Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 129 See through the vital point, meet Minghui, change


Looking at the regained composure of Shuangrenwan, Kyuubi didn't care.

In the blink of an eye, Tuantuan's love floated to Shuangrenwan.


In an instant, the strength given by Qi Gathering and Saber Intent was defeated by the charm, and Shuangrenwan was instantly fascinated by it, prostrating himself under the pomegranate skirt of Nine Tails.

Seeing this scene, the elves around couldn't wait to pull Kyuubi aside and fight for 300 rounds, criticizing this female who bullied her brother.

Shinji was surprisingly calm, looking at Kyuubi's huge body with a height of 1.5 meters, and felt in his heart that there should be mounts on land in the future.

The 1-meter-high little fire horse and the 1.2-meter-high bay leaf can carry people, and the 1.5-meter-high Nine Tails is naturally not a problem.

And just evolved, theoretically speaking, with this height, there is still room for growth with proper cultivation.

While thinking about it, Shinji took out the spirit book and pointed it at Kyuubi to check its information.

Skills: Sunny Day, Gravity, Jet Flame, Big Character Explosion, High-speed Movement, Body Fixation, Sun Beam, Iron Tail, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Meditation (for training), Energy Ball (for training), Will-o'-the-wisp, Trick, charming

An evolution, learned tricks and charm, and successfully learned the will-o'-the-wisps that had not been fully introduced before.

All I can say is, it's strong.

Let Shuangrenwan wake up.

Looking at Shuangrenmaru being toyed by Kyuubi, Shinji said coldly.


Perhaps it has evolved, Kyuubi is not so afraid of Shinji, he smiles and activates his supernatural power, which instantly wakes up Shuangrenmaru.


The consciousness was in a trance for a while, and the sober Shuangrenmaru was a little dumbfounded when he saw that he was hugging the tail of Nine Tails, and instantly regained his cold appearance, keeping a safe distance from the latter.

It's fascinating, and truly terrifying!

Put it on yourself.

Shinji took out the power suit and training equipment from the backpack and threw them to the elves, letting them each put on their own, and then led the way into it.

The ore of the Iron Island is hard, and the elves are warlike.

All you need to do is to defeat more local elves and crush stronger ores without using skills as much as possible, or only using melee skills.

In the battle with the elves, try not to dodge as much as possible, and use frontal attacks to temper your physique.

Start training individually, and the scorpions will stay.

After briefly introducing the training rules, Shinji asked the elves to scatter to find elves or ore training.


Kyuubi, who was wearing a training device, sighed immediately after hearing the training content.

According to the trainer, it can only use melee skills, so it can only use Iron Tail.

In Shinji's words, one trick is delicious, and you can eat it all over the world.

When it can use each tail to the extreme, it is not weaker than any elf of the same strength in melee.

Sighs are sighs, and training continues.


The pincertail scorpion wearing a mandatory training device came to Shinji and waited for Shinji's instructions.

come over……

Shinji took out a focus lens prop from his backpack and put it on the scorpion's head, saying: With this on, you can see the target's weak points, which matches the acupuncture knowledge you have learned.

When attacking, try to attack its acupuncture points and weak points as much as possible, and exercise the ability to hit the key.

In reality, basic point boosters are purely training devices that can be used with other props at the same time. During battle, no one would choose to carry basic point boosters that affect actions.


The pincer-tailed scorpion understands that it has the characteristics of a sniper, and it really needs to practice hitting the opponent's vital points, so as to cause more powerful damage.

Go to training now, and if you have time, you can ask Shuangrenwan how to use Qi Gathering.

In the game, the Pincertail Scorpion and the Dragon King Scorpion would naturally not be able to learn this move, but in reality, theoretically speaking, the principle of Qi Gathering moves in reality is not difficult, and the Pincertail Scorpion who is proficient in acupuncture should be able to master it easily.

Since Leisi's dragon king scorpion has sharp eyes, Shinji and Leisi did not try to let him learn Qi gathering, so the specific learning situation is doubtful.

However, it doesn't matter if you can't learn to gather Qi.

When the ability to see through acupuncture points and focus mirror is improved to the extreme, and the tricks attack your important acupuncture points and weak points, is it considered as hitting the vital point?


The pincer-tailed scorpion obediently left, starting its own path to becoming stronger.

The Electric Shock Beast and the Circle Bear had already left, and had already used their bodies to have friendly exchanges with the local elves.

Shuangrenwan and Jiuwei didn't go far, they attacked the rock, one tested their strength, and the other familiarized themselves with the body.

Fang Lusha, who originally wanted to run and follow the boss's footsteps to play with the local elves, decided to stay after seeing that Shinji and Pintail Scorpion started making dragon tooth soup after the exchange.

Drinking soup is not the key, the key is to want to become stronger.




The sound of collisions and roars can be heard all over the inner area of ​​Iron Island.

The training is in progress, the electric shock beast and the circle bear have defeated several powerful steel attribute elves, and the limelight is unlimited!


Seeing an elf knocked down by him below him, the Electroshock Beast couldn't help roaring——who else!


The deeply infected Huanquan Xiong laughed boldly, stomping his feet was an earthquake that shook the other elves to the ground, and roared domineeringly.



For a moment, the ground shook, the ground cracked, and a gigantic steel snake emerged from the ground, sticking out its head to look at the electric shock beast.

Not far away, a huge boscodora also came out from behind the mountain, ready to make gestures with the elves who had just arrived here.

The Electric Shock Beast didn't hesitate, and directly hit the big steel snake, wrestling with it.

I came to Iron Island to exercise my body, so I can't be afraid of getting hurt, just do it!



Boss Kedora was a little angry at first, but after approaching, he realized that the bear was mad.

This height alone is actually two heads taller than such a tall self.

But Guanggao, useless!

It wants to let the circle bear know that fists are the last word.

A brand new collision unfolds once again!

Time passed in a hurry, and Shinji fought all the way from the periphery of the Iron Island to the depths of the Iron Island.

On this day, Shinji was standing on a low mountain on the island, his eyes turned to the elves below who were exercising their bodies with various steel attribute elves.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came.

Eh? Shinji, you also come to Iron Island for special training? How is the effect?

Turning his head to look, he found that Ao Shanxia Minghui was looking up at him.

The effect is not satisfactory... These are your elves?

After a few jumps and falling back to the ground, Shinji looked at Minghui's spirit——

Flame Monkey, Duck-billed Charmander, Warhammer Dragon, Giant Pincer Mantis, Scorpion King, and a Pokkigu.

How about it, the cultivation is not bad.

Minghui smiled confidently.

It's ok.

Shinji commented noncommittally.

Then I'll take it as your compliment, haha, Minghui smiled and asked:

By the way, have you seen Ah Xun? That guy invited me to the Iron Island, but he couldn't find it at all. I don't know where he went.

did not see it.

Shinji shook his head slightly, that guy Ah Shun must have come here screaming and coming to fight against him.

That's it, let's forget about it for now. Wait for him to contact you. It's been a long time. Will you come to a battle later?

Minghui invited.

Battle? Of...





Before Shinji could finish his sentence, suddenly there was a lot of roaring around him.

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