Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 147: Snow Maiden Hidden on Snow You Mountain

snowflakes falling, white

In the white world decorated with snowflakes, Shinji rushed towards the snow mountain with several elves.

Kyuubi kept the sunny day, so that there was no snowflakes falling in an area, and the circle bear kept using the see-through move to guard against the snow demon girl, and the giant golden monster quickly rushed towards the mountain with Shinji on it.

Shinji's purpose is simple, to get back his backpack.

Woo... Wow...

There were bursts of strange and misty shouts, and the snowflakes that were already blowing down became more violent. The little sun created by Nine Tails was quickly annihilated by the ice and snow, and the vision became even more confused.

Daoist ghost shadows shuttled through the snowy sky, creating a more icy atmosphere, as if they wanted to force Shinji down the mountain.


A burst of intense red light suddenly emanated from the body of the circle bear, sweeping across hundreds of meters in a circle, and in a blink of an eye, all the surrounding snow demon girls were seen through and revealed their figures.

There were also some ice ghost guards hiding behind, who were also spotted one after another.

Gravity, thunder!

In the protective cover made by the giant metal monster, Shinji said coldly.


Nine Tails created a large gravitational field, instantly covering the entire space nearby.

All the snow demon girls and ice ghost guards fell to the ground under the influence of gravity.


The Electric Shock Beast has been in a state of charging and self-motivation since it went up the mountain. At this moment, it is in full state, and it strikes down with a thunderbolt that covers the entire range.

All the snow demon girls and ice ghost guards who came to block the way were shrouded in lightning, and finally fell into the ice and snow.

Shinji didn't stop, and continued to rush towards the top of the mountain with the elf.

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, a group of Snow Fairies are arguing fiercely.

Ino! Ino! Ino!


The snow demon girls are discussing how to deal with Shinji, whether to start a war, or avoid fighting, and return all the things.

In terms of strength, a group of ice-attribute elves are born with geographical bonuses when they stay on the snow-capped mountains. At worst, they will all launch a blizzard together. With the help of the north wind, it will not be a problem to block the humans who are going up the mountain in the howling north wind.


One of the snow demon girls with a little injury on her body opposed it, thinking that the backpack should be returned to Shinji, so as to prevent the tribe from being injured.


The Snow Demon Girl, who seemed to be the leader, glared at her glaringly. If humans hadn't mined the Awakening Stone, how could they have fallen to the point of snatching the Evolution Stone?

As for living in another region, is it that simple?

With so many tribesmen, does it mean that they can be exchanged?

according to……

The Snow Demon Girl opened her mouth, but finally fell silent.


Seeing that the people around her were meaningless, the leader, Xue Yaonv, decisively began to discuss countermeasures.

Anyway, quite a few tribesmen have already stopped the human trainer, there should still be a lot of time to discuss...


A roar sounded at this moment, startling many Snow Demon Girls and Snow Boys.

How could it be so fast?

The leader Snow Demon Girl didn't understand that even if the trainers in the past had seen through their plan, they still couldn't defeat the clansmen who blocked them from going up the mountain.

But today, the defeat is too fast, right?

Haven't discussed countermeasures yet, and the enemy has already hit the door?


Without hesitation, the leader, the Snow Demon Girl, waved her hand, and beckoned the other Snow Demon Girls and Ice Ghost Guards to leave and rush towards the outside world.


One of the snow demon girls did not go out with her, said a few words to the fearless snow boys in the cave, then flew to the corner where the supplies were piled up, and turned Shinji's backpack out of a pile of things.

At this moment, the backpack is empty, and many useful and useless things are thrown outside casually, only a few awakening stones and unmelting ice are placed on a small pile of evolution stones next to it.

According to the original plan, if Shinji couldn't come up, some elves would randomly stuff all the things that were useless to them back.

Only now, apparently, the backpack hadn't been tidied by the elf.

After the Snow Demon Girl flew over, she hurriedly tidied things up carefully, and put all the things back in place as well as possible. Even the Awakening Stone and the Unmelting Ice were put back inside.

At this moment, inside and outside the entrance of the cave, Shinji had released all the elves, and began to fight against the group of snow demon girls.

Shinji's elves are all of what level. Each elf basically masters enhanced skills and has rich combat experience.

It had been more or less strengthened long before the start of the war. Facing this group of elves who were not known for their defensive abilities, they basically used one move at a time.

Like the electric shock beast, it is because of its anger that it has been strengthened to the extreme. After charging, it is not a problem to knock down a group of elves with one move.

Most of the tactics that this group of elves are good at have been destroyed by gravity and seeing through them.

Aren't you going to return the backpack to me?

Shinji scanned the leader of the snow demon girl lying on the ground with the illustration book he carried with him, and asked at the same time.


The snow demon girl's beautiful and weird face showed a bit of gloom, and she looked at Shinji with resentment.

Shinji was not annoyed by this, and they all came to the entrance of the cave, blocked the entrance, and looked for the backpack slowly. First, scan to see if there are any talented guys among the group of fallen elves.

The strength and talent are so-so, boring.

After waiting for a few seconds, after reading the data, Shinji ignored the Snow Fairy and turned around to scan the other fallen elves.


Suddenly, a strange cry came out again, and all the attacking Ice Ghost Guards and Snow Demon Girls stopped.

Seeing this, Shinji's elves didn't act cruelly, but just watched these guys with a sly look, and as long as there was a sign of doing something, they would definitely deal with it first.

During the space distortion, Miss Joy walked out of the hole with Shinji's backpack, walked to the front alone, carefully placed the backpack on the ground, and bowed apologetically:

Extremely sorry, trainer, please stop here.


Kyuubi's magic power was activated, and the backpack was sent to Shinji.

After taking the backpack, Shinji opened the backpack and began to check, and was relieved to find that the super badge was fine.

He took out the badge and put it in his inner pocket for safekeeping. After checking other things, he found that it was just a mess and nothing was missing. Then Shinji set his sights on Joy in front of him.

Are all Snow Fairies like you able to master such a powerful illusion?

If it weren't for his strong observation ability, he would have been deceived by illusions in the dilapidated elf center before. The electric shock beast could not realize that Joey was the Snow Fairy, which is enough to prove that his illusions are powerful.

That's not the case. Except for my mother, I'm the only one in the group whose illusion can reach this level.

Joy looked at the leader Snow Demon who was lying on the ground, and shook his head slightly.

It turns out that there is something special about being the leader.

Thinking in his heart, Shinji said, Show me your real body.

Joy didn't disappear, but an invisible Snow Fairy appeared beside her.

Just looking at the appearance, the biggest difference between it and other Snow Fairies is that the Ice Mine headgear on the top of the head and the eyes are purer and brighter.

Shinji pointed the illustrated book in his hand to scan the Snow Fairy, and after a few seconds, her detailed information jumped out.

After reading it, Shinji suddenly asked: Would you like to be my elf and become stronger with me?

The Snow Demon Girl was taken aback when she heard the words, a tangled look appeared on her face, her eyes turned to the clansmen, and she finally lowered her head in disappointment.

Miss Joy beside her bowed slightly and said:

I'm very sorry, the crisis within the clan has not been resolved, and I can't leave yet.

Evolutionary stones are not so easy to mine. Abandoning mining may be due to the high cost and high risk of deep mining. If you look carefully, there should be a lot left in the deep.

Shinji was not disappointed, and said something calmly, then took out a few awakening stones from the backpack, turned and left.

Thank you for your advice.

The figure of Joy gradually dissipated, and the Snow Fairy picked up the Awakening Stone, looking at the figure who took the elf away without hesitation.


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