Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 575: Nazi shot

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With a "bang", the same black cable car fell heavily to the ground.

Looking at the open compartment door, the three immediately walked up.

Ride the cable car back.

In the carriage, Tian Ci pondered for a while, and still said to the girl beside him:

"Xiaoling, after going out today, or else you should stay outside and help us take care of the elves, and then hand over all the water elves that were stored before to the postal station and send them to Hualan City.

In this way, after our elves are taken care of by you, this loophole can be blocked. "

In this regard, Xiaoling didn't think much about it, and nodded cheerfully.

"Okay, Brother Tianji!"

Anyway, the purpose of her trip has been achieved. The elf cubs brought by Hackron before have excellent qualifications, that is, the one with the worst qualification is the elite and inferior, and the big tongue is even more It is an elite-medium aptitude.

In this regard, the two people who have asked Ha Kelong are also clear about the reason. It is reasonable to say that although this lake is large, it is impossible for every race to have several descendants of elite-level qualifications.

In fact, this is the effect of the dragon blood cultivation of Ha Kelong. The leaders of these ethnic groups are all the confidants of Ha Kelong, so they have been given blood by Ha Kelong. You must know that this is the blood essence of the pure blood dragon family. The effect is not comparable to that of ordinary blood.

The blood of pure blood dragons on the market is already the price of a panacea, and the blood essence is even more precious.

The qualifications of the leaders who have taken the blood essence of the dragon race have naturally improved, and then they will breed offspring with the best female elves in the tribe, and the chances of naturally producing high-qualified offspring will be much higher.

These elf cubs who followed Huck Dragon are basically the second generation of their respective ethnic groups, and have kinship with the leader.

Of course, no matter how lawless he is in the group, now he is very obedient in front of Ha Kelong.

On the other side, after the three of Tianci left, Na Zi slowly walked to the small tent, and saw A Xing who was stuffed with various props. The smile came closer.

As for A Xing, who was still struggling with the strange feeling, when she first saw Na Zi, she felt a little familiar, but upon closer inspection, she was shocked!

"Woooo~woo~na~woo~Save me~"

Although I don't know why the Gym Master of the Golden City, Nazi, appeared here, but this was a rare opportunity, and she immediately struggled for help!

Although it is said that the light red city, which is the representative of the poison system, and the golden city of the super energy system have not had much intersection, or that the light red market unilaterally does not want to have an intersection with the hated super energy department, she has never really seen and Nazi who counts herself as a generation.

But she still saw the portraits. After all, Na Zi, who was only about 19 years old, was the same age as the second generation of gymnasiums like them, but she had already achieved the achievements that her parents could only accomplish.

It can be said that the second generation of gymnasiums like them are both envious and desperate for Na Zi!

I envy that the other party has such a strong talent and such a strong learning ability, and in a short period of time, an ancient city has developed more vitality and prosperity.

And despair, because Nazi is like a mountain in front of them, no matter how hard they try, they can't cross!

Among them, as the representative of the poison type restrained by the super power type, A-Xing has made Nazi a target more than once, and both are women, so she wants to catch up even more!

It's a pity that Nazi is now 19 years old and is already a veritable senior gym owner, and she is 19 years old, but she is still hanging around at the low level of the elite level, the two are simply incomparable.

Although the light red city is definitely not as rich in resources as the golden city, the light red has not declined, and the difference is not much different. In the case of similar resource supply, the difference between the two is almost two big realms, which is really disappointing.

Nazi's portrait completely disappeared from A Xing's room. She was about to catch up, but now it's better to keep out of sight.

So A-Xing is still very familiar with Na Zi's face.

And hearing this vague cry for help, Na Zi smiled even more charmingly.

"You are the daughter of Aju of the Light Red Gym, Axing, right? How did you get to this point? Is this the special training you female ninjas have to go through?"

She knew what to ask, and pretended to be confused.


When A Xing heard this, she immediately shook her head and gave a negative answer.

She believed that Nazi would definitely save her as a disciple of the Taoist school.

But it was destined to disappoint her, and she only heard Nazi say to herself:

"Originally, Aju asked me to come over to help him protect the law and advance to the heavenly king, but now I even see that you are practicing the ninja rules, A-Xing, so I will help them to the end, A-Xing, don't worry, I will help you with these things. One by one, use it on yourself, so that you can complete the trial as soon as possible!"

After speaking, she adjusted the power of various props to the maximum in the "wheeze" sound that A-Xing strongly denied, and also studied other ways to play with great interest!

"Wow!" A Xing's spirit was a little confused, but under various stimulations, she lost her mind in a short period of time, and her body kept shaking.

Taking this opportunity, Nazi immediately shot a mental mark from her eyes, Kankan entered A Xing's sea of ​​consciousness, and then completely hid it.

Unlike Hualan City's forcible control of Shui Yuan Qingzi, Na Zi at this time did not have the help of Heavenly King-level elders and elves, nor did she have powerful props, so it was naturally impossible to completely control A Xing in a short time.

Not to mention that A Xing is the young master of the Poison Gym. The Light Red Gym naturally has researches on the restrained super powers, and the Sea of ​​Consciousness also has protective measures.

Really violent control, I am afraid that it will directly alert the person who imposed the protection measures, then it is really troublesome.

Fortunately, A Xing's strength is not as good as the Shuiyuan family in Hualan City, and there is only one person, so she can slowly use my spiritual imprint to control A Xing.

And A Xing, who was hit by a mental force, didn't know it at this time, and was still in a state of temporary absence.

Just like she wanted to assassinate Tian Ci before, no matter whether it is male or female, in this state, there will be a brief absence of attention, but she did not expect that Tian Ci would be able to practice the double cultivation method, which abruptly shortened most of the time.

And although she herself is strong-willed, she has been devastated, and if she is suddenly like this, she will be absent for a long time.

It was also that Nazi seized the opportunity and cast the first control mark.

At this moment, A-Xing was thinking in her mind:

"Since Nazi is here, then I should be safe. Before ninja training, I didn't experience this kind of training in person. Now it seems that there is indeed an opportunity to truly forge me into a qualified ninja!"

Under Nazi's slight inducement, she thought of a reasonable reason!

Chapter 576 A Xing's End

After going out, Tian Ci and the three also split up quickly. Xiao Ling stayed outside to take care of all the elves of the three. Tian Ci and Ning Hui queued up again. After about an hour or so, they entered the hunt again. zone.

As for there are no elves to be stored, this loophole is not a loophole. Frequent guests know how the escrow service provided by the hunting zone is like. Some trainers of family wealth will put the elves in the next breeding house before going to the hunting zone. go there.

Although there must be a lot of hosting fees to pay, but for elite trainers, it is not a big deal.

And the foster house can also designate the adopter of the will.

That is to say, if you die in the hunting zone and don't come back to pick up the elves for several days beyond the agreed time, the breeding house will hand over your elves to the adopters according to the information you wrote in advance.

Of course, there must also be some small breeding houses who wanted to make money and swallowed the elves of the dead.

But no matter what, it is better than after death, all the elves belong to the hunting zone.

Therefore, there are still many cultivation houses in this area, which support many people.

And the staff in the hunting area often encounter guests who do not need to host elves, and naturally they will not deliberately remember them.

In this way, Tian Ci moved to the edge of the woods with a "swoosh" from Ninghui.

Looking at the cliff in his vision, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Extremely realistic illusion! The items of these ancient ruins are really unique."

Then he stepped directly towards the cliff below.

And Ning Hui, who followed closely, even though she knew it was fake, she couldn't help trembling.

After a whirlwind of weightlessness, a dense forest appeared in front of them.

Tanji, who had come to his senses, was still reminiscing about the real feeling of falling just now.

"Interesting, even the five senses can be deceived!"

After a while, he opened his eyes and muttered to himself.

You must know that he is a superhuman, his perception is much stronger than that of ordinary superhumans, and even he can deceive him. The moment he stepped in just now, he really had a feeling of stepping into the air and falling!

I have to admit that the cultivators in the ancient times really have something, but unfortunately after the change, the trainer is the mainstream now.

The shielding formation set up by A Xing can be said to be quite clever.

Even if a trainer passes by, if you see a cliff, you won't be tempted to jump!

Take a step back and say that even if there is someone who likes to die and try one or two, when he steps out with one foot, the feeling of weightless falling will make him afraid, and he will definitely not go down. After all, living well is not enough. Okay.

Tian Ci was deceived, and the little maid on the side was even more unbearable. With a direct "smack", he sat on the ground, thinking that he had fallen.

Seeing this, Tian Ji also hurriedly pulled her up, and then, with the spiritual imprint of He Nazi, teleported to the shore of Jingxin Lake with a "swoosh".

At this time, Nazi had been waiting outside the tent for a long time. As early as when Tianji entered the hunting area, she sensed it, so she left the small tent.

In this hour, in addition to planting the first mental imprint control, she also figured out how to play those strange toys, which made A-Xing lost her mind many times, and her consciousness was in a trance.

When she left later, she even made a reasonable excuse, lying that A Ju was looking for her, and left in a hurry, saying that she would come back later, and a barrier had been set up here, so that A Xing could train herself.

After being planted with the first spiritual imprint, A-Xing's affection for Nazi increased a lot, and she trusted a lot in her heart, so she didn't think much about it.

As a connoisseur of playing with spirit in Golden City, Na Zi is the master of it. A Xing, who is just starting out, can only fall into her trap step by step.

In the next time, Ning Hui went to the small tent and continued to tame A Xing, while Tian Ci and Na Zi were holding hunting balls, one by one to subdue the water elves that automatically climbed ashore.

With the dragon scale token given to him by Ha Kelong, these old men who are still willing to follow Ha Kelong are very cooperative.

In the case of the active cooperation of the elves, even a hunting ball with extremely poor binding force has basically achieved one ball and one elves.

After a while, the 60 hunting **** were all filled, and then Tian Ci went out with Ninghui again, handed the captured elves to Xiaoling, and entrusted her to send them to Hualan City, and then the two of them went to line up again. , take the newly bought hunting ball to the lake to conquer the elves.

And Nazi took advantage of this gap and used illusion to disguise herself as a different person, and experimented with A-Xing on various props.

And in order to further attack A Xing's spirit, she transformed into different male faces.

I wondered if I could break through A Xing's sea of ​​consciousness and plant a second spiritual imprint.

In this regard, after repeating it 4 times, Xing finally couldn't hold on that night.

In her opinion, what she has been subjected to in the past two days is like a nightmare. After being arrested by that nasty man, her innocence has been lost, and her accomplices have experimented with various props on her.

I finally ran into Nazi, thinking about safety, so I just took this opportunity to sharpen myself, but I didn't expect that after Nazi was called away by her father, for some unknown reason, there would always be a strange trainer who came here and carried on her. teach!

(ps: In the past, Ning Hui was transformed into a face by Na Zi!)

She was still innocent two days ago, still a high-ranking young master, a young girl in the flower season. She has encountered this in the past two days. Even though she was taught strictly since she was a child, her will is very comparable, but she still feels the current situation. It was extremely dark, and my mind couldn't help but shake again.

This also gave Nazi the opportunity to be planted with a spiritual imprint for the second time.

The first time was the great joy when Ah Xing met her, this time it was the great sadness of being in a desperate situation!

The spiritual imprint planted by the two emotions can be said that Jean Nazi has completed most of it~www.readwn.com~ In the next time, she will keep repeating this process, superimposing the spiritual imprint, and slowly reverse A Xing's understanding .

During the period, Tian Ci and Ning Hui also followed the rule of leaving in three days, and did not leave any doubts in the hunting area.

On the ninth day, the three of them also used illusions to direct and perform a heroic rescue of beauty for A Xing to watch.

A Xing, who had been insulted by countless people, was finally rescued by the man who met for the first time, Tian Chi, and even took care of her in every possible way, using a lot of precious medicine to heal her injuries.

In this way, A-Xing, who was deeply surrounded by darkness, saw a ray of light, coupled with the influence of Nazi's increasing mental imprint.

In the end, the young master of the light red city, a ninja with a cold face, still fell in love, and even because she felt that she was not clean, she was very obedient to Tianji, because she did not want to let go of the only one in her world. a.


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