Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 669: lucia

For the divine beasts above their own differentiated priesthoods, generally the third-level gods respect them as gods.

Although the ancestor of the Thorn Dragon King has not yet accepted the differentiated Seagod priesthood, since Seagod Lugia has all come here, it is naturally a foregone conclusion. It's okay to call in advance, and maybe it will win Lugia's favor!

With the shout of the ancestor of the Dragon King, I saw the water surface suddenly "crash", a large wave of waves gushed out, and a blue-and-white elf rushed out of the water.

Facing Chao Meng, it is a water cannon!

Unprepared, Chao Meng, who was a little too proud, was knocked out with a "bang". If it wasn't for the help of the super big needle bee, he would have fallen into the water.

"Bastard!" Wiping the water stains on his body, Chao Meng looked at the elf in front of him angrily.

Although it is a bit hard to guard against, in fact, just now, Chao Meng still relied on the characteristics of super power to move with a single thought, and temporarily arranged a barrier for a year. Although it was directly broken by the powerful impact of the water cannon, it was blocked no matter what. , so Chaomeng's injuries are not serious.

At this moment, it is looking at the sea **** Lugia fiercely!

I saw the elf flying in the air, its belly is light blue, the mask-like structure around the eyes and the protrusions on the back are also blue, and the rest are white, looking like dragons and birds. These two characteristics, he exudes a more tyrannical atmosphere than all the elves present, and he is a high-ranking champion.

Sakagi, who saw the appearance of Sea God Lugia, had a solemn expression on his face for the first time.

"Sure enough, you still can't underestimate the wisdom of elves!"

He really did not expect that the second-level divine beast, the sea **** Lugia would come out to help!

"Luogia, as a second-level god, you are in charge of natural evolution. You have no qualifications for internal struggles, and you have no right to govern. If you take action so rashly, you are not afraid of God's punishment!"

After thinking for a while, Sakagi calmed the annoyed Mewtwo and shouted to Lugia in front of him.

Yes, unlike the third-level gods who divide the clergy, if the second-level divine beast directly intervenes in the war, it will cause more serious consequences, which is much more serious than the intervention of the third-level gods under him!

In this regard, Lugia is not worried at all, it has a mocking expression on its face, and also answered telepathically:

"Humans, I have a reason for this. You humans are the first to attack my gods, and they are still in my territory. Naturally, God's will will not punish me. After all, this is my legitimate defense~ Hahaha~"

Hearing this, Sakagi's face darkened instantly and replied:

"Impossible, the Frozen Bird was won on Gemini Island, which was originally within the territory of our Human Alliance. As for fighting the Lightning Bird, that is also the behavior of the Frozen Bird!

This is completely a civil war between the third-level gods, how could it give you a reason to take action! "

He wanted to break his head, and he didn't want to understand what was wrong with his plan. This strategic plan was all thought of!

And Lugia didn't recommend Sakagi to be a sensible ghost, only to see his mouth open, and with a "swoosh", a small blue orb flew back into the body of the ancestor of the Dragon King.

"Hey hoo!" After getting this orb that he had cultivated for many years, the ancestor of the Dragon King shouted, and the injuries all over his body began to recover.

Although it didn't refine it when it got this dark blue orb, it also used the power inside to practice it all the year round, so this orb has been contaminated with the breath of the ancestor of the Dragon King.

Now it does not reject the divine power in it, and naturally it integrates into the body very quickly and begins to recover itself.

Although it hasn't been fully refined, it can't be turned into a god, but it can still be done with 8-9% combat power to recover most of the injuries.

"I see!"

And Sakagi, who saw this scene, also understood. The ancestor of the Dragon King was favored by the sea **** Lugia many years ago, and obtained an orb containing Lugia's magical power. After so many years, this orb has long been Contaminated with the breath of the ancestor of the Dragon King.

Although in fact, when he attacked Dragon King Island, the ancestor of the Dragon King was not the **** of the sea **** Lugia, but he had the orb as a cover, and now the ancestor of the Dragon King has refined most of it. God's words really make sense, and for God's will, it's barely a reason, and naturally it won't come back.

"It's really lucky..."

After thinking about it, Sakagi couldn't help shaking his head and sighed, but there was no fear on his face.

In this regard, Sea God Lugia was a little puzzled, but he didn't think much about it. Anyway, in the face of absolute strength, it was meaningless to pretend to be calm.

"It's over! Human! Let you see my true strength!"

I saw Lugia's voice transmission for the last time, and a strong blue light suddenly lit up all over her body.

"Crash~Crash!" The surrounding ocean also swelled with waves, wrapping Lugia!

It didn't take long for the sound of "Bang!" to be heard, and the waves wrapped around Lugia exploded, and a mythical beast with blue rays of light appeared on this sea area.

For the first time, a look of fear appeared on the face of the super stinger.

"Om~Om~" This, this is the real god!

"Yes, this is the **** who walks on behalf of the sky! The real beast!"

Sakagi nodded solemnly when he heard the words of the giant needle bee, who had been born and died together from childhood to adulthood.

In his induction, Lugia in front of him was like the unity of heaven and man. The breath on his body was so vast, as if it was boundless, and everything had to obey its dispatch!

This is only worthy of reaching the lower limit of the **** level, what kind of horror should the real **** level, those first-level gods be!

No wonder there are second-level divine beasts that cannot interfere with the natural evolution of ordinary people.

Sakagi is sure that the current alliance is estimated to have turned out the old bottom, and can only deal with the one Lugia in front of him. If it is further estimated, maybe two second-level gods at the lower limit of the gods are the limit!

In this way, if other second-level gods, and even the first-level gods above, help elves to deal with humans, I am afraid that humans will be extinct long ago!

It can only be said that the will of heaven and earth is a relatively rigid mechanical program, firmly imprisoning these big killers of the second-level gods and above, or else the whole elf world is the final say, what do you want to do!

"Humans! Why don't you retreat! You are also the top powerhouse among humans. If you die, I am afraid that your human territory will shrink a lot!"

Seeing that Sakagi hadn't retreated, Lugia couldn't help but threatened.

Although there is a reluctance to explain to God's will, Lugia still doesn't want to make a move. After all, God's will is unpredictable. Who knows if he really fights and participates in this battle between humans and elves, will he be killed by God's will again? What's wrong!

Chapter 670 Heavenly God Level ─ Super Dream

Of course, the biggest reason is that it felt a little oppression in front of the elf it had never seen before!

This elf named Chaomeng seems a little wrong!

Although the strength has not reached that level, the sense of oppression given to it is similar to that of facing those first-level gods, which naturally makes Lugia feel a little uneasy in its heart.

And next, Sakagi's words also made this anxiety a reality!

"Super Dream, use the power of the priesthood. Between heaven and earth, the first time you show your prestige, take the sea **** Lugia as your stepping stone!"

I saw that Sakagi suddenly said to Mewtwo who was floating in front of him with a frenzy on his face.

"Understood, trainer!" Chao Meng, who was allowed, nodded and responded, a strong purple light also lit up on his body, and a prismatic crystal on his forehead faintly appeared.

"This, this is!" Feeling the coercion emanating from the prismatic crystal, Lugia instantly widened her eyes with an expression of disbelief on her face!

The thorn dragon king ancestor in the water was even more unbearable, and was directly pressed under the water surface, but even so, it tried to raise its head, trying to see the appearance of the elf.

"Hey~ roar!" How~ possible! That's a first-class priesthood!

The face of the ancestor of the Thorn Dragon King was full of disbelief. It really did not expect that the elf who was ridiculed by it and called Chaomeng really had the power of the priesthood comparable to the dream!

And Sea God Lugia had already dealt with Mewtwo before, but God's will did not counterattack, which means that Mewtwo can also counterattack without hindrance.

Most of the orbs have been refined, that is, the differentiated third-level priesthood. The ancestor of the Dragon King also has a little understanding of the twists and turns of the beasts, and he can also distinguish the so-called backlash of God.

Anyway, there was no manifestation of God's will of God's backlash just now on Seagod Lugia!

In this way, the battle between their divine beasts is also recognized by the will of God.

After all, if your own children fight and vent, it is impossible for God to take care of this, or else the divine beasts will not be suffocated to death!

And just after thinking about the ancestors of the Dragon King for a while, Chaomeng has completed his transformation.

I saw its momentum rising, the middle of the championship level, the high level of the championship level, and then with a "bang", it also rushed into the threshold of the **** level!

The sea water below also "crashed" and was forcibly divided by a little more than half, to the back of Chaomeng!

No matter what, Chao Meng is also a first-level priesthood, which is naturally closer to heaven and earth than a second-level priesthood, that is, the power of heaven and earth will prefer first-level gods.

This is also the reason why Chao Meng only has the strength of the middle level of the champion level, but with the bonus of the first-level priesthood, it crosses the high level of the champion level and breaks through to the **** level.

No way, the first-level gods are all their own sons, and the second-level gods are at most only adopted sons, and they must be better to their own sons.

However, even if Chao Meng has reached the level of the gods and can compete with the sea **** Lugia, there is no happy expression on Sakagi's face. On the contrary, his face is even a little disappointed.

"My spiritual imprint has almost been washed away. Sure enough, God's will will not allow someone to control his own son all the time."

He looked at Chaomeng, thinking about it in his heart, and was full of regrets.

Ever since Chao Meng was created by chance, he and Xia Bo both understood that Chao Meng could not be in the hands of their Rockets forever.

And the priesthood is a gift from heaven, and the power of the priesthood is actually used to attract the attention of God. When God sees his own son in the hands of others, he will definitely take it back. In other words, in the hands of the Rockets, Super The number of times the dream can really make a full shot is only once.

Originally, Sakagi planned to extend the right of use this time as much as possible, so he just waited for Mewtwo to raise his strength to the middle of the championship level before starting, but he didn't expect that the second-level divine beast, the sea **** Lugia, was involved. If so, naturally, it cannot be saved, and only Chaomeng can make a full shot.

"Trainer! This is the last time I call you that. I will help you this time. From now on, I will not owe you anything!"

I saw Chao Meng, who opened his eyes, and slowly turned his head to look at Sakagi. Such a sentence came through telepathy. His eyes were full of indifference, and he looked at Sakagi, who had been with him for several months. It's like looking at strangers.

Because of his own lack of strength, God's will has a greater impact on Chao Meng than he imagined.

The use of priesthood, that is, the will of heaven and earth instilling power and laws into one's body, will inevitably leave a mark, and even if it is a very meager influence, if it is multiplied by the countless years since the world was opened, It can also completely flush out the memories of Chaomeng in the past few months.

"Come to the sky with me!" And after breaking the cause and effect of He Sakagi, Chao Meng said coldly to the sea **** Lugia, and flew into the air with a "swoosh".

And Lugia's face was cloudy and sunny, and finally she gave a cold "hum" and followed suit.

The battle between the gods is still empty, otherwise it is far away from the Dragon King Island, but if it really moves, I am afraid that it will directly trigger waves of tsunamis and directly destroy the Dragon King Island. Silenced.

Only on the empty nine heavens is the ideal place for the gods to fight.

So don't look at those mythical beasts in the anime that go up to the sky at every turn, it's not to pretend to be x, but to avoid accidental injury.

After Poseidon Lugia and Chaomeng were 1-for-1, the face of the ancestor of the Thorn Dragon King did not look good, but it soon returned to the winning attitude.

"Hey hoo~ hey hoo~" Even if the God Lord is redeemed by you, what if you don't think you can kill me with this strange giant stinger!

If I read it correctly, this strange state seems to be similar to the power of priesthood, and it is also time-limited, it shouldn't last long!

After speaking, the eyes of the ancestor of the Dragon King were full of disdain.

As a top powerhouse~www.readwn.com~, after so many rounds with the super big needle bee, it also sensed a little bit of expression.

This strange state seems to be more like temporarily digging out the power of one's own bloodline!

How should I put it, it is similar to the "reverse scale" move in the dragon-type moves, but the difference is that although the reverse scale also temporarily activates the dragon's blood and obtains powerful power, but the emotions cannot be controlled, and the shape will not change. , the scarlet pupils of both eyes disappear, that doesn't count, this is a manifestation of irrationality.

However, although this giant stinger also evoked the power of the bloodline and its strength increased greatly, not only did it not lose its mind, but its state also changed.

But fortunately, it has already felt the subsidence of the power of blood in the super horn bee's body, so it feels acceptable.


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