Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 173 Sinnoh Charging Competition

After getting Rotom, Shinji replaced a new mobile phone in Binhai City for the former to inhabit.

After Rotom's mobile phone transferred all the information in the illustrated book, Shinji threw the illustrated book that had been kept in his pocket into his backpack.

Not surprisingly, apart from registering and proving your identity, you probably won't be able to use the elf illustrated book very well in the future.

In the days that followed, Shinji began to train in Binhai City, preparing for the upcoming Shenao Charging Competition.

Not many days later, it came to the opening day of the competition.

Different from the previous charging competitions, this time the charging competitions are in line with the Poké Olympics, so the rules have been greatly changed.

Abandoned the previous battles and charging games, and replaced them with breakthroughs, triathlons and charging games.

Breaking through the level is similar to the water level breaking program in memory. The main thing is to screen the contestants, filter out some people who are purely for fun and those who are not strong enough, and then start preparing for the official competition.

At the same time, during the entire competition, participants must choose elves standing on both feet to accompany them in the competition, and they cannot attack other participants or fly during the competition.

Otherwise, it would be inconsistent with the purpose of the Olympics.

The elf chosen by Shinji is the Electric Shock Beast, and choosing the Electric Shock Beast is good for charging in the final game.

The screening venue was the most lively, and a large number of contestants gathered together, preparing to compete.

In the candidate area, Shinji saw Minghui who was taking the flame monkey to the competition.

Have courage.

The barrier was about to pass, and the two who saw each other did not greet each other, but gave such evaluations in their hearts.

You must know that there is a part of the distance in the race that requires swimming to traverse. The two-kilometer swimming distance is not particularly far, but it is not friendly to the fire-type elves.

During the race, it is necessary to ride a bicycle for tens of kilometers. It is definitely impossible for the size of the electric shock beast to get on the bicycle.

The stamina consumed by this will directly be multiplied several times. Even if the attribute is dominant, it is still unknown whether there is still energy to charge at the end.

Welcome everyone to the preliminaries of the Sinnoh Charging Contest. Due to the large number of applicants for this competition, we have specially added items for screening and passing through the barriers. All contestants will reach the finish line as quickly as possible under the premise of completing the barriers at one time.

At that time, the top 100 people will be eligible for the subsequent competition.

Let us look forward to the performance of the participating athletes!

Accompanied by the words of the host, the contestants boarded the track one after another.

Because it is a screening, it is not too humane. One person is eliminated and the next person is directly followed.

Shinji was unusually calm as he followed behind the first group of players and watched the players who fell into the water in front of him.

There are only three levels, which are the road of balance, the road of charge, and the road of climbing.

Follow, be careful.

After stepping into the track, Shinji gave a hint to Dengeki Warcraft.

The balance path consists of a very narrow balance beam and a rotating log. Challengers need to walk through a balance beam of tens of meters and then pass a rotating log of nearly 20 meters.

Shinji is naturally not worried about himself, but he is afraid that this larger electric monster will accidentally fall.

Ah Kelu~

The electric shock monster patted his chest, signaling Shinji to rest assured.

The rules only say that it cannot fly. It is reasonable for it to use electromagnetic force to maintain its balance, right?

Game start!

As the announcement began, Shinji flew out like an arrow.

On the balance beam with a width of less than 5cm, Shinji passed the distance in less than ten seconds as if walking on flat ground.

The Electric Shock Beast also followed closely behind with a relaxed face. It didn't have to worry about balance issues. As long as it stepped on it correctly, it would definitely be able to pass.

As for the 20-meter-long rotating log, it is naturally impossible to jump over it in one step. After making some adjustments and accumulating energy, Shinji moved.

He jumped out straight away, lightly stepped on the log halfway, and then jumped up and passed again.

During the whole process, the log has not even rotated.

Ah Kelu~

The distance of 20 meters is more relaxed and necessary for the electric shock monster. The power is stored on the spot, and the magnetic force propels, and it is easy to jump to Shinji's side.

The second stage of charge is relatively the most difficult. It needs to go through a few roller sections and then enter the rapid reverse track. When you run to the end, you can jump to grab the rope and jump more than 20 meters to pass the level.

Shinji didn't turn his head back, and the speed didn't slow down. He rushed directly into the track, passed the roller area in less than 3 seconds and entered the reverse track.

But the speed of this regress was obviously weaker than that of Shinji, and it didn't take many seconds to rush to the end. He jumped out and grabbed the swinging rope and jumped out easily, completing the level perfectly.

The electric monster behind him was not to be outdone, jumped directly to the roller area, sprinted with all his strength, jumped to the other end without grabbing the rope, and completed the level.

The climbing path of the third level is quite special. After climbing over a 2-meter-high wall, start climbing the last 20-meter-high rock climbing wall.

Shinji sprinted as before, jumped two meters high and leaped over the wall, then began to climb.

It's just that this climbing method is a bit wrong——

Charge, jump a few meters high, step on the bump with one foot and then jump a few meters high again. After reaching the special protruding area, reach out and grab it with a force, and then fly directly, and soon reach the top of the high platform.

The Electric Shock Monster was also straightforward. After directly accumulating power, it jumped 20 meters and landed on the high platform, shoulder to shoulder with Shinji.

Ah Kelu~

How about it, I didn't hold you back, trainer.

The Electric Shock Beast grinned.

It's okay, tomorrow's official game, don't be ashamed.

Shinji nodded, and retired after simply registering the information, leaving the shocked crowd below.

This guy, what's his background...

So easy?!

It looks really hard to me.

We are playing the checkpoint version, and he is playing the speedrun version?

That elf is also very powerful. It can jump over a distance of tens of meters.


Everyone stared blankly at Shinji's leaving figure, shocked.

Flame Monkey, you have to work hard later, just clear the customs...

Even Minghui was shocked.

In terms of physique, he may be able to compare with the Super Curtain Man in Super Futaba, but he doesn't want to compete with Shinji in this link because of his relatively average skills, as long as he can pass the level stably.


The flame monkey nodded seriously. This track is not difficult for it, but it is very difficult to surpass the electric monster.

Not long after, in the evening, after the results came out, Shinji was number one as expected, and Minghui was in the top 30.

It's not that there are people who are more powerful than Shinji. After all, many professional athletes have also participated in the competition, but... this is just a qualifier, and safety is the most important thing. Shinji's operation is slightly more dangerous.

There is also the elf gap.

It is impossible for the elves of some athletes to leap over directly like an electric monster.

On the second day, when the competition started, the number of participants was obviously reduced by more than half, not even the expected 100 people, and only 60 people passed the preliminaries.

The organizer was very helpless, but only 60 people could go on the track.

First, a 2-kilometer swim, then a 40-kilometer bicycle race, and finally a 10-kilometer long-distance run. The first 20 people who reach the finish line can compete and recharge.

On your marks, get ready!


On the edge of a wide lake, with a gunshot, all contestants jumped into the water with the elves and began to swim.

Come on, flame monkey!

After swimming tens of meters, Minghui gave encouragement to Flame Monkey, who had learned to swim for the competition.


The flame monkey responded and swam with all its strength.

After overcoming the fear of water and learning to swim, its speed is much faster than that of ordinary human elves, and Minghui and Minghui are at the forefront of all competitors.

Go ahead when you're ready.

At the end of the team, Shinji tightened the tail wrapped around the waist of the electric shock monster and said.

Ah Kelu~

A strange smile appeared on the face of the electric monster, who is it?

The existence of chasing cruise ships in the sea with Shuangrenwan, swimming, who is it afraid of?

The electromagnetic force under the feet is activated, and the hands slide, and the electric monster instantly pulls Shinji out like a speedboat.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the forefront of the team and swam towards the finish line of the first stop at an unmatched speed.

I rely on it!

What the hell?!

Is this swimming?

Whether it was other contestants or those who watched the live broadcast, they were stunned after seeing Dengeki Warcraft and Shinji.

This speed, I am afraid that other opponents are not running so fast on the ground.

In a blink of an eye, while everyone was still struggling in the water, Shinji had already landed, and rushed towards the bicycle with the electric shock beast.

There are two kinds of bicycles provided in the competition, one is a tandem bicycle, which can be ridden by a trainer and an elf, and there is also a single bicycle, which can be ridden by a trainer or an elf alone.

Keep the rhythm and keep up.

After plunging onto a bike, Shinji started riding along the course of the race.

Due to the size of the electric shock monster, Shinji could only wrong it and let it run behind to keep up with him.

Ah Kelu~

The electric shock monster that had been prepared for a long time responded, kept the rhythm, and followed Shinji closely.

In fact, after the Electric Shock Beast mastered the electromagnetic levitation, it has never carried out such a long-distance ground attack.

This time, the bicycle track + long-distance running track has a total distance of 50 kilometers. It is still a challenge for it to keep up with the riding speed of the super curtain man Shinji.

Fortunately, even if you can't fly with electromagnetic force, it's okay to use electromagnetic force to speed up and save some effort.

It is not a problem to charge, self-motivate and start, and even the electric engine is self-activated to keep up with Shinji.

Because of Shinji's thriving, there is a lone aerial camera Rotom in the sky that follows Shinji at any time and broadcasts live.

Why so fast, Shinji, it's too foul!

After Shinji rode for several kilometers, Ming Hui, Flame Monkey and some other contestants went ashore.


The flame monkey agreed, gasped slightly, and swam underwater. It's really not friendly enough for fire attribute elves!

Let's go, let's catch up! It's up to you, Flame Monkey.

After looking at the two bicycles, Minghui decisively chose the tandem bicycle.

At this moment, there is a big gap between him and Shinji. If he rides alone, he feels that it is impossible for him to catch up with Shinji.

It's better to give it a try for two people!

Flame Monkey, let's alternate bursts of riding at full strength! You should strengthen first!

After stepping on the bicycle, Minghui made the following deployment while riding with all his strength.


Flame Monkey responded, and immediately began to activate the bodybuilding strengthening power.

After being strengthened to the limit, the flame monkey resolutely began to step on the pedal with all its strength, and the speed of the bicycle increased instantly, directly stepping on the bicycle to the limit speed.

In this way, the one-man-one-monkey combination gradually distanced itself from other honest contestants around, chasing after Shinji who had long since disappeared.

From the perspective of God, Minghui and the flame monkey are chasing Shinji at a faster speed.

However, due to the large difference in the time of the swimming competition, it is not known whether they can catch up successfully.

Accelerate, accelerate, accelerate! Flame Monkey, I saw Shinji!

Finally, when the ride was about to end, Shinji and Dengeki Demon Beast appeared in Minghui's field of vision who had just dropped the bike and started the last 10km sprint.


Due to the explosion most of the time, the flame monkey who was still feeling tired suddenly had a look in his eyes when he heard this.

Speed ​​up again and again and ride towards the finish line.

Come on, go!

After getting off the bicycle, Minghui shouted and immediately chased after Shinji.

Although riding took most of the flame monkey's physical strength, relatively speaking, Minghui's remaining physical strength was definitely more than that of Shinji.

Anyway, although his skills are not as good, Minghui is also a super Futaba!


Flame Monkey responded and followed Minghui.

Riding took most of its physical strength, but it still had no problem keeping up with Minghui.

Under normal circumstances, they may still compete with Shinji!

Shinji glanced back, and found that Minghui was not too far away from him, so he decisively chose to use full firepower, grabbed the tail of the electric shock monster, and let the electric shock monster start to accelerate.

The explosion of riding has made the flame monkey have little effect on Minghui's weakness in running now, but the electric monster that keeps running at a constant speed is relatively easy, and even the application of electromagnetic levitation and electric engines has also improved.

At this moment, pulling Shinji began to gradually speed up to reduce Shinji's burden.

If it wasn't for running with Shinji in his arms, it would be a violation of the rules, and the Electric Shock Monster would definitely go all out on the spot.

Ever since, Minghui, who thought he had hope of victory, could only watch as the distance between Shinji and him grew farther and farther.

persevere until the end.

Seeing that victory was out of reach, Minghui said so.

Finally, with Shinji crossing the red line, the game got off to a good start.

The whole journey takes less than 50 minutes!


After crossing the finish line, Shinji was already panting slightly.

Although he did not burst out with all his strength for the sake of stability throughout the whole process, he was definitely tired.

However, that doesn't mean the game is over.

The last level of the charging competition - charging!

The requirement is simple, the contestants and elves use various devices to charge a special electric ball.

Shinji directly stepped on a device similar to a treadmill to start power generation.

And the Electric Shock Beast...

Adjust, self-motivate, charge and start, and then start charging the electric ball.

It can be said that, according to common sense, this is the most friendly level to the electric attribute elves that can stand on two legs.

But the organizer obviously didn't expect that there would be such an anomaly as Dengeki Warcraft, and none of the previous projects had any impact on it.

Ah Kelu~

The electric shock beast responded, and began to strengthen calmly. When it reached the peak state, a thunderbolt eight times as powerful struck the electric ball.

I saw the light on the electric ball began to shine continuously, and the pure electric energy inside began to fill the electric ball like water...

By the time Flame Monkey and Minghui arrived, the fully charged Electric Shock Monster had already stretched its muscles and bones and followed Shinji to rest.


At this moment, Minghui could only comment like this, and then began to fight for the second place.

After completing his task, Shinji left and came back to the edge of the field to rest, waiting for the awards at the end of the game.

In fact, the charging conference I designed only included the charging part + the battle, but in the end... um... I lost my mind and Shinji's strength is too strong, so I can only write it like this.

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