Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 148: Legendary Trainer—Crimson

Xuefeng City

It is a snow-covered city located at the northern end of the Sinnoh region. The snow falling from the top of Tianguan Mountain keeps the temperature here all year round.

At a glance, the trees and buildings are covered with a thick layer of snow, and the city has thus become a silver-white world.

Today is still a sunny day. Although there is snow accumulation in the city, the temperature is not too low.

Are you ready?

In the backyard of the Spirit Center, Shinji was holding a power booster and standing with other spirits, looking at the Electric Shock Beast standing alone in front of him.

In this elf world, the evolution of elves such as Electric Shock Beast, Duck-billed Fire Dragon, Wandering Night Spirit, and Big Rock Snake does not need to be connected and exchanged, but just like in the game Arzeus, you can directly give the corresponding props to the elves to evolve directly.

This is also the reason for the existence of elves such as wild electric shock monsters, night monsters, big steel snakes, and giant pincer mantises.


The Electric Shock Beast, who had been waiting for this moment for a long time, was very excited, staring fixedly at the power booster and responding.

I have been waiting for this moment for too long...

Well, let's evolve.

Shinji gave the power amplifier to Dengekimon.

As soon as it touched the power booster, the electric shock beast felt a force in its body being pulled by the booster, and it was quickly activated and emerged.

Then, a white light of evolution appeared on the body.

Soon, a mysterious golden color appeared in the evolution room of the white light, and golden arcs spewed out and wrapped around his body.

The mysterious evolution is going on, and the body of the electric shock beast is less than 1.5 meters. It grows rapidly, and it has surpassed 2 meters in a blink of an eye, reaching about 2.4 meters!

The arms became thicker and larger, and as the evolution progressed, a tail grew out of the back.

After the white light dissipated, the body of the Electric Shock Beast was truly revealed.

There are still many black stripes on the thick yellow fur, the two antennas on the top of the head are still preserved, and there is a pattern that looks like a two-wire socket on its back.

The tail behind it is like two retractable detonators or cables, which seem to be able to easily burst out powerful energy from it, serving as a weapon in battle.

Just by looking at it, the Electric Shock Beast might not be as vicious as the Electric Shock Beast, but the sense of oppression is more than doubled.

Ah Kelu~

The electric shock monster looked at its body, clenched its fists, felt the sufficient power in its body, and instantly felt stronger than ever before.

My uncle is invincible in the world!

Feel how the lightning slab in the stomach is.

After feeling the electric shock monster for a while, Shinji said it.

He still hasn't forgotten the broken stone slab that was swallowed by the electric shock monster.

The lightning arc that evolved just now was most likely also caused by the influence of that stone slab.

Now that it has evolved, what is the situation with the slate?


The electric shock beast sank into its stomach, and began to feel the existence of the lightning slate.

Unexpectedly, the stone slab that had been a bit of a stomachache had disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before, and the energy in the body was also many times purer than before.

Ah Kelu~

The electric shock monster spread its hands and shook its head, expressing that it could no longer feel the existence of the stone slab.

It seems that the few powers of the stone slab were completely consumed, and then completely fused with your body, which is a good thing.

Shinji tried to guess.

Fusion means that there is one less potential risk, and there are more props for battles, but the specifics still need experiments and inspections.

He took out the leftovers and handed them to the Electric Shock Monster for experimentation, and found that other battle props were indeed useful, so Shinji took back all the elves.

After handing the electric shock monster to Ms. Joey for inspection and finding that there was nothing wrong with it, Shinji led the elf and walked towards Xuefeng gymnasium.

I'm sorry, the owner of the gymnasium is giving lectures to the children's school today, so I can't challenge you. Please come back later.

The gym administrator said to Shinji apologetically.

Then I'll come back later.

Shinji nodded, saying goodbye politely.

Shinji wasn't disappointed that he couldn't challenge the Gym. He originally planned to use the Gym Battle to warm up the electric monsters, but now, it seems that he can only train by himself and let the elves train internally.

Hey! Have you heard? Xuefeng City seems to have a trainer from another area, and it's very powerful.

Of course, I heard that that guy easily defeated the six spirits of Xiao Si Pavilion Master in full strength with only one Pikachu.

Yes, it seems to be a trainer who came here to travel, taciturn, but unexpectedly powerful.


At this time, several trainers passed by Shinji, talking about the trainer information they had heard.

Pikachu... taciturn... powerful...

Inexplicably, a figure appeared in Shinji's mind. Without hesitation, Shinji immediately stepped forward and asked:

Excuse me, where is the trainer you mentioned?

Where? I don't know.

If you know, go directly to watch him challenge other powerful trainers.

Two of the teenagers shook their heads and waved their hands to express their understanding.

I heard that he seems to have gone to challenge Dick, the most powerful trainer in our city, who won the Lily of the Valley Tournament a few years ago, and it is said that he already has the strength to compete with the Four Heavenly Kings.

Unfortunately, I don't know whether the battle is inside or outside the city.

Another boy thought for a while and said.

Thank you.

Shinji thanked him and turned to leave.

Information about the legendary trainer emerged in his mind.

As for the special manga, Shinji doesn't understand.

But in the game, he is the original protagonist, powerful enough to destroy the Rockets...dominate the league and win the championship...conquer Chaomeng...and then practice in order to become stronger in the depths of Silver Mountain...

The plot in the animation Origin is not much different from the first generation of the game. The only difference is that Red (RED) got the key stone and the super evolution stone X of the fire-breathing dragon from the old man Fuji.

In addition, in the animation Generation, there is a scene where Chi Hong used the frog seed to subdue the round-faced mound, and traveled with him from one area to another.

Among them, in the Sinnoh area, the round-faced mound was fighting a big north-facing nose in front of the Xuefeng Temple.


Go to the Xuefeng Temple!

Shinji made this decision.

The Xuefeng Temple in this world is not in the center of the city like in the game, but in a remote place outside the city.

Shinji came here once when traveling with Leisi before, and he didn't need a map, so Shinji rushed over there.

Xueyou Mountain

In a cave, a group of snow demon girls, with the help of boars and long-haired pigs, dug a large number of awakened stones underground.




Looking at the ore that can be used for an unknown number of years, the Snow Fairies and Snow Boys were ecstatic.


At this moment of joy, a bright-eyed snow demon girl bid farewell to her mother.


Have you decided?

The leader Snow Fairy looked at her child seriously.


The Snow Demon Girl nodded, her pure eyes were full of affirmation.


The leader, Snow Demon, stepped forward to hug the child, stroked his head, and finally gave her affirmation.


In the ice and snow, the figure of a snow demon girl disappeared into the white snow all over the sky without a trace.

The snow demon girl must be subdued, but, if the background of Xueyou mountain I set is inexplicable, if I follow Shinji directly, wouldn't it seem that the snow demon girl is very irresponsible?

The reverse is also true. Doesn't it seem that Shinji is very unsatisfactory to forcibly subdue the elves who made it clear that they don't want to follow him?

(That's exactly the case, Shinji knows this very well, so when the last chapter left, he didn't drag his feet)

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