Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 163 VS A Shun, Snow Fairy VS Emperor Nabo

Ah... Maybe Ah Xun has some secret weapon? What about special tactics?

I hope so...

As soon as Minghui finished speaking, he saw Ah Xun shouting loudly:

Emperor Nabo, beat the Snow Fairy hard for me, and use the Cannon Light Cannon!


The power gathered in Emperor Nabo's mouth, and immediately a cannon shot out.

Snow scene.

The Snow Demon Girl smiled slightly, opened her hands and began to summon Xue Tian.


In the next second, the light cannon passed through Snow Demoness's body, knocked it apart and landed on the ground behind, blasting a pothole.

Another Snow Demon appeared, slowly flew into the air, and disappeared as the snowflakes fell.

Snow, snow hidden, start!

how come?!

A Xun, who didn't know the powerful illusion of the Snow Demon Girl, was a little confused. It seems that the Snow Demon Girl didn't use her skills. How could it be fake?

No matter, Emperor Nabo, use Blizzard!

Facing the Snow Demon Girl who didn't know where she was, Emperor Nabo launched a blizzard with his backhand, and with the power of Snow Sky, completely enveloped the entire venue under ice and snow.

Aurora Curtain, Ghost Fire Halo!

Seeing this, Snow Fairy, who wanted to play with Emperor Nabo, decisively created an aurora curtain in front of her to weaken the damage caused by the snowstorm.

At the same time, the will-o'-the-wisps appeared beside him, and under the influence of mental strong thoughts, they forcibly blended into a will-o'-the-wisp halo, which spun around the body, blocking all attacks from the body.

Imperator Napoleon uses a cannon.

As Ah Xun finished speaking, a beam of light shot out from Emperor Nabo's mouth.

But what he didn't expect was that the Snow Fairy not only didn't dodge, nor retreated, but flew towards Emperor Nabo.

The oncoming light beams were immediately blocked by this seemingly inconspicuous halo, and the distance between the two kept getting closer.

Woman's fire.

After flying close, several clusters of will-o'-the-wisps suddenly appeared around the body of the Snow Demon Girl, and they shot towards Emperor Nabo from all directions.

Peck drill!

Although he didn't quite understand the origin of the Snow Demon Girl's aura, Ah Xun didn't foolishly wait for the will-o'-the-wisp to fall on Emperor Nabo.


The emperor took a leap, his body turned into a drill, and after breaking up all the will-o'-the-wisps, he flew straight towards the snow demon girl.

Get out of the way.

With the help of Xue Yin's characteristics, the Snow Demon Girl fluttered to the side and passed the emperor Nabo.

That's it, Steel Wing!

Grab it!

The voices of the two sounded at the same time.

Emperor Nabo, who missed a hit in the sky, stopped pecking at the drill instantly, and the water jet launched into the air. His two wings turned into a metallic color, and he slapped directly towards the nearby Snow Fairy.

The Snow Demon Girl was not afraid either, and while her body was flying backwards, she activated her mental will to control several ghost fire halos around her and forcibly flew towards Emperor Nabo.

Boom! Boom!

After the halo collided with the steel wing, it was directly knocked out without accident, but under the control of the mental force, it turned around in the air and flew to Emperor Nabo again.

After being blocked many times, Emperor Nabo was a little angry, and launched the steel wing halo with all his strength.



After a certain attack, a halo above was directly smashed to pieces.

But the halo did not dissipate, but turned into a will-o'-the-wisp and flew directly towards the face of Emperor Nabo.


This sudden change made Emperor Nabo startled.

Fortunately, the jet of water saved Emperor Nabo at this time, and the will-o'-the-wisp went out completely after touching the water.

But Emperor Napoleon was in a daze for such a moment, but the other halos seized the opportunity and directly put them on Emperor Napoleon's hands, completely controlling Emperor Napoleon.

Psychic thoughts!

After successfully catching Emperor Nabo with her halo, the Snow Demoness showed no mercy, and with a strong mind, she smashed the former towards the ground, and then threw several will-o'-the-wisps in pursuit.

King Nabo, get out of the way.

Emperor Nabo endured the pain after falling to the ground, and quickly rolled to the side, trying to avoid the attack.

However, under the control of the snow demon girl's mental will, how can the will-o'-the-wisp be so easy to hide?

A turn fell on the Emperor Nabo, which successfully fell into a burnt state.

Misfortunes never come singly!

As the ghost shadow flickered, the Snow Fairy appeared upright in the sky above Emperor Nabo's head, throwing clusters of purple energy at the latter, causing high damage one after another.

Emperor Nabo, break free quickly, use any skill.

In a hurry, Ah Xun couldn't think of any way to make Emperor Nabo break free, so he could only say so.


However, under the powerful attack of the Snow Demon Girl and the control of the will-o'-the-wisp halo, Emperor Nabo couldn't struggle effectively at all.

However, in the end, the halo dissipated, not because the Emperor Nabo broke free, but because the Snow Demoness accidentally broke it from the outside.

Just at this time, the cloud cleared, the snowflakes dissipated, and the sky was brightened.

However, the snow demon girl's misfortunes never come singly, but she has been released, and the attack has fallen.

Emperor Nabo, get out of the way!

Under Ah Xun's excited yelling, Emperor Nabo rolled and got up, moving at a high speed so that his speed increased sharply, narrowly dodging the attack, and distanced himself from the snow demon girl.

Bursts of blue light rose from Emperor Nabo's body, covering him in rich water attribute energy.

Torrent, launch!

The power of water attribute moves has increased!

Very good! Emperor Nabo, strike with all your might, water cannon!

Ah Shun shouted.


Emperor Nabo immediately gathered all his strength, a highly compressed water cannon appeared in front of his mouth, and launched a blow that gathered all his strength at the Snow Fairy.

In A Xun's eyes, the Snow Demon Girl, who is no longer elusive after the snowy day, is absolutely unstoppable from this blow!


Shadow clone.

The Snow Demon Girl's body split into dozens of them in an instant, and the cannon light pierced through it, but only destroyed one of them.

One move failed, and Emperor Nabo, who was already on the verge of limit, suffered the backlash from the side effects of his skills, and stopped in place for an instant, unable to move.

Seeing the penguin who was powerless to resist, all the snow fairies in the sky raised their arms and gathered a cloud of purple energy, and then threw them at the former together.


Between the explosion and the bang, Emperor Nabo lay down on the ground.


But the Snow Demon Girl flew back to Shinji with a smile

Glancing at the Snow Demon Girl, Shinji didn't take it back, but stayed by his side, watching the subsequent battle by the way.

Emperor Nabo loses his ability to fight, Snow Fairy wins, Shinji wins!.

announced the referee.

After a short rest, the host Caizi once again stood in the center and announced:

The winner of the Spirit Battle Contest is Shinji from Veil City who is challenging to collect badges for the Suzuran Conference.

Give him a round of applause.

Crack, clap, clap...

Everyone clapped their hands, but the protagonist Shinji was unusually calm, with his gaze fixed on the opposite Kanglang, thinking about the strategy to deal with the enemy.

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