Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 657: Frozen bird taken over

"Buzz~" Fake is fake after all!

For the attack of the lightning bird, the super big needle bee expressed very disdain, and even pointed the spear in his hand, which was full of provocation!

"Ooh!" Asshole! I'm going to turn you bug into black coal!

As we all know, the temper of the lightning bird is very bad among the divine beasts. When provoked like this, it is still a bug-type elf that is usually ignored at all. celestial phenomenon!

But no matter how bad his temper was, he didn't act rashly.

As a mythical beast that has survived for thousands of years, it is not a fool, although it has a bad temper.

Originally, as a bird elf, its speed can be said to be its strength, but in this one, it has been proved just now that it was crushed by that strange big needle bee, and even the speed of lightning could not keep up with the opponent, This means that he is likely to have no qualifications to fight with the opponent.

With that unbelievable speed that is not at the same level, it is likely to be a passive beating situation.

Not to mention, the aura of that strange big needle bee when it shot just now has reached the middle of the championship level, and the pressure is instantly great!

It is precisely because the power level has reached this level that Lightning Bird understands how far he is from the true champion level.

It has now reached this state by virtue of the three-level differentiation of priesthood, just like a young child holding a sledgehammer with huge lethality, although for the same young child, that is, other elves who have not reached the championship level, it is also the same. Is invincible!

After all, everyone is a child, I have a big weapon in my hand, if you are bare-handed, then I will definitely kill the Quartet!

But for the elves who have really reached the championship level, they are an adult holding the giant hammer. In this way, even if the young child also holds the giant hammer, but the physique of the two sides is not right, the combat power will naturally have a huge change. .

Of course, young children with giant hammers can also kill adults by sneak attack.

But unfortunately, the sneak attack of the lightning bird just now was avoided by the big needle bee.

Now, a young child is holding a giant hammer in a duel with an adult holding a giant hammer. The result should be seen even if it goes without saying.

Naturally, the Lightning Bird would not rush to die foolishly any more. Its plan was to only assist the Dragon King ancestors beside him.

However, this idea immediately fell through.

On the Funasaka of Team Rocket, a beautiful woman with long snow-white hair slowly stepped forward.

"Tap tap~"

She was wearing a silver-white uniform marked with the r-sign, holding a black Poké Ball exuding cold air in her hand.

That's right, this woman is the King Qianxia, ​​who is regarded as an abandoned child by the Alliance!

This time, she chose to wear the Rockets uniform to the front of the stage, which actually showed her attitude.

After being abandoned by the league, her final choice was not only to cooperate with the Rockets, but also to devote herself to the Rockets' camp.

I have to say, this is a big gamble!

Although the upper echelons knew that Qian Xiawang had been abandoned by the Alliance, her position as the Four Heavenly Kings had not been revoked!

There is still quite a long time before the next Four Heavenly Kings election contest. During this time, she can completely use the rights of the Four Heavenly Kings and make a considerable amount of resources. Even with this, she may even help the remaining Icebird clansmen find another way. A piece of habitat that has passed.

But she didn't, she directly chose to stand on the side of the Rockets!

With such a large operation of the Rockets, with so many personnel transfers, there are definitely spies from all parties in the upper echelons of the alliance.

Qianxia's undisguised stance and behavior will soon spread to the upper-level forces of the alliance, and it is estimated that the announcement of the king's resignation will soon spread throughout the country.

On the side of the Alliance, she has no place to stand.

As for the Rockets' plan to open up new areas, it's still a matter of whether they are successful or not.

If it succeeds, it goes without saying that King Qianxia, ​​including the rest of her clan, will definitely get better treatment than when they were in the alliance, and there will also be a large island rich in resources for them to use as the foundation for their development.

But if it fails, I am afraid that all members will be buried here, and there will be no future.

So this is an action that can only succeed, not fail, for King Qianxia.

"Come out! Freeze the bird!"

I saw Qianxia threw the black Pokeball into the air, and a blue and elegant bird spirit appeared opposite the Lightning Bird.


Needless to say, this elf is a frozen bird controlled by Team Rocket with a dark ball!

Because it was forcibly controlled by the dark ball, and some potions were used to stimulate more powerful power, the current frozen bird's eyes are very tyrannical, and the elegant temperament when it first came out disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Because in the dark ball, the priesthood bonus has been used, so at this time, the breath on his body has reached the level of a champion, and even because of the use of forbidden drugs to stimulate potential, the breath of the frozen bird It is even stronger than the lightning bird of the same level.

Looking at such a frozen bird, Qianxia's eyes were filled with sadness, sadness, anger and other emotions, but in the end it turned into a touch of determination!

"The power of frost!"

She let out a coquettish cry, and her body had long since cultivated to the supernatural power of king level, which kept rushing towards the frozen birds in the air!

As the most successful person in the Ice Bird family's past kings, she not only relied on the gift of the frozen bird, in fact, to be able to obtain the position of the four kings at this age, she relied more on her own special physique.

That's right, she is a natural ice-type extraordinary awakener. In addition, she has a special physique that is naturally compatible with the two attributes of water and ice.

Coupled with the long-standing gift relationship with Frozen Bird, she can add bonuses to Frozen Bird!

"咘希!" I saw the frozen bird, which had received the power of frost, and shouted, and the momentum of the whole body increased again.

And along with the transmission of the power of frost, it can be seen that the Qianxia Wang Xingying formed by a cloud and mist is also instilled into the body of the frozen bird along with these spiritual powers.


This time, the cry of the frozen bird was inexplicably more agile. If it was just a beast that only used brute force to kill, now this beast has regained its sense.

No, not right! It can't be said that, it should be said that someone has controlled this beast, and Qian Xiawang has taken over the current body of the frozen bird at the cost of his own consciousness and whole body energy, and she is now the frozen bird!

As for the original consciousness of the frozen bird, it was temporarily dissipated by the powerful medicine poured by the Rockets, which gave Qian Xiawang a chance to control the body of this divine beast through his long-term connection!

Chapter 658 Lightning Bird's Mind

The reason seems to have been said for a long time, but in the eyes of the lightning bird and the ancestor of the Dragon King, it is only a matter of seconds.

The Frozen Bird, which had a tyrannical aura and barely reached the championship level in strength, changed its appearance, the tyrannical aura dissipated, the elegant and noble posture reappeared, and the strength even reached the low level of the championship level from the threshold of the championship level!

This made Lightning Bird's face instantly ugly, and he felt that he had become the weakest one in an instant.

If it is said that it is a young child holding a sledgehammer, then although the current frozen bird cannot reach the level of an adult, it is still a teenager, and its strength is more than one step higher than it.

Thinking of this, it glanced at the still calm Thorn Dragon King ancestor, and asked secretly:

"Oh hoo~" Dragon King, do you still ask for help, I guess I can only stop the frozen bird for a while, it really makes me desperate, I don't do it!

In this regard, the Thorn Dragon King also understands this truth. Although he does not know whether the junior sent out has found the Sea God Lugia, but out of confidence in his own strength, he replied plainly:

"Hey ho~" Don't worry, the main force on the opposite side is just a bug. Although it is at the same level as me, you also know that the Zerg is almost the weakest representative in the same realm. You just need to hold on for a while, and then I will end that. A strange big stinger bee, save the frozen bird with you!

After speaking, the eyes of the ancestor of the Dragon King's "swoosh" became sharp, and at the same time, a huge dragon's might spread over the audience, which is the pride of its dragon family!

If the sea thorn dragon stage only activated the dragon blood initially, then the thorn dragon king stage is the elves with the highest bloodline among the sub-dragon species.

As for the ancestor of the Dragon King, who has reached the middle of the championship level, the purity of the dragon blood in his body has completely reached the level of pure blood dragons, and it can even be said that it surpasses many pure blood dragons, such as Tianci's gym-level fast dragon , the pressure of its dragon power is far less than that of the ancestor of the dragon king.

In the face of this extremely tyrannical Longwei, Sakagi did not change his face, and as for the super giant needle bee, naturally he was not affected in any way.

It followed Sakagi to the death for so many years, how could it be oppressed to the point of retreat by the momentum of others.


I saw it with two spears and one finger, and the same murderous aura erupted from its whole body!

As soon as the auras on both sides clashed, a lot of wind and waves were directly set off.

At the same time, the Lightning Bird also called out to the Frozen Bird.

"Whoohoo!" Come with me, my buddy!

The tone is full of sarcasm!

As a divine beast that has lived for thousands of years, it can naturally see some clues. Although its former companion, the frozen bird, has not changed at this time, the consciousness that dominates this body has changed.

If you don't feel wrong, the current Frozen Bird has more of the breath of the female human being of the Heavenly King level below. That is to say, the body that dominates this body, like it, is only about the middle of the Heavenly King level.

At best, plus a little bit of the body instinct and experience of Frozen Bird fighting.

However, the energy fluctuation that is more than one step higher than it is the main reason why it has no confidence to win.

Of course, even if the current Frozen Bird is much stronger than it, it doesn't see it in his eyes, and there is even some sadness in his eyes when he looks at the Frozen Bird.

After all, the Frozen Bird, the Flame Bird and it all came from the sea **** Lugia before. They shared weal and woe together, lived and died together many times, and the friendship was still very deep.

Although I came to Kanto, because of the loss of Lugia's control, a lot of unpleasant things happened between the three, and eventually they broke up. , it still felt pain, and a trace of fear!

Yes, that's right, the divine beast that was originally high above felt fear towards humans for the first time!

Even if it is a third-level god, the Lightning Bird is usually treated with courtesy wherever it goes, and it is even more dismissive of human trainers.

In its impression, the human trainer can only play with it when it does not use its full strength (without the bonus of priesthood), and a few people work together to play with it, as long as it is serious, those so-called human powerhouses are just It is a matter of several hundred thousand volts, and even the so-called solid city of human beings is nothing more than a thunderstorm, and a wave of things turned into ruins, it is not worthy of it!

But now, it has only cultivated a few times, and it has only been a thousand or two thousand years. How could such a terrifying powerhouse appear in human society!

That big stinger bee can easily defeat it!

And such elves are also under the orders of human beings!

Even the frozen bird, which is also a third-level divine beast, has become an unconscious puppet!

Does that mean that it is a lightning bird, if it is targeted by humans, it will not be much better?

To be more extreme, in another thousand or two thousand years, even real divine beasts, such as Lord Phoenix and Lord Lugia, will be enslaved and controlled by humans!

The more I think about it, the more I can perceive the horror of this alien race. The Lightning Bird was originally high above, regardless of the mundane mentality, it changed for the first time, it thought:

"After repelling the human army this time, it is time to contact the remaining elf powerhouses and conduct a joint attack on the human situation. Even if the human beings cannot be eliminated, they must be greatly damaged!"

As divine beasts canonized by the second-level, there are almost no restrictions on the third-level gods. They do not need to obey the will of God, and naturally they can shoot at will.

Usually do not intervene in the war between human beings and mortal elves, most of them are nothing more than sticking gold on their faces. Heavenly Criminal Law!

They are also divine beasts, so of course they have to do this! There is a grade that can't drop the beast!

Of course, there is also a part of the reason ~www.readwn.com~ is the constraint of the upper god. If the lightning birds abuse the power of the priest in Kanto, they will take action, whether it is against elves or humans, it goes against the will of heaven ( Including the natural evolution and development law of nature, but not limited to this), as their main god, Lugia, will bear most of the backlash, in this way, Lugia will never be taken advantage of!

Even if they can't walk away, they will come here from the sea area of ​​the Chengdu area and smash the three holy birds who are reckless!

Therefore, the combination of the two factors prevented the third-level gods such as the Three Holy Birds from intervening in the previous battles.

But now, Lightning Bird felt that even if the sea **** Lugia knew, he would not blame it!

What's more, it is also preparing to find other strong elves and let them join hands, and it will not participate in direct wars to the maximum extent.


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