Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 579: Kamy Turtle Evolution

Soon, most of the dozen or so gas eggs escaped, and the remaining few were defeated by Kamui and the others and became the spoils of Tianji and others.

Ordinary-level elves are indeed vulnerable in front of them, and their value is not worth mentioning.

The few escaped gas eggs, if they really want to shoot, they can actually stay, but the number of tasks required is enough, Tianci naturally does not want to waste energy for these 10,000 yuan.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Kamui's body suddenly lit up with white light.

"Kami! Kami!" Tianji, I can't hold back, I seem to be evolving!

Kamui's anxious voice sounded!

Originally, Tianji planned to evolve after the fierce battle between Kamy Turtle and the mission target's circle bear, but I didn't expect Kamy Turtle to hit the balloon just now. stand up.

However, he was only surprised for a moment, and said to Kamui:

"Don't worry, evolve, Kamui!"

In his backpack, he always carries the resources needed for the evolution of Kamy Turtle, so since he can't hold it back, he can simply evolve.

Originally, the fierce battle with the circle bear was only to increase the temperament of the evolution and increase the chance of success, but in fact, the things he prepared have already minimized the risk.

And Kamui, who was allowed, nodded in the light.


With an imposing cry, it began to evolve!

"Come out, mouth dumb flower, Helujia, beautify!"

"Jewel starfish, giant marsh monsters, come out too!"

"Big milk tank, hot monkey, come out too!"

Of course, since he is still in the wild, he still needs to be prepared for the surrounding situation.

So the three also called out their strongest elves.

As for why Tianji didn't call Ha Kelong, it was naturally because he couldn't reveal it yet.

In case the trainer who was attracted by the huge movement saw it, it would be more serious than the evolution of Kamy Turtle being interrupted. This is a quasi-god!

When the news spreads, I am afraid that A Xing's plan will be disrupted.

So before he became Aju's son-in-law, Hakolong couldn't be seen by others.

What he worried about was the trainer who heard the movement, not the wild elves around.

This is still on the road marked by the alliance. The ordinary high-ranking section is a big boss. For Tianji and others who already have many elites, wild elves are not a problem at all.

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"First absorb the energy of the best water stone, Kamui!"

After sending out all the elves that could play, Tianji immediately threw an evolution stone to Kamui.

Although the evolution of the Kamui turtle does not require the water stone, the sufficient energy in the evolution stone can still help it improve itself a little, whether it is in terms of energy level or physical fitness.

So Tianji, who was rich and powerful before, still prepared this one.

After all, Hualan City is also famous for its water attribute, so even if Team Rocket has packed up all the inventory, if you want to find it, you can still find it.

For the top-quality water stone that flew towards him, Kamui stretched out his fist, only to hear a "bang", and the evolution stone shattered.

"Wow~" The extremely pure and huge water system energy instantly surrounded the Kamui turtle, and a dark blue light cocoon soon formed.

And such a big energy fluctuation naturally caused the prying eyes of the surrounding elves and trainers.

After being caught like this, the surrounding "Xixi Susuo~" and "Shasha~" sounded.

However, after realizing that there were several elite-level bosses here, they fled back at a faster speed.

"Dona Dona!" Elite boss! Too much!

"Puffa! Puffa!" It must be those human elves, run!


The wild elves that are active around the city, although their strength is not high, are still very vigilant towards human beings. In the blink of an eye, they understood what was going on and ran away immediately.

However, although the wild elves are gone, according to Tianji's induction, there are still many human trainers rushing here, and the strongest one is also an elite low-level trainer!

In this regard, Tian Ci's superpower immediately covered the past, and then coldly "hum", a large-scale voice transmission said:

"Everyone, don't use it! It's my water-type elves that are evolving. If you get closer, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Hearing this voice that seemed to suddenly appear in their minds, most of the ordinary-level trainers were horrified!

"It's a superpower!"

"At least he's an elite superpower!"

"Let's go! Can't be offended, can't be offended!"


As trainers in poison-based cities, they are still very taboo about restraining their super powers, let alone such a large-scale sound transmission, they are almost 100% sure that the opponent is definitely an elite powerhouse!

Ordinary-level superpowers can already hang them up and beat them, not to mention elite-level powerhouses who are far stronger than them, so after receiving the sound transmission, almost 90% of the trainers retreated. .

Of course, there will always be people in this world who are not afraid of death. Adhering to the spirit of being daring and starving to death, there are several ordinary-level trainers still approaching!

Among them, the elite low-level trainer was slowly moving towards this direction after hesitating.

In response, Tian Ci sneered and said to Xiaoling:

"Little Ling, borrow the gem starfish!"

The girl who understood what Tianji was going to do nodded as well.


"Jewel Starfish, go and cooperate with Brother Tianci!"

Jewel Starfish who received the order "buzzed" twice and jumped in front of Tianji.

Then I saw Tianji's eyes emitting a blue light, and at the same time, the core ruby ​​of the gem starfish also "buzzed"!

In just a few seconds, they, who have cooperated many times, completed the super power synchronization.

"I really don't know when the elf Nazi said will be delivered. The doctor who intercepted it and studied it will not take it personally!"

After completing the same frequency with Jewel Starfish again, this idea suddenly flashed in Tianji's mind.

To be honest, although he used the gem starfish whenever he wanted, he was still Xiaoling's elf, and his tacit understanding was not good, so he still wanted to have his own super-type elf.

Returning to the topic, after completing the super power co-frequency, Tianji and Jewel Starfish synchronously aimed at the ordinary-level trainers who were not afraid of death, and made a mental strong intention!

With a "swoosh", invisible fluctuations instantly invaded the minds of these ordinary-level trainers.



"My head hurts! Ah!"


These ordinary-level trainers were killed without persisting for a few seconds.

If it is Tianji alone, of course, it is impossible to kill many people in the air, but with the common frequency of the gem starfish, it is indeed possible. This is the power of the combination of the super power elves and the super power users!

Chapter 580

After cleaning up those ordinary-level trainers, he turned his attention to the elite-level trainer who was still cautiously and slowly moving.

In his perception, next to this elite-level low-level trainer, there is also a Gotha duck with blue whole body and divine light eyes!

This is also the reason why Tianji's first-round attack ruled him out.

No matter what, Goda Duck will definitely have super powers, so it's okay to let go of offensive thoughts and take precautions.

However, it can be seen that this person should not be a local trainer, and he was warned, but he still touched it carefully, it should also be for the Gotha duck.

The huge energy fluctuations of the water system will naturally be mistaken for the birth of a water system treasure.

But this time Tanji really didn't lie! There are indeed many water treasures here, but they are all prepared for Kamui.

"Friend, I am indeed arranging evolution for my water elves here. If you get closer, your gotha ​​duck won't be able to protect you!"

I saw Tianji and Jewel Starfish work together to pass an image and a sentence.

At this time, Goda Duck, who was next to the elite-level trainer, had already sensed the fluctuation when the thought power came.

The red heart gem on its forehead flickered slightly, and a mental barrier was laid down, but it was not good at mental power at all, and its trainer had not trained it scientifically.

So this layer of mental barrier shattered with a "bang", and then these words and an image appeared in Gotha Duck's mind.

"Da da da~" Goda duck took a few steps back, closed his eyes and digested the information, then opened his eyes, his face was full of astonishment.

It is also an elite-level elf. After evolution, it has super powers. Although it is not very good at it, it can be used to deal with ordinary-level, even ordinary high-level enemies!

But now that it has collided with that mental force, it can detect that little thing in its own mind, I am afraid it is more than one step worse, it is not a grade at all!

"Ga~quack~" Shinichi, let's go, the human trainer over there just passed a message to me, there is a Cammy turtle evolving, it is indeed not a treasure born, and the person told me that if Move forward, and he's about to shoot!

My mental level is not his opponent at all!

Hearing the words of his ace, the trainer named Shinichi had a hesitant look on his face. He was an elite trainer.

But after reaching the low level of the elite level, there has been no progress for a long time, and the family that joins is only a small city family with a new gymnasium.

The resources that can be provided are very limited, and it is even necessary to often help the main family to get some unique resources.

To tell the truth, he regrets it a little, but the wife married to the main family is the person he loves the most.

And at that time, the main family invested in him in advance when he was still at the ordinary level, and married his current wife to him.

Therefore, he could not betray the master's family, and then climb higher branches.

What's more, the entry threshold for those big families and big forces is also very low, although they will definitely not refuse to join an elite-level trainer.

But the entry-level assessment will definitely find out his life. Seeing that he is ungrateful and changed to another school, he will definitely not be given a good position. Maybe it is better to stay in a small gym.

So he can only rely on himself, and when the task is free, he goes out to travel.

However, he is also self-aware, wandering in the wilderness area near the light red city.

Because there are more poisons, and the super power of the ace Goda duck can be restrained in several hands, so the money is OK.

But even so, if Gotha Duck wants to be promoted again, he is afraid that it will be in units of years, not to mention that he has other elves.

So he wants to gamble! Even if you know that the elves of superpowers are advancing!

He wants to gamble too!

They are both elites, and they are still so far apart. Goda Duck also has superpowers with both hands, so he should be able to escape!

But evolution is not the same, a little interruption may fall short, so he has to bet!

"Gotha Duck, send a message to the other party, as long as you give us the same water-type treasure worth more than three million, we will leave immediately! Otherwise..."

I saw that Shin gave an order to Gotha Duck.

It is worth three million, which is a limit value he has thought about.

A low-grade water element crystal is 500,000 pieces, which can be used by Goda Duck for 5 days. Three million is 6 pieces, which is just enough for Goda Duck to cultivate for a month.

Just paying for a month of cultivation resources can prevent evolution from being disturbed, which should be worth it!

As for himself, he did nothing, just ran a few steps, and solved the one-month cultivation of Gotha Duck. Blood earned!

Unexpectedly, Goda Duck, who heard this order, showed a hesitant look and refused hesitantly:

"Ga~ga~" Shinichi, or forget it, that person's mental power is very strong, I can't stop it at all!

In response, Shinichi ~www.readwn.com~, who had already made a decision, waved his hand and replied:

"It doesn't matter, Goda Duck! He is still elite even in the strong, the same level as us, and still so far away!

He must have used some mental power to kill those ordinary trash fish just now.

Moreover, he directly shot and killed those trash fishes, but gave us a sound transmission explanation alone. Naturally, he was not completely sure to take us down. Otherwise, he would have killed us with his superpowers, so why bother to explain!

And I don't want much, so you can send him a voice transmission, don't worry! "

Hearing the trainer's explanation, Godduck's eyes flashed with thoughts, and he felt that what his trainer said was quite reasonable.

So it no longer resisted, and the red heart gem on its forehead flashed for a while, and said to the place where the water system spiritual power is most concentrated:

"Respected human trainer, if you want us to retreat, you can just give us a water-type treasure worth more than three million Alliance Coins, and we will retreat immediately. You can also help the ordinary class who are still rushing here. Clean up all the trash!"

In order not to arouse Tianji's disgust, the clever Godard duck added a sentence on his own accord.

It believes that Tianji should also be able to perceive it, and there are several ordinary human trainers who are unaware or want money and are rushing here.

At this time, Tianji just threw a drop of the sacred spring into Kamui.

With the help of the Sacred Spring, Kamui's body became larger and larger, and a light group the size of a normal water arrow turtle appeared.

And when he heard the words of taking advantage of the fire, a sneer flashed on Tian Ci's face, and Xiao Ling took the initiative to say:

"Brother Tian Ci, let me bring the fast swimming frogs and them to deal with that guy! It's just a trainer who is just entering the elite level, and he dares to speak!"

Chapter 579 The Evolution of Kamy Turtle

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