Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 552: A Xing

"Let's go, let's go to the water source to see~"

After rescuing the little Kirby, Tanji picked up the small backpack that had fallen to the ground, and continued to set off with one move.

With the extraordinary sensitivity of Xiaoling's natural water system, there is no way to go wrong in finding water sources.

Along the way, they learned from the previous experience. As long as they are not very rare elves, they will not catch them, in case there are not enough hunting balls.

After the elves obtained from the previous hunt were sold to the elves, they didn't actually make tens of thousands of yuan. After all, many of them were claws.

They didn't come in to make this little money. One was to catch a suitable big tongue mussel for Xiaoling, and the other was to find the traces of Hakolong and Mini Dragon.

It took only three days to earn tens of thousands of dollars. This is an insult to the status of an elite trainer!

Not to mention, because of this, most of the time was wasted last time, so this time they have changed.

The progress is naturally very fast. In one day, I went to a lake, a small river and a water pool.

Naturally, there are also harvests. Among them, Xiaoling's favorite big tongue mussels and large pincer crabs have also captured more than a dozen.

But unfortunately, the highest aptitude is only good and medium, and it is not worth training for girls at all, so in the end, it can only be put in a backpack, ready to be sold for recycling.

This is also a normal phenomenon. After all, it is not an exaggeration to say that an elves with elite qualifications can choose one in a thousand miles.

Even in the hunting area that has already been selected, it is impossible to let too many elves with elite qualifications in.

Or, because of selection, this probability may be smaller.

Of course, it is impossible not to let go, or else the fool will come in, and it will not attract trainers above the elite level.

At the side of the water pool, just after a one-sided war ended, Tianji, Xiaoling, Ninghui, and Little Kirby were eating together.

All three of them ate meat-filled pancakes, but the little kabbi ate a lot more. There were ten pancakes and dozens of low-level spirit fruits in front of it, and a pile of general energy was placed next to it. square.

It basically slept in the Poké Ball all day, and the first thing it woke up was to cry out for hunger!

Then the girl gave it so much food.

Originally, there were no pancakes, but when the little Kirby beast was eating tree fruits and energy cubes, he couldn't help but peek at it, so Xiaoling took ten of them from his backpack.

I saw the little Kirby threw its right hand and opened its mouth, just a few pancakes and a few tree fruits disappeared in the big mouth of the blood basin.

Basically, it's just a "squeak" and it's gone!

Then it threw it in its left hand, and a dozen energy cubes entered its mouth.

"Bah~ahah~" and swallowed again.

Because Tianji and Ninghui expressed their approval and love for it after it woke up, so the little kibbit now eats it with confidence and boldness.

It's that the corners of Xiaoling's mouth twitch occasionally. She found that she seemed to have misestimated the food intake of the little kabbi before, and she seemed to have eaten the results in the past few days.

Fortunately, at present, it is still possible to raise it. As for the things after the ordinary high stage, let's talk about it when the time comes, maybe there will be a new source of money!

After a few people and one elf quickly finished dinner, they set off again.

Although I don't know the name of the water source I'm going to this time, according to Xiaoling, it seems that the water vapor is very dense, and it should be bigger than any lake or stream before, so he is looking forward to it.

"Shushushu~" Under the dark night, several shadows were jumping fast, and the few people with light body skills were not slow in their journey.

There is a faint ordinary breath on his body, and the wild elves encountered along the way will basically be avoided in advance.

After all, in this place, the ordinary class is the strong one, and the evolutionary form of the ordinary middle class is the big guy!

I wonder who would go to the trouble of looking for three ordinary powerhouses!

Soon, without Xiaoling leading the way, he also sensed the strong water vapor with his mental power.

The spiritual power continued to spread, and soon he "saw" various elves such as green caterpillars, small raddas, walking grasses, etc., and then there was a huge sparkling lake. It was really big. The lake I had seen before seemed to be in front of it. It can be called a pool.

From time to time on the lake, there are king carp, horned goldfish, mosquito coil tadpoles jumping out of the water, "Look", another wave appears, a king carp~

"Huh~ No! This seems to be a..."

As soon as he thought of this, a delicate, moonlight-white body appeared in his mind!

It turned out to be a very courageous beauty who bathed in wild water!

Of course, Tian Zi has been soaked in the women's pool in Hualan City, and it doesn't cause nosebleeds. Although he is in good shape, he is similar to Hualan's elite disciples. He is still worse than the gym owner Shui Xuan Qingzi. A little bit, the appearance is also at the level of stunning.

Finally, he came across the plot under the aura of the protagonist. He was taking a bath with a stunning beauty in the wild. He was about to take a good look, but suddenly found that his mental detection seemed to be disturbed.

At this time, on the lake, the woman Tianji saw, the heart-shaped necklace on her chest was emitting white light.

"Someone is spying with superpowers!"

With her beautiful eyes cold, she jumped to the lake and put on her clothes.

I saw that she was wearing a fuchsia ninja tights at this time, revealing her beautiful figure, the original necklace was also covered by a red silk scarf, and her shoulder-length dark purple hair also used a simple hair tie. With a ponytail, the water droplets on her hair that had not yet flowed down, and with a "hiss~" sound, were evaporated to dryness by her extraordinary spiritual power!

The originally beautiful face is full of frost!

Originally, she saw that there was no one around at night, and she specially set up many traps around, so she washed her tiredness for many days in this Jingxin Lake.

After all the calculations, I didn't count, there was a superhuman passing by, and it happened to bump into the scene of her taking a bath.

If it wasn't for the necklace from her father, she wouldn't know it when she was seen!

"You'd better pray that you are a woman. If it is a man, I will definitely kill you! Even if you are a superpower!"

As the daughter of the master of the Poison Gym, Xing naturally understands how powerfully she has been restrained by her superpowers.

But no matter how powerful, the super-power elves and super-powers are not immune to toxins. If the super-power who dares to peep dares to come, she will let him know that attribute restraint does not mean everything!

Poison attribute is the strongest!

Moreover, the hunting area is her own industry. She is naturally very familiar with this place. Those weeds and fruits that can be seen everywhere and seem to be useless, in fact, as long as they are matched in a specific order, they are excellent toxins!

Not to mention, she also carried a lot of poison on her body.

Looking at the rose-colored nail polish on her nails, A-Xing muttered to herself.

"I hope you, a superpower, don't let me down~"

Chapter 553 Caution

"Let's go and have a look, but be careful, there are people over there who might have spotted us!"

On the other hand, Tianji decided to go there and take a look. Of course, he was not doing the same thing as the protagonist. After some twists and turns, he finally embraced the beautiful dream of returning home.

But because the lake is very large and its spiritual power is relatively strong, it is very likely that the Haklong and the others are hidden here.

Gu Qi Even if not, the qualifications of the water elves in this place are bound to be relatively high, and there is still a good chance that Xiaoling's fifth elves will land.

As for that woman, under the circumstance that everyone's strength is limited, she is also at the limit of warrior level. He himself is a superpower and a fighter, and he is confident that he will not counsel anyone.

And although the energy is limited, the increase in physical fitness cannot be completely limited. Even the **** warrior-level physical fitness is also a powerful fighter!

So in fact, in terms of physical fitness, resistance, etc., Tianji, who is in the middle of the warrior level, said that most of the people or elves in the hunting area are younger brothers.

No matter what, his physical fitness definitely surpassed that of the ordinary class.

When Xiaoling and Ninghui heard Tianji's words, their expressions became stern, and the energy in their bodies began to mobilize, and they acted on alert.

They don't have the physical quality of Tianji's. In essence, both of them are just supernatural beings, similar to the sorcerer and mage profession in fantasy novels.

After making preparations, the three of them changed directions, deliberately detoured to the bottom, and explored the huge lake.

Who would be so reckless, even knowing that there was an enemy who was looked at in front of him and turned into anger, he walked straight over there.

Isn't this sent to the door for someone to call!

And just as they were sneaking through the woods, A-Xing, who was silently waiting for the peeping person to come to the door, suddenly opened his eyes.

"It's finally here! One man and two women, I don't know if the superpower is a man or a woman!"

A-Xing showed a weird smile, and with a flash, she jumped onto the branch and started rushing in the direction of the three of them.

She is the young master of the Light Red Gym, and in her own industry, she naturally has a way to find out the traces of the Tianji people.

Although she didn't bring an elves in order to hone herself, she did have external communication equipment.

All of this, Tianji and the others did not know, they have now reached the other side of the lake.

"It's really big~" Looking at the sparkling lake, Xiao Ling said excitedly.

"Hmmmm~" Ning Hui also nodded in agreement.

This lake can completely fit a yacht, and it is completely different from those small lakes with a diameter of more than ten meters or tens of meters.

"Ninghui, you and I stay on guard here, Xiaoling, go search for the elves, take your time, don't be in a hurry."

Although they arrived at their destination peacefully, Tian Ci was still a little uneasy in his heart, so he cautiously arranged to stay behind.

In any case, Xiaoling is an extraordinary water system, and the battle in the lake is not empty of any elves. Although the lake is relatively large, it is better to spend a little more time.

"Okay~ I'll keep the little Kirby beast as well."

The girl agreed and opened the hunting ball between the belts.

"Kafu~" The little Kirby beast who patted its chest appeared instantly.

"Kafu~Kafu~" Don't worry, trainer, I will definitely be on guard.

Saying that, it stood up and looked around.

And Tianji also chose a position, the blue light flashed from time to time in his eyes, and his mental power was scanning the surrounding situation intermittently.

At this time in the woods, A-Xing took out the necklace that flickered from time to time, knowing that it was the superhuman who was probing the surroundings.

She pressed the earphone in her ear and ordered to the people outside:

"Check it out, is this person with superpowers a man or a woman?"


The manager of the hunting area immediately agreed when they heard the words of their eldest lady, and the whole department began to operate frantically, and soon Tanji's information was found out.

"Ms. Xing, it has been found out. That superpower is called Aoki Tianji, male, and his strength is at the low level of the elite."

Hearing the gender male, A-Xing's beautiful face was instantly covered with frost, and the tree trunk she was holding next to her made a "puchi", like tofu being caught into powder.

She was sure that at that time this man had absolutely seen her cleanly.

"What else? His extraordinary strength, elf strength?"

After calming down for a while, she asked.

"Extraordinary strength, unknown, now he is stored in the elves in our hunting area, there are two low-level elves of the elite, namely Kouduhua and Helujia, a middle-level elite Beagle, and an ordinary high-level elves segment of the Kamui turtle.

I'm sorry, Miss, that's all the information I can find so far~"

Hearing this little information, A-Xing smashed the earphones with a snap.

Then after thinking about it, he took out another one. After adjusting the signal, he threw it away.

"Help me contact the gym and let the Shinobi of the gym take action, I want all the information about this person and the people next to him!

After three days, I will come out, I will see it! "

After she finished speaking, she hung up again with a snap.

The hunting zone is a money-making, recreational organization, and it is not bad to be able to find these.

As the owner of the young pavilion, she is not too difficult to be too embarrassing for the people under her command, but the fact that she cannot be found in the hunting zone does not mean that the ninjas trained by their family cannot be found.

Detecting intelligence and assassinating the enemy is the job of a ninja!

If she was just an elite-level trainer, then she wouldn't do anything unnecessary, just kill her.

But one of Tianji's elites, Yusan~www.readwn.com~ is a superpower, so she has to be a little more cautious.

Yu Sanjia, representing Tianji's identity and background must have some, not a civilian without support.

And the powerful superpowers made her have to think about the superpower capital that left all the ancient cities behind - the golden city!

Almost 90% of the superpowers are connected with the Golden City. Even if you are a wild superpower at first, after hearing the name of the Superpower Capital of the Golden City, you will go to the Golden City to study. .

In addition, their light red market was naturally overtaken by the golden market, so they had to be cautious!

Of course, you must kill them. The difference is that if you are a loose person with no background, you will directly let the Shinobi be killed in the light red city.

But if the background is not small, and you have a deep practice with the Golden City, then you have to act in secret, create an accident without knowing it, and let him, Aoki Tianji, a dog man, die naturally!

To be able to hold the position of the young master of the Poison Gym, she, A-Xing, did not rely solely on blood relationship!

You must know that people who play drugs usually have a darker hand and a hard heart. If she is really a waste and is naturally weak, Aju will not give her this position, or she will harm her own daughter.

After all, the elite disciples in the gym are all experts in playing drugs!


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