Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 176 (Part 2) The savage growth of the soil platform turtle, forced to do nothing

Roentgen Cat, Frozen Tooth!

The roentgen cat stomped on the ground, turned into lightning and rushed towards the platform turtle, with ice-blue cold air lingering in its mouth.

To this, the Tutai Turtle didn't seem to react, and the Roentgen Cat rushed to him and bit it down.


Just when the Frozen Fang fell, a light green barrier suddenly appeared in front of the Tutai Turtle out of thin air, perfectly protecting it and blocking this attack at the same time.

hold on!

After missing a move, Roentgen Cat's body was immediately bounced off by the protective cover.

Crazy Plant!

He also asked what to do when the Roentgen cat landed, and the earth turtle immediately dispersed to guard the seamlessly connected crazy plants.


On the ground, in an instant, dozens of thorny hardened plants stabbed out and hit the Roentgen cat, knocking it into the air, and then knocked it down on the ground.

When all the hardened plants were retracted, the Roentgen cat fell to the ground with a face full of pain. The empty door was wide open, but the earth turtle only needed to suffer less than two seconds of stiffness.

Grow with all your strength.

Shinji didn't rush to chase up the knife and end the battle, but let Tutaigui concentrate on quickly improving his own strength.

It is not only to see the response of Roentgen Cat and Dianci, but also to prepare for the next battle.

Roentgen cat, move at high speed.

Dianci said with a gloomy face.


The roentgen cat turned over, and its body moved quickly. It started to rush towards the field, drawing a series of afterimages from its body, while keeping a certain distance from the earth turtle.

In this regard, the earth turtle just quietly watched its performance, while growing to improve its offensive and defensive power.

High-speed stars.


A large number of stars around the Roentgen cat's body are also hidden in it.

Sun beam.

The earth turtle didn't panic, the big tree on its back gave off a light yellow light, the energy in its mouth gathered instantly and then shot out towards countless high-speed stars in the sky.


The sun beam swept across, and then exploded.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with smoke.

It was also at this time that a figure suddenly appeared behind the Terra Turtle, leaped onto it suddenly, and bit the big tree hard with its mouth glowing blue.

The effect is outstanding!


There was pain on Tutaigui's face, and his eyeballs rolled slightly.

Flying Leaf Storm!

Dodge the double kick!

The Roentgen cat was going to continue to attack, but suddenly found that the big tree in its mouth was emitting a green light, and the leaves swayed automatically without wind, and felt very bad.

Turn over, jump up and kick the Turtle's head twice, and then move at a high speed to move away from the Turtle.

The next moment, a storm formed by countless leaves appeared from the back of the turtle on the platform, and chased after the Roentgen cat.

After using high-speed movement twice in a row, the Roentgen cat's speed is extremely terrifying, and it easily escaped the storm within a few accelerations.

But after the earth turtle's eyes emitted a faint blue light, the flying leaf storm suddenly changed direction, and all flew towards the Roentgen cat again.


While moving and running at high speed, the Roentgen cat saw that the flying leaf storm could not be avoided, so it simply launched a thunderstorm, and the thunder and lightning hit the flying leaf storm, barely blocking the blow with great effort.

Crazy whipping.

Just after dodging a round of attacks, a large area above the ground ruptured, and a large number of vines pierced from the ground and hit the Roentgen cat.

Shadow clone!

When the attack came, the roentgen cats turned into dozens of cats and started to run, constantly closing the distance to the Turtle.

On the way, one after another Roentgen cats were scattered by the vines. In the end, only a few Roentgen cats stood out from the encirclement, opened their fire-filled mouths and bit towards the Turtle.

Flame teeth!



After hitting the turtle on the platform, the two clones dispersed immediately, only the real cat of Roentgen bit the big tree on the turtle's back, making the latter scream in pain.

This blow not only captured the last afterglow boost of the sunny day, but also had outstanding effects!

What's even more coincidental is that after the flame fang's attack fell, a flame suddenly rose from the body of the earth platform turtle, causing damage to it again.


The situation is good. Before the Roentgen cat had time to be happy, it suddenly widened its eyes, as if it had discovered a terrible thing——

It has almost healed from the injury caused by its frozen teeth to the Terra Turtle!

Almost, the ultimate absorption.

A cold arc appeared at the corner of Shinji's mouth.

Suddenly, a special red light emanated from the trees on the turtle's back, and fell on the Roentgen cat in an instant.

As soon as it was illuminated by this light, the Roentgen cat felt its physical strength draining rapidly.

This trick is the ultimate absorption, and it actually absorbs physical strength directly beyond the damage!


The Roentgen cat, who felt that the platform tortoise was extremely evil, decisively blocked the red light with lightning, then fell from the platform tortoise, opened the distance, and shot out a destructive light.

The orange light streaked across the air, and was finally crushed by the open mouth of the Terra Turtle.

Forest Healing, Earthquake.

The big tree on the turtle's back suddenly emitted a life-like green light, and the faint green leaves fell on the body and melted into the body. The injury was quickly healed, and the abnormal state was also erased by this mysterious power.

After the move was over, except that the attack and defense were almost full, the Tutai Turtle seemed to be on the field for the first time in other respects.

The next moment, the ground shook, and the Roentgen cat lay dead on the ground.

The Roentgen cat loses its ability to fight, and the Tutai tortoise wins.

The machine referee said.

Come back, Roentgen Cat, you did your best.

Denji took out the Poké Ball and retrieved the Roentgen Cat, then looked at Shinji and Todai Turtle silently.

If he still had the confidence to defeat the biting land shark just now with the second team of elves, then the Tutai Turtle now is an insurmountable mountain!

Even if its elves have mastered the moves to restrain the earth turtle, so what?

This Turtle has a very high defensive power, and it uses unknown moves (upgraded version of growth) to continuously strengthen and improve. With moves such as rooting, it is simply invincible.

Even if all the elves of the second team go together, it is estimated that after an earthquake in the earth turtle, only the flying Rotom is left with the ability to fight.

Dianci never thought that an earthen turtle that didn't even have the strength of a heavenly king, at most quasi-glory level, could put such a strong pressure on himself.

Shinji quietly looked at the thoughtful Denji on the opposite side, and waited quietly.

You know, how strong is the Tutai Turtle with full offensive and defensive power at this moment?

It is no problem to crush ordinary honor-level elves, but against non-flying electric-type elves that are restrained by ground attributes, even if they are heavenly king-level, Shinji Tutai Turtle may win.

Shinji, your strength is very strong. No one has been able to push me to this level for many years.

Dianci sighed, although Crimson is strong, but the elves are stronger than themselves, just like facing Sirona, you will only feel normal if you lose, and it should be taken for granted.

But what is Shinji? A trainer who has traveled for less than a year!

Obviously, the earth turtle is not as powerful as its own elves, but it is strangely powerful, and it has been strengthened to an extremely terrifying situation without knowing it.

It's up to you, Raichu.

At this moment, the spirits carried by Dianci are all members of the second team, and they can't fight, so they can only pin their little hopes on their Raichu.

Even if Leiqiu faced the Tutai Turtle, he had almost no advantage in other aspects except strength.


Raichu patted his chest, bravely going into battle.

The strength of the Shinji spirits and the like, I have time to summarize them in a few days, before the league competition or the circle bears will be released after they have evolved.

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