitic Seed, Raichu could not move and could only let the earthquake attack.


Raichu's screams resounded throughout the venue, and the damage caused by the earthquake was extremely terrifying.

The effect is outstanding!

Not long after, a round of earthquakes ended, but the strong Leiqiu did not directly lose his fighting ability, but tried to support himself and looked at the earth turtle.

Ray~ Qiu!

After two seconds, Raichu, who was unable to take off again, could only let out an unyielding cry, and then fell to the ground.

Raichu lost the ability to fight, the Tutai Turtle won, and the challenger Shinji won the Gym Tournament.

The robot referee made the final verdict.


Shinji breathed out inwardly.

In the battle just now, he could have let the earth turtle oppress Lei Qiu and win, but maybe others can't see it, but Shinji knows that maintaining that kind of high explosion is also a huge burden for the earth turtle.

Even if the physical strength is always full, it is impossible to maintain a high burst.

You can only seek victory in danger and fight hard!

Fortunately, they won the fight!

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