Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 609: gym class

Ha Kelong has successfully evolved and has also successfully broken through. Its current aura is much stronger than that of stunned flowers, and it is a lot stronger than carving them. There is no doubt that it is already a gym-level elf.

"The power of this feedback!"

And Tian Ci also got feedback from Kuailong at this time. A stream of extremely pure and huge energy was directly instilled into all parts of his body, "Boom!" At the high level, the superpower color in his mind also turned into a faint red gold.

As for the fighter profession, its physique has also been strengthened once again. It was nourished by the flesh and blood essence of the old fast dragon. Now, with the feedback from the newly evolved fast dragon, his physical level is completely above the average line. .

There may be a gap between the masters of fighters who specialize in this way, but it is definitely not bad. One must know that his previous fighter profession can be said to be weak and the bottom of the same level.

Now it has easily surpassed the results of hard work by most people.

I have to say that a trainer with a background and a backer is really easy to succeed.

The fast dragon, which has successfully evolved, first waved his hands blankly, and then took two tentative steps.

Standing on tiptoe, looking a bit funny.

In fact, this is no wonder it, from the mini-dragon period to the Haklong, in the past few decades, it has been a snake body without hands and feet, and now it has suddenly grown hands and feet, naturally it is a little uncomfortable.

However, the Gym level is the Gym level after all. Although Kuailong has been raised in strength all of a sudden, the span is very large, but it is very fast to get familiar with.

After a few minutes, the new body was in control.

Of course, this big factor is due to the life experience passed down to it by the old fast dragon.

Although Lao Kuailong sacrificed himself, in order to let his children grow up smoothly, in the process of inheritance, he not only passed on his strength, but also his own experience and knowledge.

With such an experience in his mind, the newly born Kuailong will naturally not make jokes like penguins walking.

After getting familiar with the power, Kuailong's eyes stared straight at Tianzi, or at the keel in Tianzi's hand.

Feeling Kuailong's gaze, Tianji also sent the keel forward and said:

"Quick Dragon, this is your father's relic, and it's returned to you now."

Then the keel slowly floated to the front of the fast dragon.

"Boom~" Father~

Feeling the familiar breath on this keel, Kuailong's big round eyes became moist again.

But it doesn't cry anymore, it's a fast dragon! A quasi-god who inherited his father's power!

The pride of the dragon family makes it no longer weak, and it has no one to act like a spoiled child. In the future, it will support the little mini dragon, just like its father!

Thinking of this, Kuailong held back his tears, then looked at Tianci and thanked him:


Thank you, Taji, for protecting my father's keel just now.

Don't worry, our contract is still valid, and I will continue to fight for you!

"Okay, Kuailong, don't worry, even if I sell iron, I will give you and the mini dragon the best training resources!"

Hearing this, Tanji's face couldn't help showing joy!

It feels like the risk I just took is still effective.

Just now he fought so hard just to know that Kuailong must be aware of the outside world, and his every move must be seen by Kuailong.

It is obvious that it will be a special bonus to sacrifice one's life to save the relics of Kuailong's father.

As for the danger of death, he knew that there was absolutely no danger. Although the attack of the stinky mud just now gave him a warning sign, it was not at the level of life and death.

It's the same sentence, after all, this secret realm belongs to the light red family, and these elves are actually the retainers of the light red family.

For the sake of profit, a retainer even dares to kill the master's family, which is absolutely not tolerated by the master.

Don't say that the stinky mud is only a gym-level, even if it is a king-level, Aju will definitely call in people to kill him! Let's kill the chickens and warn the monkeys!

Otherwise, I am afraid that this secret realm will really cause trouble in the future. If some elves see this opportunity and have a different heart, it will be a great rebellion.

The Mysterious Realm of Ten Thousand Poisons has accumulated a lot of powerhouses for thousands of years. Elites are not as good as dogs, and it is no joke that the gym can shake.

Hearing Tian Ci's reply, Kuailong's eyes narrowed and a smile appeared on his face.

"Boom?w?" Okay!

Then I saw its energy surge wrapping up the keel and slowly integrating it into my body.

After it was fully integrated, the aura on Kuailong's body "rubbed" again and climbed upwards.

The gym level is no longer divided by the amount of elemental power. At this level, in fact, everyone's elemental power is almost inexhaustible.

After all, you have integrated the elemental imprint into your own thing, which means that you already have the key to mobilize the power of the elements of heaven and earth. The key is in your hand, and the power of the element is not as good as you ask for it.

At this point, in fact, it depends on the power of the elements affecting the size of the surrounding, or can mobilize the blessing of the power of the elements with the self as the center and the distance in the radius to judge the strength.

Generally, a gym-level elves who have just broken through can only mobilize the power of elements within a radius of 2-3 meters, which can probably increase the power of their moves to 2-3 times the level.

This is also much more than doubling the power of elite-level elves.

And the lower part of the gymnasium can mobilize the power of elements in a radius of ten to twenty meters.

Originally, Kuailong had not yet reached this level, but after integrating its father's last relic, the Heavenly King-level keel, it is now at the level of the lower part of the gym, and can mobilize the power of elements in a radius of about 12 meters.

The middle section of the gymnasium further up is not ten meters. The ten meters are increased upwards, and the middle section of the gymnasium can be mobilized in a radius of 20 meters—about 25 meters.

The high section of the gymnasium is the high section of the gymnasium that can mobilize more than 25 meters.

Twenty-five meters or more is a concept. It is probably an entire basketball court. You are the only king. The element imprint you hold here will have a great appeal to its corresponding attribute energy.

Every move will be blessed with great power, which is also the reason why the smelly mud was so terrifying and invincible in the eyes of them.

The power of elite-level elves with elemental imprints is only doubled, but gym-level elves, even if they are new to the gym, can double their power by 2-3 times, and even more than ten times later.

This is pure crushing!

That is what people often say, the difference between the green caterpillar's impact and Lie Kong's impact.

The power of the moves is very low, but they can't help but have blessings!

Otherwise, why the gym-level powerhouse can sit on one side, because the gym-level is already a crushing existence for the elite level.

As long as there are not a few dozen wild elite-level elves in one area to besiege the gym-level powerhouses, they will all be destroyed by the group.

Chapter 610 Time flies

And even if dozens of elite-level high-level elves were besieging the gym-level powerhouse, it would be possible to succeed in the siege only if the gym-level did not escape.

You must know that the stinky mud, which was not very fast just now, seemed to them to be surprisingly fast!

There is no shadow at all!

In this way, the gym level is almost invincible at the same level, and it is naturally qualified to sit on one side.

After being integrated into the keel, Kuailong expressed his gratitude to the Tyrannosaurus and Tsocosaurus who were standing beside him.


Thank you two seniors for their patronage!

"Roar~" No, no!

"Roar~" You're welcome, we have to leave.

The two elves responded and walked down the mountain.

The old Kuailong is no longer there, and they guarded him for the last journey, which can be regarded as repaying their kindness, and naturally they will not serve as subordinates to the newly born Kuailong.

In the elf world, it still depends on the strength. The fast dragon has just evolved, and the strength is still in the low level of the gymnasium. It is not the opponent of the two of them at all.

Watching the two Yalong elves leave, Kuailongcai turned to look at Tianji again.

"Boom~Boom~" Tianji, can you release the mini dragon first, I still have some residual energy in my body, so let's pass it on to this little guy.

"Oh, alright!"

Hearing Kuailong's negotiating tone, Tian Ci was still very happy, which shows that Kuailong's mentality still puts him in the same position.

With a "swoosh", a red light flashed, and a sleeping mini-dragon appeared on the grass.

Because it has reached the stage of molting, the mini-dragon has been sleeping lately, which is the reason why Huck Dragon didn't call it out before.

Moreover, the mini-dragon at this stage simply can't bear the power of the old fast dragon, even if it is not possible.

After all, the quality of the energy is too poor, and the Heavenly King is the energy that has undergone three transformations!

Of course, the fast dragon is now using the power of the gymnasium, and then diluting it, adding the blood of the same source, it should be reluctant.

When I saw it, a faint dragon-type energy appeared in both hands, and it was slowly transmitted to the sleeping mini dragon.

At this time, the sleeping mini-dragon felt warm all over.

"Fuuu~" So comfortable!

Also turned over on the grass.

"Boom~Boom~" Tianji, it's alright, let's take it back first, it should be able to shed its skin in a week!

Kuailong wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile.

"Mmm Good."

Hearing this, Tian Chi nodded and took the mini dragon back.

Then he looked at Kuailong again, signaling whether it wanted to come in.

In response, Kuailong nodded and returned to the Poké Ball with a "swoosh".

"Okay, let's go back, Tian Zijun!"


At this point, the two people came to the Mystic Realm of Myriad Poisons and they all finished, and they left the Secret Realm together.

For the next period of time, as A Xing's man, he lived relatively well in the light red city.

Some unique poison lineages have also opened up exchange channels for him. Although they need to contribute points and the number of alliance coins is relatively large, it is relatively easy to hunt elite-level elves with Gym-level fast dragons. Not difficult either.

Moreover, the inheritance of herbal poison that Aju got from Yuhong City was also opened up for him to see.

Although it is only a part of it, most people can't see it, but Tianji, who has received the secret book from Yuhong City Lijia, can naturally see some clues.

A Ju, who has entered the Heavenly King, already has the ability to split and integrate it, and integrates the inheritance of herbal poison into the inheritance of the poison system of his gym. hinder.

After all, grass poison is also poison. I, Aju, have been promoted to heavenly king. Is it normal to have some insights?

The world of poison is inseparable from its sect, and some overlap is normal!

Time passed slowly like this, because thinking about the twin island incident that Nazi mentioned, and the fact that he had just had a relationship with A Xing, it was not easy for him to leave immediately.

So I temporarily settled in the light red city.

With a fairly obedient gym-level fast dragon, it is backed by the biggest local force—the light red gym!

The name Aoki Tianji once became a hotly debated word in this city, and the most frequent ones are:

"Good luck boy!"

"I can do it too!"

"I smoked three cans of gas, and I can't figure out where I lost!"


The world's understanding of this is that Aoki Tianji was lucky to be recognized by Ha Kelong in the hunting area, and he had an intersection with the young master of the light red gymnasium. To recruit him is to suffer our young owner, A Xing!

For the sake of the family, I can only marry an ordinary, even a little ugly young trainer!

Of course, Tian Ci didn't care what others thought, and even wished others could see himself clearly, low-key is king!

It stands to reason that during this time, there should be many trainers who were unhappy with him coming out to find trouble for Tianji, after all, why! You can have a quasi-god, and then enter the light red gym!

In fact, this is what many elite trainers think!

A-Xing, this beautiful and golden flower, they have been greedy for a long time, how can they let a guy who suddenly appeared to pick them all!

But it's a pity that they just want to find trouble with Tianji, and they don't have the strength.

First of all, the gym-level powerhouses are all aged people with heads and faces, and they are basically people in the light red gymnasium, or have a deep relationship with them. How can they end up fighting with the 20-year-old Tianci for jealousy? , even if there is such a shameless person, you should be afraid of A Ju, who is the king of heaven!

As a gym-level powerhouse, they all knew that this man named Aoki Tianji was recognized by Aju.

Otherwise, how could the gym-level fast dragon be so controlled.

Therefore, the gym level will not trouble him. As for the elite level below~www.readwn.com~, you have to fight the gym-level fast dragon!

Tianji said that he would not keep his hand, or for the sake of fairness, he deliberately did not use Kuanlong.

In fact, at the beginning, there were indeed a few unconvinced elite-level trainers who troubled him.

He directly let Kuailong go off the field and beat their elves to half-death, and no such idiots appeared again.

The gym level will not end, the elite level can't beat him, plus he is unusually low-key, training and doing tasks every day, so slowly, he will get out of the trouble circle and completely become a hardship. monk.

He didn't even care about the imminent Quartz Conference. An Xin had been developing silently in Light Red City for more than a year, and he directly missed this Quartz Conference.


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