Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 130 Out of Control, Dragon King Scorpion Evolution, Behemoth Alliance

what's the situation?

Minghui and Shinji were extremely vigilant, and immediately looked at the location of the cry.

I saw the steel elves who were colliding with the electric beasts and other elves in a friendly collision, all froze in place, with blue arcs floating around their bodies, and groaning in pain.

Then the eyes of this group of elves flickered with a faint blue light, and they violently attacked everything around them.

Among them, Shinji's spirit is included.

Goodbye to the friends in the wild who are friendly and fighting suddenly and wildly attacking, even the electric shock beasts are a little caught off guard, and basically all of them are injured.

But after reacting, the electric shock beast and other elves were furious.

Accompany you to train well. If you don't practice, you want to play tricks and sneak attacks, right?

If you want to fight, we will fight with you!

You know, among the elves that Shinji carried this time, there were no elves with really good tempers.

Encouraging the God of War Electric Shock Beast, persevering and berserk ringing bears, cruel and ruthless double-edged pills, reversing the scales to revive the sharp-toothed land shark, and igniting the fire to explode the nine-tailed scorpion, even the pincer-tailed scorpion, which is the least threat to this group of steel elves, is not a good match. sprites.



Following the electric shock beast's order, the six elves did not hesitate to launch the most powerful attack on the group of elves.

As for why these elves went crazy?


Put it down first!

Shinji, are you spirits so brave?

Just seeing this group of steel elves attacking wildly, Minghui's heart skipped a beat, subconsciously wanting to tell Shinji to leave.

Unexpectedly, none of the six elves would retreat, and even the poisonous scorpions dared to attack this group of elves.

This scene shocked Minghui for a year, you know, these are dozens of crazy steel attribute elves!

Since Shinji's six elves attracted the main firepower, Shinji and Minghui's side was temporarily safe.

No problem, they can handle it.

Shinji replied calmly, but his eyes were always paying attention to the movements of each elf.

Having said that, in fact, the electric shock beasts are in a bad state, because at this moment they are wearing various training devices, which greatly limit their speed.

This made it difficult for them to even evade the elves who were attacking wildly.

How can you only rely on your elf? Let's go together!

Minghui raised his arms to the elves behind him, and all the elves except Pokkigu rushed out at the same time and joined the battlefield!

Suddenly, flames and lightning flew everywhere!

The sound of steel colliding was endless, and the scene was chaotic.

But it can be seen that with the addition of the Minghui elves, it has attracted the firepower of the little half-elves, and the situation that was originally unfavorable to the electric shock beasts and other elves has been eased in an instant.

Off the field, Pokkigu wasn't watching a show either, he launched a long-distance prayer to heal the injured elf and stabilize the battle.

On the frontal battlefield, eleven elves attacked frantically, constantly beating this group of crazy elves.

It has to be said that although the fighting power of this group of elves has been increased after going crazy, their moves are used randomly or simply not used at all, without using their brains at all.

It's okay for other elves, but the poisonous scorpion's mood is not so good. While avoiding the attacks of these elves, it can use two moves of grinding claws and pressing acupuncture points to strengthen itself.


Finally, the scorpion scorpion found an opportunity to attack, and raised its two claws to aim at Boscodora, who was fighting against the electric shock beast.

When the white light is on, the missile needle starts!

Shua! Shua!

A dense array of missile needles pierced the sky, and successfully dealt with Bos Kedora, who was beaten to the brim, and knocked him to the ground.

But before the scorpion that snatched the head was happy, the next moment, a Kodora not much bigger than him attacked and knocked it away.


This made the pincer-tailed scorpion's mood turn from cloudy to cloudy in an instant, and his murderous eyes locked on the Kedora who rushed towards him again.

Instead of choosing to dodge as before, the scorpion scorpion did not retreat but advanced, and directly met it head-on.

At this moment, the scorpion pincers seemed to have integrated the energy gathering it had learned before, combined with the focus mirror and its own acupuncture knowledge, it felt like it could see through all the weaknesses of Kedora for a while.


The next moment, the tail pincers and the two claws emitted dark light at the same time, and the three-in-one sneak attack fell directly on Kedora's body.

Three attacks, every move hits the nail on the head!

Sniper characteristic, when hitting a vital point, the power will increase!

Even if Kedora, who was in a mad state, had excellent endurance, she couldn't hold back these three sneak attacks at this moment.


With a scream, he fell directly to the ground.

The pincer-tailed scorpion who successfully defeated the opponent seemed to have entered a strange state, feeling that he could clearly see the weaknesses of all the elves on the field.

Without hesitation, the pincer-tailed scorpion moved its body again while grinding its claws, and rushed to another Kedora.

As time passed, the elves were successfully defeated by the pincer-tailed scorpions one by one.

The situation changes a lot. The elves of the two Shinji basically master the boosting moves. During the battle, they each seize the gap to launch several strengthening moves to strengthen themselves, and they can fight more with less in an instant.

Finally, when the pincer-tailed scorpion made a sneak attack on the vital points and defeated the big steel snake, which had been unable to attack for a long time, the curtain of this battle finally came to an end.

The elves around laughed happily, happy that they were able to fight heartily, and happy that they were able to win!

However, the Pincer-tailed Scorpion, who ended the big steel snake in the end, was not excited, but fell into a strange calm.


When Shinji, Minghui and the elves realized that something was wrong, the scorpion uttered a cry, and the light of evolution shone on its body.


Minghui was slightly surprised, but Shinji had already expected it.

When it was just teleported back from the cultivation house, the pincer-tailed scorpions had already accumulated to an extremely high level.

At this moment, it is very reasonable to use an all-out battle to fill up the final required experience and evolve.

Under the gaze of the man and the elf, the white light on the scorpion's body quickly dissipated.

When the white light dissipated, a dragon king scorpion in purple armor with three large pincers appeared in people's eyes. That huge body combined with that fierce gaze, just being stared at will make the timid people tremble with fear .


After the evolution, Dragon King Scorpion immediately let out a roar, completely venting his inner emotions.

After calming down, Dragon King Scorpion put his sharp eyes on Shinji.


The corner of Shinji's mouth curled up slightly, and he praised himself.

Compared to evolution, the compulsory exerciser that was shattered due to the evolution of the pincertail scorpion seemed insignificant at the moment.

Wow~ This is not right...why is it so big?

After watching the evolution of Dragon King Scorpion, Minghui suddenly discovered a problem——

Why do Shinji's elves seem to be bigger than normal elves?

The three-meter-tall circle bear is obviously two sizes larger than the nine tails in the video, and the double-edged pill and the electric shock beast are larger than the normal size... Now there is a Dragon King Scorpion, which is much taller than its kind, about 2.5 meters.

Is this the League of Giants?

One is bigger than one, and one is more oppressive than one.

These were all good, but what Minghui couldn't understand the most was the forest turtle.

Obviously, I didn't see how big it was when the tortoise was in its early days. How could it be so big after evolution.

The cultivation method is appropriate.

Shinji replied with a rare seriousness.

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