Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 171 (End) Biting the land shark fiercely, forced to make a series of six!

But no matter how everyone feels, they can't change the fact that the biting land shark has evolved.

The white light dissipated, and the heroic posture of biting the land shark at a height of more than three meters was displayed in front of everyone.

Most of the body is dark blue, from the lower jaw to the upper part of the abdomen is red, the lower part of the abdomen is yellow, and there are sharp teeth in the mouth.

There is an inverted pentagram-shaped yellow spot on the tip of the nose, two white bony spurs on the upper arm and two thighs, wings resembling shark's pectoral fins grow beside the white dragon claws on the forearm, and a gap in the dorsal fin.


At the moment when the evolution ended, Lie Bite Lu Sha grinned and lowered his head to look at the dumbfounded Leib in front of him, his yellow eyes were full of murderous intent.


Feeling the palpitating aura, Leib subconsciously took a few steps back, stopped quickly after realizing it, and mustered up the courage to look at Liebite Shark.

Don't be afraid, Leib, even if you evolve, you won't be in a good state after biting the land shark.

After comforting Leib, Ah Xun said decisively.

Use high-speed stars!


While Reib resolutely distanced himself from the biting land shark, a large number of stars around his body flew out, hitting towards the biting land shark.

Tornado, earthquake.

Shinji said calmly.


Biting Lu Shark raised his head and screamed, and directly summoned a special tornado around him as a protective cover, and all the flying high-speed stars were crushed by the tornado.

Immediately after resisting the attack, the biting land shark slammed on the ground to create an earthquake.


Immediately, the entire venue shook violently, which was more powerful than any earthquake move just now.

Reib, see through!

At the critical moment, Leib's eyes shone with a mysterious light, and he saw through the earthquake directly. After stepping on certain positions covered with mysterious power, he completely avoided the damage of the earthquake.

However, Shinji didn't care at all, saying:

Continue to shake.

Lie Bite Lu Sha understood, and launched the move again, causing the earth to vibrate.

Leib couldn't fly, and couldn't use electromagnetic levitation. The result was obvious. After just one earthquake, his face was full of pain, and he almost fell to the ground directly.

In this regard, the biting land shark endured the damage of the toxin and launched an earthquake again.

Break the light.

Unable to hide, Leib gathered all his strength, and a beam of light that seemed to destroy the world was shot at the biting land shark.

After the earthquake, Reib lay dead directly.

Destroying light is...

Dragon Claw, break it open.

The white claws of the biting land shark were covered with green light, turned into a sickle and slashed towards the destructive light, then dispersed the light, and walked towards Shinji.


Behind, an explosion set off.

Reib lost the ability to fight, and bit the land shark fiercely to win.

Because all of Ah Shun's spirits have lost their ability to fight, Shinji will win this battle!

The referee made the final verdict.

Okay everyone, the game is over, I'll take a step first.

Xun Xil said hello, and then directly released a Mukehawk to grab himself and flew into the distance.

This result is really unexpected and there are no surprises.

Axun is a bit miserable. He didn't even defeat a single elf, and he didn't even force Shinji's second elf.

Seeing the result, Minghui and Xiaoguang were filled with emotion.

When I saw Ah Shun's Flaming Horse fighting against Fang Lusha, I thought that Ah Shun would be able to fight Shinji inextricably in this battle.

When I saw the Kabimon blocking the way against the Fangtooth Shark in the dream, I felt that Ah Xun would have no problem defeating the Fangtooth Landshark.


When I saw that the poisonous skeleton frog came in fourth, I knew that Ah Shun might not even be able to defeat the sharp-tooth land shark.

I think so.

Minghui: How is the recording?

Xiaoguang: It has been sent to you.

Minghui: Good!

Eat it.

On the field, after winning the victory, Shinji took out a few orange and peach fruits and threw them at Lie Bite Lu Shark.

After eating all the fruit in one bite, Biting Lu Sha suddenly felt the toxin dissipate, his physical strength began to recover quickly, and his body also had inexhaustible strength.


So, Biting Lu Sha looked up at the boundless and vast sky, and yelled expectantly at Shinji.

After evolution, the fins next to its hands turned into wings (although they don't look like wings, but they are indeed wings), and it has the ability to fly.

It has always wanted to fly, and it can't hold back for a moment.

Go, don't run too far.

Understanding the meaning of biting the land shark, Shinji nodded.

Broken land~

Amidst the roar of the dragon, Lie Bite Lu Sha jumped into the sky.

It was a little unstable at the beginning, but it quickly became proficient, like instinct.

Damn, hate, hate~ I haven't even beaten an elf...

Ah Xun's face was full of decay.

Ever since Jiayuan City, he has been brooding over the fact that he was hit by a series of six by the electric shock beast, thinking of revenge.

Unexpectedly, the old wound was not healed, and a new wound was added.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was no longer the little yellow-haired man, he might have collapsed and died at this moment.

It's okay, Ah Xun, if you lose, you lose, it's no big deal.

Yeah, yeah, anyway, it's not the first time, just get used to it.

After Minghui and Xiaoguang checked the ultra-clear video on the phone, they held back their smiles and comforted Ah Xun.

You guys are really good at comforting people.

Ah Tam: =_=

They're all good friends, as they should be.

Yes, yes.

The two sang together, anyway, it wasn't me who was injured, why can't I have a good meal?

A Xun, you surprised me in this battle.

At this time, Shinji also came over.

Ah Xun's eyes lit up instantly, he looked at Shinji expectantly, and said, Look, even Shinji was surprised by me.

Surprised that you don't even understand the choice of elves to play, are you worthy of your elves?

Shinji watched Ah Shun calmly and seriously.

After the flame horse made great achievements at the beginning, facing the sharp-toothed land shark that was only strengthened once, Ah Xun actually chose to let the Kirby, whose movement speed was worrying, appear on the stage.

Not to mention this slow Kirby, even Xiaozhi's nimble fat man is incomparable in front of the sharp-tooth land shark that has done Dragon Dance once.

So, just because of the Kirby beast, Fangtooth Shark not only didn't suffer any injuries, but also performed the Dragon Dance again, which was directly unstoppable.

The only thing that is useful is the block that is randomly used after the sleep talk, which is absolutely amazing.

Of course, it was also for this reason that the sharp-toothed land shark was directly driven to a dead end, and kept running against the scales, arousing the blood power to the extreme, and then Leib took advantage of the evolution and bit the land shark fiercely.

It can be said that the second choice of Kirby is a failure no matter how you look at it!

If the second elf is replaced by Emperor Nabo, who is fast and also knows ice-type moves, or a poisonous skeleton frog that can poison the sharp-tooth land shark.

If you use either of the two, the fangtooth shark will definitely suffer a lot of injuries, or it will be defeated sooner or later due to poisoning, even if it evolves.

But what happened? Thanks to Ah Xun's wonderful operation, the next three or four elves have no room to operate.


Ah Xun opened his mouth slightly, not knowing what to say for a while.

Just one biting land shark defeated your six elves. Is this a problem with the elves?

In short, in any competition or battle, losing is the trainer's problem and reason.

Didn't train the elves to be stronger, didn't think about tactics, didn't make the right response...

Of course, even if he takes the initiative to challenge the strong and loses, that is the problem of the trainer.

However, in such a battle where the result is almost known, winning or losing is no longer the purpose of the challenge.

Your elf has worked hard to train and grow stronger, what about you?

Is it just shouting cheers during the training, or is it because the elves can't come up with the right countermeasures during the battle and let the elf's efforts go in vain?

If you only have this level, it's best not to treat me as an opponent.

I don't need such a weak opponent.

When Shinji said this, the corners of his mouth were raised appropriately, showing a touch of contempt.

Thank you, let's go first.

After the words fell, Shinji took his mobile phone from Xiaoguang's hand, nodded slightly and left directly without any remembrance.


Ah Xun lowered his head, clenched his fists tightly, his back molars were about to be shattered, but he felt that there was nothing wrong with Shinji's words.

Damn... ah ah ah! ! !

In the Sinnoh regional stage, there will also be a tool pet and the main battle member entering the arena. The next tool pet will appear, and the main battle member will appear later. You can guess.

After Sinnoh, the elves may not be subdued for a short time, at most, one or even one in a region will not be subdued. (Each region doesn't last long, it should)

(Well, tomorrow is forced to 7000+ words)

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