Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 554: poison

After arranging the follow-up, A-Xing continued to collect the fruits and weeds she knew about.

Although I understand that this poison may not kill the other three, it is impossible for her to endure it like this for three more days.

Ever since she knew that it was a man who saw her body, the anger in her heart swelled up, no matter what, she is also a big girl!

It's a matter of innocence, it's already very patient to be able to cautiously ask your subordinates to find out the details first!

But she couldn't bear to let her just watch this man in front of her and spend three days in a dashing manner.

So I must teach Tianji a lesson. If he is too strong, he will kill him directly in the hunting zone.

After all, everyone here has signed a life and death certificate!

As for why they didn't let someone in and kill Tianji together, please think carefully about this kind of question, whether a warrior-level extraordinary person would still be willing to seal his power when he ordered a life-and-death crisis.

And the highest combat power here is the general-level high-level elves. A crazy warrior-level supernatural can easily cause huge damage to the hunting area.

Not to mention that Tianji is still a superpower. If he doesn't kill him immediately, let him run around in the hunting zone and promote it everywhere. The ninjas of the light red gymnasium are killing the participants. The reputation of the hunting zone for many years, And the image of the light red gymnasium is also ruined.

She can still tell which one is more important, so she can only rely on herself here!

Moreover, as the descendant of the master of the poison system, she has also heard that the super power system can overcome the poison system, this time she will see if the super power system can resist her poison!

If she didn't even have this confidence, she wouldn't be worthy to be this young master!

Time passed slowly like this, Xiaoling threw a few tong crabs or big tongue mussels in the lake from time to time, while Ninghui threw a hunting ball to put it away.

This time, Taji didn't use his mental power to improve the capture rate. He knew that there was an enemy nearby, so he naturally had to save his mental power to deal with it.

From the fact that the beauty can suddenly block his mental power, it can be seen that this woman has a large background, and she must know that someone is peeping. After all, the props have reacted, it is impossible for people not to know!

Asking himself, no woman should be able to endure this kind of thing, so he has been on guard and never let up.

But unfortunately, Tianji didn't know that A-Xing had touched his vicinity.

A-Xing, who was among the dense leaves, clenched her silver teeth tightly, looking at Tianji's scarred face not far away, she couldn't help burning with anger.

"It's this ugly **** who insulted my innocence! You bastard! I'll blow you to ashes!"

Facts have proved that appearance is still more important. If it is a handsome guy who is extremely handsome, although Ah Xing will not expose it like this, at most it is to teach a lesson.

But Tianji's ugly face will naturally make her subconsciously resist and hate. This is the fault of most people. It doesn't mean that you have a good heart or a cruel heart.

(If you don't believe in book friends, you can imagine for yourself that there is a 300-pound woman named Ruhua who suddenly broke into the bathroom while you were taking a shower, facing you...

Think about how you feel... I believe that the book friends I stay now have no female fans.)

This is how A-Xing feels now, she has goosebumps all over her body, feeling that she wants to kill this man more quickly!

I saw that she took out all kinds of bottles and jars from her small backpack, and then poured them into the hands wearing special gloves, and blew with a "hu~".

In an instant, a large amount of powder flew along this tuyere.

After completing this task, she jumped to the air outlet in another direction with a "swoosh", took out some powder and sprinkled it below.

After going back and forth a few times like this, she hid in a shadow, ready to watch her masterpiece come into effect.

"Innocent flower, snake grass, Huamuguo... Although none of these things are poisonous, if you inhale them together, your limbs will become numb and lethargic in a short period of time. When you fall into my hands, I will I must make you a medicine man!"

The vicious A-Xing revealed in her eyes, and muttered to herself.

Turning to Tianci's side, with the gentle breeze, those powders slowly came here.

"Ah~ I owe~" Little Kirby rubbed his nose, always feeling a little itchy.

It felt that as an elf, it must play a role, so it stood on the outermost side, and it was also where the various exits met.

In this way, he naturally became the first one to be hit!

And Tanji, who followed closely behind, also smelled those powders, and after inhaling a small amount of them unconsciously, he realized something was wrong!

"Not good! It's poisonous! Drink the antidote and be alert!"

Immediately after he shouted, he took out two bottles of special antidote and poured it into the little Kirby, while he drank it himself.

And Ninghui also reacted very quickly and took out the special antidote, "Gulu Gulu" and drank it.

She is still very good at saving her life.

As for Xiaoling who was in the lake, she quickly surfaced with a "crash" sound. After pouring a bottle of antidote, the water spirit power floated around her and took on a fighting stance.

And A Xing, who was hiding in the shadows, gritted her teeth and stepped back unwillingly.

"How is it possible that that person could find out something strange so quickly!"

You must know that there are many dense forests in this place, and all kinds of fallen leaves, dust, and powder can be seen everywhere, and ordinary people will not notice the abnormality at all.

Of course, she didn't know that in addition to being a superpower, Tianji was also very accomplished in the poison department.

After all, the poison of Koudouhua has been cultivated since childhood, and the golden city where Nazi is located also has a collection of several poison series inheritance, although the quality is not high, but it is better than the general merchandise in the elf center.

Not to mention that they have exchanged and studied with the elite disciples of Yuhong Taoist Hall for so long in Yuhong City, and have also obtained a more profound inheritance of poison from Lijia.

Therefore, in terms of the level of poison attribute, although he is not as good as the light red gymnasium specializing in poison, he is definitely not weak.

At least A Xing's trick won't let him go.

"Damn, if there are enough materials and elves to cooperate outside, just like this, I can definitely put it down!"

The girl said something bitterly in the bottom of her heart, and she withdrew temporarily unwillingly.

She won't be dazzled by anger. In the hunting area, limited by the conditions, all she can do is this level of poison.

As for the front, she doesn't think she has a chance of winning.

I can only try to assassinate! With the necklace that shields her superpowers, she still has a chance!

Chapter 555 Escape

After the poisoning failed, A-Xing temporarily withdrew, ready to look for another chance.

In the face of superpowers, even if she has shielded props, she doesn't dare to stay here forever. If she is really discovered, she is alone now, and she has no other means to escape.

If the ninja is besieged and forced to show up, the threat will be greatly reduced. In essence, this profession is actually an assassin, not a frontal warrior.

So she retreated first.

Gutan On the other side, after Tianji discovered the abnormality, his mental power spread to the extreme, and he began to investigate carefully, inch by inch. After exploring and comparing, I still found clues.

By comparing the landforms he explored each time, he found that the sensing in some places had changed. The places where the sensing was clearly a tree in the previous few times suddenly turned into a stone, or became another tree, and it also suddenly became a tree. flat ground.

In this way, he understood that the shielding props on the woman must be working.

"Hmph~ I found you!" It is true that this item is indeed very powerful. It can not only cover up the wearer's figure, but also disguise the camouflage landform, making everything look more reasonable.

But this woman never imagined that he Tianji was not an ordinary superpower. He practiced the Golden Meditation, the supreme inheritance of the Golden Family!

Because of the development of the brain, the memory of the super-power person will be greatly enhanced, and he is practicing the super-quality secret book, this increase is even more exaggerated, and it is easy for him to remember it.

Coupled with the increased and tempered mental power of the cheats, he can carefully explore the surroundings several times in a short period of time, and remember each landform in his mind for comparison, so that even if there are shielding props, it will The figure of the attacker can be found.

The power of the super-quality cheats is evident from this.

Otherwise, why are high-quality supernatural secrets valuable, but super-quality ones are priceless!

"Come with me!" After finding the clue, he greeted the two women and ran to the abnormal place first.

"Okay!" The two women agreed, using Qing Gong as well, and followed behind.

"Swish" a few figures quickly passed through the forest, and the aura on his body was not concealed. Tianci probably guessed the identity of this woman, and she must be an elite disciple trained by the light red gym, ninja profession, so Without hiding his breath, Banmen got an axe.




Along the way, the elves who felt the three ordinary high-level breaths all retreated.

At this time, A-Xing, who was leaning against a big tree and thinking about the assassination, frowned and sneered after feeling the undisguised aura behind her.

"I underestimate you!"

After speaking, her figure jumped back with a swish, very fast!

There were even afterimages in the air.

As a ninja, if you can't do it lightly, then what kind of ninja are you!

Tanji's face, who had touched a little trace in the back, suddenly turned ugly.

"It's so fast!"

Yes, in his perception, the landscape is changing very fast, which means that the person wearing the prop is moving at an ultra-high speed.

Such a speed indeed exceeded the speed at which he could remember the landform, so he lost track.

Originally, as long as he was given a little more time, he would be able to catch the enemy's breath and teleport directly, but it was only a little bit.

Teleportation is not omnipotent. You want to be fixed to a certain place, either by leaving the coordinates before, or by having fine breath or energy fluctuations as the direction coordinates.

Otherwise, just like Tianji and the others on their way, blurry teleportation, the general direction may be correct, but the landing point in a small area is uncertain, and it is easy to fall into the elf nest.

After all, the energy fluctuations in the elf nest are far stronger than other places.

At a critical juncture of this kind of pursuit, he didn't dare to gamble, and since this is a wood, a small range of uncertainty is more prone to errors.

"Forget it, let's go back to the shore and see if she's coming~"

Unwilling to give up, he used his mental power to capture it again, but unfortunately there was no gain, so he could only open his mouth and bring the two girls back.

That night, when the three of them caught the elves in the lake, they all kept an eye on them and kept an eye on the situation nearby.

It's a pity that A-Xing didn't plan to take another shot at this time, so Tianji and the others stayed alone.

In the tent late at night, he was recovering his mental strength, while Xiaoling and Ninghui were on guard.

After a long time, he opened his eyes, and his mental power had recovered to its peak.

"No, there is no reason to prevent thieves for thousands of days. We should find a way to find that person and deal with it!"

Looking at the tired faces on the faces of the two women, he pondered and said.

"Tian Ci, will that person just leave? We just passed by and just bumped into each other. There's no deep hatred, right? We're using this to guard against him?"

After Xiaoling heard it, she immediately asked in confusion.

The little maid on the side was also a little puzzled. She wanted to ask questions on the way, but she didn't ask any questions because of frequent occurrences. Now that she took a rest, she asked.

"Haha~" In response, Tian Ci gave a wry smile and said embarrassedly:

"Actually, it was because when I used my mental power to probe this lake before, I happened to meet this woman taking a bath, and I accidentally saw her body, and then she had superpowers on her body, and I also found out about this.

So according to the previous poisonous fans, she has to kill us all to vent her anger! "

Hearing this~www.readwn.com~ Xiaoling and Ninghui showed strange and inexplicable expressions on their faces.

I can't say it's Tianji's fault in this matter, but it is indeed a great shame for that woman.

In exchange for themselves, they were all seen by a strange man, and they had to kill them quickly.

Speaking of this, it actually depends on whether the woman is willing to let go.

Anyway, on Tianji's side, it is definitely better to have less than one more thing, and there is nothing to lose.

But looking at the poisonous fan before, I knew that this woman would have to kill Tianji to relieve her hatred.

"That woman should be an elite disciple of the Light Red Gym, a ninja profession."

When the two didn't speak, Tianji also gave his guess.

Hearing this, Xiao Ling's face showed a strange expression, he hesitated and said:

"Brother Tian Ci, shouldn't that woman be the daughter of A Ju, the owner of the light red gym, A Xing?

I heard from Sister Nazi before that Aju's daughter, who is almost the same age as us, is also an elite trainer. She is also a superb ninja, and she is one of the few female ninjas in the light red gym.

Aju has already designated her as the next-generation pavilion owner! "

"What!" Hearing this guess, Tianji exclaimed in surprise!


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