Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 165 Earth Terrace Turtle VS Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros (Part 2)

In an instant, at the end of a scorched road, the super-armored wild rhino slammed into the earth turtle.

At the critical moment, the earth turtle's power was activated, and a green protective shield appeared and quickly formed, blocking between the two.

Break it open!

Sugar palm said loudly.

Ah scary!

Hearing the words, the super-armored mad rhinoceros burst out again, and at the same time, the big horn rotated at a high speed, and began to break through the city!

Just for a moment, there is a feeling of being unable to hold on to it.

Shinji didn't want to see the scene where the protective cover was broken, so he said immediately:

Crazy Plant!

As soon as the words fell, the Terra Turtle immediately dispersed and defended. It burst out with all its strength and pierced several hardened plants on the ground at high speed, hitting the body of the Super Armored Crazy Rhino, abruptly stopping the Super Armored Crazy Rhino's attack.

The high-speed rotating horn drill is located less than three centimeters away from the turtle's face on the platform.

Knowing that it was being defended to block the strongest attack, at this moment the super-armored mad rhinoceros was a little weak, and the sugar palm decisively issued an order.

Big characters burst into flames!

The super-armored wild rhino immediately stopped the horn drill, and a terrifying flame spewed out from its mouth, and the big character explosion fell between the two with almost zero distance.


The impact of the explosion knocked out the super-armored mad rhinoceros, and his face was also a little scorched black from the explosion of his own characters, but the injury was not serious.

On the other hand, although the Tutai Turtle did not retreat a step because of its roots, the damage it suffered was far greater than that of the Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros.

However, this doesn't matter to the earth turtle. It has not been killed or killed in seconds. Its injuries are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its lost physical strength is also recovering rapidly.

In addition, both the strength and the defense of the ever-growing Terra Turtle are improving rapidly!

This is the infinite growth flow method!

This elf is a bit evil, so he can't drag it down casually.

Sugar palm originally thought that this would be a teaching bureau or a crushing bureau, but it turned out that Shinji and Tutaigui gave him too many surprises.

He had a bad premonition in his heart - if it continued to drag on, he and the Super Armored Kuangxi might be killed!

It is fine to win or lose in ordinary battles, but losing in this kind of battle with a group of people is unacceptable to him as the tower lord.

With a decision in his heart, Yanglang said decisively:

Super Armored Rhinoceros, Sword Dance!

Ah scary!

The super-armored wild rhinoceros started to activate its skills on the spot, and several phantoms of blue swords appeared around it, and began to increase its attack power.

During the whole process, the Tutai Turtle's continuous strong whipping and magic leaf attacks were completely ignored.

Tortoise, crazy plant!

Shinji, who saw Sugar Palm's plan, said coldly.


There was also determination in the eyes of the Turtle Turtle, and dozens of thicker and more powerful hardened plants around it pierced from the ground, like the spears of punishment from the gods.

Super Armored Rhinoceros, Ultimate Horned Drill!

After the sword dance was over, the super-armored wild rhinoceros gathered all its strength and exploded with all its strength. The drill cone on its head emitted white light and rotated at a high speed.

All the hardened plants on the way shattered in front of the super-armored mad rhino, turning into light spots and falling.

At this moment, the Tutai Turtle activated the defense again, creating a protective cover to block in front of it.



However, this time, standing in front of the super-armored mad rhino looked extremely fragile, as if the mirror had been directly shattered.


With one hit, the roots under the turtle's feet were completely broken, and its huge body was directly blown away. After rolling a few times, it rolled over and fell on its side in front of Shinji.


The Tutai Turtle barely opened its eyes to prop itself up, but before it could fully support itself, it closed its eyes again and fell into a deep sleep.

The Tutai Turtle loses its ability to fight, and the Super Armored Rhino wins!

This match was won by Sugar Palm, and Shinji's challenge failed.

The shop uncle who served as the referee announced.

Regarding this, Sugar Palm just raised his hand and waved it calmly, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, my father is very powerful. It is impossible for Shinji to defeat him in a short time.

Xiao Huang Mao held the back of his head with his hands and said calmly.

Even though he said that, he was almost sure of one thing in his heart——Shinji will definitely defeat Sugar Palm in the future.

Ah~ I thought the Turtle would win.

Xiaoguang also said something with some disappointment.

It's not that she likes Shinji, but she thinks that this seemingly strong and reliable tortoise can win, but she doesn't expect to be no match.

No way, after all, Shinji and our trainers who are basically at the same time still need time to grow~

After watching the match, Minghui was also full of emotion.

The strength shown by the earth turtle is a bit out of the ordinary. If it is a match, it is estimated that the elves in his hands are relatively easy to deal with, such as the flame monkey and the duck-billed beast. The other elves are probably not opponents.


Good job, this match was beautiful, thank you for your hard work.

Shinji breathed out, walked up to the earthen turtle and squatted down, gently stroking its head.

It's a pity that the damage of this blow was really high, and the Tutai turtle was still unconscious and did not respond.

Come back and have a good rest.

After silently opening the backpack, he took out a few miracle seeds and orange fruit and stuffed them into the turtle's mouth. Shinji took out the good medicine for a simple treatment, and then took out the poke ball to take it back.

You should come back first, too.


After getting up and noticing the Snow Fairy who was watching the battle, Shinji also took out the poke ball and took it back.

Boy, you did a great job. You can force me out of this move. It's a dreadful young man.

Congratulations for winning the Battle Tournament, accept the trophy.

Sugar palm picked up the gold trophy for the winner of the Futaba Festival, walked up to Shinji and handed it out, without hesitation admiring it.

The ultimate horn drill, that is, the combination of the final impact of the ultimate move and the ultimate horn drill, has terrifying and incomparable power.

Sugar palm is confident that as long as this move is completely hit, even Sirona's biting Lu Shark can't bear it at all!

Of course, Sirona and Biting Land Shark would not attack it foolishly without defending or resisting.

However, it is already enough to be proud that a tortoise that has not even reached the level of a king can force a blow from a super-armored wild rhinoceros.

There is still a lot of room for improvement.

After receiving the trophy, Shinji said humbly.

It's already enough. If Ah Xun has your level, I'll wake up laughing when I sleep...

Father, what are you talking about? Damn it! I'm not weak either!

Before Guanglang finished speaking, A Xun who was on the side jumped up anxiously when he heard this.

Okay, let's send the Turtle to the Fairy Center first. If you accidentally hurt it too badly, let it rest for two days.

Yes, I will.

Of course, these words were directly ignored by Tonglang and the people around him.

Now, all guests, please sing and dance to your heart's content on this last night!

Ayako makes the final host for the Futaba Festival.

Everyone, start to disperse.

After Shinji put away the trophy, he nodded to Minghui and the others, and walked to the spirit center alone.

From the battle just now, it can be seen that the sugar palm was indeed pushed into a hurry, otherwise it would not be so cruel to a non-moving tortoise.

Of course, many people may think that launching such a powerful attack against the Turtle Turtle is nothing more than that, why is there a sword dance?

The reason is very simple. After half a day of growth and strengthening of the upgraded version of the earth turtle, it may still be inferior to the super-armored rhinoceros or Sirona's biting land shark in other aspects, but its defense is definitely better than that.

To be on the safe side, Sugar Palm used sword dance.

Although it is a bit heavy to start, it can also be seen that we attach great importance to the Tutai Turtle.

If you don't pay attention, you can play slowly, you will not rush to attack if you hit me.

There are a lot of things going on recently, and Jijiachang can only say that it depends on the situation.

In terms of battles, I personally feel that the next three battles written are very good (especially the last two, or in other words, the subsequent battles are not bad!), you can look forward to it.

It may be necessary to divide the volume in advance later, and put the remaining content and the alliance meeting in one volume.

(By the way, I recommend this friend's book, if you are interested, you can read it)

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