Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 128 Steel Island Nine Tails! Sword Intent: Cruel and Merciless! 【Subscribe】

Sailing at sea is often only interesting at first, and then facing the slow sea, it will become more and more boring.

Of course, this is for other passengers.

Shinji has a lot of things to do, research tactics, training, training, search for some competitions, research and watch, these things alone have already taken Shinji a lot of time.

As for his elf, not to mention, in two days, everyone on the cruise ship knew that Shinji had an electric shock beast that swam and discharged to catch up with the ship.

Swimming to catch up with the relatively simple Shuangrenwan is to wander around the hull, training moves and skills.

As for Xiaoliuwei, surrounded by many big sisters and young girls in swimsuits in the swimming pool, she took this cute little fox to swim everywhere.

Under the influence of this group of women, in just two days, Liuwei successfully overcame his instinct of not being afraid of water anymore, and changed to be a little afraid of women, especially women in swimsuits.

Liuwei: Women in swimsuits are too scary~555~


Fortunately, this nightmare didn't last long, only two days, and after two days, Shinji got off the boat at the port of Mizumai City and entered Mizumai City.

The three elves who had worked hard for two days were also included in the ball and given to Ms. Joy to soothe their tired hearts.

Hello, I'm Shinji from Veil City. I'm here to challenge the Waterline Gym. Is the owner Donggua here?

The next day, Shinji came directly to the Waterline Gym, knocked on the door, and asked the blue-haired man who came out.

Ah, I'm sorry, the owner of the gym has not been in the gym for the past few days, and went to Iron Island with Mr. Yaxuan.

The man touched his head, embarrassed.

Well, okay, then I will challenge again later.

Knowing the situation, Shinji turned and left directly.

I was too lazy to change the lineup to challenge the gym, so I used the three on my body.

But since Donggua is not there, it is certain to send the elves back for training in the next few days. After challenging Donggua, it may be necessary to change to a more powerful lineup.

After leaving, Shinji originally wanted to directly contact Leisi to send the elves, but thinking that Leisi was busy recently, he simply postponed the time and arrived at Iron Island by boat first.

Different from the game, there are usually many people on the steel island in reality and in the animation, and the ores and the like inside are far from being developed, and a large number of steel attribute elves live here.

Big Steel Snake, Kodora, Magneto... It's not surprising to see even metal monsters and giant metal monsters here.

In fact, people in the elf world are not sensitive to the strength of races except for the legendary elves and phantom elves, and they have no concept of quasi-gods. The quasi-gods in the game are called late blooming Pokémon in reality.

The reason why this kind of elf is so popular is not because it is powerful, but because it is relatively rare, and it happens to be in the hands of powerful trainers.

It was already noon when we came to Iron Island. After eating, Shinji began to contact Leisi to carry out the teleportation of the spirit.

I brought all the elves, which ones do you want?

Reiss gasped slightly.

Please send the sharp tooth land shark, the circle bear and the wood turtle here.

Shinji said according to the original plan, and seeing a flash of thought on Leisi's face, he asked, Is there any problem? Brother.

I read Shinji's news that you are now on Iron Island, right?


It's very suitable for the elves to temper their bodies and exercise their physique, but I think the forest turtle is strong enough, and is trying to learn the two skills you asked to learn, the Force of Nature and the Power of Secrets. The timing is not very suitable.

Dragon king scorpions are very busy recently, and they don't have much time to cultivate pincer-tailed scorpions. Why don't we replace forest turtles with pincer-tailed scorpions?

I feel like that guy is coming to a critical moment and needs a special training session.

Reiss suggested after explaining.

Critical moment?

Yes, then replace it with a pincer-tailed scorpion and let the forest turtle continue to learn skills.

After pondering for a while, Shinji nodded and proceeded to exchange elves with Leisi.

According to Shinji's plan, the last link of energy utilization in the tree turtle growth training method - the power of nature and the power of secrets.

These two skills can use the power of nature, and have different effects depending on the venue. In the final analysis, they can use the power of nature.

And Shinji wants the forest turtle to use the power of nature to grow and turn it into its own power.

When the four forces of the sun, the earth, life, and nature are combined to grow together, the growth training method will surely reach an extreme secret state.

But the Pincertail Scorpion in the Dragon King Scorpion mainly learns moves, combat experience, acupressure and poison, and there are relatively few other aspects. Since the latter is busy recently, it is enough to take it with you and train for a while.

I received.

Soon, the teleportation of the elves ended, and Shinji lit up the ball in Ryo's hand.

That's good, after the end of the experience, you have to work hard in the gymnasium competition.

Well, hang up.

The brothers smiled at each other and hung up the phone.

With the six elves in his hands, Shinji left the elf center and formally entered the interior of Iron Island.

Iron Island, as the name suggests, has a lot of various metal ores, whether it is above ground or underground.

Leaving the human gathering place, you can see various minerals floating on the surface, and the exposed steel gives people a sense of awe.

Come out.

After finding a similar position, Shinji threw all the Poké Balls.







The elves of different sizes and shapes all fell to the ground and looked at Shinji.

This is Iron Island, where you will train for the next few days. Here you can get a lot of physical exercise.

After a brief introduction, Shinji set his sights on Liuwei.

Before training starts, Six Tails comes out.


Being called out so suddenly, Liuwei thought he had made a mistake, and moved carefully in front of Shinji.

Your strength has reached my standard. This is the Fire Stone. If you touch it, you can evolve Nine-Tails.

Shinji took out a stone that looked like amber from his backpack and placed it in front of Liuwei with a flame in the center.



This word made Liuwei both nervous and excited, but also a little hesitant.

Subconsciously, Liuwei glanced back at the partners behind him.






Seeing his companions giving him approval and encouragement, Liuwei nodded and put his feet on the fire stone.

The bodies of Fire Stone and Liuwei bloomed with white light at the same time, and the evolution began.

In the light of evolution, it was still petite and grew rapidly. In less than five seconds, it grew to a height of nearly 1.5 meters. The tail on the back became more slender, and three more tails were added.

The moment the white light dissipated, the well-proportioned and slender body was revealed, with shiny beige hair and a pair of bright red pupils, which looked noble and elegant.


Kyuubi stood up slightly, looking at his brand new body. Nine smooth and slender tails made him feel very fond of it, and a beautiful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seems to be able to feel the beauty and strength of oneself at the moment. The evolved Kyuubi is more confident and attractive than before.

With graceful steps, Kyuubi came to Shuangrenmaru's side, and the nine tails wrapped the latter in it, stirring the latter's heart.


Even though he was as calm as Shuangrenwan, there was a hint of fascination in his eyes at this moment, but in the next second, Qi Gathering was activated, and Shuangrenwan regained his calmness after concentrating his mental power.

Sword Intent: Cruel and Merciless!

Being a female will only affect the speed at which it draws its sword!

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