Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 556: discuss

Tianji's memory in his past life really doesn't have much impression of A-Xing.

He didn't see a lot at first. In his impression, the owner of the Poison Gym is A Ju, and as for the other people in the light red city, they are passers-by A and passers-by B.

As for Ah Xing, he had heard the name before, and he knew that the other party was the master of the Poison Gym in the back, after Ah Ju was promoted to Heavenly King.

But that is to say, I have heard of this person's name, but I haven't really paid attention to it.

And having said that, the four heavenly kings are different in this specious elf world, Hualan City doesn't even have Xiaoxia, how could he suddenly pay attention to whether there is A Xing!

That's why I didn't think about that place at all.

Now that Xiaoling said this, he also realized that this woman is probably A Ju's daughter, A Xing!

The kind of props that can shield superpowers and transform into a reasonable landscape is not something that ordinary elite disciples can configure.

And there's that incredible speed!

Tian Ci thinks that he has practiced the light body technique very well, and he has put a lot of effort into this technique.

But in the previous sense of the sea, the speed that was comparable to the high-speed movement of an elves was also beyond his reach. Not to mention that he is only a light-hearted man now, even if he is complete, he feels that he can't reach that kind of speed.

As a ninja profession, he knew about ghosts and tricks, but it was a bit unexpected at such a fast pace.

But if that woman is the daughter of the gym owner, A Xing, it seems reasonable. Only those with a little background know that the core inheritance profession of the light red gym is ninja.

They are the top representatives in this profession, and the exercises they practice must be of the highest quality, so it is reasonable to have this speed.

"I'll ask Nazi." Thinking of this, his expression changed, and after saying a word, he used telepathy to call Nazi up.

"Nazi, Nazi, are you there??"

Not long after the sound transmission passed, the spiritual symbol representing Nazi suddenly lit up.

"What's the matter? Tianci?" The main room of the gym in Golden City was over, and Nazi was still dealing with the backlog of government affairs. After receiving the voice transmission from her sweetheart, she immediately replied.

"Nazi, I'm in the light red city now, look if this person is the daughter of the owner of the light red gym, A Xing!"

After receiving Nazi's reply, he immediately recalled the woman's face in his heart, and passed it on through the coordinates.

As the gym owner of the strongest city, Nazi still knows important people in other cities.

After receiving that scene, she recalled for a moment, nodded, and replied:

"That's right, this person is Ah Ju's daughter, Ah Xing."

After replying, out of curiosity, she asked again:

"Tianji, you already saw A-Xing when you arrived in the light red city, she and you played the gym game?

A Ju rumors seem to be closed. "

In response, Tian Chi smiled bitterly and told the truth.

"It's not like that, Nazi, we're in the hunting zone now, and we're trying to find... We met in the lake... There's no way... I didn't intend to..."

After hearing this, Nazi's face also became unusually solemn.

"Tianci, if Aju's retreat this time is successful, he will probably succeed in getting the herbal poison inherited from Yuhong City, that is to say, he is likely to be the king of heaven when he exits the retreat!

And it is a poisonous king that can be used as a biological weapon!

You offended his daughter, I'm afraid that only by exposing our relationship can we save our lives! "

"Ah~ this! This!" Tian Ci also became nervous when he heard the words. He had memories of his previous life. He knew that Aju would belong to the heavenly king in the future!

The lethality of the Poison King is also stealthy. He had seen it with his own eyes during the operation against Hua Lan.

It can be said that Lambda, one of the four generals of the Rockets, played a great role in the war in the Hualan Cave!

At this time, Na Zi in the Golden City rarely felt that Tian Chi was nervous, she couldn't help but chuckled and comforted:

"It's okay, it's okay, Tian Cijun, if the big deal comes, I'll come forward to protect you.

Aju will still give me this face.

And this is also an opportunity. The hunting zone has very strict requirements for the people in the light red gym. It is impossible for A-Xing to bring any high-level items with elves.

So this time is when she is the weakest. If you capture her in the hunting zone, give her to... At that time, the king-level A Ju will also be your support!

As far as I know, Xing has just broken through to the elite level, and the ninja profession is also in the low level of the warrior level. If you meet face-to-face, it is definitely not your opponent. "

Hearing this, Tianji's face twitched.

"Nazi, aren't you trying to murder your husband? I forced someone else's daughter to do that, and they would still help me. I'm afraid that if I didn't come out of retreat, they would have poisoned me immediately!"

"Haha~ That won't work, Aju's light red gym is from ninja.

Although it can't be said to be indifferent, the emotion inside is indeed inferior to that of an ordinary family.

If A-Xing didn't live up to her expectations, she wouldn't even be able to sit firmly in the position of the young master.

Moreover, the members of the gymnasium who entered the hunting zone are actually conducting a real life and death trial. Their difficulty is much more difficult than yours! There are definitely ordinary high-level elves in the place to go, and even elites will appear.

If they can't complete the task, even if they die inside, they are not good at learning, and no one will investigate them at all.

So as long as you subdue Ah Xing in the hunting zone, no matter what means, then I guess according to Ah Ju's temperament, you should be able to recognize it with your nose pinched.

After all, this is the tradition of the light red city. Whatever happens in the trial of life and death, the elders can't help each other. Only blood and fire can temper the real strong. "

Nazi's remarks took away most of Tianji's worries.

I don't know why, but he always trusts Nazi so much, and he doesn't want to lie to her.

If it's facing other women, a man knows that he can't tell the truth!

After all, after looking at other people's bodies, how could it be possible to tell their own women about being chased and killed, and let their own women find a way...

But when he faced Nazi, he felt that the other party was completely trustworthy, so he confessed it.

Of course, he didn't really want to take A-Xing into his harem.

Because this woman has too many unstable factors, her poison power is too powerful, and her background is too hard.

So after thinking about it, he transmitted a voice and said:

"Nazi, is it okay if I kill her in the hunting zone?"

That's right, Tian Ci was motivated to kill. Since it was a life-and-death trial, it should be fine to die inside!

Unexpectedly, when Nazi heard this, her tone changed.

"Tianji, I advise you not to kill A-Xing."


Chapter 557 Countermeasures

Hearing Tian Ci's puzzled question, Nazi pondered for a while, and then slowly opened her mouth to tell a secret.

"A Ju's wife died very early, and A Xing is his only heir. It is rumored that because of practicing poison, A Ju is no longer able to leave blood.

Gu Shu </span> Therefore, A-Xing's status should be relatively important in his heart.

In the trial of life and death, if A-Xing dies in the trial mission, naturally there is nothing to say.

But if he died in the hands of an outsider, there is no guarantee that he will take revenge after he successfully exits the border.

You have nothing to do with A-Xing's tasks. Speaking of which, you took advantage of it, which is really unreasonable.

If Aju is not promoted to Heavenly King, I can still guarantee your safety in the Kanto Alliance.

But if he is promoted to the poison-type king, with the poison-type means, I am afraid that he can only survive if he stays in the golden city all his life.

So my suggestion is to reconcile with A-Xing and pay her satisfactory remuneration to expose the matter.

Otherwise, I just want to find a way to subdue her and use it as your help!

If Aju is really promoted to the heavenly king, then you don't need to hide many of your things in the dark.

And your "Feng Feng Playing in the Water" is not a perfect practice in Hualan City, I believe you can definitely make A Xing surrender, come on! Tanji-kun! "

After telling him the reason and giving him two choices, Nazi hung up the spiritual contact because she was busy with her affairs.

"I didn't expect the opportunity to come so quickly. If Tian Cijun can really take down A Xing, there will be a heavenly king-level powerhouse to support him on the bright side, and he should be recognized by the clan elders sooner."

With her right hand supporting her chin, a mysterious smile appeared on her face.

In fact, according to her relationship with Aju, there is still a high probability of reconciliation.

After all, in order to win her into the camp, Aju and Ma Zhishi had shown great sincerity before.

As for A-Xing, there is not much substantial loss. Tianji also did not intend it. This was an accident.

As long as Nazi is willing to come forward secretly and pay a little compensation, she should be able to expose the matter.

But why miss this opportunity?

The beautiful girl chased and killed Deng's apprentice. After several times of entanglement, the two sides had an inexplicable relationship. This kind of plot often appears in stories and novels, and some emotional masters also said in the book that a woman treats herself The first man was very impressed.

Nazi agrees with this point, so she, who has no love interest, decides to take this opportunity to let Tianji take down A-Xing!

On the other side, Tanji had a wry smile on his face.

Yes, his "Feng Feng Playing in the Water" has been perfected.

But this is not little Liu Bei. How could such a practice that goes against common sense occur? The last time I came here, the woman was taken away, and she couldn't live without you!

This kind of sky-defying effect, I am afraid that the super-quality cheats can't match it.

After all, this way, no matter how noble or powerful you are, as long as I find a way to sleep with you once, everything about you will be mine.

Although it is unrealistic to catch up with the top women in just a few words, it is completely possible to take it step by step, catch up with women of different classes, and gradually improve your status.

At that time, it will completely become the plot of Xiao Liu Bei, conquering the world by conquering women.

So it's easy for Nazi to say it, but he really doesn't have the ability!

"Dianfeng Playing in the Water" is amazing, it just makes the two sides enjoy a little more during the double cultivation.

"Ninghui, Xiaoling, Nazi said that that person is A Xing, the daughter of the gym owner.

She also said..."

No matter what, after looking at the two girls with curious expressions on the side, Tianji still explained the general situation.

"There's nothing you can do, Brother Tian Ci, you can only think of a way to teach A-Xing a lesson."

After Xiaoling heard it, although she felt a little unhappy in her heart, Na Zi had nothing to do, and she couldn't say anything else, so she could only respond in a dull way.

She understood that after A-Xing came over, she would definitely press her again because of her status.

On the contrary, Ninghui showed an unusually excited look.

Don't forget, she Ninghui has developed this talent since she followed Tianci.

In Qingmu Town, she taught Jiang Qikui, the direct daughter of the four major families. In Hualan City, she not only has the power to debut as a large number of beautiful artists, but also taught the elite female disciples who were high above! It is even priceless, just like other Taoist masters in Yunni, Shuiyuan Qingzi was taught by her.

The strange feeling brought about by this difference has made her technology in this field advance by leaps and bounds, and she can learn without a teacher!

So facing the daughter of a gym owner, she didn't think it was a big deal. On the contrary, Ninghui was very confident and taught A-Xing a lesson!

"Leave it to me, master! As long as you catch her, I will make her obedient!"

In this regard, Tianji looked at the inexplicably excited little maid in surprise.

But soon, he also thought of Ninghui's brilliant achievements.

After recalling the various teachers in the hidden plate of his previous life, after they taught by words and deeds, he also gained a little confidence in his mind.

"Okay! Then our primary goal is to catch A-Xing first!"

With confidence, his tone of speech became firmer.

"But, her ninja movement is very ghostly, we shouldn't be able to find her~"

After determining the goal, Xiaoling raised another key question.

"It's okay, I already have a solution." Hearing this, Tian Chi smiled and continued.

"We can't find her or catch up with her, but we can wait and see.

This woman can be seen from her previous poisoning, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has a slaying heart for me.

So it is inevitable that we will take action again. To trick her in, we need to show great flaws.

And this flaw is even more reasonable! "

After he finished speaking, his eyes glanced at the two concave and convex figures.

The meaning is self-evident!

As human beings, they still need to sleep and rest. Even if they are extraordinary, they do not need it at all. After all, it is not a machine, and even if a machine runs for a long time, its parts will be damaged. Reasonable maintenance and recuperation are required.

Anyway, at the level he is currently in contact with, it is understood that even in a gym, the King of Heaven needs to rest, even if he was born to be an extraordinary elves.

As for the champion, he doesn't know about the unknown stronger ones.

It's impossible to ask Boss Sakagi directly...

For a man, the biggest flaw lies in the moment he ascends to bliss.

He believed that A-Xing at this time must be observing their every move in some way.

Even if it doesn't show up tonight, thinking it's a trap, I don't believe that tomorrow night, or the night after tomorrow.

After all, they have a three-day time limit here.


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