Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 164 Earth Terrace Turtle VS Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros (Part 1)

Okay, since becoming the winner means becoming the challenger we expect.

Now, please wait for Mr. Sugar Palm, who he challenged, to speak for us.

After Caizi's voice fell, Guanglang also said with great momentum:

This is the last stop of the Futaba Festival, Shinji, please compete seriously with me.

I will do my best!

Shinji said seriously.

That's the fighting spirit, go, Super Armored Rhinoceros (Super Iron Tyrannosaurus)!

Sugar Palm threw a Poké Ball in appreciation.

Ah scary!

The super-armored wild rhinoceros has a huge sharp-edged diamond on its face, an indestructible protective gear on its rock-like skin, and a tail like a meteor hammer on its back. Every part of its body seems to be a weapon.

War weapon is the best adjective for it.

It's coming, it's Dad's Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros.

Nearby, Ah Xun, who was watching the battle, was very excited, as if he was standing in front of a palm tree.

My super-armored wild rhinoceros is an impregnable wall facing the challengers of the battle tower. Come and see its strength.

After a brief introduction of Sugar Palm, she quietly waited for what kind of spirit Shinji would choose to deal with the enemy.

Is it really a super armor mad rhino?

Shinji's expression was unprecedentedly serious, and he quickly made a choice between the electric shock monster and the earth turtle.

If this super-armored rhinoceros only has the level of collapse after the rock cannon is launched in the animation, Shinji feels that any elf on his body can defeat it.

But the fantasy is beautiful, and the reality is very skinny. The powerful aura of this super armored rhino is not weaker than any of Dick's elves, all telling Shinji that this is a strong enemy!

Is it to use flying electric shock monsters? Or an earthen turtle as stable as Mount Tai?

this is a problem.

The three-second thinking time was fleeting, Shinji made a decision, threw the poke ball, and said:

Taitai Turtle, get ready to fight!


When the ground cracked, an extremely huge body appeared on the field.

It is obviously an elf, but the first impression it gives people is that it is a mountain to walk on.

It is obvious that the super-armored wild rhinoceros is stronger, but it is this earth turtle that is more deterrent.




Damn it! *10086

After the Tutai Turtle came out, the scene was instantly quiet for two seconds, and at the same time, there was a sound of breathing, followed by a mess.

How is it possible... how is it possible!

There is such a big earthen platform turtle?!


This unscientific!


Everyone reacted surprisingly similarly, they all stared at the Turtle with wide eyes.

Under the cultivation of the sugar palm, the super-armored wild rhinoceros is already considered huge, with a terrifying height of nearly 2.8 meters, but what about the earthen turtle?

The Tutai Turtle, which is famous not for its height, but for its size, is 4 meters high together with the height of the trees on its back.

What kind of gap is this? !

Although there are so-called overlord Pokémon, leader Pokémon, and other naturally huge elves in the world, such a large super-sized existence is unheard of even by Sugar Palm.

Isn't elf cultivation bigger the better?

That's because you didn't grow up big enough!

Immediately, Yang Lang let out an admiration.

Amazing! Boy, you can actually cultivate such a big earthen turtle!

Thank you for your compliment. After politely responding, Shinji said to the elves for the first time before the battle:

Taitai Turtle, do your best and prepare to grow!


The earth turtle looked sideways at Shinji and nodded seriously, moving his body slightly to the most suitable posture, so that he can enter the moment of full strength at any time.

Now the final battle begins. Both sides can only use one elf. The first party to lose the ability to fight wins, and the game begins!

Let the challenger attack first!

As soon as the referee uncle finished speaking, the earth turtle instantly took root, grew, and finally absorbed nutrients and energy in one go!

Unlimited growth flow tactics, open!

Parasitic seeds, crazy plants!

Seeing that the tortoise was ready, Shinji asked the tortoise to attack immediately.


The Terra Turtle did not move, but the ground in front of it burst instantly, and dozens of hardened plants protruded, stabbing at the Super Armored Crazy Rhino all at once.

At the same time, a concealed seed was hidden in it and shot out.

WTF? !

Yilang, who originally planned to let the super-armored wild rhinoceros do not defend against the earthen turtle's attack, suddenly couldn't stand up, and quickly said: Defend quickly.

Ah scary!

The super-armored wild rhino reacted very quickly. Seeing the extraordinary momentum of this move, he immediately blocked the front with both hands, and launched a sharp stone attack at the same time, raising stone pillars in front of his body to turn into a protective shield.


As soon as the extremely solid blue stone pillar was raised, it was completely punctured and shattered by the hardened plants, and hit the Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros with undiminished momentum.

A seed hidden in it also fell on the Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros.

The ground was turbulent, setting off a storm, and the dust completely enveloped the Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros.

After one blow, the Turtle did not maintain its skills for a long time, and directly dispersed the hardened plants to quickly enter the side effect time.


Ah scared~

The super-armored wild rhino stomped on the ground, and the aura of its body swept away the dust around the body, revealing a slightly scarred body wrapped in thorny vines.

Hurt, but harmlessly.

At this moment, Guanglang also knows that Tutaigui and Shinji are not ordinary guys, even if their strength is not as good as their own, but if they are not serious, they may capsize.

So decisively said:

Super Armor Crazy Rhinoceros, speed up, rock grinding.

Ah scared~

The super-armored wild rhino's moves made the body glow brightly, reducing the resistance of the air and increasing the speed. At the same time, flames emerged from the body, directly destroying the vines that proliferated from the parasitic seeds.

After doing these two things, before the super-armored wild rhino had time to attack, it was discovered that the earth turtle had escaped the side effect.

Magic leaf, strong whip!

A large number of leaves fell continuously from the back of the turtle on the earth platform, and it was filled with firefly green light and flew towards the super armored wild rhinoceros from all directions.

At the same time, there are a large number of green roots on the ground again, like rattan whips, whipping down towards the super-armored wild rhinoceros.

Such fast-connected moves made Super Armor Kuangxi feel as if he was competing with elves of the same level, and instantly put away all his contempt.

The flame fist with both hands hit the vines, clearing out a vacuum zone in an instant, but the magic leaf that followed in the sky also fell on the super-armored mad rhino at this moment, causing a certain amount of damage.

Use high temperature and heavy pressure, super horn strike!

Ah scary!

A scorching flame ignited on the body of the super-armored wild rhinoceros, burning all the magic leaves close to the body, and at the same time, like a siege machine, it rushed to the earth turtle with all its strength, and the big horn on the top of its head emitted a dazzling white light, as if it could break through all obstacles .

The endless vines whipped towards the super-armored mad rhinoceros all the way, and the ground knotted ropes rose up one by one, trying to block its steps, but it was of no use.

This offensive is unstoppable!


Green Vegetable White Jade Tea Bowl

Book Friends 20210526175313366

Book Friends 160209175823782

Blue collar? Xiaoxiaosheng

The tip (*﹀`*)*゜

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