Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 175 VS Dianci (Part 1) Explosively Killing the Electric Shock Beast

The electric shock monster panicked for no reason.

But the machine referee didn't let it continue to panic, and started the battle directly:

Game start!

Dance of the Dragon, Ni Lin!

At the first moment, Lie Bite Lu Shark charged towards the electric shock monster, while dancing the dragon dance to stimulate the violent power deep in the bleeding veins, thereby increasing the attack power and speed.

In the middle of the charge, the Bite Land Shark that had been strengthened instantly activated the reverse scale, his eyes glowed with a fierce red light, and he rushed towards the Electroshock Monster with murderous aura in satisfaction, stabbing out two dragon claws fiercely.

Frozen Punch!

The Electric Shock Beast, which had been prepared for a long time, reacted quickly, immediately raised its fists, gathered ice attribute power, and smashed it towards the biting land shark.


Forcibly intercepted the attack of the biting land shark with a frontal attack.

The two sides' attacks did not make any contribution, and they immediately launched consecutive attacks to form a group. You attack and defend and you defend and attack, but they didn't let the opponent gain an advantage.

Suddenly, two voices sounded almost simultaneously.

Grab it!

Get away, quicksand hell!

The Electric Shock Monster, which was struggling to fight with Lie Bite Lu Shark, grinned at the corner of its mouth, and moved its two cable-like tails behind it, and grabbed Lie Bite Lu Shark.

However, Lie Bite Lu Shark, who seemed to have been mad and attacked by the electric monster for a while, suddenly withdrew his power.

After jumping sideways to avoid the sneak attack of the tail, he did a backflip to distance himself from it, and the instant he jumped away and landed on the ground, he launched Quicksand Hell.


In an instant, the ground beneath the electric monster's feet sank, turning into a whirlpool of quicksand.


Without noticing it for a while, the electric shock monster fell into it, and began to be continuously swept and hurt by the quicksand.

Frozen fist, attack the ground!

The experienced electric shock beast did not panic, the icy blue light on the fist was even stronger, and then fell on the quicksand under its feet.

The fist fell and the sand froze, and an area instantly turned into ice, and the electric shock monster stepped hard and flew out of the quicksand.

Just as it was about to hit the ground, a row of sharp stone pillars suddenly pierced out from the ground, hitting the monster's chest with an electric shock, instantly knocking it flying again into the quicksand hell.


After the goal was achieved, biting the corner of Lu Shark's mouth with a touch of cruelty, he stomped hard on the ground.

Immediately, the whole field shook, and the electric monster that had just fallen into the quicksand had no power to resist and could only be injured again.

The effect is outstanding!

Seeing this, Dianci frowned slightly, but without hesitation, he commanded:

Ultimate Shock!

Ah Kelu~

In the quicksand, the scarred electric monster stood up again, gathered all its strength and flew up on the spot, and after rushing out of the shackles of the quicksand hell, it rushed towards the biting land shark with undiminished momentum.

Dragon's Dive.

Shinji did not choose a more secure attack method, but went straight up.

Lie Bite Lu Shark's body was full of murderous aura. After his eyes locked on the Electric Shock Beast, he was wrapped in a phantom of a blue evil dragon, and rushed out towards the Electric Shock Monster.


The collision resulted in an explosion, covering the bodies of the two elves in smoke, and two seconds later they flew upside down in different directions.

It seems that this collision is evenly matched, but in fact, many things have been decided.

So what if the power to bite the land shark after the Dragon Dance still can't suppress the electric shock beast?

Compared with the dragon's dive, the final impact has side effects, even if the power is shortened to one or two seconds, it still can't change the fact that there are side effects.

It's over, Earthquake.

Shinji shook his head and said coldly.

Seize the opportunity, bite the land shark and immediately launch an earthquake as soon as it hits the ground.

A powerful earthquake instantly hit the electric shock monster that was unable to move after falling to the ground, causing it to lie completely on the ground.


What rubbish! Your strength is not as good as big brother in case!

Looking at the electric shock monster who lost cleanly, Biting Lu Shark, who was thinking about a big fight, felt full of enthusiasm and fed the dog, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Electric shocking monsters lose their ability to fight, biting land sharks to win.

The robot made a sound.

This... completely suppressed the battle against Dianci?!

In the auditorium, a shock flashed in Daye's eyes.

Unlike the Crimson that I encountered before, Crimson was defeated by Dianci with her strong strength and the strong fighting consciousness of the elves.

The Bite Land Shark is not stronger than the Electric Shock Monster, or even slightly weaker, but it has an advantage in terms of attributes.

But logically speaking, Lie Bite Shark has an advantage in attributes, but is there no Electric Shock Monster?

Doesn't the Electric Shock Beast have multiple tails and a freezing fist with four times the restraint?

It's fine if you win, but it's obvious that Biting Lu Shark hasn't shown his true strength yet!

Come on, what are you going to do...

Daye had a faint premonition in his heart that if the biting land shark had the strength of a flaming monkey, under the command of Shinji, he might be able to kill his own flaming monkey.

You did your best, Electric Shock Monster.

Very well, this is how the battle should be.

Denji took out the elf to take back the electric shock monster, and felt that the beating of the heart became much faster, and the flame called fighting spirit was burning.

A series of attacks one after another, with a keen sense of fighting, Shinji, your strength is really strong.

Come back first.

Shinji looked at Denji expressionlessly, took out the poke ball and took the biting land shark back.

Why take it back?

Daye, who was watching the battle, didn't quite understand. Biting the land shark didn't take any damage. The Dragon Dance was strengthened once, and it still had an attribute advantage. There was no reason to exchange the elves.

Continuing to use the words of biting Lu Shark fiercely, among other things, it is still very possible to beat the usual lineup of the Electric Gymnasium in one go.

Without waiting for the second elf to be released, Shinji directly threw out the top two elves in the current team.

Taitai Turtle, get ready to fight!


Accompanied by a roar full of spirit, the huge body of the Tutai turtle fell to the ground like a hill.

Damn! It's so big!

Seeing this, Daye couldn't help but swear.

He has seen the gigantic giant elf many times, but he has never seen such a big elf before the gigantic transformation.


Lei Qiu, who was behind Dianci, couldn't help standing up when he saw the earthen turtle.

...Next is this guy, go ahead,

Dianci was silent for a few seconds, and after a little hesitation, he directly released the strongest elf in his gymnasium competition lineup.

A white light suddenly appeared, and a roentgen cat with a heroic figure and full of breathtaking deterrence appeared.

Intimidate, start!

Turtle, the attack power has dropped!


The Tutai Turtle didn't mean to be afraid, but before the battle, he turned his head and glanced at Shinji.

Grow with all your might!

Shinji said bluntly.


The tortoise, which was signaled by Shinji, let go of itself completely, and entered the infinite growth flow mode in an instant, and opened the sunny day by the way.

Thanks to the trainer Green Vegetable White Jade Tea Bowl for the reward ╰(*︶`*)╯

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