Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 661: Big Rock Snake Leader

And the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon didn't pay attention to these ants on the ground at all, or did not care if it did. It was facing a life-and-death crisis, how could it even explain to a group of ants.

Not long after, with the disappearance of the King Goldfish atmosphere on the front of the island, the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon finally flew to the vicinity of the rocky mountain.

I saw that the entire mountain was bare, with gray-black rocks and iron ore everywhere. On the front of the mountain, there was a group of rumbling stones. The king of the mountain was carrying small fist stones, and pangolins were anxiously working on defenses.

Sad to say, other elves living on land, such as Little Lada, Bibi Bird, Walking Grass, etc., can actually find a way to escape.

But they are rocky, ground-based elves, and are naturally afraid of water!

Although they won't be hurt by being drenched in water for a long time, it is definitely impossible for most rock and ground elves to soak them in water for a long time and swim in water.

Therefore, they can only ask their neighbors on the island to transfer some of their outstanding descendants, and then most of them stay and die together with the island.

Seeing the tyrannical carp dragon flying over, everyone stopped in fear, looking at the gym-level powerhouse who looked a little miserable.

"Roar~" Are there any clansmen of the Big Rock Snake in this place? Come out and meet me!

The tyrannical carp dragon ignored the group of the strongest but elite-level scoundrels, and glanced around the group, but did not see the big rock snake, and it immediately shouted.

In this regard, an elite-level Longlongyan endured fear, stepped forward, and said to the tyrannical carp dragon:

"Gol~Gol~" This, the tyrannical carp dragon, the big rock snake family lives in the innermost part of the mountain, they are also strengthening the wall now, I will call their leader here!

"Roar~" Well, yes, you go quickly!

After receiving the response from the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, the elite-level Long Longyan nodded and ran to the depths of the cave.

"Tadata~" After passing through the long tunnel, soon in the depths of the mountain, a behemoth composed of gray stones appeared in the field of vision of Longlongyan, and I saw that these big rock snakes were all exuding khaki. With the help of such energy, the surrounding rock walls became harder.

There is no way, if the rock and ground elves are more tragic, then the big rock snakes are the most tragic!

Because of its huge size and heavy body, even if you want the neighbors to help you, there is no way to do it. Even the newborn-level cub, the big rock snake, is too heavy. It's not easy at all!

Everyone is running for their lives, it is impossible to carry a very cumbersome elves, this is completely a drag!

So the Big Rock Snake Clan couldn't escape at all!

Even the special crystal big rock snake lineage in their family can't escape at all!

Yes, the crystal rock snake is not afraid of water, but its bulky body and exaggerated weight are the same as ordinary rock snakes. As soon as it enters the water, it is afraid that it will sink directly to the bottom of the sea.

This is also the reason why they are so desperate to reinforce the rock wall, everyone has a chance to escape, but they have no hope at all.

Back to the topic, after seeing the big rock snakes, Long Longyan immediately shouted.

"Gol~gol!" The leader of the big rock snake, the leader of the big rock snake! Lord Tyrannosaurus, who came to our island to help before, asked you to go out!


Hearing this, a particularly huge big rock snake crawled over dragging its heavy body.


OK, I'll go!

This elite-level high-level big rock snake leader agreed, and used the digging trick. With a "bang", it burrowed into the ground, with a ground-based energy package. It swims very fast in the ground, and suddenly Came to the outside of the rocky mountain.

With a sound of "Bang!", he drilled out of the ground, and the mud all over his body shone brightly under the sunlight!

This has aroused the dissatisfaction of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon!


When would an elite-level high-level elf dare to raise such a high head in front of it!

Thinking of this, coupled with the fact that it was just beaten by a human powerhouse, it couldn't help but scream, and immediately let out its own dragon power!

Facts have proved that although it was defeated in one face-to-face when facing Tianci and others, it was because of the siege. Now facing these weak chickens who are not at the gym level, its Dragon Might is still very useful. .

"Kuga~" So scary!

"Hey Cha!" Lord Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon calms down his anger!


With a "swoosh", an earthen wall was created outside, the digging mountain rat and the small fist stone, and the rumbling stones knelt instantly.

And the leader of the big rock snake also understood that it seemed that he was a little too high-profile, and he immediately adjusted his posture and let himself crawl down, slightly lower than the appearance of the tyrannical carp dragon, and explained carefully:

"Hoo~ho~" Lord Tyrannosaurus, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I heard you called me, so I tried my best to drive. When I rushed out just now, I didn't stop.

Seeing that these weak chickens were all kneeling, and the leader of the big rock snake was also very low, the tyrannical carp dragon nodded and no longer pursued it.

Of course, the biggest reason is that the Big Rock Snake Clan has a retired crystal ancestor, and this is at least the strength of the gym-level high-ranking class, so it is still necessary to sell face.

After all, they are still counting on others to come to the rescue!

"Hoo~ho~" Big Rock Snake, I heard that there is a special existence in your family. Its body is made of crystal, called Crystal Big Rock Snake, is it not afraid of water?

"Roar~" Yes, Lord Tyrannosaurus, but the number of clansmen is very small.

"Hoo~ho~" The ancestor of the crystal lineage that the Goldfish King said is still not here. If he is out of the customs, we should be able to beat those invaders. Their elves are basically water attributes!

Hearing that it was true, the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked!

However, the big rock snake, who had responded like a lily, had an embarrassed expression on his face, and answered hesitantly:

"Roar~" Lord Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, the ancestor is here, but it has retreated very early, and its body is integrated with the earth veins. I don't know its life and death. Even if it is still alive, I don't know if I can wake it up.

Hearing this, Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon's face was ugly. After thinking about it for a while, he said with a murderous look and solemnly:

"Be sure to wake up! To tell the truth, I am not an elf who grew up on your island, and I have no feelings for this place. Waking up your ancestors of the crystal lineage is to save yourself, not me! I will immediately follow. Back to the other side of the island!"

"If I sense the breath of your ancestors, then I will come back to help, but if that group of humans arrived first, then I'm sorry, I will go directly back to Storm Dragon Island!"

After finishing speaking, it no longer cares about the big rock snake, its body floats again, and it quickly flies to the other side.

And the leader of the big rock snake who got this ultimatum was also terrified, and he quickly drilled back to the ground and went to the leyline.

Chapter 662 Crystal Big Rock Snake

Soon, the leader of the big rock snake who used the burrowing move came to the depths of the mountain range. There are crystal clear crystals everywhere, which is very beautiful!

But the current Big Rock Snake leader didn't have the heart to look at this, so he just skipped a few crystal rock snakes that were awakened and rammed into the largest crystal column!

"Wow~" What are you doing!

"Roar!" That's the place where the ancestors slept, you can't collide!

"Hoo~ho!" Stop him!

And a few crystal rock snakes who were awakened couldn't help roaring out when they saw this scene, and moved one by one, trying to stop the crazy big rock snake leader.

They don't know why the leader of the big rock snake went up to collide with the ancestors desperately, but the mission of guarding the ancestors drove them to stop in front of the largest crystal pillar.

"Roar!" Go away! Don't stop me! Our family has come to the juncture of life and death. The strong human beings have come over. Only by awakening our ancestors can we have a chance of survival.

Otherwise, the sea is vast, and we can't cross it at all, and we can only wait to die on the island!

As for the obstruction of these crystal big rock snakes, the leader of the big rock snake directly rammed up, and while knocking off his kin, he also explained aloud why he had to wake up the ancestors.


"Humans are killed!"

"Isn't this place very far from the territory of humans, how could humans kill them!"


Hearing this, the few crystal rock snakes that were knocked away couldn't help but froze in place, staring blankly at the leader rushing over.

Because of the mutation of their bloodlines, they like to stay near the crystal mother mine the most, and the ancestors of the crystal big snake are also in retreat here, and they also help guard, so they don't know what happened outside, and now I suddenly hear The danger of the dead, naturally dare not stop.

The leader of the big rock snake also took this opportunity to hit the largest crystal column with a "bang". The crystal column that was originally crystal clear also made a cracking sound, and cracks appeared one after another.

As a result, the crystal ancestor who sealed himself in and retreated to seek a breakthrough was naturally awakened suddenly.

"Roar!" Who gave you the courage to break my retreat!

When the crystal ancestor woke up, what he saw when he opened his eyes was the broken crystal column, and the ordinary big rock snake leader with a surprised look.

The breath of a gym-level peak is undoubtedly revealed!

This unworthy descendant! It felt that as long as it stayed in the dust for a few more decades, it should be able to enter the King of Heaven, but it was unexpectedly broken by its own clansmen!

God knows, will he be able to find his state again after he seals himself!

Although they are rock-type elves and have a relatively long lifespan, if they can no longer find their state, or spend too long, then they can only die!

So this is the revenge of ruining the way, and now the crystal big rock snake wants to kill this junior directly!

However, the remaining reason told it that there must be something very important to wake it up so desperately, so it still gave this junior a chance to speak.

On the other side, the leader of the big rock snake, who was blown away by a tail, slammed and fell heavily on the rock wall. There were even cracks on the body of the huge stone. Just one click, it was seriously injured. .

However, it has no regrets. Since it dares to do so, it is mentally prepared to be severely injured by the angry ancestor.

I saw that Si raised his head with difficulty, and explained to the crystal ancestor:

"Hoo~ho~" Crystal ancestor, it's not that the younger generation intends to interrupt your retreat, it's just that our family has come to the time of life and death.

The human army came to invade Dragon King Island, and now the ancestors of the Dragon King clan have left the customs and fought near the main island, while other islands are being besieged by human trainers, and we are no exception.

There are 6-7 gym-level elves raging on our island, but most of them are of the water attribute. The rest of the big clans on the island hope you can help!

You are immune to water energy, which can turn the tide!

After speaking, the leader of the big rock snake grabbed the ground with his head, full of pleading.

I have to say that those who can become leaders have very high speaking skills.

Hearing this explanation, Crystal Ancestor couldn't help but fell into contemplation, and no longer pursued the matter that disturbed its retreat.

After a while, it asked:

"Roar~" Junior, are there other gym-level support on the island now? What level are the gym-level elves on the human side?

And hearing this, the leader of the big rock snake immediately replied:

"Roar!" Yes, the ancestor, there is also a tyrannical carp dragon on the island to help, it is the strength of the middle of the gym class.

As for the strength of the human side, I don't know, but Lord Tyrannosaurus said that when you come out, it will come back here to discuss defense matters with you.

As for the ancestors of the Goldfish King family, they had already died in battle.

In this regard, the crystal ancestor nodded, "bang", and drilled into the ground!

Although there are 6-7 enemies, since they are all water elves, there is nothing to be afraid of!

With this special crystal body and the help of the tyrannical carp dragon, it is still confident to repel the enemy.

No matter what, it is still half-footed into the existence of the Heavenly King, and with its huge attribute advantage, it can still have many enemies with one.

When the crystal big rock snake broke out of the ground, the tyrannical carp dragon, which had already floated to the other side, also noticed this aura, which was much stronger than himself.

"This, this is the crystal ancestor, but unfortunately, I didn't enter the heavenly king. I don't know if there is a show or not. When the time comes, I'll let it play first. If it's just a look, I'd better stay away and run. "

Thinking of this, it turned around and flew back.

At this moment, when the camera turned, Tianji and his party had already landed on the island with their respective elves.

The deceased Goldfish King, even if the water vortex he created is very powerful, it is only rootless duckweed. After waiting for a while, let the water attribute gym-level elves under Qingshui Jing guide him, and he easily broke the move. We came to this small island smoothly.

"The air is really fresh and the scenery is beautiful!"

Xiaoling, who had just landed on the island, looked at the lush groves around her and sighed with satisfaction.

"Well~www.readwn.com~ It's good, and the types of elves are quite complete."

Tian Ci also nodded when he heard the words, and echoed.

Just when he landed on the island, he used his mind power to detect the situation on the island from the maximum distance, and what he saw was all kinds of elites who were running around and were a little flustered.

I have to say that the natural ecology is still good. In the Kanto Chengdu area, there are basically common elves.

As for these little things trying to escape, you have to ask the other people guarding around the island whether they agree or not!

Anyway, the ordinary team members brought by Shisui Jing still have low-level elites, and the captains in the middle section are useless, so Tianji also let them lead the team to guard the waters around the entire island.


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