Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 172 The best tool pet, join the team!

out in the open

Shinji is meditating with his eyes closed, developing strength and gathering spiritual power.

The elves are attacking and fighting each other, tempering their attack skills and body.

The brothers and sisters of Electric Shock Monster and Lie Bite Lu Sha fought fiercely together.

An attack pattern to train yourself and control for the rough skin trait, Sandstorm.

I hope that as long as it touches the opponent, whether it is attacking or being attacked, the rough skin can cause damage to it.

The control of the sandstorm is on par with Senior Kikuno's hippopotamus, the goal is to train weather moves into attack moves, and then turn them into special abilities that can be attacked, defended and controlled.

However, progress is currently slow.

The other is training how to deal with ground attribute elves, training the use of moves such as mental force and true qi bombs in battle.

The progress is gratifying but also touching.

It is gratifying because the Electric Shock Monster found through training that it is far less difficult to deal with ground-type spirits than he thought, at least it is not that difficult to deal with most ground-type spirits.

It can be taught to be an elf just by relying on freezing fists, qi bombs and mental strong thoughts.

The touching thing is that it is very difficult to fight against the ultimate turret and tank-type elves like Tutai Turtle.

It can't be hit from a distance, and it is difficult to attack in close quarters.

Or it can be close, but it is sent by accident, so it is difficult to get an effective solution.

It's hard to imagine that among all the elves in the team, the elf who is the best to deal with the earth turtle is actually the younger sister in the group, Nine Tails.

Relying on tricks + lighting fire, rattling and burning.

Although the Electric Shock Monster can learn moves such as Big Character Explosion, Flame Jet, etc., the upper limit cannot be compared with the fire attribute spirit after all.

That being the case, after learning why, it simply gave up.

Shinji and it agreed that instead of learning how to improve the Big Character Explosion Flame and the like to fight against the ground attribute spirits of the Turtle Turtle, it is more practical to learn how the electromagnetic force bursts out of the face instantly, and it is more practical to solve it directly with a freezing fist.

Beside, Nine Tails and Shuangrenwan fought very fiercely in melee, without holding back at all.

One danced nine iron tails to attack on the way, and combined with hypnosis, charm, and mental force to attack Shuangrenwan fiercely.

One concentrates on using the focus mirror to enter the state of seeing through, attacking its vital points and weaknesses frantically, and mercilessly attacks every time.

But depending on the situation, Nine Tails, which has more attack methods, is more dominant.

However, this is an excellent combat training environment for Shuangrenwan, who is extremely competitive.

As for the circle bear and the giant golden monster, they were plain and unpretentious. They attacked violently with all kinds of attacks, and they didn't deliberately train anything, but they were the ones who fought the most fiercely.

Recently, Shinji finally launched the krypton gold plan again, and began to devour the high-purity ore of the giant metal monster, allowing it to become stronger through efficient digestion and training.


Time passed, and the cell phone in Shinji's pocket suddenly rang.

Releasing the meditation and falling back to the ground, Shinji picked up the phone and saw that it was Leisi, so he connected directly.

What's the matter, bro.

A friend of mine in Binhai City has bred a new batch of Rotom, and I heard it's pretty good.

I asked him for one. When the time comes, you can choose one and put it in your phone or illustration book. It should be of great help to your training.

Lei Si didn't talk nonsense, and directly stated his purpose.

Rotom... mobile phone... illustration book... you can use it, please send me the address later.

Shinji thought about it and agreed.

In recent years, with the appearance of Rotom mobile phones, illustrated books, and aerial photography... people's travel has become more colorful.

With the voice function of the mobile phone and the illustrated book, Rotom can fully use it to speak human language and translate the words of elves.

In addition, there are various convenient uses. The most useful function for Shinji is probably the scanning elf. You can know the situation of the elf at any time, and it is convenient for him to view information.

As for the disadvantages, it is not without them, but it is not convenient to play with the mobile phone, and all the privacy on the mobile phone is basically transparent to Rotom.

Of course, Shinji has no shady privacy in this regard.

In the past, the number of Rotom was relatively small and there was no suitable one, so Shinji confiscated it. Now that there is one, he can take one and stuff it into the machine by the way.

Then let me tell him, when the time comes, you can go directly to report my name, and travel hard.

Yes, I will.

After hanging up the phone, Shinji watched the elf training for a while and then entered into yoga meditation again.

A few days later, the coastal Rotom cultivation base

With the rapid increase in people's demand for Rotom and the continuous expansion of Rotom's fusion appliances, the Alliance has specially established a base for cultivating and researching Rotom in Binhai City.

Lei Si's so-called friend is the person in charge of training Rotom in the base.

After explaining his purpose at the entrance, Shinji was taken to an area by the staff not long after, and saw a blue-haired man wearing a breeder costume teasing a Rotom who was just born.

Here we come... As expected of Leisi's younger brother, he really looks like him

The blue-haired man turned his head and looked at Shinji with a smile.

Mr. Lei Yin, hello.

Shinji said hello politely.

He had learned from Lei Si that the reason why he and Lei Yin could make friends was because they were both breeders on the one hand, and on the other hand, they both had the word Lei in their names.

Sure enough, it's exactly what Leisi said, come with me, and I'll take you to choose a Rotom.


Lei Yin tapped his little Rotom on the head, then stepped forward and led Shinji to a special area.

As soon as the door was opened, the pseudo-natural area inside was revealed, with flowing water, flowers and trees, among which a large number of Rotom walked through it, playing wantonly.

The Rotom here is all right, you can choose any one.

Lei Yin led the way into it, and added: I heard from Lei Si, you value elves with good talents?

It will take more time, energy and resources for elves with weak talents to be able to cultivate the effect of casual cultivation of powerful elves.

I can raise weak elves to be strong, and I can naturally raise powerful elves to become stronger.

Shinji briefly stated his philosophy.

There is a certain reason, if this is the case...

Lei Yin nodded, looking at the surrounding Rotom, and suddenly pointed to one of them, saying:

Look, how about that one? It should be the most powerful existence among all Rotom in the base.

Shinji looked and saw a yellow electric light flashing in the air, constantly teasing Rotom around him, and when the teasing was successful, he laughed wildly, showing a bully and mischievous look.

don't want.

Shinji shook his head decisively.

Personally, he doesn't particularly like Rotom, an elf who needs to possess electrical appliances to be more powerful. Although he can change the electrical appliances to have different combat methods, there is no shortage of Rotom in his current battle lineup. .

Well, the fundamental reason is that this Rotom was scanned by Shinji and found that the talent is not good enough to be the main combat member.

That being the case, it would be better to just have a purely tool pet.

What's the point of a noisy tool pet?

I don't want the best talent? Do you have any requirements?

Quiet, well-behaved and obedient, talent doesn't matter.

The current Shinji needs a simple tool pet.

As a tool pet, what Shinji needs most is not how strong you are, but how obedient and quiet you are.

I don't intend to let you fight anymore. If you still like to be naughty or something, then this tool pet is worse than not.

Quiet, well-behaved...

Lei Yin nodded, and walked slowly into the depths, his eyes kept looking at the surrounding elves, as if he was searching for the existence of Rotom who agreed with Shinji's request.

In such a generally lively and mischievous group, the quiet and well-behaved Rotom could be regarded as an outlier, but he vaguely remembered that there was such a quiet and well-behaved Rotom in the base.

There is a little Rotom lying on top of the small generator at the edge of the area, sleeping soundly, paying no attention to everything outside, acting like no one else.

How about that one? The talent is considered excellent, but the personality is relatively reserved, and he likes to be quiet and does not like to move. Often an elf stays in the corner to rest and meditate or something.

The special thing is that this Rotom is an extremely rare existence among all Rotom that has the power of mind. I remember that its awakening power attribute is also a superpower.

Lei Yin gave a brief introduction, and Shinji simply took out the illustration book and scanned it, wanting to see if this Rotom really has telekinetic power.


At this time, Rotom also woke up, floating on the generator, looking at the two of them calmly and quietly, as well as the illustrated book in Shinji's hand, without making any noise.

That's right, that's it.

After scanning, Shinji nodded directly.

Rotom, you can travel with Shinji in the future.

Lei Yin bent down and gently touched Rotom's head.


Rotom looked at Shinji for a few seconds, then nodded lightly.

Come in here first.

Shinji handed the unrecovered black illustrated book to Rotom.

His illustration book itself is specially made, allowing Rotom to enter it. On the contrary, it is a mobile phone, which cannot be used by Rotom for the time being, and will have to be replaced later.


In response, Rotom simply got into the illustrated book.

The originally dim picture book was automatically flipped open, and there were two more eyes on the top position, and two rather illusory arms on the side protruded from it and then floated from Shinji's hands.

It is very different from the Rotom illustration book in the animation game. Due to the shape of the illustration book and the elf's quiet character, Shinji's Rotom illustration book does not look like a living elf.

But Shinji was satisfied.

Well, it looks pretty good. I'll take you to get Rotom's Poké Ball, and then send it to Reiss.

Lei Yin nodded, and led Shinji outside.

Well, sorry to trouble you.

Then, through a series of operations, the two sent the Rotom Pokéball to Reiss, and changed the ball owner.

By the way, Shinji also borrowed the transmission device to change his lineup, and temporarily replaced the earth turtle with the nine tails for the subsequent gymnastics competition.

Thanks to the trainer Green Vegetable White Jade Tea Bowl for the reward (`)**

As a tool pet, it is very convenient for Rotom to let it join the team first.

Originally, I planned to update 7000+ words twice, but after thinking about it, it’s already 7000+ words. Let’s move around and make up a day!

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