Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 667: mother mine

Of course, there is only a small chance. If the mother ore cannot be found, then these crystals can only be temporarily taken away and sealed.

When the time comes, I will hand it over to a team of scholars in Golden City or Light Red City to study it and see if it can be reproduced.

Although human technology seems to be of little use in the face of the lofty and mighty power of individuals, but the entire elf world, count the history, how many people can reach the championship level!

Therefore, technology should not be underestimated. At least below the Heavenly King level, human beings still occupy a lot of cheapness by virtue of technology.

I believe that as long as there are enough research materials, this special crystal should be able to be re-engraved. Even if it cannot have the original effect, but only 6-70%, it can actually give birth to a special big snake. Similarly It can be used as the basis for the spread of family power.

As for why not let Hualan City study... Well, it's not that I look down on the power of Hualan City, nor is it worried about Hualan City's loyalty.

The problem is that Hualan's researchers were also taken away by the Rockets in that operation!

After all, it was negotiated that all the existing resources in Hualan City belonged to the Rockets. At that time, the Rockets’ Mewtwo project was still in the experimental stage and needed a lot of help. Of course, the scientific research resources of Hualan City were taken away. .

Of course, it is not all taken away. Those engaged in scientific research are not too weak, and often have some special skills. In fact, the scientific research force of Hualan City still uses some special skills to avoid the Rockets. The search was carried out, but what remained were only big cats and three or two kittens, and they are still in the re-preparation stage.

So the only thing that can be used is the golden city and the light red city!

Needless to say, in the golden city, Nazi's great help time and time again, there is no doubt at all, and speaking of it, it is all Nazi's strength to be able to come here, expand the territory, split the soil and become the king!

Anyone who doubts will not doubt her!

In another light red city, after getting along for so long, A Ju also slowly accepted him. After all, life is like that. If you can't resist, you can only enjoy it!

Aju has only one daughter, Axing. Because of the problem of practicing poisonous arts, there will only be such a daughter in the future, and Axing has a deep-rooted love for Tianci. He can't really risk breaking with his daughter and change her Son-in-law, so I can only accept it.

Moreover, for such a long time, Tian Ci's well-behaved and peaceful performance was considered satisfactory to him, so he reluctantly accepted it.

In this way, most of the power on the bright side of the light red city, Tianji can also use it.

For example, the scientific research team is the power on the bright side, of course he can use it.

After searching for a circle like this, even the two men who were sent out to hunt down the tyrannical carp dragon came back with their lives, and it seems that they still haven't found the mother mine.

"Hey~ it seems that I can only leave it to the research team to study~"

Tanji sighed, feeling a little disappointed.

Originally, I thought that when the little mentally retarded in the anime came, that is, when the Orange Alliance was stable for a long time, there were crystal big rock snakes. There should be a mother mine, which made it develop for such a long time.

But now that I have searched, I am afraid it is because of the parallel world!

"Brother Tian Ci, there are still a few pieces left, don't be discouraged! Maybe those pieces are the mother mine!"

When Xiao Ling heard this, he shook his head and walked directly to the last few crystal mines that had not been tested.

Maybe it's because he's finally taking root, Xiaoling has a great death for his family! She wants her home to be perfect!

Although both of them have lived in Aoki Town for a long time, in fact, their home has long been destroyed!

The Maedamura where Tianji is located, the family who brought him warmth in his life, died long ago in the elf tide.

Although Xiaoling is a native of Qingmu Town, she failed to awaken and was targeted. In fact, her home was gone, so she could only live in her cousin's house, and she didn't even feel like going out.

Although the two of them are now out and about and have achieved success, they are still only adventurers, and they are living a precarious life.

But now, Tian Min has chosen to settle here and develop his own power!

In other words, she and Tianji finally have a home!

This is naturally of great significance to a woman, so she hopes that this home, even if it cannot be perfect, must be perfect.

The greatest value of this island, even a child of a few years old can see it, in fact, these special crystal mines, since these special crystal mines can mutate into a crystal big rock snake, it makes no sense that they can't mutate into a crystal rumbling rock!

After all, the body composition of the two is rock, which can be said to be the most similar!

Even, maybe, the Crystal Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, Crystal Bosque Dora, and Crystal Bangira can all mutate!

After all, these elves also eat ores!

And if they can mutate successfully, without the water attribute that restrains them, and the grass attribute bonus damage, it must be the biggest killer in the hands of the Tianji family!

"So, be sure to succeed! Luck is on my side!"

With great anticipation, the girl with blue hair slowly stretched out her hand to explore the last two crystal mines.

It may be the reason why the gods hide themselves. In fact, the parent ore of the mine is actually the same as the other derived sub-ores in appearance and even in energy fluctuations. We can only use the method of inputting energy to see if it will vigorously Rebound to determine whether this ore is the parent ore.

Therefore, in the early stage of mining, because of this characteristic of the parent mine, many lucky people became rich overnight!

After all, at that time, as long as there is no testing, who can tell if this is the mother mine?

Mine owners who don't know the characteristics of the parent mine can't specially arrange for people to test the ore brought out piece by piece every day.

It was not until the mother ore was exposed that the mine owners added the process of ore quality inspection. Before the mother ore appeared, the ore mined by everyone had to be inspected.

And many small and medium-sized ore veins, even after mining, have not detected the parent ore.

However, the mine owners do not feel that they are at a loss. With such a small amount of money and such a trusted position, if the mother mine can be discovered, it will naturally be a big profit.

But if it can't, it's not a loss. At least the quality of the ore taken out is guaranteed, avoiding the existence of some poor ores mixed with fish in troubled waters.

Returning to the topic, just when Xiaoling put his hands on the two pieces of ore quality and injected energy into it, the one in his left hand quickly responded.

The peculiar energy inside began to assimilate at once, attacking the water-based spiritual energy that Xiaoling entered.

In this regard, the girl's face showed a disappointed expression!

However, it didn't take long for the crystal mine on the right to "bang" and bounce Xiaoling's hand away!

"Crystal Mother Mine!" She immediately exclaimed in surprise!

Chapter 668

She didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly, she actually let her touch the mother mine!

"What!" Tian Ji was also very surprised, came to the crystal mine, and stroked it with his hands.

In the same way, he put in a little gas with a "swoosh", but was bounced off with a "bang". He looked at Xiaoling with a smile in his eyes.

"Xiao Ling, you are really my lucky general!"

"Hehe~ I didn't expect that the last piece appeared."

In response, the girl smiled and replied.

"Take this mother mine away first. Even if the Rockets fail, we will not come here for nothing."


With that said, Tanji put the mother mine into his backpack.

Although the parent ore derives ore veins, it is also affected by the geographical environment, but this factor can be completely solved by environmental simulation. It must be known that in Tianci's previous life, greenhouses and temperature control devices can be used to affect the growth of plants.

If you can eat fresh vegetables in winter, you can do it, then this fairy world, which is far more high-tech than in the previous life, can naturally simulate the environment.

After packing up the resources in the depths of the leylines, Tianji led the team to sweep the entire island again.

Treasures from heaven and earth, spirit ore and spirit grass, and wild elves above the elite level were all included in his pocket.

After all, whether the Rockets can win, or not, the worst plan is still to be done.

It was originally just a small island, and the island had long lost its sense of resistance, and everyone was running for their lives, so after a while, under the division of labor and cooperation, the valuable resources of this small island were raided by them. Seven eighty eight.

"Come on, let's go to the small island next door!"

After the last team returned normally, Tianji let it rest for a while, and was ready to attack the next door.

"Yes!" In this regard, the people in the team did not have any difficulty. Although they had just experienced a few battles, this high-return search operation made them all have high fighting spirit and did not feel tired at all.

And the next few small islands were all seized by the Qingshui family, so what's the tiring to work for yourself!

And this is just a small microcosm. In fact, on any island in the Southern Archipelago, human trainers are wreaking havoc!

Even those large islands with multiple Heavenly Kings stationed there are no exceptions.

No way, there are too many human trainers!

Moreover, a human trainer has at least 2-3 elves in this realm, and as many as 6 elves in this realm, which is not something the elves can fight against by themselves.

Therefore, the entire southern archipelago is full of "bang bang bang" and "bang rumbling" explosions. If you stand at a high altitude and look down, you can see that there are dense black dots on each island, and all of them are dressed in black. The members of Team Rocket in the r-shaped uniform and the members of the Alliance who came to help are eroding the entire southern archipelago at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye.

In the middle and lower level forces, the human army has the upper hand. When one party has intelligence and the other has no intelligence, coupled with the advantage of the number of people, it can only be said that it is completely expected.

Of course, until there is no winner on the Sakagi leader's side, the victory of these middle- and lower-level struggles can only be regarded as the icing on the cake.

Even if Team Rocket and the others occupied the entire southern archipelago, if the ancestor of the Dragon King returned, they could only retreat in despair.

After all, the number of champions is not enough to pile up.

At most, you can only use the resources collected on the island for comfort, and it can’t be regarded as returning empty-handed.

Therefore, what really determines the ownership of a continent actually depends on the outcome of the championship.

On the other side, he turned his attention to the deafening championship-level battlefield.

There is nothing to say about the frozen bird and the lightning bird. The two sides are on the sea, you come and I go, you send a freezing light, I send a hundred thousand volts, everyone restrains each other, and the fight is a one-shot advantage.

As for the frozen bird, because of the integration of humans and beasts in a certain sense, the strength is higher than the lightning bird, so it is still pressed against the lightning bird, but in a short period of time, it cannot be defeated.

After all, no matter what, everyone is the Three Holy Birds, and they are very familiar with their respective moves and cards.

In other words, Lightning Bird's subconscious habit of attacking Frozen Bird is very familiar, and Frozen Bird, controlled by Qianxia Xiawang, of course has no memory of this part.

This is also the reason why the Lightning Bird has been able to drag on until now, and it will not be defeated in a short period of time.

In another place, the battlefield between the ancestor of the Dragon King and the super giant needle bee is not like this.

I saw on the sea, the ancestor of the Dragon King, who had just been hit hard, panting heavily, his body floating out of the sea, and blood was flowing out.

On the opposite side of it, the champion midsection Super Big Stinger and Chao Meng looked at it coldly.

The heavy blow that almost established the outcome just now was caused by Mewtwo's unexpected shot.

With the concealment and rapidity of the super power attribute, coupled with its champion-level mid-section strength, it directly caused heavy damage to the ancestor of the Dragon King.

"Hey hoo~ hey hoo!" Who are you!

The Thorn Dragon King raised his head and questioned with resentment.

In this regard, Chao Meng shook his head with disdain in his eyes.

"I am Chaomeng, an elf destined to surpass dreams!"

Hearing the telepathic words, the ancestor of the Dragon King stayed in place for a while, stunned by Chaomeng's big words.

"Hey hoo~ hey hoo~ hahaha~" Beyond the dream, what are you talking about in a dream, hahahaha~

The ancestor of the Dragon King couldn't help lowering his head and laughing.

It admitted that the strength of this unseen elf should be above it. After all, the super power is really difficult to deal with, and the energy level is even stronger than it, and it is only a little bit closer to the championship level.

But how can this kind of strength surpass the dream, you must know that the dream is a first-level god, and the worst of its own strength is at the **** level, not to mention that it can borrow the will of heaven and earth!

Such an existence~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is not comparable to champions at all!

Not to mention that it is on the same level as it, Chaomeng, who is also in the middle of the championship level, even the Sea God Lugia, who asked the clan to ask for help before, is not a dreamy opponent who is really serious.

You must know that the current Sea God Lugia is only a high-level champion, but because he is in the sea and the bonus of the real priesthood, he has barely reached the **** level. Reaching the championship level is the same, but it has reached a minimum limit, and there is still a gap between the powerhouses who have truly broken through to this level by themselves.

As for why it knows that Sea God Lugia is only a champion high-ranking player, it is naturally because its helper has come here!

"God Lord please take action!" I saw the Dragon King's ancestor suddenly lowered his body and said respectfully.


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