Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 149 Melee at Xuefeng Temple (Regichkas, Crimson, Dick, Hunter J appear)

There is a magical building near Xuefeng City. It is said that there is a sacred pillar king Regichkas who is said to be able to drag the mainland. That temple is the Xuefeng Temple.

At this moment, a battle is going on in front of the quaint and majestic Xuefeng Temple.

A teenager wearing a red and white hat and a red and white coat is commanding a round-faced Pikachu to fight a brown-haired young man in a black leather jacket.

This big north-facing nose is super powerful. It controls the three small north-facing noses around it to fire lasers from all directions, and together they attack the round-faced mound. Attack.

The 1VS1 battle is like 4VS1 at the moment. If it is an ordinary elf of the same level, it may be difficult to deal with its offensive.

Fortunately, as the scarlet Pikachu, the round-faced mound is extremely powerful, with agility to avoid the attacks of the big nose again and again, and attack at the right time.

Suddenly, after the round-faced hill launched its iron tail and collided with the big north nose again, the ground suddenly shook.

An arm suddenly stretched out from the ground, and in a blink of an eye, an elf with a huge white torso and a yellow strip-shaped structure in the center of the torso broke through the ground and crawled out, jumping to the center of the two elves.

On both sides of the center of the torso, there are three pairs of eye-like dots in red, blue, and gray. The sides of the center of the head and the feet are covered with green vegetation.

Sacred Pillar King, Regichkas!

Without any hesitation, Da Chaobei directly slammed into Regichkas, but the latter sent him flying with a backhand swing.

Seeing this, the round-faced hill also used one hundred thousand volts to attack Regichkas without fear.

Regichkas, who was under attack, punched him in the head, but the round-faced Qiu nimbly jumped to the other side, dodging the attack.

After missing a hit, Regichkas folded his hands together, creating a special black wave that rushed in all directions, sending the surrounding snow and round mounds flying away.

Afterwards, he raised both arms and began to frantically emit destructive rays, attacking everything around him.

This was the first scene Shinji saw when he arrived.

What's going on, why did Regichkas wake up suddenly?!

Dick, who checked the situation of the big nose, looked puzzled at Regichkas who was wreaking havoc.

I finally woke up, and my efforts were not in vain.

Suddenly, a figure stepping on a tyrannosaurus dragon appeared above the temple, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

With the help of high technology to disrupt the electric wavelength and time interference, she finally awakened the sleeping Regichkas hidden underground.

Above the clouds, a large high-tech aircraft also showed its figure.

It's Hunter J's car!

Pokémon Hunter—J.

Shinji also came over at this time, looking at Hunter J coldly.

He has not forgotten the scene of being hunted down by hunter J before.

It's a pity that he didn't kill her directly in the cave in the end.


Hearing this, Chi Hong looked up at Hunter J, with a little anger in the eyes under the brim of the hat.

Rage to Hunter and Rage to Interrupted Battles.

Hunter, it doesn't look good...

Before Dick could finish speaking, two beams of destructive aura shot towards it from Regichkas' hands.

At the critical moment, Da Chaobei stepped forward and stood in front of Dick.


Amidst the loud noise, the explosion appeared and shrouded the nose toward the north.

Big nose to the north!

Dick exclaimed.

Da Chaobeibi, who had been fighting against Round Face Hill for a long time, couldn't stand it anymore after receiving this attack.

No, let's split up and fight, this hunter will be handed over to me, and Regichkas will be handed over to you!

After retracting the big nose, Dick yelled at Chihong, threw a poke ball and released Gengar, Giant Pincer Mantis, Moon Eevee, Kuailong, and Wind Speed ​​Dog to face Hunter J together.

When dealing with bad guys, there is no reason to hold back your hands. You can fight in groups, not single-handed!


Chi Hong didn't say a word, but raised her hat slightly, took out five elf balls and threw them out again.






Sun Ibrahimovic, Miaowahua, Charizard, Chenglong (Laplace), and Kirby appeared one after another.

Hypnotism, 100,000 volts, crazy plants, big character explosion, blizzard, arm hammer.

The elegant and noble Sun Ibrahimovic disappeared in place in a teleportation, and appeared on top of Regichkas in a blink of an eye. A strong hypnotic wave fell on the latter, calming his manic heart and making him feel sleepy.

But at this point, the seven buttons on Regichkas' body glowed red at the same time, and the six red dots flashed alternately, becoming violent again.

Hypnotism, invalid!

But with the help of that moment of sleepiness, the ground in front of Regichkas shattered, and countless thorny hardened plants hit his body, causing damage and successfully suppressing him for a moment.

Several powerful attacks landed afterward, and all of them landed on Regichkas' body together.


A huge explosion appeared.


In the midst of the smoke, the body of the Snorlax fell from the sky, its arms glowing white, and it fell towards Regichkas.

Arm Hammer!


The smoke was dispersed by the Snorlax, and Regichkas' body fell to the ground under the blow, and he became calm for a while.

Crimson took this opportunity, took out a poke ball and threw it out, landed on Regichkas, and took it into it.


But before the elf ball wobbled and fell, a red light emanated from the ball, and then it exploded, and Regichkas' body reappeared.


When Chi Hong saw this scene, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

The crimson in this world is not as invincible as in the game at this moment. He is still working hard to become stronger in order to dominate the Kanto Alliance. Now he has not even reached the champion level in strength.

Even dealing with Regichkas, who is not necessarily an opponent for the champion, even if it is a gang fight, the difficulty is not low!


On the other side, Dick's elf also fought with Hunter J.

Hunter J looks pretty and handsome, but his strength is unquestionable, at least at the level of a king.

Dick's biggest advantage at this moment is that the hunter is a hunter, and he doesn't train many elves, only Tyrannosaurus, Alidos and Dragon King Scorpion.

She has a device in her hand, and the laser she shoots can make the target petrified and unable to move.

Although Shinji doesn't know whether Hunter J's equipment in this world is the petrochemical ray, but a reminder is always right.

Understood! Everyone be careful!

Dick understood and reminded loudly.

Seeing that Chihong was fighting fiercely with Regichkas, Shinji did not get sick and intervene to disrupt Chihong's rhythm, but reminded him.

Superimposed abnormal state.

Although Sun Ibrahimovic's hypnotism didn't work just now, it won't work until it's proven. Even if it's a divine beast, with the strength of the red elf, if you try it ten times or eight times, it will always work once, right?

And as long as any abnormal state takes effect, it will greatly ease the battle situation.

Chi Hong heard the words, glanced at Shinji, and said:

Electromagnetic waves, hypnosis, will-o'-the-wisps, poisonous, yawning, strange lights.

When the elves heard the words, they each used a move to land on Regichkas.

Start strengthening.

Seeing this, Shinji also released the spirit.

According to common sense, it is difficult for Shinji to get involved in these two battles, but if the ability is strengthened to the full, then there will be the power to get involved.

Therefore, Shinji asked the elves to strengthen them with all their strength nearby, and when the strengthening was successfully completed, it was time to assist.

During the strengthening, the electric shock monster was the first to notice that the situation at the moment was very unusual, and the two battlefields were fiercely fought.

Among them, the boy and elf who were fighting Regichkas, the Electric Shock Monster, looked very familiar.

Ah Kelu~

Isn't that the Pikachu that was on TV when he was able to kill the electric shock monster with one head?

Among them, the round face mound attracted the attention of the electric shock monster.

Ah Kelu~

Afterwards, it noticed the hunter J who was chasing him back then, and immediately gritted his teeth, his eyes showed ruthlessness,

o(▼皮▼メ;)o(╬ ̄盘 ̄)! !

Go and attack Hunter J.

Shinji patted the electric shock monster, and let this guy who can strengthen and fight at the same time join the battlefield first.


The Electric Shock Beast responded, and immediately flew up on the spot, joining the battlefield on Dick's side.

The dazzling thunder struck directly at Hunter J on the body of the Tyrannosaurus!

The Violent Dragon glanced at it, and immediately flapped its wings to avoid it.

Well, add one more

Dick is based on the first episode of the Generation animation, and is made up of a cameo by the book friend Cache Failure.

When he learned that the trump card was facing the north, he was happy and broke.

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