Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 577: The situation of the dragon

This also calmed Xiaoling's heart, because after she came out, A-Xing also treated her very politely. She had imagined a tit-for-tat confrontation, and the third place did not happen. Even A Xing could be said to be very modest to her. It made it a little uncomfortable.

Late at night, in the Light Red Hotel, Tian Zi, who had just finished practicing with A Xing, Xiao Ling, and Ning Hui, lay in the middle with the attitude of an old man, hugging a few girls from left to right.

Speaking of which, the female ninja who had worked hard did give him a different feeling, and A-Xing was very cooperative, so he favored A-Xing a little more tonight.

Playing with his right hand unconsciously, he asked the female ninja on the right:

"A-Xing, your trial mission failed, is it okay?"

Lying in Tian Ci's arms, just like a kitten, without the coldness of the first meeting, A Xing replied with a blushing face:

"Tian Cijun, there must be a little influence, but my position has been solidified.

In this trial task, the clan is not sure how the mother and son of Huck Dragon are, so I only need to say that after getting the dragon scale, it will be the first to board. "

"In that case, can my Huckron appear in an open and fair manner??"

"If you have no background, Tian Cijun, it's definitely not good, no city is so generous, let others take away the gods.

Therefore, there is a high probability that people without background will be clicked! "

As she said that, A-Xing made a throat-slashing action, her eyes were full of murderous intent, being so frightened, Tianci seemed to have returned to that thrilling night of assassination, and she was so frightened that she clenched her palms unconsciously!

"Yeah! Tanji, you hurt me!"

After being caught like this, A-Xing's expression changed immediately, and she let out a groan.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm a little scared."

Tian Ci quickly let go, showing a modest smile.

"Hmph~ Tian Cijun, you don't think I'm going to kill you again.

I have all my heart on you now, and naturally I will not kill you, nor will I let my family kill you!

When my father is out of the country, I will take you to see my father. At that time, you will be considered a member of our family, and if Huckron is in your hands, it will also be in our family's hands, it doesn't matter. "

"What about your trial?" Hearing A-Xing's words, he relaxed and asked again.

"In my words, other trials will naturally be arranged for me. This failure is just some punishment. They are all things that will not shake my foundation and are harmless."

Hearing that Tian Ci cared about her, A Xing replied with a smile on her face.

Hearing this, Tian Ci's face also relaxed, and he replied, "That's good, that's good."

Seeing this, A-Xing drew circles and talked about her views on this trial mission.

"Actually, I wasn't very keen on conquering the hakrons from the beginning. Although they are quasi-gods, we don't have a core dragon cultivation method in the light red city. The Yulong family is very strict about this aspect, and the only thing that spreads is that it costs money. A very resourceful mass version.

Moreover, I like poison elves, and I also want to carry forward the poison system, so I don't really care about the gains and losses of Hackron. "

Hearing what A Xing said, Tian Ci's heart moved, and he interjected and asked:

"By the way, A-Xing, do you know how Ha Kelong's father, the king-level fast dragon, is doing now?

You also know that I've conquered Harkron now, and she's been thinking about her father. "

Now that she and Ah Xing have turned dry silk into jade silk, there is no need to bother to inquire, just ask the person concerned directly!

Hearing this question, A-Xing pondered for a while. As the owner of the young pavilion, she still knew a lot of secrets. She had also seen this king-level fast dragon.

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"Er..." After pondering for a while, she slowly told the truth.

"As far as I know, this fast dragon should be dying, but it's not our light red family.

When it was conquered by our light red family, it was almost past its prime, and being able to advance to the heavenly king basically relied on the powerful bloodline of the dragon family and it took a long time to get through it.

Moreover, with a Heavenly King-level combat power, we in Qinghong City would not be so observant, killing them to get materials.

So after conquering it, we tried to collect dragon treasures as much as possible, as well as cultivation methods, in order to make it more powerful and live longer.

Coupled with its belligerent temperament, the family took it to the defense line of the alliance border, and spent almost all of these years fighting on the defense line.

A few years ago, when it was on the defensive line against the enemy, it was accidentally lured by the enemy and was surrounded and killed by three heavenly king-level elves. from.

However, after this battle, it also relapsed and had to return to the inland. "

When A Xing said this, Tianji's mental power had secretly passed this information to Ha Kelong in the Poké Ball, and at the same time, he also allocated part of his mental power to carefully observe A Xing's emotions.

In his opinion, A Xing's mood fluctuations have always been very stable, which shows that what A Xing said should be true.

At least that's what she knew.

And Huckron in the Poké Ball couldn't help but feel sad when he heard that his father was dying.

"Furume~" Father~

"My condolences and change, Ha Kelong, I'll see if I can let A-Xing bring you in, and see your father again."

Tian Ci comforted Ha Kelong, turned his head to look at A Xing, and asked directly:

"A-Xing, you also know about Ha Kelong's situation, can you bring it in and let him see Kuailong?"

For this request, although A-Xing didn't want to say anything, she finally shook her head and explained:

"Tian Cijun, it's not that I didn't agree, but that I didn't dare to bring it in, and I couldn't see Kuailong at all.

Now my father retreats to attack the king, and it is when people's hearts are floating. You must know that our light red city is inherited from the ninja line, and there are internal disputes. Assassination, poisoning, spying, spying... Various methods emerge one after another. It is precisely because of such a cruel elimination mechanism that the top powerhouses will appear in our light red city from generation to generation.

My father's life and death is the most critical, and when he is the weakest, there are many people watching my every move, wanting to know about my father's situation, so I took Ha Kelong, who had been conquered by others, to see Kuailong , I am afraid it will lead to a lot of trouble.

Not to mention that the deadline for the fast dragon is approaching, I don’t know how many people are staring at the remains of this heavenly king!

Although I am the owner of the young pavilion, but my father is not there, I cannot fight against the elders of the clan.

But as long as my father leaves the border, even if he doesn't get promoted to the Heavenly King, he is still the strongest player in the light red city, enough to overwhelm everything.

When the time comes, I will take you to see my father, explain the interests and the interests, and I believe that Hakolong will meet the fast dragon. "

Chapter 578

Hearing A Xing's words, Tian Ji nodded and said no more. At the same time, he conveyed the situation to Ha Kelong in the Poké Ball.


Ha Kelong also responded in his heart, expressing his understanding,

After spending the night with Tianci, A-Xing put on her ninja costume again the next morning and returned to the light red gym.

She failed the trial mission, so naturally she had to go back to report and delay for a night. It can be said that it was to recover from the injury.

And Tian Ci didn't ask her too much. Now that the two are just together, naturally they can't ask too much to avoid A Xing's suspicion.

However, he believed that after confirming his identity in front of A Ju, he should also be entitled to something.

If nothing else, the Poison-type inheritance in Qianhong City should also have a more advanced look for him, and maybe the herbal poison inheritance from Yuhong City can also be seen.

After all, his dumb flower is grass + poison dual attribute.

In this way, Koudouhua also has the ability to improve his own capital.

Walking on the street, wandering around the shops, Xiaoling and Ninghui became bored after the initial excitement.

"Brother Tian Ci, let's do the task. There's nothing to buy when you wander around like this."

Xiaoling directly suggested.

She now has a little kibbit and a big tongue shell to raise, and she needs to work hard to make money.

In this regard, Tianji also had no opinion, nodded in agreement.

Originally, I wanted to take the two girls to relax, but I didn't expect it to feel boring after a while.

Sure enough, female trainers are different from ordinary women.

Coincidentally, his Kamui turtle is also coming to a battle, to evolve by the joy of victory, then do the task.

After determining the next goal, Tianji and the others quickly went to the Elf Center to pick up a few tasks.

Among them, there are several ordinary-level tasks, low-level, middle-level, and high-level goals, which are of course prepared for the big tongue shell, the small carby beast, and Tianji's Kamui turtle.

Then I took two elite-level quests, both of which were low-level elite-level goals, and were naturally prepared for Huckron.

After all, he has just been conquered, and he has not yet seen the strength of Hackron.

You must know that Tianji sacrificed a contract quota.

If this elite-level Hackron has become a good-for-nothing over the years, he will probably not feel well.

After all, directly contracting an elite-level elves is equivalent to losing the energy feedback of the two great realms, the freshmen level and the ordinary level!

It is worth mentioning that the feedback energy of the dragon system has raised his overall strength.

If it was said that he was only barely able to have the combat power in the middle of the general level, then after the dragon energy has tempered his body, in the middle of the general level, he is no longer at the bottom.

After all, in the previous fighter profession, the Qi that came from dual cultivation was really too messy.

When they left the city, because the normal-level targets were all in the wild around the light red city, there was no need to ride the eagles. The three of them walked on the path full of poisonous insects, with the big-billed gull and Heluga acting as scouts, searching for themselves. The goal.

"Bahili~Bahili~" I found out, I found the gas egg! !

With the words and deeds of the eagle, Ninghui's big-billed gull is also a good detective in the jungle, and it didn't take long to find their first target - gas eggs.

"Great, take us there, Big-billed Gull!"

Ninghui touched the head of the big-billed gull, expressed her praise, and let it lead the way.


After walking through a few forest paths, they saw a few gas eggs gathered together in twos and threes.

Now that the three of them are not weak trainers, they naturally don't need to engage in sneak attacks, and appear directly in front of these gas eggs.




Seeing the sudden appearance of human beings, these gas eggs showed an evil expression on their faces, and the purple poison energy appeared on their bodies, and they soon spit out clusters of purple poisonous mist from their mouths.

This is the specialty of their gas egg clan!

"Big-billed Gull ~ The storm is blowing back!"

In this regard, Ninghui immediately ordered.


The big-billed gull agreed, waving its wings quickly.

The wind sound of "Huhu~" also sounded immediately, and the poisonous mist that had been blowing was blown back in the opposite direction.

However, these poisonous gases were originally born from their bodies, and naturally they would not have any effect on them. They just stared at the big-billed gulls flying in the air.

"Come out, big-tongued shellfish, little kibbit beast, fast swimming frog!"

"Come out, Kamui!"

"Come out, frog grass, Pippi!"

Taking this opportunity, the three of them also called out the elves who were still at the ordinary level.

As for why it is called the fast swimming frog, it is naturally because of its characteristics.

"Swimming frogs, moisture, prevent them from exploding!"

"Yo bo!"

Hearing the trainer's order, the fast swimming frog agreed, and light blue water vapor appeared on his body, which covered the audience with a "swoosh".

"Noonas~Noona~" What's going on, I feel so wet on my body! So uncomfortable!

"Nona~Nona~" Me too, me too!


These gas eggs are aware of the abnormality in themselves.

Then they turned their heads and saw the source of the abnormality~www.readwn.com~ A fast swimming frog with a very strong physique and an elite-level atmosphere!

"Nona!!!" Elite! ! !

"Nonas! Nonas!" Run!


In the face of elites, they understand that there is no chance of winning, and they have no will to fight in an instant, and they want to run away one by one.

You know, they have been blocked from self-destruction now, so what are they fighting!

"Quick swimming frog, you don't have to shoot!"

Xiaoling first stopped the fast swimming frog from continuing to shoot, and then gave the order to attack the other two elves.

"Little Kirby, use the stomp!"

"Big tongue shell, water gun!"

On the other hand, Tian Ci and Ninghui also commanded their respective elves and used attacking moves.

"Kami turtle, water gun bursts!"

"Froggrass, vine whip!"

"Big-billed Gull, Air Slash!"

Hearing the trainer's order, the elves also used their moves to greet those gas eggs directly.






All of a sudden, all kinds of energies flew, mixed with the screams of some gas eggs.

But this group of gas eggs is not weak, and some of the gas eggs that were hit started to fight back directly.

One after another, purple poisonous mud was thrown at Tianji and the others like this. Although I can't make a big explosion, I still have other moves!

Although the overall strength of the gas eggs is stronger, but without the will to fight, they are beaten by the elves on the Tianzi side.

Among them, Kamy Turtle was the most excited.


The water guns are also withdrawn from the mouth, just like playing a balloon, the pleasure of abusing vegetables makes it happy!

Chapter 577 The situation of the fast dragon

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