Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 663: shot

Originally, Tanji thought that after they landed on the island, they should encounter resistance.

Unexpectedly, they walked all the way without encountering any resistance, not even a few elves. In his induction, even if there were elves in front of them, they would immediately disappear.

No way, they didn't hide their breath.

And even newborn-level cubs are still very sensitive to energy aura.

"Are we so scary?" Xiaoling on the side looked at the walking grass that he finally saw, and after screaming "Ah", he immediately threw himself into the grass, rubbed his nose, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Hearing this, Qingshui Jing next to him smiled and explained:

"It's not that we are scary. When this happens, the tyrannical carp dragon should be mainly responsible.

It traversed the entire island directly with injuries. Only the elves knew that the defense battle ahead, they lost miserably, would lead to such a situation where there was no fighting spirit and zero morale. "

"Well, this is the same as the war between the two armies. The generals who command the army lead the way to flee. Even if the number of troops under his command is more than ours, it is just a mob."

Tianji, who was walking in the middle, also interjected, describing it very appropriately.

You must know that in the previous life, after the army fled, even if there were less than 100 people, they could chase thousands of people to kill. Sometimes morale is really important.

"In this way, there should be no casualties among our subordinates, which is also good news!"

"Well, that's right!"


In the exchange of your words and my words, the group slowly walked to the vicinity of the rocky mountain.

Suddenly, with a bang, a large number of stones were shot at the exit of the woods.

"Hold on! Water Arrow Turtle!"

"Super energy barrier, gem starfish!"

"Tiejia Bei, you too!"

The three elite-level high-ranking members who walked in front were indeed the remaining elites of Hualan City. They reacted immediately, and immediately let the elves beside them defend themselves.




The three elves agreed and quickly came to the front of the team. In an instant, a large green barrier and a transparent super energy barrier stopped in front of them.

"Bang Bang Bang ~" A large number of falling rocks hit the super energy barrier on the first layer, and it shattered with a "pop" in just a few seconds, and then continued to hit the green barrier.

Fortunately, holding the move is more powerful, and breaking through the first layer of super energy barrier still consumes a lot of energy, so in the end this sudden attack was blocked.

"Fire! Huge water cannon!"

At this moment, Qingshui Jing also immediately launched a counterattack.

I saw that the gym-level elves around her, as well as the other elves of the three elite-level high-level trainers, had already accumulated a lot of water energy. After hearing the order, the gym-level high-level water arrow turtle As a launch pad, with a "swoosh", a thick water column shot past.

Just at this moment, the second round of stones just shot over, and was directly swept away by the huge water column. Moreover, he continued to rumble towards the opposite side with a large number of stones. The big rock snake and other elves rushed away.




I saw that this rock, which was not the highest at the elite level, and the ground-based team, fell down a lot with the screams.

Still, the crystal ancestor couldn't see it. He swayed his body and cut off the water flow in the middle, leaving a few leftovers in his subordinates, but he was still in shock. Ground.

Seeing this, the crystal ancestor didn't say anything, just looked at the exit of the woods with the Tyrannosaurus dragon beside him.

And when it didn't know, the body of the tyrannical carp dragon was actually slowly pushing back.

"This is too terrifying. The power of the water cannon just now has vaguely reached the level of the king. Even if I took this move head on, I might have to plant it. Since the crystal big snake is fine, let it be the top. look better."

Thinking of this, it receded a little faster.

At this moment, Tian Ci walked out slowly with the five daughters.

The elves who protect them are all gym-level existences.

The Gym-level low-level fast dragon, the gym-level middle-level gem starfish, the dragon, the fast swimming frog, the storm carp dragon, the water elf, and the gym-level high-level water arrow turtle.

A total of 7 elves!

Seeing this, even the Crystal Ancestor, who was only one step away from the Heavenly King, was a little panicked. Although it was not afraid of water, these well-trained elves were definitely not only capable of water-type moves.

It can only use these elves to change its weaknesses, but it's a matter of making a fuss about it, and it will gain a huge advantage in the early stage!

Of course, the tyrannical carp dragon in the middle of the gym class can also help it a lot.

Thinking of this, Crystal Ancestor's huge head turned and his mouth opened, and he wanted to explain his plan against the enemy.

Who knew, but found that the tyrannical carp dragon had already retreated to the very back.

Seeing that the Crystal Big Rock Snake discovered this problem, the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon couldn't help but look awkward and explained:

"Hoo~ho~" Crystal ancestor forgive me, I am good at long-range moves, and I have never studied close combat at all, so I have to keep a distance so as to provide fire support for the ancestors, definitely not just leave the ancestors to fight the enemy the meaning of.

After finishing speaking, the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon mentally praised his wit!

I feel that our tyrannical carp dragon family are not all barbarians controlled by emotions! At least this Tyrannosaurus is just as smart!

Hearing the Crystal Big Rock Snake saying this, although he understood the reason in his heart, it was not easy to say anything.

After all, the Violent Carp Dragon was only sent here to help. It was a sense of responsibility to be able to face so many gym-level elves before escaping.

So it nodded, looked at the opposite side again, stood upright, and made an attacking gesture.

In this regard, Tianji and the others, who laughed secretly in their hearts, still asked the elves to prepare, and even the blue energy on their bodies appeared from time to time, confusing the Crystal Rock Snake, making it think that they would use water-type moves.

You know, since the crystal cave was confirmed, he secretly asked people to prepare fire elves.

It is also specially for Kuailong to learn fire-type big moves such as jet flame and big character explosion.

Although Hualan City is famous for the water element, but by mobilizing personal connections, looking for it, and borrowing it, you can still get a few gym-level fire-type elves.

So at this time, Shimizu Jing had already put his right hand in his small backpack, holding three shrunken Poke Balls between his fingers.

The crystal big rock snake, who knows nothing about it, has steel-type energy on its body, and its body rotates at a high speed under the silver-white brilliance.

"Swish" Soon, it became a fast spinning silver arrow!

The body that rotates at a high speed is a silver arrow!

Chapter 664

After rotating to a certain speed, the crystal big rock snake rushed over with a "bang".

Its power is very powerful!

In this regard, the tyrannical carp dragon hiding on the side was stunned. It didn't expect that this crystal ancestor seemed to have something!

Thinking of this, it roared excitedly, opened its mouth, and a mass of light full of destructive energy slowly condensed.

"It's a combination of gyro ball + self-destruction strike! You can't beat me, grab me and retreat first!"

Tianji, who faced this combination of moves, immediately saw the powerful power of this move, and he couldn't take it hard.

The huge body of the Crystal Rock Snake gave this move too much bonus.

Hearing this, the five women immediately put their hands on Tianji's shoulders, and with a "swoosh" sound, the six of them took a few slow-moving elves to hide to the other side.

As for the few elves that remained in place, they either moved at a high speed or scattered with a flash of electric light.

"Fast dragon, spray flame, big character explosion, use continuously!"

"Come out, fire-breathing dragon, duck-billed fire dragon, fire elf, you also spray flames with the greatest power!"

In the moment of dodging, Tianji and Shimizu took action.

Among them, the fast dragon flying in the air opened its mouth, and with a "roar", a huge column of fire sprayed on the body of the crystal rock snake that was still spinning below.


Although the energy of the move offset part of it, the Crystal Rock Snake still cried out in pain.

Although the body made of crystals gave it stronger strength and immunity to water-attribute energy, it made its only weakness very large, and flames were fatal to it.

But this small island is in the sea, and there are no fire elves in this large Dragon King Archipelago, but there are only a few sporadic, maybe not even ethnic groups.

Anyway, Crystal Big Rock Snake knew it by accident.

There are no fire spirits on this small island at all. When he was young, he passed a tree that was struck by lightning and felt the danger from the flames burning on his body. Only then did he realize that he was so afraid of fire!

Then this secret was buried in his heart and only told to a few children.

"Roar!" How could it be, how could you know that I am afraid of fire!

The crystal big rock snake, which was very painful to be burned by the flame, slowed down its rotation speed and roared loudly. Fortunately, it turned fast enough before, and the ground was full of sand, so it rolled a few times and the flames were gone. It's about to go out.

But this is just the beginning. I saw that on the right side of the big crystal rock snake, three fire pillars shot over again!

"Roar!" Pain! It hurts so much!

The pain that the crystal big rock snake had just eased, doubled directly!

I saw it rolling around on the ground, and the body burned by the flames was even redder, and some places even melted.

And the fast dragon continued to be in the sky, spit out big characters, "bang bang bang" on the body of the crystal big rock snake, making it continue to mourn.

However, it can be seen that the main damage is the three elves thrown by Shimizu Jing.

She borrowed the fire-breathing dragon from a friend. It has the strength of the middle of the gym, and the duck-billed fire dragon next to it has some strange armor and collars on its body. It was captured by Qingshui Jing in the wilderness area. The strength is also very strong, also in the middle of the gym level.

However, the formed elves caught in this wilderness area cannot be used as conventional combat power at all, and the possibility of making them truly surrender is too low.

That's why she wore the restriction props on the duck-billed fire dragon. After torturing the duck-billed fire dragon a few times, she was reluctantly obedient.

Of course, it is definitely not working hard. It can be seen that the flame it spews is far smaller than that of the fire-breathing dragon, and its power is barely maintained on the threshold of the gym.

Like it, it can only fight against the wind, and it is still barely making up the number.

As for the fire elf on the farthest side, it is the finished combat power purchased directly.

Looking at its dull eyes, it should be understood that this is an elves whose self-consciousness has been destroyed by a specialized trainer.

However, compared with the less obedient duck-billed fire dragon, this kind of elves still have advantages, that is, they can't draw water, at least the target or flame is stronger than that of the duck-billed fire dragon.

You know, this Rocket Team only has the strength of the gym-level low-level!

Of course, the self-consciousness is sluggish, and it can be said that it can only be used as a tool. If you want to make it flexible and changeable, don't think about it.

But it is just right to use it here. The huge crystal rock snake is completely a living target.

On the other side, seeing the mighty Crystal Ancestor, he rushed into the street in a blink of an eye. This frightened the tyrannical dragon to directly extinguish the energy ball of destructive death light in his mouth, without turning his head back. Escape outside.

When Qingshui Jing saw this scene, he sneered and ordered the two elite-level high-ranking men who couldn't help:

"Hehe~ Lisa, Yunxue, you two bring my few elves to chase that tyrannical carp dragon, be sure to take it down!"

After speaking, the four Poké Balls were divided into two groups and handed to the two women.

"Yes! The owner!"

The two women agreed, and then threw out a figurine, with a "swoosh", and chased after it.

Although Bidiao only has the strength of the elite high-ranking rank, it also depends on the comparison!

The Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon said it was flying, but it was actually floating slowly, and Bidio was a bird spirit that was extremely good at speed!

So even if the tyrannical carp dragon is a gym class, it is still slowly being chased up.


In this regard, the Tyrannosaurus was very annoyed, and could only stop from time to time, turning back and firing a few water cannons, hoping to knock down the Beagle and escape.

In this regard, the two women also have a way.

"Come out, water spirit!"

I saw a woman named Yunxue, and immediately threw a Poké Ball.

The water elf, who is also in the middle of the gymnasium, appeared on Bi Diao's back.

"Please, water elf, shoot down the water cannons that were too late to avoid!"

"Sharapova~" The water elf nodded~www.readwn.com~ opened her mouth, and "Swish, swish," also shot a few water jets in the past.

The two collided, making a "bang bang bang" explosion, and Bidio continued to move forward without any effect.

A petite elf like the water elf has no effect on its speed at all, and the water elf can jump at will on its generous back to harass the Tyrannosaurus.

There was no way, the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon could only speed up desperately. As long as it returned to the sea, it could definitely escape. After all, it was still good at swimming in the water.


On the other side, after Tianji's Helujia filled the last poisonous fire, the crystal big rock snake, which had been burning all the time, still slammed, and its body fell heavily, losing its ability to fight.


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