Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 665: Take control of Crystal Isle

Tanji threw a super ball right after the crystal big rock snake was so easily defeated.

"Swish", he received it into the ball.

"Huang ~ Sha Sha ~" Although this crystal rock snake at the peak of the gym level showed a little bit of crotch, the degree of resistance of consciousness was particularly fierce.

The super ball was only shaken twice, and it shattered in half with a "bang"!

The burnt red crystal rock snake appeared on the sand again.

In this regard, Tianji also expected it, and with a "swoosh", another super ball took it in.


"Bang bang bang!"


At the same time, there was also the sound of fierce fighting around the island. It was the fighting sound of the fleeing elves, which were blocked by the team members under several people.


In this way, after throwing 7-8 super balls, the sound of fighting around him gradually became quieter, and the big crystal rock snake was finally put into the Poké Ball.

"It's not easy!" Picking up the Poke Ball, Tianji entered his information into it.

Because the contract of 6 elves is full, he doesn't need to carefully consider each of his quotas.

Of course, the crystal rock snake, which is at the peak of the gym level, naturally did not give him any feedback energy.

Seeing Tian Ci put away the Poké Ball, Xiaoling and Qingshui Jing also withdrew their respective Pokemon, leaving only one guard, and returned to both sides of Tian Ci.

"This crystal big rock snake looks good, but it doesn't seem to be as strong as I imagined?"

Xiaoling looked at the crystal clear big rock snake inside and asked in doubt.

Shimizu Jing on the other side also nodded, feeling that it was not the same as what Tianji had described before.

In response, he shook his head and explained:

"That's because we caught its only weakness!

Just now, Jing, your water cannons with the combined force of several elves were stopped unharmed by it, so you should know the horror of its body.

You must know that we were outside the island before, and the same water system combined force, but the gym-level Goldfish King and Tyrannosaurus were severely injured!

And I just let Koudouhua use grass-type moves to attack. Although the strength of the two sides is very different, it can be seen that this crystal big rock snake is no longer restrained by grass-type moves. only normal range of damage.

That is to say, this crystal big rock snake has changed from being very restrained with grass and water attributes to being restrained only by fire attributes.

Of course, other fighting attributes, ice attributes, and ground attributes, these three kinds of energy are not known yet, we will try again when the time comes.

But I guess, the ice attribute should not restrain it, after all, water ice is not separate. "

Saying this, Tian Zimeng clapped his hands, "Crack!" He continued to explain excitedly:

"That is to say, the three restrained attributes of the crystal big rock snake, grass, water, and ice, have been replaced by a fire! Isn't that powerful!

And the enemy sees the big rock snake, even if he understands that it is a mutant variety, but who would think of restraining it, it turns out to be the fire attribute contrary to common sense!

This alone will give us a lot of money in the battle! "


"Yes, yes!"

But after Tianji said this, Xiaoling and Qingshui Jing also understood and nodded again and again.

Just now, it was because they caught the weakness of the big crystal rock snake, and they were unexpectedly able to defeat it so easily. Now think about it, if they didn't know the weakness of the big crystal rock snake, they would have been in a hard fight, and there would even be casualties. uncertain.

After all, the power of that crystal big rock snake's move just now is obvious to all!

Qingshui Jing felt that only the most defensive and powerful water arrow turtle in her hand could take that move with a small injury, and other elves were likely to be seriously injured in a single blow.

(ps: Although the anime only says that the crystal big rock snake is restrained by fire, and the restraint of other attributes is not mentioned, but the author believes that crystal is still very different from ordinary rocks. The main components of crystal are silicon dioxide and trace metals. element, while the main component of ordinary rock is calcium carbonate.

Therefore, if the ingredients are different, the restraint attributes should also be different. )

After forcibly subduing the big crystal rock snake, the group walked into the cave unabashedly, and encountered no obstacles along the way. Straight into the ground.

The funniest thing is that an elite low-level rumble rock, after seeing the mouth dumb flower walking on the side, actually made a "squeak", got into the side of the rock wall, and then "bang". At one point, it just hit a big rock snake, and the two elves were dizzy.

"Gol~gol~" Lord, forgive me! Forgive me!

"Roar~" My lord, I surrender! I surrender!

In this regard, Koudouhua was stunned.

"Moo?" Tian Ci, am I always guarding this?

It turned around and asked in confusion.

"It's enough to be stunned." To this, Tian Ci replied lightly.

"Moo!" Kou Dianhua, who received the order, agreed, and a green light appeared on her body.

"Swish, swish," a few flying-leaf knives smashed towards Longlongyan and Big Rock Snake in front of them.

The two elves who understood that the island had been completely occupied, although their faces were very frightened, they did not resist at all, and faced the flying leaves upright.

No matter what, it is an elite-level powerhouse, and it is still possible to judge the power of these flying blade knives. The other party just wants to stun himself, and does not mean to kill.

So now all they can do is cooperate.

"Puchi~puchi~" The cooperation of the two elves directly caused the Flying Leaf Knife to draw many traces on them, and the grass-type energy attached to them also made them extremely painful.



However, based on the principle that if you pass out earlier, you will suffer less, the two elves have no resistance to the grass-type energy in their bodies, so they soon each screamed and fell to the ground with a "bang".

"An Zi, you go and put away these two elves."

Seeing the cooperation between Longlongyan and Big Rock Snake, Tianji nodded and said to his subordinates.

"Yes!" The elite high-ranking female trainer named An Zi nodded, then took out the Poke Ball and threw it at it.

Long Longyan thought that he was unlucky and encountered it, but in fact, Tianji and others deliberately arrested these elves who had reached the elite level or above.

After all, no matter what, the elites must be the backbone of the ethnic group. To master them means to control the entire ethnic group.

After a small episode, a few people continued to walk in, and soon, they reached the depths of the earth veins, and they saw crystal clear crystal ores everywhere, including a few crystal big rock snakes of the highest elite level and low level. Looking at them secretly.

Chapter 666 Special Crystal

Looking at these timid crystal rock snakes, Tianji snorted coldly.

With a "swoosh", an extremely powerful thought force hit the brains of these crystal snakes.



In front of Tian Ci's mental power at the peak of the warrior level, these crystal rock snakes naturally had no room to resist. The most painful cry, they fell to the ground with a "bang".

"Put them all away!" He instructed An Zi, who was beside him, when he saw the large crystal rock snakes falling to the ground.

"Yes! Your lord!"

The elite-level high-ranking female trainer who was left to do odd jobs nodded and began to subdue.

These crystal big rock snakes are all excellent experimental materials. Although there are only 6 of them, it is rare to have them from the freshman level to the elite level.

The crystal big rock snake is a brand-new mutant species. What are the strange things, we still need to study it carefully, how to cultivate them, freshman level, ordinary level, elite level... Each level, how to cultivate the best, these Material comparison is required.

Of course, there is also the most important reason, that is, can these crystal big rock snakes be able to evolve again!

You must know that ordinary big rock snakes can be evolved into big steel snakes with metal coating, although according to the size of big rock snakes and the expensive price of metal coatings, this cost is definitely not a small amount.

But for today's Tianji, although this is not a small amount of money, it will not hurt the bones.

However, he was afraid that these large crystal rock snakes could no longer evolve!

You must know that the evolved big steel snake has become a steel attribute, and the steel attribute is not afraid of water, but afraid of fire, and they are not afraid of the grass attribute!

Isn't this very similar to the current crystal big rock snake!

Of course, no matter what, now is not the time to do research, so I can only put it all away.

"I don't know how long the crystal ore here can produce crystal big rock snakes, but it seems that there are quite a lot."

After Anzi finished subduing, Tianji and the others walked around, looking at the caves full of crystals, he made a rough estimate.

If we calculate according to the time in the anime, the Orange Alliance has been established for a long time, and there is still a large crystal snake in this place, which means that there should be no need to worry about this problem in a short time.

But that's just anime! There are still Xiaozhi, Kona, Xiaoxia and others in the anime, but this world already has Xiaogang, a character from the same period of the anime, and only two of the Four Heavenly Kings are the same, and there is even Xiaolan in the special chapter!

Therefore, this animation memory can only be used as a reference for a major event, and cannot be judged based on it.

"Ding ding ding~" Qingshui Jing also came to a crystal and tapped at this time, and even used the water system spiritual power in his body to slowly input and detect.

She also understands that the output of the large crystal rock snake is the biggest harvest of this island. Naturally, she must first find out the reason for the mutation of this elf.

After closing her eyes and feeling for a while, she put her hands away, opened her eyes, and said to Tian Chi:

"Master, this crystal is a bit strange. It's not an ordinary crystal. It seems that there is some energy in it, which is similar to the energy crystals and elemental crystals we have used.

But it's not the same. This energy seems to have vitality and aggressiveness, and it will assimilate the rest of the energy I encounter. The energy I just detected was assimilated by it. "

After speaking, her face was full of amazement.

This is the first time she has seen such a strange crystal. Although he is a very knowledgeable ancient city gym owner, the world of elves is vast, and there are countless treasures that have never been seen before, and the current place is not human. It is normal for unrecognized treasures to appear in the territory.

"Well, I know that the crystal that can make the big rock snake mutate is not simple."

Hearing Shimizu's words, Tanji nodded.

He didn't even recognize what crystal it was.

Although it is said that rock-type elves, such as the small fist stone, the big rock snake and the like, all eat ores, and can take specific ores for a long time to enhance some of their abilities, but directly reshape their body into another form , this is something that Nibi City has not researched!

You must know that Nibi City is an ancient city that has existed since the beginning of the alliance. It still specializes in the study of rocks and ground elves. It has remained strong until now. They will not study how to make the rock elves stronger and better. Does the direction change?

Tian Ci is no longer a commoner. Backed by many big backers, he has a much broader vision and sources of information, so he knows that Nibi City has been researching this topic, but it is a pity that after thousands of years, there is no No research has yielded any results.

There is not even a single successfully mutated elf!

If people in Nibi City knew about this place, they would go crazy!

After all, the crystal big rock snake is not afraid of water, nor is it afraid of grass! If you let them nurture, how strong it would be!

It is absolutely possible to become the ace of Nibi City!

Of course, it belongs to Tianji now. This place is also a new area developed by the Rockets. Nibi City, as a city that did not seek refuge in the first time, can only eat some leftovers. If you want to take large-scale actions, it will cause everyone to be besieged. , and even the Rockets won't let them go!

After all, if you are newly established in the region, you still have to follow the rules. Otherwise, if you are strong, you can take it at will, and the entire southern archipelago is afraid that it will fall into a melee again.

The Rockets will never allow this to happen!

Cough cough~ But all of this, we still have to wait for the battle situation on Sakagi's side. Otherwise, if the main battlefield where Sakagi and the others are defeated, the group can only loot on the island, and then hurriedly retreat.

The unstoppable championship level cannot be resisted by the number of people.

Returning to the topic, after roughly browsing the crystal reserves in the depths of the lower leylines, Tianji began to look for the most important thing, which is also the key to whether the crystal big snake can be mass-produced.

"Let's all look for the mother ore of this crystal together!"

"it is good!"



Hearing Tianji's words, the girls nodded and began to look for them.

Mother Mine~www.readwn.com~ This is the core of whether a ore vein can continue to be mined. In this world with extraordinary power, the precipitation of mineral deposits can also be accelerated by certain heaven and earth spirits.

And this spiritual thing is the mother mine!

As long as there is this thing in a ore vein, as long as the parent ore is not damaged or deforestation is not indiscriminate, the ore vein can continue to be mined.

Because the parent ore will absorb the energy between heaven and earth, and form this type of ore at a much faster rate than natural precipitation.

However, not all ore veins have the parent ore, but as we all know, the smaller the ore vein, the less likely it is.

As for this crystal lode, the tower has roughly estimated that it should be considered a medium-sized lode, and there is still hope.


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