Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 612: New commander?

After returning to the hotel to wash up and making sure that there was no odor on his body, Tianji took the elf to the light red gymnasium.

That's right, although he is a door-to-door son-in-law, he still lives in a hotel, and does not live in the light red family.

The first reason is that the light red family has not accepted him so quickly. In more than a year, it is impossible for him to break into the family.

Second, it was because Tianji himself never thought of being a real son-in-law, so he never said such an idea.

For him, as long as he can give him the normal exchange rights, it is enough.

After exiting the hotel door, with a direct "swoosh", he teleported to the door of the light red gymnasium, and strode in.

"Master Tanji!"

"Master Tanji!"


The staff or gym apprentices he met along the way all saluted him respectfully.

"En~" Tian Ci also nodded in agreement and continued to walk towards the hinterland.

As the super-powerful son-in-law of the Poison Gym, his sudden ascendance made the news spread widely.

These ordinary people and apprentices did not dare to disrespect him. After all, even if the Gym-level fast dragons were not counted, he was now a genuine elite-level high-ranking trainer, the most top-notch person in the gym!

After passing through the front area, he soon came to the hinterland of the light red family. The people he met here were not so enthusiastic. They looked at Tianci with envy, contempt, and even more disdain. , but none of them came forward to provocatively.

In order to no longer have brains to find fault with him, the means of ruthless lessons were still very useful.

In such a strange atmosphere, Tianci came to the conference hall, where Aju and several other gym-level clan elders were already here.

Looking at it, fortunately, he was not the last to arrive, or else I was afraid that he would be preached again.

Seeing Tianci coming over, Aju nodded and said:

"Tianji, just sit next to you."

"Okay, Mr. Aju!"

Hearing this, Tian Ci agreed and sat on the side.

He looked at it, this position is on the far right, and it is also the last position, which means that this position is the lowest.

In this regard, Tianji has no opinion. Compared with these old seniors, he has only one gym-level low-level elf, and he really can only accompany him in the bottom seat.

After he sat down, the other patriarchs at the gym level just glanced at them and said nothing, quietly waiting for the others to arrive.

Although there are some elite-level trainers and their elders who have been taught by him among these clan elders, the gym-level masters are the masters of the lineage, and the family elders, how could they take the initiative at the meeting because of this matter Challenging.

Soon after half an hour, people came one after another. The youngest were already middle-aged. In this comparison, Tian Ci was the youngest.

They were different from Tianji who came here for the first time. They found their place and did it quietly.

Soon everyone was almost there. Tian counted 4 on the left, 3 with him on the right, and two vacancies.

"Cough~" Seeing everyone coming, Ah Ji, who was sitting in the main seat, coughed, and everyone turned to look at him.

"People are almost all here. The four house owners and the three leaders on the right side. As for the other two vassal gym owners, they went out very early and haven't come back yet."

Hearing this, Tian Ci raised his head in surprise, when will he become a commander!

"I just want to eat idle meals every day and take a temporary job! I don't want to be a commander!"

Tian Ci's heart madly refused, he didn't have to do anything, and he still had the normal exchange authority. Isn't it sweet! What to be the leader!

Of course, on the surface, he didn't dare to refuse, he could only smile, as if he had met everyone.

In this regard, the other 6 gym-level powerhouses were also quite surprised. They did not expect that this lucky boy would be directly recognized as a commander of Dark Endurance at this meeting.

"What the **** does Aju want to do? With a low-level Gym-level fast dragon?"

The doubts flashed in the minds of others.

For Tianji, all the gym-level trainers present did not pay much attention to it.

That's right, Tianji is very strong in the eyes of the elite, and the quasi-god of the gym is no enemy.

But at this level, any elf among the powerhouses present can do it.

And even the weakest of the 6 people has 3 gym-level low-level elves, and he is still an extraordinary warrior at the commander level.

It's completely easy to kill Tianci, so in the eyes of a real gym-level powerhouse, Tianzi is at most half a gym-level trainer, and he can barely make it. They also put up with it, but He De He can go to command another one!

Thinking of this, a feminine-looking man in the two commanders said:

"Lord Aju, it's not me, Silver Snake, who questioned your decision. If you let a normal gym-level trainer lead the division, we will have no problem.

But Tianji-kun, he..."

Speaking of this, the feminine man named Silver Snake looked at Tianji apologetically. That's right, he was actually the weakest of the six, and said:

"Tian Cijun, it's not that we look down on you, but your current strength is indeed lacking. This is the truth. I hope you don't take offense."

Because of his strength, he was quite euphemistic when talking to Tianji.

And Tian Ci naturally doesn't care about this trivial matter. He is still very unwilling to be the commander in his heart, but he doesn't want to take the initiative to speak up. Now there are people who help him, just down the **** and dismiss this position!

So he got up quickly and said humbly:

"Master Silver Snake is very polite, what you said is the truth, how can I feel bad about it!"

Then he tentatively looked at A Ju who was sitting on the main seat, and said:

"Lord Aju, do you think I need to hone it a few more times? Then I'll be entrusted with important tasks, otherwise I'm afraid of dragging down the people under my command!"

For the two people's singing and harmony, Aju smiled, first waved his hand to let both of them sit down, and then explained:

"Don't worry, I naturally won't let you, Tian Cijun, go to the Anbu, which has been established for many years, as the leader. Even if you want to, I don't want to take so many subordinates as a victim of your experience."

He first settled the hearts of the two Anbu commanders, and then he continued to say:

"Actually, I set up a new team, which will belong to Anbu in the future. It is called the Bug Team. The trainers in it are mainly worm-type elves with poisonous attributes such as hornbees and Alidos. .

The main purpose is not to fight externally, but to serve as a scout for the eyes and ears, so your current strength plus A-Xing's support from the side is definitely enough! "

Gu Kui

Chapter 613 Arrangement of the Twin Islands

Hearing this, Tianji and the rest of the gym-level trainers understood, the feelings are still for A-Xing!

The commander, Tian Chi, should actually be a bodyguard.

After all, in terms of his familiarity with poisonous insects, Tianji couldn't compare with A Xing, who grew up surrounded by poisonous insects, so A Xing must be the one who actually controls this team.

Of course, Tianji can also use this team, and it is not a weak force.

As Aju said, it is also excellent to act as eyes and ears.

In this case, will Tianji refuse?

Of course, the answer is no. A-Xing is her own, and she accepts an elite team for nothing. How can this kind of thing be pushed out.

Moreover, going to the Twin Islands, having such a team, can also save a lot of trouble.

So he nodded and bowed his thanks to Aju:

"I have no problem, thank you Lord Aju for cultivation."

Express your willingness to accept this fate!

As for the newly created team, it was still the family property that Aju prepared for his daughter, so the others naturally wouldn't have any thoughts, so they all nodded with a smile and said "Congratulations, congratulations".

If it has nothing to do with yourself and has nothing to do with your own interests, it doesn't matter if you say a few good words.

"You're welcome, you're welcome~"

And Tian Ci also slightly bowed his hands to the others, expressing his gratitude.

Among them, the commander nicknamed Silver Snake also squeezed a smile on his face, and explained to Tian Chi:

"Commander Aoki, we will be the same in the future. I hope you don't take offense about what happened in the past!"

He could see clearly that this team had A Xing, so it must have nothing to do with them.

Coupled with A-Xing's recent performance, it is obvious that he was really trained as a successor, so to be on the safe side, he must not be hated by the future gym owner's partner!

So even though his strength is far stronger than Tianji, his attitude is still lowered.

In this regard, it is naturally impossible for Tianji to have a bad relationship with the Gym-level commander of Anbu because of this trivial matter. He waved his hand and said quickly:

"No, no, Commander Silver Snake is too polite."

"Okay, let's sit down first, this matter is settled!"

And after the two of them revealed this little episode, A Ju, who was sitting in the main seat, also let both of them sit down and began to talk about the theme of the meeting.

"Cough~ I believe that everyone here knows that we actually have deep cooperation with the Rockets in Qinghong City, and even if I can be promoted to the King of Heaven, it is also with the help of the Rockets.

And this time, Team Rocket intends to attack the Frozen Bird on Gemini Island. Although I can't come forward, Qianxia, ​​the ice king, has also been led away. Even if there are backers, there will never be more than two king-level elves. .

I believe that everyone here knows that the beast's lair is rich, this is a big piece of fat! "

Hearing this, everyone including Tianji had a greedy look on their faces.

Twin Islands, two twin islands located on the No. 20 waterway, were originally rich in water elves. It stands to reason that the light red city, as the nearest city, must be included in the bag. After all, the stinger jellyfish is also poisonous, and even if you don't use it yourself, it is extremely profitable to do business as a training base!

But it is a pity that this place was taken by the frozen bird, one of the three holy birds, as his own nest, and he also picked some humans as his spokesperson, among which the ice king Qianxia is the best among these people. One is also the head of the current Ice Bird family.

Considering the overall situation, the alliance felt that it was worthwhile to exchange a small island for the favor of a divine beast.

Not to mention that this divine beast occasionally instructs local people to practice cultivation, which can be regarded as adding a lot of combat power to human beings.

So naturally agreed.

As for the impression of the light red city. . . Before the big situation, it is natural to sacrifice a bit, and Red Lotus Town has no opinion, how can you have an opinion in the light red city!

Gemini Island, originally divided according to the region, should be the light red one and the red lotus one. At that time, the red lotus was very strong. When Xia Bo was young, he brought the red lotus town to a peak!

At that time, Red Lotus Town was the No. 1 city in Kanto. Such an existence gave way to the overall situation. The Light Red City could not refuse no matter what, so it had to give up nothing and give up the Ice Island. The ice bird family and the mythical beast behind them - the frozen bird!

But after the greed passed, the sensible old man asked:

"The owner of the pavilion, should we not want us to fight with the frozen bird. I remember that the frozen bird has been here for many years. I am afraid that the strength will take time to boil, and it should be at the high level of the heavenly king. With the power bonus of the priesthood, it is a proper champion-level combat power!

If we can't win it quickly, if we attract other divine beasts, even if we handle it well, those unreasonable divine beasts will also come directly to our light red market, and they will probably suffer heavy losses at that time! "

"Yeah, yeah, even if a few of us work together and use the formation to resist a low-level king, at most the mid-level is already the limit, and facing the frozen bird, I'm afraid it will be frozen in one face. Ice scum."

"Frozen Bird should be handled by Team Rocket, it's definitely not our turn!"


Hearing that these pulse masters were shirking the blame, Aju scolded "old fox" in his heart.

Although this is true, even if several gym-level powerhouses work together, they are definitely not the opponents of the frozen bird, but they are not as bad as they say.

The worst, it is definitely possible to deal with it for a round or two.

After all, the weakest of these three vein masters are all gym-level mid-level strengths. Among them, the second and third rooms are both high-level gymnasiums, and they are not from scattered people. They have a complete knowledge inheritance, plus special combined attacks. When necessary, it is also okay to be a Heavenly King-level trainer.

Unless Frozen Bird used the priesthood bonus as soon as it came up, UU reading www.uukanshu.com would not give them a chance, otherwise it would not be so easy to defeat them face to face.

Of course, he didn't want his gym class to die in vain, so he didn't plan to let them fight Frozen Bird.

However, the strength that should be exerted still has to be exerted. Although the Frozen Bird is definitely not theirs to deal with, it is impossible for the Rockets to let Ajubai take the Ice Island.

"Cough~" A Ju coughed lightly, and slowly said the task assigned by Team Rocket.

"Naturally, the Frozen Bird will not let us deal with it, but our task is not easy, that is, to clean up the secret hand of the Ice Bird family left in the Twin Island, or to eliminate all the means left by the Qianxia Xiawang!

Among them, the gold and silver double snakes of Anbu must participate. I plan to let you lead two-thirds of Anbu to dispatch.

As for the pulse masters, how much power you need to send is up to you.

However, the resource allocation of Ice Island also depends on how much each room contributes. "

After speaking, he looked at the principals of the three branches with different expressions.

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