Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 610: Twenty-one-year-old Tanji

The Quartz Conference was originally a grand event for the elites of the alliance to screen, and many trainers who got good rankings and had no problem with their backgrounds would be recruited to serve as the backbone of the alliance.

For trainers from civilian backgrounds or small and medium-sized forces, the Quartz Conference is indeed an opportunity for carp to leap over the dragon gate. They can take this opportunity to get the attention of the big forces and thus get better training.

But for the children of the wealthy who are already in the Dragon Gate, this is actually just a testing ground. Those opponents are their whetstones to test their own strength.

Don't really care about the prizes!

Tianzi has been here for 21 years, and he has successfully achieved the leap of class, from a civilian with nothing to a trainer who is backed by major forces.

Now I even have quasi-gods. Naturally, I have no interest in the Quartz Conference. I thought I was halfway there, and I collected all 8 badges (plus the badges of small cities), so I went to participate. Check it out.

But now that he even has gym-level fast dragons, he is almost a gym-level trainer, and he is also a big man. Naturally, he will not be too interested in bullying elite-level children.

So miss it and miss it.

For more than a year, because of the help of Kuailong, the gym-level strength has led them to abuse the elite, and naturally it has developed rapidly.

Among them, Koudouhua has made the most progress because it is backed by the Poison Gym in Qinghong City, and it has acquired some of the core herbal poison inheritance of Yuhong City.

The strength has reached the high level of the elite level, the total amount of grass element power has reached 42 times, and the total amount of poison element power has reached 44 times, which directly surpassed the original attribute of Kou Duo Hua.

In addition, in terms of poison-type moves, it has basically learned everything that can be learned, such as acute poison, venom shock, sludge bomb, poison attack, etc., and it is also used freely.

Of course, this is inseparable from the help of the Qinghong family and A Xing. With the guidance of famous teachers and sufficient resources, the speed of strength improvement is indeed different.

It took more than a year for Bidiao to reach the high-level elite level. It has always been the strongest existence under Tianci's subordinates. With the investment of a lot of resources, it is reasonable to successfully reach the high-level elite level.

However, it is still a little weaker than the well-placed Koudouhua. Now the elemental power of the flight system is just 40 times, which means that it has just reached the elite level.

As for the general department, it was the effort of water grinding, grinding to the low level of the elite level, and the level of elemental power was 3 times.

The next Heiruga, the harvest is not small. After the direct Nether Spirit Fire is fused with the poisonous fire, its flame is poisonous. Now in the light red city, Tianji also searched for it about the fire. Poison's breeding program, the poison rich in its flames, has reached a terrifying level.

If an elf is burned by its poisonous fire, unless there is an antidote mediated by a strong trainer specializing in poison, or Heluga himself uses the ignition characteristic to actively absorb it back, otherwise, the flame can burn it to death. , This is a poison on both the physical and spiritual levels!

And the powerhouse specializing in the poison system, in the eyes of the current Tianci, must at least reach the elite high-level!

In terms of moves, because of the training of Fire Poison, it also learned two poison-type moves, Violent Poison and Sludge Bomb.

As for the energy level, a lot of resources were also thrown away, and with the transformational power of spiritual fire and poison, Helujia also broke through to the high-level elite level a few days ago, and the power of fire element was 40 times. .

The secondary attribute Evil Element is the same as Bi Diao, and it has gradually been ground to the low level of the elite level, and now it is the level of 5th element power.

Why is it higher? That is naturally because the evil attribute is often used in its usual moves.

Biaodiao basically doesn't use common attribute moves.

The fourth-ranked water arrow turtle has reached the middle level of the elite, the level of the 18th elemental power. Its progress is quite satisfactory, there is nothing special to say, it is all the result of the burning of money and resources.

As for the fast dragons who have already reached the gym level, this year is too short for pure-bred dragon elves.

So it just completely mastered its own body and energy level, and absorbed all the residual energy that had previously been empowered.

Coupled with Tianji's dedicated resource provision, there is still a bit of progress, and the range of elemental power's influence has been increased from 12 meters to 15 meters.

I don't want to underestimate the improvement of these three meters. This is tens of millions, and it is only paid for a small goal.

Speaking of the fast dragon, I have to mention the mini dragon. After the little guy got the energy from the fast dragon, he finally successfully broke through to the ordinary level, and finally reached the low level of ordinary.

Then after more than a year of cultivation, coupled with Kuailong's occasional opening of a small stove, he finally ushered in the most important molting recently.

And this shedding will also make it evolve into a hakron. I have to say that there is a gym-level fast dragon as a golden tool dragon, and it is still very quick to make money.

Therefore, even though the dragon-type materials are very precious, Tianci, who is backed by the two ancient cities of Golden City and Light Red City, has successfully exchanged contribution points and other resources to the evolution plan and evolution resources that are most suitable for mini-dragons.

All of this was also seen by Kuailong, so he respected Tianji more and more, and he kept listening to the orders during the battle.

It is truly a gym-level trainer worthy of the name.

It's a pity that if you want the public and the alliance to admit, you must have at least two gym-levels.

But whether it is Duo Hua, Bidiao, or Heluga, they are still in the stage of accumulating the power of elements, and they still cannot reach the threshold of the gymnasium level in a short period of time.

Elite-level high-level, although this stage is divided into 40 elemental powers, even if it is achieved,

But in fact, the gap is still very large. If you want to grab the elemental imprint from the law of heaven and earth and take it for yourself, you cannot do it by the power of 40 elements.

After reading a lot of information, Tian Ci found that in order to be eligible to drag the elemental imprint into the body, at least 60 times the level of elemental power must be reached.

And after forty times, the elemental power added each time is actually very difficult.

Even if your talent is not enough, you may not be able to withstand the limit of 60 elemental powers, which is why there are many elite-level elves who have been stuck in the elite-level high-level.

In addition to this, the elves are also required to control the power of the elements in their bodies to a point where they can do whatever they want, such as arm commands.

Otherwise, the law of heaven and earth will compete with you for the command of the elemental power when you drag the elemental imprint.

If you don't have enough control over your own energy, it's easy to get caught up in the devil's way, rushing around with energy, and bursting to death!

Chapter 611 The time has come

The reason why the gym level is so tyrannical is because they are the result of choosing the best of the best, whether it is in terms of physical talent or energy control.

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Originally, the elite level is already one in a thousand, and the gym level is only one in hundreds of elite levels.

Tianci has made great progress, and so have Xiaoling and Ninghui in the team.

Like Xiaoling's two main players, Quick Swimming Frog and Jewel Starfish have both been promoted from the low level of the elite level to the middle level of the elite level. It's a pity that the elves at the low level of the elite level have just broken through, and the level of elemental power is still 3 times.

And the two newly acquired little ones, Big Tongue Shellfish and Little Cabbage Beast, have also reached the level of ordinary high-ranking.

Among them, Big Tongue Shellfish and Xiaoling are already arranging for its evolution, and the Stone of Best Water has already gone through the channel of Hualan City and is on its way to deliver it.

As for the little carbine, lying down with delicious food, it naturally reached the high level of ordinary, but unfortunately it has not evolved yet.

Eh... that's not right, it should be said that it is fortunate that it has not evolved yet. Now the little kabbi is already eating high-quality energy cubes. The expenditure of one person is almost the same as that of the elite-level giant marsh monster, even Higher, really is a rice bucket!

If it evolves, I am afraid it will become a rice bowl!

Of course, there is a good side to not evolving, at least it is likely to use this evolutionary power to jump to the elite level.

Now Xiaoling often releases the little Kirby beast and plays with it, just to evolve as soon as possible.

After talking about Xiaoling, the rest is Ninghui, the elm head of the big milk tank, after spending a lot of resources, finally crossed the threshold of the power of elements, and now the progress is about 30%, while the skin Pipi has completely surpassed it, and has directly reached 50%. More importantly, Pipi has not evolved yet. If he uses the best moon stone, he is afraid that he will be promoted directly to the elite level!

This makes the little maid very happy, after all, this is her first elite level to be promoted on her own!

In other words, she may also be promoted to the elite level!

Of course, because of the hot monkey contract in advance, unless there is a great chance in this life, it can only stay at the elite level.

But for a logistics person, elite-level strength and self-protection are completely enough.

As for the other two, the big-billed gull and the frog grass, because they were both cultivated by Tianji and Xiaoling, the progress is also very fast.

The big-billed gull, which opened the weather, also reached the ordinary high level, and it touched the threshold of the power of elements.

However, the normal mid-level strength of Froggrass, just like Koudouhua, has been dipped in the light of the light red city. It has dual properties of grass and poison, and it has also reached the ordinary high-level, completed its evolution, and turned into Fantasia. At the same time, the threshold of elemental power has reached 50%, which has steadily surpassed the big-billed gulls cultivated at the same time.

As for the hot monkey that has already reached the elite level, after it has been cultivated with sufficient resources, it has made rapid progress. It has reached the middle level of the elite level and the level of 15th element power, which can be said to have completely surpassed the old man in Luo Xinglin. The patriarch, had to let it sigh, the power and wealth of human society.

Originally, according to estimates, if it stayed in the Falling Almond Forest, it would take at least five to six years to get to this point, and this was still under the condition that most of the resources in the Falling Xingling Forest supported it.

But now I have only been promoted by human trainers for less than two years, and I have also learned a lot of practical and powerful moves. This gap is really evident!

The trio who dipped in the light of the light red city have all made great progress, not to mention A Xing, who is the owner of the young pavilion in the light red city.

I don't know if it was because of the impending action of the Rockets, Aju made A Xing's requirements a lot stricter, so that Tianci couldn't see his fiancée several times a month, but correspondingly, Aju gave A Xing's money. There are also many more resources.

Tian Ci himself used gym-level fast dragons to feed back the development of the rest of the elves, and he has made great progress, not to mention that Xing's father is still a king-level boss. Mouth full of oil.

So in just over a year, A Xing's strength has generally improved by a rocket, directly from the low level of the elite level to the high level of the elite level.

I even heard A-Xing say that A-Jie had given her elves the poisonous materials of the Heavenly King-level wild elves.

At that time, Tianji was really envious and his eyes were red!

This kind of treatment, the speed of improvement is naturally very fast!

"Finally solved that's Alidos! Those spider webs are too sticky and dirty, I want to take a good bath!"

"Yeah, the spiders that live in groups are so messy!"

"Okay, okay, didn't we gain a lot!"


On Wednesday afternoon, the unkempt three people were walking on the street. The two women, Ninghui and Xiaoling, were playing with their hair and smelling their own body.

They just went to destroy a large-scale Alidos group. The leader of the group was an elite-level high-level elf. There were more than 20 elite-level leaders under his command, and there were many ordinary people. Countless, there are at least 1-2 thousand spiders in the entire group.

It is definitely a tyrant in the wilderness, but in the end, it was destroyed under the leadership of the gym-level fast dragon.

If nothing else, the hundreds of elf eggs alone are worth a lot.

Of course, Tianji didn't do anything to exhaust the water, and finally let go of an elite-level Alidos and dozens of ordinary-level, new-level Alidos, and silk spiders.

With the powerful reproduction ability of the insect system, I believe that it will be able to develop into a small group in a short period of time.

Tianji led the team back today~www.readwn.com~ In addition to completing this difficult task and needing to rest, it was also because he received a letter from his father-in-law, A Ju, asking him to come back to discuss the twin islands.

With a gym-level quasi-god who obeys orders, Tianji still has a certain status in the light red family.

Moreover, it is impossible for Aju to waste this combat power!

He had already figured out that Tian Ci was a member of Team Rocket, so he didn't have to hide it from him.

Aju himself had just been promoted to Heavenly King, and it was when he was attracting attention. Naturally, he couldn't come forward, so he could only arrange for his gym class to go to Gemini Island to do things.

With such a big move by the Rockets, although they can't lead the team themselves, they can't miss the opportunity to pick up leaks!

Gemini Island, this is the lair of divine beasts. I don’t know how many treasures from heaven and earth, and the elf cubs with high qualifications are there!

In the past, because Qianxia, ​​the Four Heavenly Kings of the Ice Element, was here, and the Frozen Bird often came back, Qianhong City couldn't do anything about this fat meat that was just beside her mouth, but now that she had the chance, she naturally had to take a bite!

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