Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 659: the start of the war

On the other hand, regarding the invitation of Lightning Bird, Frozen Bird, oh no, it should be called Qianxia now. After all, it is the Qianxia King who controls the body.

It nodded and flew away first.

In this regard, the Lightning Bird did not show weakness, and followed up with a "swoosh".

The championship-level battle spreads too far. If they are here, the aftermath of the four championship-level battles will be even greater. For the rest of the Rockets and the rest of the elves on Dragon King Island, it will be an extinction. Disaster, so it is better to divide the battlefield.

After the frozen bird and the lightning bird left, the ancestor of the Dragon King also took a deep look at the super giant needle bee and "thumped" it! Dive into the water.


One after another, the speed was extremely fast, and the powerful water guns shot at the super giant needle bee.

"Poison Needle Shooting, let's play with it, Big Needle Bee!"

After dodging a few passes, seeing the trajectory of the water gun that was also moving towards the edge of the island, Sakagi smiled, and instantly understood the meaning of this thorn dragon king, and it was also necessary to change the battlefield to avoid the impact of the aftermath.

In this regard, Sakagi is also happy, the ancestor of the Dragon King does not want to destroy the ecology of the island, nor does he!

After all, in his opinion, this place already belongs to the Rockets.


After receiving Sakagi's order, the super hornet also moved quickly, and the purple energy at the tip of the double needles did not break, and also shot a large number of poisonous needles into the water.

You can see that the originally blue ocean, as if it was infected, turned purple one by one.

A champion-level poison has long been terrifying. Although the poison needle is only a weak move, in the hands of the super giant needle bee, every blow also has the power to turn decay into magic. It can be said that every one of these Poison needles can kill the powerhouse of the king level.

It is also that this sea area has been cleared a long time ago, or else there will be a lot of corpses floating long ago. This toxin is not something that ordinary elves can resist. In fact, there are also patches of unknown fish on the surface of the sea now A little dark grey water grass.

These immobile plants and ordinary animals without intelligence can only give their lives in vain because they can't do without here.

"Pass my order! Attack!"

Riding on a Uranus-level fossilized pterosaur, Sakagi followed the super giant needle bee and also issued orders to the Uranus-level generals here.


"Understood! Sakagi-sama!"

Having faced the might of a champion, now even the emissaries from the top of the alliance are all bowing their heads respectfully.

Then, along with "Swish, swish~" red lights flashed one after another, and an elves that only exuded the breath of a king appeared on the sea.

The water arrow turtle, the fire-breathing dragon, the eagle, the strong crocodile... each of them is a king!

On the road before successfully landing on the island, the Thorn Dragon King family will definitely use all their strength to block it. Rather than letting the rest of the elites under their command, the gymnasium level, go to their deaths, it is better to let the heavenly king level directly break the formation!

After all, for the Heavenly Kings, slaughtering some elites and gyms would not take much effort at all, and don't think about consuming the energy and physical strength of the Heavenly Kings. Such a consumption is meaningless to the Heavenly Kings.

As I said before, the Heavenly King level is to master the law, borrow some of the power of heaven and earth, they kill the enemy, and more by leveraging the power of heaven and earth, they consume very little themselves, so that you can exchange elites and gymnasiums for a little bit. Consumption is naturally extremely uneconomical.

And after Team Rocket dispatched Heavenly King-level elves, the edge of the main Dragon King Island, where the Thorn Dragon King clan was located, also exuded a terrifying Heavenly King-level aura.

Appearing in front of the warship, all the Heavenly King-level powerhouses of the Thorn Dragon King clan were impressive, including 10 Thorn Dragon Kings and 7-8 Heavenly King-level elves from other vassal races.

War is imminent!

On the other side, feeling the undisguised terrifying energy fluctuations on the main Dragon King Island, the Quartet commanders of Team Rocket, Athena, and Apollo also launched an attack.

"Attack! Attack!"

"Expanding the territory for our human beings, just today!"

"Go to the island, the wealth is ours!"

"The first one to land on the island, a cub of the three royal families who is rewarded with leader-level qualifications!"


Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. The members of the Rocket Team in black uniforms rushed out frantically, and launched a fierce attack on the island under the command of the king.

"Boom boom boom!"


"Bang bang bang!"



The sound of explosions, screams, and roars resounded through the sky.

As for our male protagonist, after receiving a message from his father-in-law and realizing that the area had been assigned to him, he also led the daughters of Hualan City to kill him while shouting.

"Quick Dragon, Meteor Swarm!"

"Water Arrow Turtle, Water Cannon Burst"

"Gem starfish, the most powerful mind power!"




"Duosha!" Run~ You guys go back to the island first!

Because the place chosen by Tianzi is only a remote island, the elves guarding this place are currently hindering their progress in the water, but only a goldfish king at the low level of the gymnasium, and the low level of the gymnasium. The tyrannical carp dragon, plus a dozen elite-level elves with pure water attributes.

However, it was only one round of fighting against each other, and the formation on the Goldfish King's side was fragmented, and there was no way that the gap was too big.

No matter how unbearable Qingshui Jing was, he was still a veteran gym-level trainer. The gym-level elves under his command were full of 6. In addition to the fast dragons, which were not weak, the 7 gym-level elves made all-out efforts. Half of them are gym-level high-level existences. It is not bad that Goldfish King and Tyrannosaurus are still alive.

As for the dozen or so water-attribute elites who followed, they had already been beaten to death, their wounds floating on the water, and the sea was stained with blood.

"Hoo~ho!" Run away, Goldfish King! There are too many enemies, hell, how can there be so many gyms attacking our small island! You won't be able to drag it on for long, rather than die here, it's better to take your clan to flee!

Because the Goldfish King helped to block the damage at a critical time, the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, which had already flown to the shore, still turned around and persuaded the Goldfish King.

Unlike the native goldfish king, it just obeyed the arrangement and came here to help guard.

I have been instructed a long time ago that if it is impossible to do something, then the preservation of your own life is the most important thing!

I thought it would be easy to protect such a country-like island with my own strength in the middle of the gym class, coupled with the power of the ethnic groups on the island, but who knows, how could such a broken place attract so many gym class? The siege of the strong.

Its regretful bowels are turning green, and after preparing to return to the island, it immediately fled from the other side. As for this small island, I can only say sorry, it is not its home anyway.

Chapter 660 News of the Crystal Rock Snake

In the water, King Goldfish, whose sharp horns were broken in half, shook his head, raised his blood-stained face, and responded to the kind-hearted Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon.

"Duosha~Duosha~" Lord Tyrannosaurus, you can go by yourself, go to the rocky mountain in the south of the island, look for the big rock snake clan there, and ask their crystal ancestors to take action, we may still have a chance of winning, crystal Old Ancestor was only one step away from the Heavenly King level a long time ago. He has been in retreat for many years, and he may have stepped into the Heavenly King!

Even if not, it is still a top powerhouse at the gym level, not afraid of water attribute energy, just restraining these human elves, as long as it is shot, our Xiaoyu Island is absolutely foolproof!

You go find it, let it out, I can block some time if I die!

After finishing speaking, King Goldfish, with a strong blue light lit up all over his body, "thumped", plunged into the water, and began to overdraw his life to use the tide swirling move.

In front of Tianci and the others, a huge water vortex quickly emerged, and the sound of the water flow was very loud. Among them, the goldfish king with only half of the corners circled over and over again in the center, speeding up the water vortex. speed.

And every time it completes a rotation, the water vortex gets bigger, and at the same time, the goldfish king's face loses a tinge of blood.

It blocked most of the aftermath just now. In fact, it has been seriously injured long ago, and it is not far from losing its ability to fight. Now it is squeezing its own body and forcibly creating a tidal vortex far beyond its control. Naturally, it will die soon.

In fact, the current water vortex has developed to this scale, and it can no longer be stopped. This move has already controlled it, and every time it passively rotates with the water vortex, its life energy is extracted by it.

Seeing this scene, the tyrannical carp dragon floating in the air gritted his teeth and flew in the direction that the Southern Goldfish King said!

It originally planned to run straight away, but seeing that the goldfish king who saved him risked his life to delay the time, he decided to take a gamble!

And the rumors of the crystal big rock snake here, after it came here, I also heard about it, and I understand that what the Goldfish King said is true. If that person can really get out of the customs, it should be no problem to deal with the human powerhouses who are almost all of the water system. of.

On the other side, Tianji and the others who were temporarily stopped by the huge water whirlpool did not intend to forcibly interrupt them.

"Looks like you're in the right place, there really is a large crystal rock snake here! And according to the crystal lineage mentioned by the goldfish king and the tyrannical carp dragon, there must be a lot of crystal rock snakes, and they have even cooked. The bloodline has been passed down to the point where you can make a lot of money and make a lot of money!"

Tian Ci was calm on the surface, but secretly he was delighted to share the good news with Xiaoling and Qingshui Jing beside him.

Having been adventuring in the wild for a long time, he has developed a good habit of throwing a spiritual link anytime and anywhere to eavesdrop on the conversation between elves.

To know the conversation between the elves, it is the easiest to reveal important information!

It doesn't matter if he doesn't know Elvish, as long as his mind is connected, he can understand what it means.

And the superpower level that is only one step away from the gym level, even if it is secretly linked to the gym level elves, it will not be discovered. After all, superpowers are famous for their power and secrets.

"Very good!"


On the other side, the two women who heard Tian Ci's voice transmission also showed surprise expressions on their faces under the masks.

Although it is said that Hualan City has fallen, and now Nazi is in retreat, it is entirely up to Tianci to decide, but deep down, Qingshuijing and everyone still don't understand Tianci's selection of such a small island, and even those who are interested even complain a little bit. .

After all, from their point of view, they came out of their own nests and used almost all their strength. Although they are not as great as other ancient city families, they are definitely not weak!

At least it is much stronger than some teams of Team Rocket. Naturally, large islands do not dare to think about it, but it is absolutely no problem to win a medium-sized island in a remote point with a fight!

In the worst case, the casualties will be heavy! But those who are willing to follow, or in that operation against Hualan City, who survived, do not regard the family as their life, and regard the development of the family as the most important thing!

For them, as long as the gym owner is still there and the pillars are still there, then it doesn't matter if these ordinary-level trainers, even elite-level trainers, are killed or injured in the island battle!

As long as a new foundation for development is captured for the family, there will be as many ordinary tiers as there are, and elite tiers will always be available as long as the base is large.

But the Shimizu family, which is now in a precarious state, cannot do without gym-level powerhouses.

And the reason why Xiaoling is happy is very simple, she is happy to get a piece of treasure for her family!

That's right, your own family!

Tian Ci has already made up his mind to establish his own power, his own family, and Xiaoling must also be one of the founders of this family.

Crystal cave, the mass-produced crystal big rock snake can be passed down as the characteristic elves of your own family. This is the foundation and can be passed down for eternity!

For Shisui Jing and the others, what they can do now is to integrate into the family created by Tianci. The big rock snake, who is not afraid of water, may also be used as their secret weapon in Hualan City in the future. Naturally, they are also happy.

As a result, neither the group nor the elves under their command even made a move towards the huge water vortex created by the gym-level low-level goldfish king in front of them, and even retreated silently.

Anyway, it will take a little time to break through, and it will take a little time to detour. No matter what, it is better to save some energy and wait for the goldfish king to die from exhaustion, which is convenient.

And during the waiting time, I believe it was enough for the tyrannical carp dragon to find the crystal big rock snake. Just take a look and see if it is right or not.

While they were waiting quietly, the tyrannical carp dragon quickly flew towards the rocky mountain in the air. Although it could float, its speed was really not fast.

However, it is also a loss that this place is only a small island, so it should still be within reach.

Of course, what it didn't know was that such a frantic flight made other elves on the island panic. "What's going on, why did the tyrannical carp dragon fly back in such a panic!

"Purada~Lada!" I saw that there are many scars on the body of the tyrannical carp dragon. It's not that he was defeated. Those human beings are about to be killed!

"Moo~" Then let's run away, run away!

"Yo Bo!" Run away, run away!

I saw all kinds of elves in the jungle, the valley, and the grass were discussing, and then fled everywhere, and the scene was chaotic in an instant!

Because they grow on the island, most of these land-type elves can swim, but they are not afraid of running away.


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