Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 614: Set off

Hearing what Aju said, the principals of the three branches looked at each other and hesitated a bit.

This action is still very dangerous. Although there is no need to face the frozen bird, who knows if the red-eyed frozen bird will be killed directly at that time. After using the power of the priesthood, it will reach the championship. Level strength, at that time, even the aftermath they couldn't stand it!

As the elders of the ancient city, they still know something about the championship level.

That is the law of the Dao, the power to engrave one's own path between heaven and earth, and it is absolutely called the power of heaven and earth. In the face of such power, even if the king wants to block it, it is just a man's arm to block the car.

(ps: You can see how strong the Sakagi champion giant bee is in Yuhong City. The Heavenly King-level elf in Yuhong City is as fragile as a piece of paper in front of it!)

In fact, as divine beasts, the Three Sacred Birds are only the lowest-level divine beasts, but there is no lack of careerists wanting to attack them. After all, they are elves with priesthoods. What a powerful force!

Among them, compared to the elusive flame bird and lightning bird, the frozen bird with a fixed nest is definitely easier to catch.

Unfortunately, it failed every time, and many of them were made by heavenly king-level trainers, but they were still buried in the Ice Island. Even in order to quell the anger of the frozen bird, the alliance also took the initiative to kill the blood relatives of those ambitious people.

After the clergy bonus, the frozen bird that reaches the championship level is terrible. Although there are also champions in the league, the frozen bird can fly, and the speed is fast. One can come and go freely. The champion, the alliance has to pay a big price to keep it. In this case, it is better to hand over the failed careerist, put the blame on him, and let the frozen bird vent his anger!

This is also the reason why Frozen Bird has never changed its nest. It comes from the strength of its strength and the arrogance of the beast, which makes it disdain to change its nest.

Of course, in order to stop some trash fish, it will still help train a few human subordinates, like the ice king, Qianxia.

The reason why the principals of the three branches are hesitant is, do they want to go into battle themselves?

Although he failed in the competition for the Gym Master, and even because Aju was promoted to Heavenly King, it can be said that there is no hope for the next generation.

But if you can become the principal of a house, your future life will definitely be rich and noble, and you will have no worries about food and clothing.

Is it worth taking the risk?

When the three people had this doubt in their minds, they were quickly covered up by a news not long ago.

"Team Rocket's leader, Dadi's Sakagi, has broken through to the championship level. He showed mega evolution in Yuhong City, easily penetrated the secret garden, and captured the heart of Wanmu!"

That's right, although this news was covered up by the alliance, and most people know only the fake news released by the alliance, but they must know the real insider.

The champion Sakagi has also mastered mega evolution. If you add a few veteran kings to assist and set a trap, there is still a high possibility of catching the frozen bird.

The main battlefield must be the Rockets taking on the firepower, they are just helping to clear the obstacles, don't you fight once? Will you always give Aju this pulse from now on?

Thinking of this, a slightly older middle-aged man in the second room spoke up.

"Master of the gymnasium, Qianhong Qianshu is willing to fight once, but before that, I want to hear the truth. How sure is the Rockets in this operation? Will that one take the shot in person?"

Hearing the middle-aged man named Qianshu ask, several others, including Tianji, looked at A Ju who was sitting on the main seat with questioning eyes.

As the saying goes, the ignorant are fearless. When he was in Yuhong City, Tian Ci still wanted to use his elite-level strength to fish in troubled waters, grab food from the tiger's mouth, and gain a little heart of ten thousand trees.

But now, he has no idea at all. Before in Yuhong City, Sakagi's invincible figure and his incomparably terrifying aura left a deep impression on him.

The champion is really strong!

After experiencing the fast dragon and the power of the gym, he realized that the champions who can kill the king in seconds are not at the same level as them.

If this action, Sakagi will really take action, and they are all willing to follow behind to pick up a bargain.

Seeing the attitudes of several people, Aju also knew that he didn't know what to say. It was estimated that no one would express their opinions. With a positive expression, he still said:

"In this case, Boss Sakagi will definitely take action, or else there is no one in the Rockets who can face the furious Frozen Bird.

In addition, I got the news that the four generals of the Rockets, Athena, the king of fire, and Lambda, the king of poison, will all go to war.

Among them, Lambda is the person who mainly cooperates with us in the light red city, giving us cover, and on the twin islands, you must remember that you are the secret guard in the Rockets, not the people in the light red city!

Then, I heard that Xiabo Tianwang of Red Lotus Town lent his strongest duck-billed fire dragon to Athena because of the experiment.

As for the others, I guess there should be one or two Heavenly Kings to help out.

After all, the plan to catch the frozen bird has failed many times, and it will definitely ensure the success rate as much as possible! "

Hearing the news from Aju, the three pulse masters looked at each other and answered in unison:


"Then the three of us will go into battle in person and expand the territory for my light red!

In addition, each room will bring out an elite team of 20 people and bring it to the island! "

Although there used to be disputes between the various branches, some people even had deep hatreds.

But all this changed after Aju was promoted to Heavenly King and took over the power of the family alone!

There is no hatred in the world that cannot be turned into profit. This sentence is more applicable to the light red family of the ninja family.

In order not to lose all the right to speak in the family, the remaining three meridians formed an alliance in a short period of time. Of course, they were not stupid enough to sing against the limelight A Ju, just to protect their own the interests of the pulse.

And after Aju was promoted to Heavenly King, he no longer paid much attention to these things, so he let this three-merged benefit body come into being.

In other words, he is still a little happy in his heart, because the three veins are united together, and when they go to the Twin Islands, the action will definitely be smoother, which is still good for the whole family.

So after hearing the efforts of the three, A Ju also had a smile on his face, and then turned to give orders to the subordinates of the Gym Master.

"Golden Snake, Silver Snake, both of you will also use your secret forbearance to solve the resistance force in the other direction.

As for Tian Cijun, you and A Xing will act as their eyes and ears, and look for information for the golden and silver snakes! "

Chapter 615 Bug Team

Hearing A Ju's order, Tian Ci and the gold and silver snakes in front of them all looked solemn and replied:

Gu Zhe


Seeing that both sides had expressed their opinions, Aju nodded in satisfaction and talked about the arrangement for landing on the island.

"When the time comes, you will take the waterway separately, and there will be people from the Icebird family on the waterway to pick you up on the island.

Now that the Ice Bird family has grown, they have more thoughts, but not everyone is willing to be a slave to an elf.

This part of the Ice Bird family who abandoned the dark and turned to the light is our friendly army. Remember not to accidentally hurt, and the specific situation will be explained to you when the time comes.

Next, go to prepare your own team, and leave in batches at 8:00 tomorrow morning! "

Hearing this arrangement, several people nodded their heads and dispersed. They had long known about the traitors in the Ice Bird family.

The light red city has been greedy for this piece of fat close at hand for a long time. The ninja family is very good at dispatching spies and telling countermeasures.

As for how to resettle these Ice Bird Clan members in the future, of course, their Light Red City will take over the refugees who were affected by the Rockets' attack first. When the Ice King Qianxia returns, the follow-up matters will be discussed.

They knew that Qianxia had been led to a difficult place, and if the task was to be completed, it would definitely take a lot of time. This time was definitely enough for them to absorb some of the elites of the Ice Bird family.

As for the island of ice, it is naturally theirs too!

If the Frozen Birds were all captured by the Rockets, this place should naturally be returned to the light red city, which already has governance rights. Before, it was just because of the Frozen Birds, so it was a special case.

Moreover, the sea is very vast, and it is not that there are no other islands. At that time, Qianxia can completely relocate to other islands with the remaining Icebird family refugees.

After losing the biggest supporter behind him, Frozen Bird, there is no secret base, and there is no other ice bird family with complete inheritance. Of course, because Qianxia is the ice king, it will not decline in these generations, but it is impossible to be with Qianxia. The red market is opposite.

It is true that A Ju, who has just been promoted to the Heavenly King, is definitely not Qianxia's opponent, but the governance power is already in the hands of Qinghong, and they have reason!

In terms of strength, the Mysterious Poison Realm can also invite elders who can suppress Qian Xia. No matter what, as long as the Frozen Bird is removed, even if Qian Xia comes back, the Ice Island cannot be taken back!

After the meeting, Tian Ci waited at the corner specially, looking at the two leaders of the golden and silver snakes walking towards this side, with a smile on his face, he greeted:

"Commander Jin, Commander Yin, younger brother and A-Xing are all leading the team for the first time. They are not familiar with the situation on the island. I will ask you to take care of them in the Ice Island."

That's right, he just came to say hello to the two real bosses. On the Ice Island, a battle of the king level will definitely happen, and even a battle of the championship level will happen.

Just relying on a gym-level low-level fast dragon in his hand, in case of an accident, it would be difficult to protect himself, so he communicated with the big guys in advance. Apricot.

Don't look at the face of the monk, look at the face of the Buddha, A Xing is A Ju's daughter, the only heir!

In this regard, the golden and silver snakes also nodded, and readily agreed:

"Naturally, Tian Cijun, you and Miss A Xing are only responsible for investigating the information, don't worry, the people who are at the forefront are definitely those under our hands.

We will also do our best to keep you and Miss A-Xing safe! "

Although I really don't want to be burdened, at the meeting just now, A Ju has already said that A Xing will accompany her.

This makes it clear that he wants A-Xing to practice!

Although Aju will definitely have a life-saving means, but if this only child really died on the way to act with Anbu.

The two of them are afraid that they will also be punished by Ajie. As a gym class, death is definitely not going to happen, but it is absolutely unpleasant.

He might even wonder if he had colluded with the masters of those branches and murdered his only son on the Ice Island together! In this way, those families will have the opportunity to compete for the master of the gym again!

So even if Tianji didn't say it, they would actually help take care of A-Xing on the island of ice, and they would definitely take care of Tianji as well.

"In that case, I would like to thank the two commanders!"

Hearing the two agree, Tian Ci's face lit up with joy, and he bowed deeply to express his gratitude.

"It's nothing, nothing, it's better for the leader of Tian Ci to go and see his team of insects, to get familiar with the situation, after all, we are going to leave tomorrow, and the two of us are also going to organize the team and pick some good players, so we won't talk too much! "

In response, both of them waved their hands, and after responding, they continued to walk towards the Anbu station.

"Okay, okay~" Tian Ci heard the words, but also walked aside, and walked according to the insect team station that A Ju's voice transmission had come over.

"Tatata~" After walking through a few secret passages, he came to the gate of a training ground, and now there was a sign of the insect team's station on it.

He made a "squeak" and pushed open the door. What caught his eyes were two dozen trainers in black uniforms, and a bug-type elf was honestly staying beside them.

Basically, they are the common insect-type elves such as Big Needle Bee, Alidos, and Ba Dahu, but there are two flying mantises and Dajia in the middle of the elite level, which means they stand out from the crowd.

In front of these twenty or so people, A Xing, who hadn't seen him for a long time, was also standing in front of the team in a strong suit, followed by an elite high-ranking Alidos!

Seeing Tian Ci coming in, he immediately led his team to kneel down and shouted, "Anbu worm team, I have seen Commander Aoki!"

The loud shouts of more than 20 people were still a bit loud. Tian Ci was a little dumbfounded by this scene. Of course, he understood that this must have been arranged by A Xing.

Although I haven't seen each other for a long time, in fact, Ah Xing's feelings for Tianji have not faded at all~www.wuxiamtl.com~ On the contrary, it is getting deeper and deeper.

After Nazi planted A Xing's spiritual brand with reference to Hualan City, it still had a great effect. The more time passed, the more this brand was integrated into A Xing's consciousness, so A Ju's plan was probably in vain.

A-Xing will not go to Tianji on the other hand, on the contrary, she will help Tianci to create an illusion that the bug team is actually controlled by her deputy commander!

But the real situation is that if Tianji has any request, she will definitely lead the bug team to complete it!

"Okay, let's get up first, A-Xing, tell me the specific situation of the next bug team!"

He raised his hand and asked the entire team to get up first, then pulled A-Xing over and asked about the team's situation.

Being held by Tianci, Ah Xing's face was still red under the mask, but she still opened her mouth to introduce.

"Tian Cijun, this worm team, if I take you, has 28 official members for the time being. Among them, I am the deputy commander, the strength of the elite high-ranking, and there are two ten-member team captains, the strength is the elite high-ranking, Below the captain is a squad of 5 people, with elite-level low-level strength, and further down are ordinary players, with ordinary high-level strength."

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